Iquitos Tours - The Native People of the Jungle

  • 15 years ago There are 72 ethnic groups or indigenous communities in Peru. Sixty-five of them live in the Amazonian jungle. The majority were converted to Christianity by Catholic missionaries but theyve maintained ancestral customs their art and language, their dances and cuisine. Theyve also retained extensive knowledge of the curative powers of plants, herbs and hallucinogenic beverages like Ayahuasca. The tea is prepared by a shaman. It was known to the earliest European visitors as a demonic drink but later explorers have sought it out as a drastic cure for a range of addictions. Scientists hope to use indigenous peoples extensive knowledge of the Amazons plant life to develop new medicines for a range of diseases and conditions. Our tour guides offer a visit to indigenous towns and villages in the heart of the jungle. Fertur Peru Travel. A full service travel agency and tour operator dedicated to making your journey to Peru a dream come true. Visit us at: Peru tours to Iquitos hotels peru peru tour huaraz peru caraz peru inca trail peru trip peru tourism peru alpamayo hiking peru travel agency peru climbing peru tour operator peru peru tourism trekking Peru peru flights peru bike tours tour companies
