The Rookie - Season 5 Episode 5
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00:00Alright, now turn right.
00:04Are you sure you were born in March?
00:06Oh, I think she knows what month she was born in.
00:08Who are you, little one?
00:10Are you here of your own free will?
00:13Are you a droid-locked inservitude?
00:15She doesn't even know what planet she's on.
00:17Okay, that's fair, but the state of California did require her to show her birth certificate when she got that driver's license.
00:23Yeah, yeah, I'm just saying, you know, Pisces are normally way too gentle to go on a drunken vandalism spree.
00:29There's nothing normal about the people we interact with.
00:32You were destined for more than this, little one.
00:36Do you want to know a secret?
00:39I'm not really Danielle Vonderklamp.
00:42My parents adopted me from a Lithuanian orphanage when I was two.
00:47My history? Shrouded in darkness.
00:50I believe that I am secretly a princess destined to go back home one day to rule.
00:57Okay, I'm sorry. Your Highness, are you saying your parents just made up a birthday for you?
01:02Well, duh.
01:05I told you so.
01:06You don't.
01:07She's a Leo, for sure.
01:08I said don't.
01:16Have you seen my hair, Ty?
01:17Nice job.
01:19I swear I looked here.
01:21So today's the day.
01:23It is. And...
01:26And great.
01:29You think I'm going back to work too soon?
01:31I voiced my opinion and I respect your decision.
01:35Right. It's just that.
01:37Well, technically you were dead.
01:39I mean, you were gone and they brought you back.
01:42I just think maybe it might take you more than a week to get past that.
01:46Yeah, but it's not like that's the first time.
01:48Sure, but...
01:49Whoa, wait, what? You've been dead before?
01:52I knew this was a bad idea. We should have used a service to cover Justine's vacation.
01:55Your mom just wants to spend more time with Jack.
01:57Why hire a temp nanny when he's got family?
01:59Because a nanny would be on time.
02:01I have to go. Can you stay until she shows?
02:04Yeah, go.
02:11Call 911.
02:13We should let Marshall pick every restaurant for all the Sargent's meetings.
02:18Did you try that breakfast sandwich?
02:20No. Ashley's got me in this whole 30 thing. No bread.
02:23Oh, you're missing out. Hey, Smitty.
02:25Yes, Sarge?
02:27You can't park your personal vehicle in spots designated for marked units.
02:31The RV isn't my vehicle. It's my house.
02:34Hashtag van life.
02:37You can't park your house in marked spots either.
02:43Any chance he retires soon?
02:45You aren't that lucky.
02:48Okay, she needs a couple stitches and I'd like to admit her.
02:52Get a CAT scan to make sure nothing more serious presents.
02:55Of course.
02:56Thank you, Doctor.
02:57Are you single?
03:00Because I have four sons.
03:01One's a priest, but the others could use a successful, young, beautiful woman like yourself.
03:07That's sweet, but I'm engaged.
03:09Oh, congratulations.
03:11You let me know if it doesn't work out.
03:13Sure thing.
03:15Mom, I need you to tell me what happened.
03:18I'm fine. Where's my grandbaby?
03:20At home with Wesley.
03:21Okay, well, let's go see them.
03:22The doctors are overreacting.
03:24You're not leaving until they clear you.
03:26I once worked an eight-hour shift with a broken wrist.
03:29Last time I heard that story, it was a six-hour shift with a sprain.
03:33Point is, I'm tougher than I look.
03:35I know how tough you are, but I need you to tell me what happened.
03:41I don't want to freak you out.
03:43I'm a cop. Nothing freaks me out.
03:45I was on my way to see you when a big man grabbed me.
03:48I whacked him with my purse. He threw me down.
03:51What aren't you telling me?
03:55I'm sure it's a misunderstanding.
03:58Tell your son he's out of time.
04:01Out of time for what?
04:02I don't know. That's all he said.
04:04Which son?
04:05I don't know.
04:07It has to be a misunderstanding.
04:10Your brothers are all such good boys.
04:12My brothers used to stuff me in a pillowcase and drag me around the neighborhood.
04:16And look how tough it made you.
04:18They did you a favor.
04:21What's with all these dykes Ashley has you on?
