As if it was a piece of mine! - The Prolog

  • vor 13 Jahren
This is the introduction & prolog of my first own bigger stage play as a writer & poet! Chapter No. 1 of this unique big love story between Fausto & Stella I just tell you about here might follow soon! (although this only will happen here on dailymotion if the number of the up-calls of my own music and video clips will start rising a little bit altogether! Otherwise I really might make up my mind finally just to retreat myself more or less as a composer from this site! It`s a little bit frustating altogether if you ask me! It`s the same with the folks from youtube, by the way, but on the other hand clearly not with one or two of the other sites and where I`ve got posted some of my compositions, too!) You can hear my 2nd Symphony "The Ocean" as the soundtrack right there on it, too, by the way, a classical composition and arrangement of mine that`s got more than five minutes of length! And occasionaly some real big emotions just of its own, too, in my opinion!
