In today's episode of Billboard Unfiltered, Billboard staffers Carl Lamarre, Trevor Anderson and Kyle Denis are joined by Nyla Symone as they discuss Playboi Carti’s big week on the Billboard charts with ‘MUSIC,’ Ye’s surprise drop of ‘Bully’ and the mixed reactions surrounding it, the women in Hip-Hop and R&B being honored at Women in Music and more.
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Billboard’s Women in Music event will take place this Saturday March 29th at YouTube Theater in Los Angeles.
What do you want to hear more of? Drop your suggestion in the chat!
Billboard’s Women in Music event will take place this Saturday March 29th at YouTube Theater in Los Angeles.
00:00gentlemen and ladies in the house y'all already know the the usual suspects here
00:06but we have a special guest today you may have seen her on the breakfast club
00:11we need to talk podcast hip-hop nation the one and only miss Nyla Simone I love
00:18that thank you you know a little something something I feel good I'm so
00:23excited to be here okay you ready to rock and roll with us
00:26degenerates the first thing we're gonna talk about the captain of the y-end mr.
00:39playboy Cardi Kyle is so high for this mr. Cardi had an amazing damn near
00:48immaculate week he is number one on the billboard 200 with 298,000 album
00:55equivalent units that is the biggest streaming rap album of the year biggest
01:02rap set of the year mr. playboy Cardi also 30 songs on the hot 100 number two
01:09evil Jordan number four rather live with the weekend whoo these are some big big
01:15numbers crazy well brother that's how the had a five-year layoff first album
01:19since 2020 whole lot of red that also went number one are we surprised by this
01:24kind of output from playboy Cardi I will start with miss Nyla Simone cuz
01:30these are some big numbers um not really because he has a super super strong cult
01:35and as with each project I feel like his fan base grows more and more so I'm
01:40honestly not surprised especially given the features that he had on it it was a
01:45lot of bells and whistles with this so you know a lot of heavy hitters the
01:50weekend Kendrick Lamar Kendrick Lamar three times I mean did you gravitate
02:00towards the album like I don't know if you a fellow why and like this I feel
02:09like it says a lot about the person if they're a fan but I don't know if I'm
02:18going to the concert with you I'm not really I don't even go to the concert
02:21what do you mean you don't go to the concert I have it in my house I can't do
02:24wait you're raging in the crib why am I doing the right stuff either I don't
02:28love the rage right I'm like a 2015 to like pre whole lot of red he's not a
02:33whole lot of red like he actually threw me off a whole lot of red and got me
02:36back he threw me off a whole lot of red for sure but he did not get me back so
02:45pretty much he's not vamp rap but he's somewhat rage yeah I mean I think I
02:55wasn't really surprised about this level of commercial success from Cardi it
02:58really is more like confirmation of his past five years of how he's positioned
03:02himself as the leader of the kids love this man like they follow his every move
03:09they want to look just like him when I take pictures just like him like for the
03:12past half a decade like he really has been positioning himself as like their
03:16captain and he's finally giving them a set of music to like jump in till we
03:19didn't get a project for five years now that he's here and he's giving you 30
03:23songs of course you're gonna go crazy and scream all of them because you've
03:26been waiting on them for a long time you've heard unfinished versions you've
03:29heard leaked versions you've heard live versions and every freaking rolling
03:32mouth for the past five years and now you finally have them at the touch of
03:35your fingertips I'm not super surprised I do I don't think I expected all 30
03:41songs to chart just because it's just a huge fucking number but I think really
03:45just to speak to how much he has evolved as a brand and as an artist over the
03:49past couple years I don't think a lot of us expected this like when Magnolia
03:53dropped but that turned that song turns 10 years old this year like this is
03:57someone who's been putting in the work for a long time I think he's reached a
04:00point where the mainstream is kind of caught up to where he is and like this
04:03I guys have accepted him for who he is at this moment but none of this is too
04:08surprising if you've been keeping an eye on him for the past couple years have
04:11you played the entire set more than once because I still multiple times I have
04:18but I don't do it I don't do it often I did it to like study but I'm like sit
04:28down to let you know study the album and I really collect my thoughts and yeah
04:31front-to-back listen but I definitely gravitate towards my favorite like you
04:34know 10 or 11 the first day and kind of haven't deviated much the newest
04:39entries probably I see you baby boy it's like one of my new new favorites when
04:43you asked if I was surprised what I was surprised about was the 30 song you want
04:47me to sit through 30 songs I hate when Chris Brown does it even says it with
04:51this Luna project kind of got me like why we got so many like 45 tracks with
04:56I don't know what you gonna die on that hill wait all the time I'll never do
05:14that I ever gonna say Cardi is like you a top spitting MC I can't even recite a
05:25line because that's not what I was waiting I was like really gonna jump out
05:29with charts and holes of ease that's not even him I was like oh he's not even
05:34York I'm Millie rock I did but I want to ask this question because I think it's
05:47interesting I'll put up this to you Trevor like three Kendrick Lamar songs
05:51nine appear in the top ten it's number two evil Jordan number four rather lie
05:58were you kind of surprised about the lack thereof for Kendrick tracks in the
06:02top ten not necessarily I mean not Kyle not like that right answer very good I'm
