Elton - La sonata in onore di

  • vor 13 Jahren
Written for Elton I always admired as a successful musician and extremely talented composer, but also for the brave mind he always showed for already so long as one of only a handful of those men and women who belong to the world`s biggest show business and music stars and frankly speak about their own homosexuality! It takes a lot to do so in my eyes! I mean when you have made it to the top of the world and music charts yourself as a pop singer some day and just wanna stay there, too! (Although the situation surely has become a little bit better now than it was still in earlier years!) And as far as I know he still has got some performing restrictions or even prohibitions in some countries of the earth (mainly from the muslim world like it seems). Hope that they will change their minds one day regarding himself! I know that normally they admire some very brave men just like he is one for 101 per cent, too, in the Arabian nations!
