Travel Agency in Peru - Discover Huanta Urco, the canyon of

  • 15 years ago Huanca Urco is a canyon five minutes from the town of Huancas, itself only 20 minutes from Chachapoyas. The canyon has a direct drop 2000 meters deep. The Sonche River runs along its base. Its a small but powerful river. Along its route you can enjoy a variety of orchids, seasonal plants, medicinal herbs, and multicolored landscapes. Narrow paths lead down to the bottom of the canyon and follow the course of the river. On the other side immense mesas loom over the valley.. In times of flooding they form a string of seven waterfalls that together create a spectacular natural scene. Fertur Peru Travel. A full service travel agency and tour operator dedicated to making your journey to Peru a dream come true. Visit us at: Peru tours to Chachapoyas Amazonas peru peru tour huaraz peru caraz peru inca trail peru trip peru tourism peru alpamayo hiking peru travel agency peru climbing peru tour operator peru peru tourism trekking Peru peru flights peru bike tours tour companies