06:10gonna say my own answer no I really wasn't partially because you know the
06:15Kendrick songs are not full-fledged oh sorry full-fledged Kendrick songs and
06:21that you know there's a crazy verse that's going around like I don't like
06:24that or something like that Kendrick kind of stays in the background for the
06:27most part on all the tracks that he's on so I like that he kind of we talked a
06:31little bit last week doesn't really overshadow he could be maybe even
06:34overexposed if he does too much so the fact that you know everybody didn't jump
06:38on them as the ones to pull out when you kind of hear them there's a lot you can
06:41kind of almost I mean what I'm barely even credited on so you can kind of miss
06:45a little bit you have to really be like wait is that run that back is that dot
06:49like if you didn't see the credit before you wouldn't catch it you know
06:52until halfway through so that to me is not crazy surprising right but I mean I
06:56still did very well but yeah you know right I think Kyle brought up an
07:00interesting point Magnolia that was Cardi's first breakout record you had Jay
07:05calling that record incredible it was top 30 but since then he had it he had
07:10to have like a short fire solo hit lead hit since then is there any record off
07:16this project y'all see that could potentially be a runaway hit
07:21I think I think it was but I think it was more like a cultural hit it's like
07:36mm-hmm got you so you're talking about like commercial chart hits got you but
07:43off the project which song do I think yeah I feel like the one with the
07:47weekend okay has the potential to or I also really like the one with Jenea eco
07:52yeah yeah I think fine shit yeah actually I think fine shit yeah rather
08:01lies I mean that's the song that going with up to radio which is kind of no
08:05surprise because you know big the weekend is a radio they're trying to
08:08push it to multiple formats that one interests me only because it's so close
08:12to timeless like I wonder if like they get to back-to-back like hits together
08:19which is not you know out of the question well it feels like don't piss
08:23me off yo the cadence is very slime you out that's all well at least I made a
08:28reasonable that's good we get into versus very slime you out but is that
08:32like is that a you trying to say he's cribbing like what does that mean he was
08:36inspired Wow oh you know slimy love was an actual you know one was a number one
08:43record probably last longer on the chart overall believe that that was number one
08:51I'm not gonna listen if that was a crazy fucking record to send to number one
08:58Drake's is on a track together you know people have been waiting for that kind
09:02of moment out of the blue kind of thing but with this weekend I'm interested
09:06because you know it does seem like you go back to timeless you go back to even
09:10popular the song that playboy a weekend had with Madonna sampled on evil Jordan
09:15you know from from the idol it's like weekend to playboy starting to you know
09:18like a little singer rapper combo out here that's really working and obviously
09:23yeah I mean going on that that's something you know it could be on a you
09:27know maybe historical this too is too grand a word but as far as you know a
09:31singer rapper tag team they're really putting themselves out there as you know
09:34one to watch for sure we actually a joint collab on the way who knows a joint
09:38album yeah I'm not mad at that let me pose y'all this for the kids cuz we
09:44already know the big three millennial big three is Drake Kendrick and let me
09:50be politically correct Kendrick Drake Cole I'm gonna come across as a hater
09:54I'll put a Kendrick first I'm trying to be objective man a florist today that's
10:06personal opinion in terms of that order oh if you ask me it's Drake Drake Drake
10:12but we're not we're not here for that we're not here for that nobody Drake
10:19three before anybody you know you know you know the OVO blood is running deep
10:24it's Cole Kendrick oh wow I'm gonna be mad drink at three to Cole who has his
10:36festival next week yeah is Cardi a top of the new big three the kids the YN big
10:45three yeah numbers don't lie I mean look cuz you still got is Travis considered
10:52in that discussion for the YN big three yeah no you look at those tour dates
10:58and used to look like it's rolling loud crowd was so young like so like younger
11:03than me and I'm think it's one of this panel like the kids really fuck with
11:07those two like for sure and we see it in the streams go crazy the hard sales be
11:12going crazy when they do put up stuff for like you to buy the ticket sales be
11:16going crazy the festival crowds be going crazy they got the cultural pull like
11:20Cardi wasn't necessarily getting charted for the past five years but was still a
11:24bigger cultural presence than a lot of rappers who weren't getting those hits
11:27over the past five years like the kids fuck with him and this is kind of like I
11:31was saying before that now we have like the tangible numbers just prove that
11:34they do fuck with him but it's big three based off of like the class that you
11:38come in at or is it based off of just who's the king right now what do you
11:42mean class you come in on like like the arrow because I kind of like how do you
11:47how do you want to break it down together where do you want to draw the
11:51line for debut years Travis like crosses that's another one I put in there is
11:57someone who also crosses both someone like Tyler like kind of crosses also but
12:00it's like where do you want to draw the line in the sand for what but I feel
12:04like they are they are in the class together yeah Travis and Tyler yes yeah
12:08yeah okay yeah I was like yeah yeah I mean I think the hierarchy I mean I
12:18think for everything that we've mentioned and the numbers catching up
12:21obviously suggest what's going on I'll be curious to see like one thing with
12:24with how big all the hits are and with song going to radio I'm curious to see