04:24Dad's having heart trouble.
04:27Burglary. Ten o'clock.
04:30Control, seven-nine-one-hundred. We got a burglary in progress.
04:32Four-nine-one-nine-two. A gorilla.
04:35Send additional units.
04:39Show me your hands!
04:40Full pursuit. White adult male. Black hoodie. Jeans. Headed south.
04:51I got it. I got it.
04:53Are you alright?
04:54Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine.
04:55Just tweak my back.
04:59You're not fine. You're in agony.
05:01We're taking you to the hospital.
05:13What happened?
05:14Must have been going at least 70.
05:16Lost control. Hit a couple parked cars. Flipped.
05:19Several deep lacerations. Possible internal bleeding.
05:23Don't move.
05:24Stuck again.
05:25Here, I'll pinch.
05:27Got it.
05:32Straight up.
05:35Headed to St. Stephen.
05:40And what do we do next?
05:41We wait for backup to secure the scene, then head to the hospital.
05:45Well, a death investigation triggers different protocols.
05:47We go with the victim in case he dies.
05:49This is done.
05:52How's your mom?
05:53Okay, I think.
05:54She keeps going on about how it was a misunderstanding.
05:57You think one of your brothers is in trouble?
05:59It wouldn't be the first time.
06:01If one of them is the reason for Mom's attack, I will rain down hell's own fury.
06:05Okay, so technically this can't be your case.
06:07I know. It's your case.
06:09I know. It's your case.
06:10I'm not even here.
06:11Good, because it's a major conflict of interest for you to investigate your own brothers.
06:16I know. Plus, if I do it, I might end up killing one of them.
06:20And here they come now.
06:22That's Damien, my oldest brother.
06:24Also known as Father Lopez or Father D.
06:27I'm a fan of that.
06:29He started a non-profit teaching job skills to former gang members.
06:32So he's got just as many friends as he does enemies.
06:35And that's Benjamin Benny Lopez.
06:38Second oldest.
06:39He was Gordon Gekko for Halloween from the time he was three.
06:42When he was 12, he opened an investment account using lawnmower earnings and a abuelita social security number.
06:48Her portfolio is better than mine.
06:50That's Cruz, middle child.
06:52In and out of rehab since he was 18.
06:54Just can't seem to get it together.
06:56When I became a cop, my mom promised to never arrest him.
06:59I thought you had four brothers.
07:01Bruno's the youngest, but he's been in New York since college.
07:03I really don't think he's involved.
07:05Angela, what's going on?
07:07Mom's in the hospital.
07:08Is she okay?
07:09Wait, what happened?
07:10Why didn't you have us meet there?
07:11Your mother was attacked this morning on her way to Angela's house.
07:14She suffered a blow to the head.
07:15The doctors are running some tests.
07:17Who would attack mom?
07:18Is that why we're here?
07:20What, you think it's our fault?
07:21The assailant said tell your son he's running out of time.
07:24So yeah, I think one of you is at fault.
07:26And no one's leaving until I get answers.
07:28All right, if one of you wants to make this easy and just confess, that would be awesome.
07:34All right then, hard way it is.
07:38Come on.
07:47What is this?
07:51I'm just going to move you real fast.
07:55That's an exit wound.
07:58Patrol, engine 53.
08:00Vice St. Stephen, we have a gunshot victim.
08:02ETA six minutes and advise PD we have a GSW.
08:06Oh, calm down buddy.
08:08We're almost at the hospital.
08:09It's going to be okay.
08:19It's okay.
08:20I'll fix it.
08:21It's fine.
08:22You hold pressure.
08:23I'll go get another gurney.
08:27All right.
08:58Come on.
09:13What happened?
09:14Our patient must have attacked him.
09:16I found a gunshot wound when I was cleaning him up.
09:18He would know the hospital would have to report that gunshot to the police.
09:22He's gone inside the hospital.
09:23We need to lock it down now.
09:30John Nolan.
09:31Jasper Lee.
09:32Hospital's locked down.
09:33All incoming calls are being rerouted.
09:35Okay, we're going to have to post up at all the exits.
09:37Check everyone's ID before they leave.
09:38Does that mean you've got an ID on this guy?
09:40Rob Lucchesi left his wallet in the car.
