Big Brother | Charigo Part 33 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Sophie is pissed. Charlie and Bea carry her to bed.
Sophie makes loads of noise and wakes Rodrigo up.
Rodrigo gets angry
Charlie decides that the best way to deal with Rodrigo when he’s angry is to shout LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZA over and over again. Obviously a good idea that.
Rodrigo tells Charlie to shurt urp
Rodrigo loses his temper, gets called to the diary room and goes mental
Charlie says Rodrigo always blames him for everything and is always trying to get a reaction out of him
Charlie talks to Sophie and Bea about what BB will say in the diary room
Sophie says she thinks Rodrigo fancies Charlie. Charlies wants to know why he doesn’t just say so
Rodrigo is still going mental in the diary room and starts crying
Charlie thinks maybe Rodrigo wants to blah blah blah him (NEVER?!)
Sophie says she thinks Rodrigo gets upset because he’s sensitive, Charlie doesn’t agree
Sophie Bea and Charlie count Rodrigo’s friends

Written By: Smitlaz
