Big Brother | Charigo Part 40 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Day 75 - 76

Bea-atch gets the boot
Siavash starts his nominations routine
Rodrigo must be in a mood with Charlie cos he gets red blotched under his eyes (bless)
Charlie’s not bothered that Rodrigo’s in a mood and there is absolutely no sexual tension whatsoever apparently.
Siavash heard some people kissing last night. Sophie did too. Charlie has no idea what they could possibly be talking about.
Rodrigo, Siavash, Charlie and Sophie talk relationships
Sophie slept with Rodrigo last night. Charlie definitely didn’t though.
Charlie spends 5 minutes telling us how he definitely didn’t kiss Rodrigo last night
Charlie thinks Rodrigo is still in a mood with him but isn’t bothered and proves it by singing "issues"
Charlie decides to go and tell Big Brother that he’s not bothered that Rodrigo has stopped talking to him
Charlie is in the pool and isn’t bothered that Rodrigo is in a mood with him
Lisa might be onto something

Written By: Smitlaz