09:42Laundry list of priors.
09:43Selina, can you get him a photo to distribute?
09:45Yeah, will do.
09:46He's in bad shape.
09:47His first priority will be patching himself up.
09:49Well, we can put extra security on the pharmacy.
09:51We can put extra security on the hospital.
09:53We can put extra security on the pharmacy.
09:55Well, we can put extra security on the pharmacy and storage rooms,
09:57but the truth is, there's medical supplies everywhere in here.
10:01I've got more officers coming to help,
10:02but I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a big job this is going to be.
10:04Eight floors, 600 beds, 34 operating rooms.
10:07And our simulation is a thorough search.
10:09Takes five hours.
10:10Well, let's get to it.
10:11Let's do it.
10:15You all right?
10:16Yeah, I'm fine.
10:17What's the lockdown status?
10:19We got everything checked off the list, but...
10:21No, call Gray and tell him Tim is not here as a supervisor.
10:23He's here as a patient.
10:24I told you, I'm fine.
10:26Oh, my God.
10:28Okay, I'm not fine.
10:30Get me a doctor.
10:33Tell your son he's out of time.
10:35Any idea what that means?
10:38No, if I did, I would tell you.
10:40Ask him about his record.
10:42I was getting to that.
10:44You got a couple arrests for public intoxication and multiple DUIs.
10:48Ancient history.
10:49I've been sober for one year and 47 days.
10:52Two day.
10:54Whoa, what are you doing here?
10:56I'm representing my client.
11:01Hey, Ang.
11:02You're not even a defense attorney anymore.
11:04I know.
11:05This is my chance to get one of your brothers to like me.
11:07They're never gonna like you.
11:10Your mother-in-law is in the hospital right now because of him.
11:15All right, enough.
11:16You, sit down.
11:17You, go back inside.
11:19All right.
11:24Can we get back on track?
11:26Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:27Look, I've been trying to tell you.
11:28That last DUI was the best thing that happened to me.
11:30I've been clean and sober ever since.
11:32I understand you work with a lot of ex-cons.
11:35Guilt by association.
11:36Really, detective.
11:39My mission is to help people get out of the gang life.
11:42What if one of the gangs got tired of you interfering and decided to send a message?
11:47By attacking my mother.
11:51The people that I work with, they might not always agree with me, but they respect the color.
11:57Even if they didn't, they know my sister's a cop.
11:59So if it's not because of you, which brother do you think I should be focused on?
12:03Cruz, clearly.
12:05Uh, sorry, I just need to respond to this.
12:11As I was saying...
12:16A thousand apologies.
12:21It never ends.
12:25No, you're not.
12:26What exactly is your business, Mr. Lopez?
12:34While I have you here, Angela's been dragging her feet.
12:38We really gotta get Baby Jack baptized.
12:40No, you know, I just...
12:41I don't really want to get in the middle of what you guys have to say.
12:44I know, I know, you're not Catholic.
12:46What's your denomination?
12:49I don't know, is that even an option?
12:53I'm gonna go with Episcopalian.
12:55Look, I get it.
12:56Your line of work, there is a lot of money at stake.
12:59It might drive a person to violence.
13:01The guys I work with, they're not gonna beat up someone's mom.
13:04That's too kind.
13:06They'll just sue you to death.
13:11Can I just...
13:13Can I just...
13:16Ask him about his credit report.
13:18I was getting to that.
13:21So, we ran your credit report,
13:23and we saw that you took out a $15,000 loan.
13:25You wanna tell us about that?
13:27You don't have to answer that.
13:28Yes, he does.
13:30The loan is for college classes.
13:32I'm getting my bachelor's in accounting.
13:34I didn't want to say anything in case I couldn't hack it,
13:37because I know what you think of me,
13:40and I know I screwed up a lot.
13:41I know you have no reason to trust me,
13:43but whatever's going on,
13:45it's not me.
13:52Floor three clear.
13:53Heading to four.
13:54Okay, thank you.
13:56Well, our suspect killed a woman this morning.
13:58Home invasion in West Hollywood.
14:00The victim's husband managed to get the gun away from the suspect
14:03and shoot him as he escaped.
14:04Yeah, so he's looking at life in prison if we catch him.