12:29if he gets into that kind of lane like does he become fully accepted by sort of
12:33mainstream parameters and gatekeepers he doesn't need it I mean his base is
12:37always gonna be there he's always gonna be a streaming artist first he doesn't
12:40necessarily need all the radio kind of play but I think it kind of really
12:43interesting if he does get all that bonus stuff if you know we talk all the
12:47time about people wondering where the new stars how you know what wise thing
12:50why things are connecting where's the disconnect between this and that it's
12:53like clearly you have evidence that millions of people fuck with this dude
12:58so why not you know put something on radio why not you know open the door so
13:02we saw him at the Grammys you know for the first time obviously joining the
13:05weekend but I'm wondering to see if those kind of looks become more common
13:09for him because that would really I think just synergize where everybody is
13:13and where everybody at the industry that's got all these questions about
13:15where's a superstar you look at these numbers 30 hot 100 hits in a week only
13:19Taylor Swift Morgan Wallen have done that before you know that's that's an
13:23answer nasty I think that would help the ecosystem for sure I think the push not
13:29saying that I don't think it deserves it I think he definitely deserves it but I
13:32feel like the I guess the breakthrough is like getting people used to that
13:37sound because even though it is like hip-hop is rap it kind of is like its
13:41own genre it's the same way like sexy drill and drill in general had to break
13:45through up here before it could be mainstream it's like it's niche no it's
13:49hip-hop but it's niche right so once like everybody catches up catch up guys
13:56tighter be in the head catch up yeah I'm mad at that but shout out to playboy
14:02Cardi on a big big week let's pivot over to mr. yay who subject of a really
14:10great Cardi to eat right there yeah I don't want you to get hit with that
14:16tweet man you know yeah you're not kind of well yeah ain't nobody well let's see
14:24what he has to say about this next topic he did a surprise I guess you could say
14:29a surprise album drop because it's not on streaming for a bully 10 songs that
14:36he released three different video versions for produced directed by hype
14:41Williams that features his son and some weird wrestling shit but you know he's
14:47like a 30 minute video and it was originally on YouTube and iTunes was
14:54ripped but some heralded publications one being GQ gave yay some flowers and
15:00said this was a pretty good album and general consensus consensus has agreed
15:06as well so curious to get y'all first thoughts if y'all heard the album bully
15:11could yay be back in the mix you know a lot of people said this is his best
15:18album possibly since Pablo which was 2016 2015 so which one which which year
15:26yeah I'm gonna say it's covering book was 2016 I'm gonna say 2016 okay very
15:33good I mean from what I heard I do like it
15:47and I never really doubted that yay couldn't I don't want to say come back I
15:52want to say as far as being excellent at his craft he's never like swayed from
15:57that and and I think like so when we say he's back is like back in what regard
16:02like back in that creative savant like top tier a plus rapper bag this like
16:10because I think a lot of cats put him in God mode because of what he did the first
16:14five albums yeah which are I think undisputedly between him and Kendrick
16:18they have the first five album best fire first five album run ever in hip-hop so
16:23I think with a lot of cats they want to put him back at that pedestal but I
16:28don't think he's has come close since you know well but I don't think it's
16:33because the quality of music isn't there I think it's for other reasons really I
16:37think it's both I think the quality of music is just yeah I think it's both
16:40really y'all didn't like the tie dollar sign project vultures one was solid two
16:45was just unfinished like they just gave no fucks on that I thought there was
16:49potential a lot of potential in Donda had you like truncated that album it was
16:54like 28 songs if you cut it to 15 yeah that's a masterwork right there and
16:59that's like the thing that I say about pretty much every Kanye album yay
17:03onwards like there's so many great ideas here there's so much good stuff
17:07happening here there's a good album somewhere in here but it's like the
17:11curatorial skills the sequencing skills are seemed to have kind of like
17:15disappeared after Pablo or even during Pablo which makes when you share
17:20unfinished albums it's like I want to like it because there is something I am
17:23latching on to here but I don't even think you're lucid enough to make
17:27something that is like a top to bottom a solid like listen I haven't had a
17:31favorable Kanye listening experience talked about him quite some time like it
17:35really was since I guess I can give him kids he goes so like maybe that was the
17:40last one I was like I talked about him I'm really fucking with every single
17:43song without question without caveat without anything that hasn't happened in
17:47almost 10 years so like I know we give him a lot of grace but like best since
17:53Pablo I don't even know what that really means like what are you beating out in
17:57regards to mid which is like I have a very personal like distaste for that
18:09particular record for that unanointed ass album to be anywhere now Sunday
18:17service out that's great but I just would like to say that when I was
18:23talking about talent being there I wasn't talking about the like complete
18:27project so I agree in a sense of yeah there hasn't been a yay album I listen
18:32to top to bottom like that but to your point about like you do see it in there
18:37because there I can find one or two records that I'm like oh I definitely
18:40would add this in a mix but I think it's like who you're around you know to put
