Who the hell is Yahoo, babe? - Big business on the web

  • vor 13 Jahren
... and Microsoft, Google & Youtube? A representative cross section through the world of big business on the web of today, produced especially for the young generation! In the end it's nothing but capitalism brought to the web if you ask me! With some occasional remnants of a social conscience, too, yet, like I already said, only occasionally and only if it matches with your own company's financial targets and doesn't possibly endanger your positive bilances and high profits! In this they all don't really make some perceptible difference no matter what their names are or if their founders still might have had some real ideals in former times before the big money was calling and made them change the side in the very end, too, because it just seemed to lie directly in front of their feet right there in the street and they only had to take it up still. Nearly always they prefer to do their daily big business more or less clandestinely. The normal user usually only gets little information!