14:06When we catch him.
14:08I hate hospitals.
14:09Losing everyone?
14:10I guess.
14:11Hey, how's your partner?
14:13Shattered cheekbone.
14:14Classic surgeon's on his way in.
14:16You going back to work?
14:17I'll wait until he's out of surgery.
14:19I just found out this morning
14:20Bailey has been dead more than once.
14:22I know.
14:23I felt it when I first met her.
14:25One had something to do with flying?
14:27Wow, yeah.
14:29A halo jump went sideways.
14:34This is Nolan, four-four West.
14:36We just found the suspect's bloody clothes.
14:38Looks like he tried to patch himself up.
14:40Best he could.
14:41Right, and then change into some scrubs.
14:43He'll still need an ID in order to exit the building.
14:46Well, if he can break into a house, he can steal a staff ID.
14:50I'll run down all the gang members who work for Father Lopez.
14:54Cruz agreed to a drug test,
14:57so we should have those results in a couple hours.
14:59For the first time in his life, I actually think he's innocent.
15:02I've always been so hard on him.
15:03Maybe if I'd been more supportive, he would have gotten clean sooner.
15:06You know better. Addicts only get clean when they are ready.
15:12Oh, there you are.
15:14You okay? You're looking a little shiny.
15:17Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a little warm.
15:19Look, I thought you should know.
15:21Hospital's locked down while they search for a homicide suspect.
15:24I'm handing over the supervisor.
15:25There's a killer in the hospital with my mother?
15:27Relax. She's fine.
15:29I assigned Thorson to watch her door.
15:32Hi, ma'am.
15:33I'm Officer Aaron Thorson.
15:35I've been assigned to keep you safe,
15:36and I just want to let you know that there's nothing to worry about.
15:39You are handsome.
15:44Do you have any sisters?
15:46No, I'm an only child.
15:49My second eldest son, Benny.
15:51He is successful, sweet, goes to church on Sundays,
15:54but he needs a woman to settle down with.
15:56Are you asking me to set up one of my cousins with your son?
16:00And in return, I will set you up with my niece, Isabella.
16:04She's a professional dancer.
16:07You got a picture?
16:15Hey, it's probably just a muscle spasm.
16:17You didn't have to clock out.
16:18Of course I did.
16:19Oh, hey, I'm just searching for bad guys.
16:23All clear here.
16:24Wait, so Nolan's leaving someone on every floor?
16:27Yes. We've been cops for more than ten seconds.
16:29We can handle this.
16:30Hey, Doc, what's the word?
16:32When we took that bullet out a few years back,
16:34there was a fragment that was too complicated to remove.
16:37I remember.
16:39I was shot. It wasn't a big deal.
16:41I saved his life for a stay on the job.
16:43It was a huge deal.
16:45Back to the fragment.
16:47The pain you're experiencing is because the fragment
16:49has migrated closer to your spinal column
16:51and is pressing up against a nerve.
16:53We'll need to do surgery to remove it.
16:55Okay. Uh, when?
16:57Well, I mean, hold on. What are the risks?
17:01Well, we are talking about the spine, so, yes, it's risky.
17:05But it's laparoscopic, so if all goes well,
17:07he'll be home by dinner.
17:09I know it's scary,
17:11but leaving the fragment in place is much riskier.
17:13Well, then we'd do surgery.
17:21Um, I'm gonna get back to the search.
17:30South wing is clear. Headed to north.
17:35Sir, are you okay?
17:37Oh, my. Oh!
17:39I need help over here!
17:46Good thing I was on the Whole30 diet.
17:49That food poison is no joke.
17:52Marshal can never pick the breakfast place again.
17:55Never. Oh, no.
17:57Well, this is kind of fun. It's like a sleepover.
17:59Oh, God.
18:01Should I call the nurse?
18:02No, no, no, no, no, no.
18:04You need to get back to the station.
18:07What? Why?
18:08Because if we're both out of commission...
18:10Based on seniority.
18:12Smitty's in charge.
18:15Oh, yeah.
18:16You're still standing there.
18:18Get back.
18:19All right, girl.
18:22Smitty. Smitty.
18:24Hey. What's going on?
18:26Acting sergeant Smitty.
