The secrets of weight loss foods (part 3)

  • 13 years ago
Yesterday I told you which foods to stay away from- Healthy cereals that aren't healthy at all, low fat muffins, and salad dressings, they all quickly turn to sugar in your body and make you store fat. and we don't want that.
We also had a little agreement that you're going to start reading the labels on the foods that you buy, and don't buy anything that has "High fructose corn syrup" on it's ingredients list.
Today I'd like to show you more weight loss foods- foods that promote fat burning hormones in your body. as you can probably remember, low fat dairy products carry fats out of your body because of the high amount of Calcium in them, fresh or frozen Berries, are packed full of dietary fibers, that help you burn fat.
Oats are very good for you and for your diet plan, and so is low fat red meat, Chicken, eggs and butter too- they won't give you a high Cholesterol, but instead they help your body burn fat.
