Iquitos Tours - Discover the variety of fauna around Iquitos

  • 15 years ago The fauna in the jungle around Iquitos is incredibly varied, from the tiniest insects and frogs to the largest mammals the jaguar, the puma, the tapir and several species of deer. Reptiles include turtles, caiman (a relative of the alligator) and snakes. There are birds and fish of all species and every type of plumage and behavior, from inquisitive toucans to aggressive piranhas. Four thousand species of butterfly, more than 3000 species of fish, 1700 species of birds, and 20 percent of the primate species of the planet are native to the Amazon. The jungle canopy supports a stunning variety of habitats, offering the greatest genetic diversity in the world. This biological richness derives from the Amazonian ecosystem, which has remained unchanged for millions of years. Fertur Peru Travel. A full service travel agency and tour operator dedicated to making your journey to Peru a dream come true. Visit us at: Peru tours to Iquitos hotels peru peru tour huaraz peru caraz peru inca trail peru trip peru tourism peru alpamayo hiking peru travel agency peru climbing peru tour operator peru peru tourism trekking Peru peru flights peru bike tours tour companies