18:27Right. Why is Casey Curtis leaving the station?
18:29End of shift time off.
18:31When you're in charge, you can let all your friends go home early.
18:34We're short today.
18:35You know how many units are attached to the hospital event, right?
18:38Self-care is important.
18:42All right!
18:43What the hell is going on?
18:45We caught the guy who beat up Father Lopez's mother.
18:47We got you, Troy.
18:50We heard what happened to your mom and wanted to help.
18:53So you abducted a man?
18:55It was a citizen's arrest.
18:57And what evidence?
18:58He's been talking smack about Father Lopez for weeks.
19:00The whole hood heard him.
19:01He's lucky that's all I did.
19:03Hypocrite sleeping with my wife.
19:07With me. Now.
19:16You're sleeping with his wife.
19:18You're a priest.
19:19I know.
19:23I know.
19:26I've been struggling with my vows recently.
19:28Are you kidding me?
19:29Jumping to adultery is more than just struggling.
19:33We all fall short of the glory of God.
19:36But I really don't think Harmony had anything to do with Mom.
19:41I have to look into it.
19:43You never know what people are capable of.
19:45I didn't know you were capable of this.
19:49You know, with your injury,
19:51you could retire right now if you wanted.
19:54She's right.
19:56You trying to get rid of me?
19:58It's not a crazy idea.
20:01My dad waited too long to call it quits.
20:04He can't do any of the things he planned on.
20:06It's a good deal.
20:08Disability pay is the average of your last three years of income.
20:1350% salary, plus overtime.
20:17That's about 60% of your current take-home.
20:19And that's tax-free, right?
20:21Yes, it is.
20:22Plus, my dad gets a cost-of-living adjustment.
20:25That's a 3% raise every year, for life.
20:29I never really did the math before.
20:31Just think.
20:32We both love to travel.
20:34I always did want to see a game at every major league stadium.
20:37We could even move out of our apartment.
20:41We could even move out of L.A.
20:44I mean, I could be a lifeguard anywhere.
20:46Right, so long as there's a beach.
20:48I hear Bali has a bunch of those.
20:51That's true.
20:52This is so exciting.
20:54No, I haven't decided anything.
20:56No, I know.
20:57But free money?
21:00You'd be crazy not to, right?
21:05Anybody else hungry?
21:10Probably not the best time, right?
21:12I'll pass.
21:14I'm just gonna grab something from the cafeteria.
21:20Just think about it.
21:33Here's the thing.
21:34Melody, she's wonderful.
21:36I love her to death. She's my favorite cousin.
21:39But I don't think she's right for Cruz.
21:41You know, he needs someone who's solid, and it's gonna call him on his BS.
21:44You're thinking Tara.
21:46You're not wrong.
21:48Okay, Angela just sent me a photo of this guy, Carmody.
21:52Is this the man that attacked you?
21:58Okay, I told her that they're gonna be releasing you soon, so she should be on her way.
22:02Oh, hey.
22:03Did you set up Wesley and Lopez?
22:05Oh, no.
22:06She never needed my help.
22:07She was born knowing her own mind.
22:09Yeah, that sounds like Lopez.
22:13Can I see Isabella one more time?
22:18Yeah, I'm telling you.
22:19Very flexible.
22:24You know, cops spend an awful lot of time in hospitals.
22:27Whatever your version is, you're gonna have to deal with it.
22:29I know.
22:30I have to ask.
22:32You don't see dead people?
22:35I mean, who doesn't feel a presence from time to time?
22:38Most everyone I know.
22:39Yeah, but I'm not crazy.
22:40I don't see dead people.
22:43It's just that hospitals remind me of my sister.
22:46When they found her, she was in bad shape.
22:48She, uh, held out for two weeks, and I visited every day.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:58Next floor?
23:11She's one of the best surgeons in the country.
23:15I'm not worried.
23:17It's okay if you are.
23:19It's just a little spinal surgery.
23:22Might be fine.
23:23Might be paralyzed for life.
23:25Excited to find out which.
23:28I'm gonna go stretch my legs while I still can.
23:32That's the spirit.
24:18There's a shooter.
24:19Don't try to move.
24:20I can't.
24:21What happened?
