The Putin vs Khodorkovsky File

  • vor 13 Jahren
Many of those highly dramatic and partially very sinister and mystic details of those happenings surrounding the "Putin vs Khodorkovsky File or Case" like we will call it here that took place a few years ago in Russia have never really been cleared in some satisfying way up till now in the eyes of many people! Was M. Chodorkovsky, an extremely wealthy business man of the time with possibly some own political ambitions for the future presidency of Russia in 2004, really merely a "thief" who tried to enrich himself at expense of the Russian state and its people like Putin had told all of us and still is telling us? Or had Wladimir Putin himself only tried to get rid of some very bothersome and dangerous political rival like Chodorkovsky with the Presidential Elections in Russia 2003 not being far away anymore and simply had put some extreme pressure upon the judges involved in the case to send one of his most prominent personal political counterparts into jail for some real long time?
