Depression + Diet, Diet Soda Research, Unique TRX ...

  • 13 years ago
Fitness On The Run Facebook Page: Depression + Diet, Diet Soda Research, Unique TRX Exercise – Fitness On the Run Show S1E8 It is always interesting to browse recent nutrition headlines and see what kind of research is being done in the field. This past week I came across a couple of articles that I think much of our society can relate to. The first article titled, “Daily Diet Soda Tied to Higher Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack,” explores a link between daily diet soda consumption and an increased risk of vascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Diet soda provides no nutritional benefit and recent research suggests that it may have many harmful effects on the body, yet people refuse to give it up…why is that? Please, it is time to eliminate ALL soda from your life, both regular and diet!!! A second article titled “Is Your Diet Making You Depressed,” found a link between diets high in Trans and saturated fat and an increased likelihood of depression. If you were wondering how to cope with depression, first start with changing your diet! Studies suggest that these unhealthy fats lead to inflammation in the body and a buildup of plaque that deposit in the brain. This buildup may prevent the transmission of “happy chemicals” to the brains, which are vital for maintaining emotional wellness. So, put away the donuts and French fries…they are not just making you physically unhealthy, but possibly emotionally sick as well! This week’s featured exercise utilizes the TRX to perform a single leg squat with a 1 arm letter “I.” This is a great full body exercises that utilizes your legs, core, back, shoulders, and more! The TRX 1 leg squat + 1 arm Letter I is also a great exercise for training your balance. Give it a try! Here are a few other balance training exercises you might enjoy too - Kettlebell Goblet ... Distributed by Tubemogul.