24:22The fragment must have shifted towards Tim's spinal cord,
24:24and that's what's causing his paralysis.
24:26Can you tell my sister, please?
24:28Tell her.
24:30And do not tell Chen.
24:32She's got enough on her plate.
24:34We need to get you into surgery stat.
24:47If you two hit it off, I expect you to name your firstborn after me.
24:51Okay, that's a deal.
24:53Mom, are you setting up Aaron?
24:56Don't you think he'd be perfect for Isabella?
24:58Izzy's way out of his league.
24:59No offense.
25:00Nah, I agree.
25:02Any news on Tim?
25:03No, he's still in surgery for about two more hours.
25:06Go join the manhunt.
25:11Your brothers texted me to say you interrogated them at the station like common criminals.
25:17You know I don't like it when you fight with your brothers.
25:19Mom, you were assaulted.
25:21You're lucky you're okay, but one of your sons is in serious danger,
25:25and if there's something you're not telling me, you're not protecting them.
25:27You're leaving them at risk.
25:29I told you everything.
25:30Tell me again.
25:32I went outside to wait for my ride share.
25:35Out of nowhere, a man attacked me.
25:38I hit him with my purse.
25:39He said, tell your son-
25:40Back up.
25:41Ride share?
25:42What happened to your car?
25:43I gave it to Benny.
25:44What do you mean you gave it to Benny?
25:46He said he needed it.
25:47I didn't ask.
25:51You've reached Benjamin Lopez.
25:53Leave a message.
25:58Hey, how's Tim?
26:00Still in surgery.
26:01Is Benny still at the station?
26:03No, he went to work.
26:05He lied.
26:06He's having money problems.
26:07I tried to call him, but he's not answering.
26:08We ran his credit report.
26:09We didn't see any outstanding loans.
26:11An enforcer going after family?
26:13That's off the books, Dad.
26:14He's into a loan shark.
26:15We need to find him so I can kill him before somebody else does.
26:21Oh, good.
26:22Where's everybody going?
26:23Pool party at Mario's.
26:25No, no, no.
26:27We don't have the staff for that.
26:28You have to stay.
26:29Acting Sergeant Smitty says we don't.
26:35Oh, can you talk to them?
26:37I believe it was Tim and Gray who sent you back to Rain and Smitty.
26:40They don't respect me.
26:41What are you talking about?
26:42You just saw.
26:43Yeah, that's because Smitty told them to go home.
26:46You just have to tell them something different.
26:49Hey, after everything you have been through,
26:51how often you have proven yourself,
26:53there's not a cop in here who would not have your back if you asked.
26:59Uh, hey guys, listen up.
27:01I need your help.
27:03We have two sergeants out of commission in the hospital right now
27:06and a murder suspect on the loose.
27:07That search has us spread pretty thin.
27:10We need all hands on deck right now.
27:12I'm sorry, but the pool party, it has to wait.
27:18You got it, Chen.
27:20Let's go, guys.
27:21You heard her.
27:27So does this mean you're in charge now?
27:31Yeah, I guess so.
27:34I'll be in the break room.
27:35Being in charge is exhausting.
27:49Got the wires so the alarm wouldn't go off.
27:53Nice catch.
27:54I'll cover up.
28:01I see blood.
28:08Should we split up?
28:09Proper procedure says we stay within 40 feet of each other.
28:13Hearing distance, just in case anything goes wrong.
28:16If you'd rather stick together...
28:17No, I can handle it.
28:19We gotta find this guy fast.
28:20All right.
28:21I'll go left, you go right.
28:23We meet up back here.
28:47No, no, no.
28:58Not a sound, or I'll blow your head off.
29:257-9-15, I have an officer down and another one missing.
29:347-9-15, I have priority traffic.
29:36He's smart.
29:37Just keep running, I mean, that'll be fine.
29:40I can't raise Officer Juarez on the radio.
29:42She may have been 207, but still in hospital.
29:44I need additional units to help search.
29:46Turn that off.
29:47I said turn it off.
29:48I did.
29:49Where are we going, to the ambulance van?
29:50Just shut up and keep moving.
29:59Get in.
30:09Just give me a minute.
30:10Look, there's no happy endings here, you know that, right?
30:12Shut up.