18:46out a good project you got to have a really good team and it seems like he's
18:49going through quite a few teams and with that I think like just how it comes put
18:54together it's changing so that's what I attribute that to agree yeah I mean the
18:59tough thing about all of this is plenty of people do crazy shit and plenty of
19:04people get a pass but this is so this is so unique just in terms of I mean even
19:11you know beyond just the album itself it's like the rollout and obviously the
19:14only sort of media touch points we have on yay for the past couple of years
19:18besides like a random you know one off on drink champ something are the post on
19:23social media are the doubling tripling quadrupling down on everything he's
19:26been saying everything about the Nazi things ever all the anti-semitic stuff
19:30all the you know calling you know calling J and B's kids out all these
19:34kind of crazy things and it's like so it's so hard to separate I know we talk
19:39about you know separating the art from the artists and all these things but
19:41it's just crazy when you have no other touch point for this album even the
19:44rollout of the album you know why it's named bully apparently after you know
19:48it's apparently allegedly his kid was you know kick somebody or something and
19:52then they were talking that's in what random interviews that are talking about
20:03to get off reddit man I did too much research certainly like a lot of the
20:10post even about you know like what kind of music this is gonna be there's no
20:14sense of separating like like what this project is versus when it was rolled out
20:21how it was rolled out how it's been described I mean musically if you want
20:25to go in a you know total vacuum sure I mean there's plenty of things you know
20:28that that are there that I was like okay you know this this could be something
20:31different sounds different elements I don't know how he's gonna clear all
20:35these samples you know if that's I mean that's probably one of the biggest
20:38holdups of why it's never possibly gonna see a streaming live today we saw what
20:42happened on vultures one with the Donna Summer record how quickly that was taken
20:46down became a record that never cleared yeah and I mean even you know the
20:49Playboy Cardi track that was supposed to be on that's been played and sampled
20:53and floating around the internet well obviously with the yay shut the fuck up
20:57you know that relationship seems to be on complete ice so who knows if we're
21:01gonna see that so just the idea that there's so much start stop unfinished
21:05and then you know we have no other touch points like from a media standpoint to
21:10even try to understand this or that he you know he did this thing and he shied
21:15away from that and keep the music separate all this is in this package
21:18together that is like I don't I don't know how you can start to separate a
21:23from B and that's that's just for me it's like the toughest part of the whole
21:26experience because you know sure do I want to like his music again yeah do I
21:31think he can create good songs here and there yeah but you know if you thought
21:35vultures one and two was hard to extrapolate I don't know how you you
21:39know then yeah then the back and forth with that I mean there was it's like he
21:45there was AI then he wants to redo it because he kind of hates a it's just
21:48like it just does the saga of the album itself is already kind of you want to
21:53know something for me and this goes with all artists it is actually very hard for
21:57me to separate the two which is why I really drown out like news stories like
22:02I hate like I have some of my favorite people muted just because I don't want
22:06to know about your life like it makes me hard to like your music so therefore I
22:12have not been paying claim when people be like oh Kanye did this I like it's
22:17like a numbing cream right yeah no I get that I think you know and I don't want
22:21to speak for all of us but I'm sure at some point we were all super Kanye
22:24stands I think what aggravates me the most and I know our brother upstairs
22:30Lord tree saps out to Mike's ass is gonna hurt when I say this but in the
22:35last decade or so we have seen so many flashes of like the oh yay and I'm
22:41talking about I remember when I saw him in Drake in concert and he washed yay at
22:47that Larry Hoover concert and I'm like oh shit this feels like graduation Kanye
22:51the way he's performing and even certain songs whether it's like 24 off Donda if
22:57it's the 730 track which had super potential to be something great and even
23:02preacher man from this new album there is some semblance of that genius still
23:09there you know and I think for a lot of fans they're still clamoring for that
23:14hope of one day he'll be able to put everything back together when I mean
23:22that I just feel like I don't know one day we'll get to a point where you know
23:31he has a clear head and then we can get to the music because I don't think we're
23:35gonna get to the music being good again until he's figured out if he wants to
23:40get help if he wants to accept them all that's like I feel like that is the key
23:44stuff that like some fans be glossing over to get to like one day I'll get
23:47back to the good music but it's like you don't just flip on a switch and become
23:50college dropout Kanye again but also like I think we need to also reckon with
23:55the fact that that might never happen yeah and I was gonna say that actually
23:58because there's some of our favorite R&B singers who have lost their voice and
24:02we're like yo I hope I hope she comes back and gives it the hit you know or I
24:07hope he comes back a little bit different though like you can't do
24:11anything if you if you lost your voice like I think the skills are just there
24:15it's just a matter of him actually utilizing them and putting them together
24:21in a cohesive way that's why I think like with this project bully this was
