Big Brother | Charigo Part 37 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Day 74

Charlie is Dr Frankenstein, Rodrigo is a Vampire
Charlie gets to do what we’ve all been dying to do to Bea for weeks
Nominations revealed.
Everyone goes on about nominations, especially David, who isn’t bothered
Charlie, Rodrigo and Sophie talk about leaving the house
Marcus rations out the nuggets
Rodrigo explains that mummies are “white things” (thanks for that Roddy!)
Bea does a bit more stirring – this time about what was shouted over the wall
David isn’t bothered about what was shouted over the wall
Siavash says he would touch himself to Rodrigo’s picture on the internet
David still isn’t bothered
Charlie and Rodrigo are in Charlie and Bea’s bed talking about ears followed by inaudible whispers and a bit of footsie

Written By: Smitlaz