Rochette Rochette

  • 12 years ago
Univore wrote "Rochette Rochette" after accidentally walking in on Marco watching the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics on television. Moments before, he had just been so moved by the bronze-winning performance of Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette that he was reduced to tears. Embarrassed, he had to put down his glass of Riesling and wipe vigorously at his eyes, attributing the obvious fluids pouring from them to "something" in his tear ducts. Univore promptly ridiculed him for this pathetic display, to which he informed them that Rochette's mother had passed away of a heart attack only a few days earlier and that she had dedicated her routine to her mother's memory. Given their knowledge of Marco's affinity for his own mother, along with the realization that they both love and appreciate their respective mothers, Univore was instantaneously remorseful. They each apologized and slunk into shame, emerging shortly thereafter to draft this song. "Rochette Rochette" is Univore's interpretation of
Marco's reaction to watching Joannie Rochette's performance, as well as a general homage to the art of figure skating, Marco's favorite winter game, the one in which he takes the most solace. It is important for the listener and viewer to understand that neither the
song nor the accompanying video are designed to make light of the passing of Thérèse Rochette and that any accusation to this point is a misinterpretation. These are merely depictions of a man invested in a sporting event. Univore plans to interpret male reactions to several
more famous sporting moments over subsequent releases, including that of a western Pennsylvania steel worker to Bill Mazeroski's home run off Yankee pitcher Ralph Terry to end Game 7 of the 1960 World Series and that of a six-year-old boy in west Akron to Earnest Byner's fumble
on the Denver Broncos' three yard line to lose the 1987 AFC
Championship game for the Cleveland Browns.