24:26sadly to say but his most you know lucid state you know and even at that
24:32that's kind of better than 80% of the shit that's coming out unfortunately and
24:37I'm mad that we got to settle for this as fans but I still think 80% of yay is
24:42better than a lot of cats knowing his discography from like oh four to like
24:492012 I think I'm being a dream maybe I'm being a dream I don't make all of us
24:56feel better is just Kanye being in his right mind help once that happens then
25:03we can revisit the conversation you know the good brother's just gonna say a I'm
25:06a Gemini and be I'm good he's gonna go say now he's you know this is his right
25:11that was the wrong mind now honestly you know there are no like sure details if
25:22this album is actually ever gonna come to streaming because Barry Gordy's gonna
25:27need some money yeah I'm just gonna need some money and you know the Carpenters
25:31probably every song has said himself he went on live and said there's probably a
25:38snowballs chance and how I'm putting this on streaming so yeah cuz then cuz
25:43two minutes later is gonna be all of them call them calls so yeah um let's
25:49before we pivot guys if you have any questions from this Nala Simone please
25:54leave them in the comments and we will get to them towards the end of the show
25:59moving forward we have our blockbuster event this week women in music it's
26:09gonna be great women of music is where we recognize you know music's rising
26:13artists creators producers and executives for their contributions to the industry
26:17and community this year we have some heavy hitters I'm talking about Dolce
26:22woman of the year Erykah Badu icon award Glorilla powerhouse award money long
26:27rising star Tyler impact award the conversation that we want to have is on
26:36the hip-hop side because you guys remember we named miss Glorilla the
26:43hottest female rapper of 2024 and I feel like we're in a time right now where we
26:50about to be in April where the baton may have been kind of like I don't want to
26:55say dropped but miss Dolce just came and took that mother she snatched that shit
27:02and ran with it so I'm curious to hear the conversation of do we think the
27:07tables have turned and is Dolce in fact the hottest rapper between them two
27:14right now because I do think it's a one-two battle right now I feel like
27:19it's less the tables turned and more just like the way the timeline check out
27:23for both of their projects like glows just in the back half of her cycle right
27:26now she's on tour she's already had like a crap ton of singles from this up and
27:30go crazy this is coming right off of the mixtape right off of the Megan tour so
27:34she's probably just like winding down around the same time though except it's
27:37really picking up for alligator bites on Dolce side so it looks like a baton
27:41switch off but I do think it was more just a matter of like how the timings
27:44check out for both of them but I also just like I'm thinking back on Glorilla
27:492024 run not to say that we were underrating her in the moment but I'm
27:53thinking back about how many hits she got in that year like it's actually
27:58insane yeah glow wannabe bop TGIF finesse get in there all there I love
28:04her what you know about me procedure let her cook like she went nuts at 24
28:15like and half of this was coming up before we even got glorious like
28:18announce like that's really fucking dope yeah I was gonna say I don't even like
28:23the way this question is written because like it's no passing the baton really
28:31because they're both they both exist in their like different spaces they're not
28:34even like similar sonically so it's not a passing the baton it's just big glow
28:39turned up and it's still turning up and now don't she's heating up and then
28:43she's about to do the same thing but it's not it's not like a pass off
28:46because glow and the club is as a DJ you know spinning Glorilla right now is just
28:51the cheat code like you said I could play the whole album and girls are gonna
28:54go crazy where I think like don't she is celebrated in different spaces online
28:59she motivates us she empowers us representation so I think they in so
29:05does glow just just different spaces yeah and I think it's very important to
29:09highlight that both women can shine and coexist yes the way that they're doing
29:13right now and glow she's having an incredible features run right now yeah
29:19you know the the Georgiana record jello she was on little babies album she's
29:26moving with incredible pace while still on tour so it hasn't stopped for her
29:31either Trevor I think I gotta get my own little segment intro I think one thing
29:38about don't she that's interesting though is perhaps some of the excitement
29:42around her is probably how unexpected this all was because you know an
29:45alligator bites first dropped it you know it debuted under 100 on the 200 you
29:51know was kind of here didn't didn't do a lot kind of percolating okay then things
29:55started to turn around around November really when she had the Colbert
29:58performance tiny desk you know those kind of things got the momentum really
30:02rolling and then all the way to best rap album at the Grammys this year when that
30:07dropped I don't think many people would have thought that that was gonna start
30:10there and in there right and then only since then you know things have only
30:13kicked up with this anxiety you know this is the story of kind of one of
30:16these crazy how did this happen hits that you know starts with her recording
30:22years ago and then people find it on tik-tok with the fresh Prince meme and
30:25then now she puts out a solo version that's already top 10 on how 100 in two
30:29weeks and that's not even you know take it take a swamp the swamp out there
30:36proud you know you wouldn't have called even even something like that a month
30:42before with no one would thought that was gonna happen especially with a
30:44record that's you know not even like a straight-up rap record it kind of shows
