Travel Agency in Peru - The enigmatic city of Chachapoyas

  • 15 years ago The enigmatic city of Chachapoyas is considered the birthplace of the people known as the Warriors of the Clouds The Chachapoyas were a civilization that dominated north-east Peru until they were conquered by the Inca Empire in the 15th Century. Later, after the Spanish conquest, the city was re-founded as a colonial center and given its current name. Chachapoyas presides over a region of archaeological riches and natural wonders hidden between the mountains and the jungle, almost forgotten by outsiders because they were so isolated. The most famous is the yellow stone fortress of Kuelap, known as the Machu Picchu of Northern Peru. Waterfalls, hilltop ruins and many other sites of spectacular beauty have been discovered in the surrounding valleys. The Sarcophagi of Karajia were built into a cliffside 2600 meters above sea level. Their stern faces each protect a mummy kneeling inside. The latest attraction is Gocta Falls, brought to the worlds attention in 2006. It drops 771 meters to the valley floor, and its claimed theyre the third highest in the world. All these attractions are off the beaten track but its worth the effort, with tranquil valleys, beautiful natural cloud forest landscapes, temperate weather, buildings filled with history, and friendly people proud of their natural and architectural heritage.. They look to the future hoping to develop tourism and agriculture on the twin pillars of social wellbeing and ecological sustainability. Fertur Peru Travel. A full service travel agency and tour operator dedicated to making your journey to Peru a dream come true. Visit us at: Peru tours to Chachapoyas Amazonas peru peru tour huaraz peru caraz peru inca trail peru trip peru tourism peru alpamayo hiking peru travel agency peru climbing peru tour operator peru peru tourism trekking Peru peru flights peru bike tours tour companies


