A Bundle of Love Letters

  • 12 years ago
Here's to hoping -- better yet, knowing -- that we won't have to absorb any more irate fans' outbursts such as the one we received Saturday night at a tavern before having a martini thrown in our faces, which was seconds after we assured the booze tosser that we would be releasing Love Letters this week. It was madness. He just lost it:

"You've been talking about it long enough. In almost every single post since I can't even remember, you jerks have been saying, 'Love Letter sounds awesome, Love Letters is so great, we can't wait for you to hear it, we're so great, you're gonna love it, Univore loves you, when you hear this it's gonna be like receiving a real love letter from the love of your life, blah, blah, blah.' Enough! Give it to us already? Damnit! Why do you have to torture us like this?"

After watching the police drag this disgruntled young man kicking and screaming from the tavern, Univore found a booth in which to collect its wits. The proprietor gave us each a towel, a fresh drink, and a bit of advice: "Sorry about the trouble there. But the lad had a point. Give us the Love Letters, boys. It's time."

And so it is. And so it is. Thus, as of the 28th of March, 2011, 239 days after the first notes were recorded, Love Letters went live and is now available for purchase.

Your patience has been rewarded. Please enjoy.

*Univore would like to extend a special thanks to Bryan Doherty, Marco Casale, and Peter Bodigor for their collaborations. univore.com