30:48different sides of her she's singing on a lot of it it's over a go chase sample
30:51so I think just you know a lot of doji's past six months has been defying
30:56expectation probably opening herself up to non-traditional hip-hop fans I know a
31:02lot of people who don't really who don't really fuck with like mainstream core
31:05hip-hop they may not listen to your gorillas or your lottos or Megan's but
31:09some about doji they think she has a different vibe she kind of does things
31:13her own way in a way that they think like okay I kind of just fuck with her
31:16not only for the music but just the personality just seems a little
31:19different we saw obviously the Grammys the speech you know for my money the
31:23best speech of the night and I just think yeah because she sort of plays
31:27outside some of those lanes and it's being really successful at it in ways
31:30that nobody would have counted six months ago I just think that's sort of
31:33what is a big part of fueling doji's narrative and you know letting her take
31:37over these past couple months yeah I think that's a big part but I also think
31:40because prior to putting out this rap project she did like different sounds
31:44you know more house you know persuasive yeah dance records before so I think
31:51even before like committing to this genre she was already dabbling in
31:55different lanes which is why it's being received so well by so many people but
31:59also you know my favorite banter is like the doja comparison when it comes to
32:05talent because I do think they're like those just floats around a lot of you
32:10know we say so I like to kind of see them bar for bar I saw but I probably
32:23would tell you I probably missed the opener I think and I think it's
32:37interesting to note like doji had a banger what it is like was it like yeah
32:45we're Kodak it was like a top 20 25 record top 30 top 30 record and then you
32:51know to see that transition it's like it's two different artists but still
32:56with that same versatility she could do both yeah yeah a lot of cats thought
32:59that was gonna be kind of a one-hit wonder situation you know just kind of
33:02caught on this this crazy song did really well at radio but right if you
33:06put what it is next to someone's of an alligator bite you'd be like who
33:10thought that was gonna be a one-hit wonder that's insanity some people you
33:13know you know everybody ready to you know about what it's like no I think
33:20it's funny cuz like people on tik-tok are still being like oh wait don't she
33:24sings that song like it was such a massive hit but at the time it didn't
33:27really cement it as like this is a doji song right cuz they did kind of sound
33:30like this could be from a lot of different pop rappers at the time but
33:34like they're more recent like denial he's on Altima even anxiety those feel
33:38very distinctly do to where I think right now it's like helping her snap
33:41herself as a hit maker but a doji it maker cuz I think if like people were
33:46really into what it is like beyond just like the song being catchy then like
33:51maybe we wouldn't have to have that like several months a year gap in other songs
33:56picking up maybe even that Katy Perry pop song would have done a little
33:58something more oh yeah she has done like those kind of things but on the other
34:03hand that Jenny song is going crazy there's another example of like when
34:07she does do pop and it works in a way that connects with people like they go
34:10with her all the way for it let me pose you guys this because she's getting hell
34:16of a claim deservingly so off a mixtape her debut album is scheduled to come out
34:20this summer what are you guys hoping she's able to deliver on her debut album
34:26whether sonically production something new I just hope she can just extend the
34:33freedom that she was able to you know a crew on alligator bites and just go like
34:39even crazier like whatever thread she might have like had to tone down for the
34:43mixtape like go even further on the album I think she's in a really
34:47favorable spot to kind of just do whatever because people are just tuning
34:50into her doing whatever like every you get to people in a room they probably
34:54all have a different favorite entry point or a favorite song by Doja and I
34:58think if she can play on that versatility for the album I'll be tuned
35:01in for sure I agree I'm looking well I feel like I don't really have any
35:07expectations for the project at least sonically because I know she has so much
35:12range so I kind of want to go in like just like what a clean slate on it but
35:16definitely with her like ability to rap and sing I definitely would love her
35:22project to be classic like the miseducation you know cuz since when
35:28have we had somebody with the capability to do it um yeah I mean sonically you
35:35can't really tell like if I knew solidly where she should go I'd be in the a&r
35:39room I don't know where to go there's so many sounds too yeah I mean I don't I
35:43don't know if there's a specific thing that I can think of I mean that's part
35:45of the creative process right it's like only when you hear it and it happens
35:48then you're gonna go oh I love that she went this way or that way I think
35:51because she can do so many things I kind of think she'll probably branch out
35:56I mean if this is gonna be you know her cementing herself with her debut album
35:59I imagine you know it could be something as simple as self-titled that really
36:03reflect and that's self-titled but don't she would be the title and it kind of
36:07just just some people go take that look why does he wanted to be called
36:11self-titled no we're gonna call it doji and just show you know all the all the
36:15sides of her and I think you know in a way that that is expansive but both
36:20cohesive I mean in some ways you know not to bring it all the way back to glow
36:23but that's one thing I think people really liked about glows album was that
