Big Brother | Charigo Part 22 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Day 59 - 61

Sophie and Bea talk about Charigo's argument the night before
David talks to Big Brother about Charigo's argument
Rodrigo is upset with Big Brother
Charlie tries to cheer up Rodrigo by bringing the show to him
Rodrigo goes to bed
Charlie tells Rodrigo he will wake him up when he goes to bed and put on a show
Charlie tells Rodrigo that he was upset the day before that Rodrigo didn't talk to him
Charlie and Rodrigo become caterpillars
Charlie is telling that housemates that David and Rodrigo fancy each other
Rodrigo pulls Charlie aside to tell him to stop joking about David
Charlie wants Rodrigo to tell him a secret
Rodrigo gets to write a letter to the Queen and Charlie goes to help
Charlie gives a lesson on why there is no King
Charigo scare Bea