30:13You need to get your wounds treated.
30:14You should have kidnapped a doctor.
30:15Shut up.
30:16I just need to catch my breath.
30:18Let me at least take a look at your wounds.
30:21Nice try.
30:22Look, police officers have a strong responsibility to render aid,
30:27even to people trying to kill them.
30:30Lift your shirt.
30:41Listen, you need this.
30:43Okay, these are antibiotics.
30:45You can see the label right there.
30:46Oh, forget it.
30:47We gotta go.
30:48It'll just take two seconds,
30:49and your wounds are definitely infected by this point.
30:51Just let me do this.
30:54Come on.
30:56Let's go.
30:59Let me see.
31:06No, you're gonna drive us out of here.
31:08Let's go.
31:32What are you doing?
31:33Just give it a second.
31:36Give what a second?
31:39How did you manage that?
31:40I showed him the antibiotic,
31:42but then with a little sleight of hand, morphine.
31:46My sister and I used to do these little magic shows.
31:49I bet they were amazing.
31:51It was.
31:53We should be good to go.
32:12Am I under arrest?
32:14You got a permit?
32:18Back at the house.
32:20What are you doing here, Benny?
32:22Are you asking as a cop or as my sister?
32:24I'm asking as a sister.
32:26I'm listening as a cop.
32:30I bought some stocks on a margin.
32:32The stocks went south.
32:34Margin got called.
32:36I didn't have it.
32:38How much?
32:39500 grand.
32:42I sold everything I could get my hands on.
32:44I was still 100 short.
32:46So you went to a loan shark.
32:48I know I screwed up.
32:49I can fix it.
32:52You're gonna let us handle it.
32:53What is this loan shark's name and where can we find him?
33:00Anyone ever tell you not to lend to a guy whose sister is a cop?
33:07I haven't done anything illegal.
33:09Just a legitimate loan to a guy who's down on his luck.
33:12Well, your legitimate collection agent landed my mom in the hospital.
33:15Amelia wouldn't kid when she said she got you with her purse.
33:18You are under arrest for assault with an enhancement for elder abuse.
33:22Don't mess with the Lopez women. It doesn't end well.
33:39The doctor said they got the bullet fragment.
33:43There's nothing to worry about.
33:46That's great.
33:47I never thought I'd be so happy to feel pain in my life.
33:54You okay?
33:59There's something I have to tell you.
34:02Yeah, sure.
34:04I spent my whole life worrying about my dad.
34:08If he was late getting home,
34:11mom would pretend everything was fine, but I knew she was terrified.
34:14When I saw you wheeled into surgery, I realized
34:20I can't do that again.
34:25Are you breaking up with me?
34:31I'm sorry.
34:35I just got out of surgery.
34:37I know.
34:40I'm sorry.
34:41I know.
34:43I thought I'd get it in before the anesthesia wore off.
34:49I still love you.
34:52I'll probably be in love with you for longer than I'd like.
34:57And if there was any chance you were going to retire...
35:07I know.
35:11Can I get you anything?
35:18Okay, I'll go then.
35:22So now how do you feel about hospitals?
35:25Love them.
35:27No, today was great.
35:28You're good to go.
35:29Thank you very much.
35:31You know, that morphine move was very smart.
35:34I would not have thought of that.
35:36You're welcome.
35:50I would not have thought of that.
35:53What is it?
35:55You're going to think I'm crazy.
35:56No, never.
35:58It was my sister's idea.
36:01As in you saw her or...
36:06I can't really explain it.
36:07I feel like she was with me.
36:09It's weird.
36:10Oh, well I think that's a lovely thought.
36:13So long as there were no, you know, auditory hallucinations.
36:18I had to ask.
36:25Uh, watch commander's office, Sergeant Gray is unavailable.
36:28End of shift is denied.
36:32Hey, there you are.
36:34I was just calling.
36:37So, how'd it go?
36:38It was great.
36:39It was great.
36:41I just spoke with the communications supervisor.
36:44Said you did a masterful job managing calls with half the normal staff.
36:51I am so ready to give you your job back.
36:57Good night, sir.
36:58Good night.
36:59Oh, uh, how was Tim's laparoscopic?
37:03Yeah, um...