36:25it showed a lot of different sides you got a record with Kirk Franklin you know
36:29on there you got a gospel side with that you obviously got plenty of club hits
36:32you've got introspective stuff you've got T-Pain a little softer sound so long
36:36and a little R&B joint yes so the fact that it had you know a lot of different
36:40shades of cross that I think was something that people really appreciate
36:42it so I expect don't you will do sort of that same thing just a lot of different
36:46sounds and you know what they're gonna sound like together I don't know but
36:50I mean certainly you already got to say she's got one of the most anticipated
36:53albums you know not just debut albums but albums period that'll come out this
36:57year yeah and I think it's important to note to somebody like glow she put out a
37:01mixtape and her debut album last year and she's still doing features and she's
37:07going on tour so she's doing a lot of fucking work and I think we're
37:12unfortunately in a generation where it's like if we're not getting enough solo
37:17material new solo materials like oh this nigga washed oh this nigga taking too
37:20long she did three years work in one year yeah yeah you know so shout out to
37:27her I think this is gonna be a fun summer Cardi B album on the way this
37:33summer I heard I want to talk about a classic I not only you probably hate me
37:44for this but around here we call invasion of privacy as a miseducation
37:48that's the 2020 miseducation the modern-day miseducation. No it's not. And it didn't even come out in 2020. We're not gonna do it in 2018. First of all, we had to go with. Shout out to Invasion of Privacy turning seven a little over a week. But comparing it to the miseducation is crazy. Not saying it's not a classic and I'm
38:07just saying that comparison is completely wrong. Let me tell you why though I'm of the belief and I know she's
38:13gonna drop the album anyway cuz it's coming this summer I have said I don't
38:18think Cardi should ever drop another album because I think unfortunately again
38:22talking about the generation no matter what she puts out if it doesn't live up
38:26to that album cats are just going to shit on it call it a flop she that album
38:32was a immaculate body of work she still hasn't toured yet so imagine she went on
38:39a tour with that album with the hit she's still gonna sell out arenas Lauren
38:44did it for 30 years and I know cats be like well she had material with Fugees
38:48sure Cardi has her features which could help her do this arena tour that she
38:55could rock out with one album and call it a career and be good I don't want her
39:00to do that I want Cardi to drop and I want her to keep dropping that's what
39:03she needs to do because even if people don't receive it well at first at some
39:07point she's gonna crack one we already know her we already love her she just
39:11got to find what is it what is it that people want from her I wish people were
39:15just as understanding as you I'm being written my lion am I lying I feel like
39:21okay you know the Joe Biden pod you know cats are gonna be ready to I mean no
39:25saute of course I ain't gonna say she's gonna get it right off the off the gate
39:28but her not doing it at all I feel like I would have just I just to be a
39:32singles artist at this point do features I'm not mad at either one but if she
39:36wants to drop music in like every single hits then sure but if we get
39:39more shit like hot shit then no I was wondering which single already so I just
39:51went there I thought you're gonna say bongos now you know people forgot that
39:55one bongos hot shit enough like she just gotta keep going but that's why I
40:05think she should do a tape like do a tape and give us a little bit of
40:08everything even like that partisan one that tooted up one in doubt just drop a
40:13party on raising Canaan by the way I see you yeah I love that
40:24shut up the partisan always but you know people always look we've been here
40:26before with Cardi like I know after invasion when it was money when it was
40:30please me when it was press people thought okay we you know pack it up and
40:34she found WAP and up and came right back you know I mean WAP bigger than you
40:38know any of them it's like we'll say though like the press please me money
40:41stretch was much bigger than this research yes it was it was contained to
40:45about six months and you know hey but look some people would have thought
40:49never thought SOS you know would outdo what control did so you can always have
40:55it on that you can have that maybe but that's a rarity and that's old cuz I
41:00don't know maybe Cardi B's a rare that is a rarity to have a sophomore album be
41:04that seismic and better than your debut album which was already a classic
41:08speaking of classics I just that's debatable interesting so I think control
41:13is debatable if if you are going to compare something to the miseducation of
41:17Lauryn Hill I would either give it to control yes I say those two because
41:27they are like modern-day miseducation of Lauryn Hill is like a coming-of-age
41:31album for women those two Jasmine and SZA have both dropped coming to age
41:37spoken bits classroom vibe like Cardi different energy I will say for Cardi I
41:56think whenever that if it comes a sophomore album I I would just like her
42:00to open up you know about the past couple years I think if we get more like
42:04rings and more through your phones like I would love to hear more of that side
42:07from her yeah that was a banger everybody had to go through that
42:12sophomore you know yeah everyone had to be worried to put out that maybe I'm just
42:15over for overprotective dad when you're in doubt drop a tape like compilation
42:23something's gonna go crazy you know who you need to drop something you get Monte
42:28album that coming this year sweetie that's a debut album I know now it's
42:46been a nani in the club all the ladies that are killing it and please tune in
43:01for women in music taking place this Saturday we got some questions mr.
