Austin's Life with Family2001-2006

  • 13 years ago

Austin was a very loving, passionate about life, caring little boy who we would say was well beyond his years. And not only did he love people, he very much loved animals too. He loved "his" horse, Lollipop; he loved playing tag with his border collie, Patch and he loved to get his monster eating guinea pig, Timmy out as often as he could.

Austin loved to say "Mommy's my baby and Daddy's my boy".

Austin had so many things that he loved to do, some included: horseback riding, fishing, go-karting, 4-wheeling, riding his bike, riding mommy around in his little jeep, playing with his friends and cousins on the trampoline. Austin loved helping his papaw with the bobcat work in the yard and he loved to ride in semi's, airplanes and on trains. He loved amusement parks and road trips.

He will always be with us, he is deeply missed and deeply loved.