37:06He ended up needing emergency spinal surgery.
37:22Are you okay?
37:23Why didn't anyone tell me?
37:25I'm good.
37:26I'm good.
37:27Doctor said I'm gonna make a full recovery.
37:30And I told everyone to keep you in the dark.
37:35I didn't want you to worry.
37:38So, just to be clear.
37:40You thought you might be paralyzed, but you were worried about me?
37:43You know what? Slow your roll, Chan.
37:46Clearly, I misspoke.
37:47I was worried about the station.
37:49And I knew you'd be too concerned about me to take over for Smitty.
37:56I heard you saved the day, though.
37:58Being Sergeant's not so hard.
38:00I don't know why you're always complaining.
38:03Just smooth sailing?
38:06It was awful.
38:07How do that many things go wrong in one day?
38:09That wasn't even a particularly bad day.
38:13Where's Ashley?
38:15Yeah, I sent her home.
38:18She was exhausted.
38:24What are you doing?
38:27I'm keeping you company.
38:31You don't have to do that.
38:33I know.
38:35I know.
38:42You okay?
38:43He's fine.
38:44He's fine.
38:46So, and then the door opens, and Wesley walks in to represent me.
38:51All of us.
38:52I thought Angela's head was going to explode.
38:55Good man, looking out for your brother's-in-law.
38:57Oh, good man.
38:59Brave man.
39:00No, no, no.
39:01Not so brave.
39:02I knew that she would understand.
39:04Angela believes in tough love, sure.
39:07But no one is more protective of the people she cares about.
39:13I have something to say.
39:14Mom, you don't have to.
39:15Yes, I do.
39:16It's something I should have said a long time ago.
39:19To you.
39:21I know you always thought I didn't pay you enough attention growing up.
39:25That all my focus went to your brothers.
39:28I always denied it.
39:30But you were right.
39:31It's not because I didn't love you as much.
39:37You're my daughter.
39:39My only daughter.
39:41And I love you in a way that is only for you.
39:47But you didn't need me as much.
39:52Not the way they did.
39:54Since you could crawl, you took care of yourself.
39:59And when you could walk, you took care of your brothers.
40:02Even though they were older than you.
40:05And I relied on you.
40:07I came to expect it.
40:09But as strong as you were,
40:12I should have realized that you still needed your mother.
40:18I love you, Mija.
40:23And I'm sorry.
40:26To Angela.
40:27Come on, come on, come on, come on.
40:29To Angela.
40:32Mom, I love you.
40:38Are you still worried I went back too soon?
40:41Actually, you seemed pretty amazing today.
40:45I'm guessing the question left is,
40:46are you ever going to fill me in on the whole I was dead before thing?
40:49Well, there's not much to tell.
40:51You already know about the second time.
40:53My oxygen regulator malfunctioned on a halo jump.
40:56Luckily, the other guys noticed,
40:58pulled my ripcord,
40:59and brought me back to life on the ground.
41:03That is so badass.
41:06And the first time?
41:07Two words.
41:09See, I don't even know why I bothered.
41:11Because you love me.
41:12Fair enough.
41:16You know, the first two times I was brought back to life,
41:20I was scared.
41:22But only a little.
41:25And I moved on pretty quickly.
41:28But this last time,
41:31all I could think about was losing you.
41:35I've never been happier,
41:38or felt more seen,
41:41or loved.
41:43And the thought of losing a second of whatever time we have left
41:47was heartbreaking.
41:51So, here's my question.
41:56John Nolan,
41:59will you marry me?
42:05Try and stop me.
42:21Damn it.
42:51I don't know what's going on here.
42:52I don't know what's going on here.
42:53I don't know what's going on here.
42:54I don't know what's going on here.
42:55I don't know what's going on here.
42:56I don't know what's going on here.
42:57I don't know what's going on here.
42:58I don't know what's going on here.
42:59I don't know what's going on here.
43:00I don't know what's going on here.
43:01I don't know what's going on here.
43:02I don't know what's going on here.
43:03I don't know what's going on here.
43:04I don't know what's going on here.
43:05I don't know what's going on here.
43:06I don't know what's going on here.
43:07I don't know what's going on here.
43:08I don't know what's going on here.