43:06Dennis we do this is from Noah Nyla what is your favorite doji song
43:13well peanuts boil peanuts yeah that one felt super 90s hip-hop track hard
43:19quest kind of feel my favorite Nissan Altima the video was just fired yeah
43:28shout out to TD I like Nissan I like I like Nissan I mean Denali's River
43:33obviously grew on me cuz I had to listen to it not had to but obviously was
43:36coming up the chart so I exposed to it a lot more great video I was saying it's
43:40and the video is so like it's pretty rare that I you know somebody's video
43:43has as much impact as the song but right now I would say denial but honestly it
43:48could probably change in a month yeah I think I'm a catfish guy I love that hook
43:52so this is another question from Stephanie do you have a favorite
43:58sophomore album from an artist who ever that was a quick yeah I'm gonna say he
44:17gonna say take care I knew it I know it take care is a great one though that is
44:27a great one I guess the first one that just came to mind was blonde I really do
44:34love blonde a lot great that's classic get if you're on blonde versus Channel
44:37Orange I love them both for different reasons but blonde I'll go with blonde
44:40for now I have a question will we consider technically this was his major
44:46label debut but really his second album will we consider good kid his sophomore
44:50album Kendrick you know it's funny when you brought up the five album run I
44:54couldn't I was like which and then good kid I thought good kid was the first
44:59album so good kid is his first major like section 80 is like his proper debut
45:05album so it wasn't on a major so that's why kind of people don't I mean I guess
45:09he wins both ways it's either a good kid or T-Pap yeah that's a great answer to
45:18go with Kendrick I'm thinking not still matic wait still I think I think it was
45:26it was written with second one yeah it was written it's a great one okay shout
45:31out to QB shit cuz I'm going through like all the history get some R&B I
45:37thought Kanye okay I was on the wall I was I mean there's so many to pick from
45:51I'ma say it was be software please it was the second one I like Rihanna second
45:56was what I was the girl like me yeah so as unfaithful all that was on the second
46:06I would say I'm trying to think of like all time I don't know I want to go
46:11through everything I kind of was a thriller you know it's not a second
46:13album but it kind of is a second album right but I gotta also give a shout out
46:17to my life Mary J almost forget what's the 401 was like his mother my life is
46:29the second album and that one you know just turned 30 shout out to Mary great
46:35Oh we got a question for Nyla Courtney Nyla where do you see yourself five
46:40years from now five years from now I want to be DJing all over the world and
46:47doing interviews all over the world and curating community like bridging gaps
46:55between sound like different sounds in different regions and making people feel
47:00good through that yeah we need that yeah favorite interview favorite
47:05interview hmm I don't know I hate that question really yeah cuz I genuinely do
47:16I really love getting to know people especially through music cuz I really am
47:20curious about like I'm really a fan yeah but I feel like that all the time but
47:24you know actually my answer would be juvenile Manny fresh yeah I really grew
47:33up listening to you guys like I remember having a burnt CD off a line wire with
47:39go DJ on it and I'm putting it in my CD player you know walking around with it
47:44so I don't know that one was just really like super underrated producer juvie as
47:51well miss Nyla Simone we really appreciate you genius taking the time to
47:57kick it with us on Billboard and filter hopefully you come back we didn't scare
48:01you off yeah please I mean we got to talk about your Drake takes we gonna do
48:11a whole Drake episode that's what we gonna do why do it he gets so much he
48:26doesn't need anymore you should be highlighting other people
48:31while he's down that's what is he down or is he up because you was just like oh
48:36he got a hit with no care now I did here but the people like Kyle Dennis
48:43still hate Superman I like that I like CN Tower so what would it take for you
48:51to you know like like openly admit like yeah he bet great yeah is it no Nokia
48:58gotta go number one I would say that he's back now I mean the album hasn't
49:03left the top five like no kids might be the top ten I just want the stench of
49:07like desperation to get away from him right now like I can still smell it off
49:10of him like I could still smell that he's desperate to get back to where he
49:13needs to be I don't like knowing that like do the work but like it's like I
49:19can tell you're sweating I don't want to see you sweat cuz you want to you want
49:22in the goat so I don't see when this video drop I'm actually won't stand by
49:29that right I think I think no key about the fuck this summer no no it's not the
49:33summer song it's not though it is it it's a spring song I mean the way these
49:47songs get up there last now this is a smile shit still up there so radio you
49:57know when that radio gets in to help on the chart points I don't know if a
50:07remix I think I think there'll be something you know very important about
50:10it's a Drake only song Drake yeah I don't think you want to necessarily give
50:15anybody else that crush to say oh it's only cuz this person got on that it
50:18really popped I love it I love it it's a beautiful story it ain't you know the
50:26boy comes alive in the summer it's dead and gone all right if you're if you're
50:32talking about the beef I'm saying that's that oh yeah I'm just saying like in
50:36terms of like coming with another hit he lives in the summer so you have a summer
50:39hit on his head the summer the way he did last and he's doing wireless in
50:43July's shut up I need to give me another nice for what like this make me feel
50:48good the reason why Nokia nice for what issue it's yeah sonically but I mean
50:57like actually making like talk nice to me how like what he should have been
51:01doing on some sexy songs for you like make it feel he's still talking I ever
51:05had that was like the entry point that's what we all that's before he was scarred
51:09yeah we'll say that we'll say that for another day yeah but appreciate y'all
51:23kicking it with us for another episode of billboard unfiltered we'll see y'all