TRX Indo Fusion IHRSA 2010 Jon Ham and You Lee Rodriguez

  • 14 years ago
The ability of the TRX to displace one’s center of gravity while creating limitless planes of motion and movement angles makes it an amazing tool for training the body in three dimensions. Indo Board was created to take people away from their typical stable environments by creating instability which in turn trains the mind and body to improve balance, proprioception, coordination, postural awareness and neuromuscular response. We believe the TRX is the best tool for training in 3-D, therefore, combining it with the Indo Board takes it to the next level. Training in 4-D. TRX, Indo Board, Jon Ham, and You Lee Rodriguez collaborated on this project to create a workout further challenging the TRX user by taking the normally stable contact point whether it's the feet or hands, and adding instability to that point. The net result is a workout that provides increased muscular recruitment along with a greater challenge to the bodies balance and stabilization systems producing a more dynamic result. Thanks to You Lee Rodriguez for the great background beats! For More information, See,, Distributed by Tubemogul.


