• 18 hours ago
In today's episode of 'Billboard Unfiltered,' Billboard staffers Carl Lamarre, Trevor Anderson and Kyle Denis are reacting to Playboi Carti’s first album in five years, ‘MUSIC,’ and sharing their thoughts on everything he delivered on the album. They also go into Lizzo’s X crash out over ‘poptimism,’ the public’s reaction to Leon Thomas putting out the “Mutt” remix with Chris Brown and more!

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00:00yo yo yo what's going on y'all and welcome to a fresh episode of billboard unfiltered
00:06gentlemen what up what to do what to do what to do chilling man how are you i am good no complaints
00:13well rested how about my okay um what got you so well rested out here like i mean sleep probably
00:19i well that's that yeah that tends to be the the number one ingredient okay it's nice outside
00:25yeah springtime is starting to come through a little bit out here in new york
00:29concerts are picking back up we got miss glorilla and nyc this week so you know
00:33had jordan atatunji and mercury lounge last week that was a great show
00:37big team man millennium tour as well oh oh shit you out there i am shout out to bow whizzle uh
00:45omarion yeah you know i might have to bring the bow whiz that's a millennial right there
00:51no it's okay i'm a old head but you know in the midst of all this old head shit you know i
00:56tried to have some yn moments with this new playboy cardi music album yeah we're talking
01:06about a colossal 30 track project which includes some heavy hitters kendrick lamar the weekend
01:14future we should say kendrick lamar thrice that's three kendrick lamar records on there
01:19travis multiple times future lil uzi vert man um that was a hard pill for me to yeah oh you know
01:29what's not worth i don't know i mean listen listen i i kyle's uh the the the our yn here
01:36you know so i'll let kyle speak about playboy cardi's first release in five years since his
01:42chart topping number one a whole lot of red album number three thoughts on music i i had a great
01:48time with i bet you did i bet you that sounds about right son okay i am probably one of the
01:56day one cardi fans like i was around for the soundcloud days back in 2015 like i loved that
02:03first self-taught project so much have lots of memories of that one obviously dialect is like
02:07one of like defining albums for that time he actually did lose me a whole lot of red i'm just
02:12not a fan generally of the rage rap kind of opium stuff and i was very happy to see him leave those
02:18guys off this new album there's no shade to them but they're just not my cup of tea right um but
02:22this music album i think it's like probably the best showcase of all the different sides of cardi
02:28like you get like his pop sensibility sides on records like back room backroom something like
02:33that but you also get some of the rage rap stuff you get some of the like really wonky sample flips
02:39like when he flipped uh the ashanti record on cocaine notes like that shit was hard and then
02:43you kind of just get like his really high energy just trap stuff too and there's lots of flashes of
02:48just like 2000s atlanta rap there throughout the record the swamp bezel tag is just so fucking great
02:53to hear all over the place like i i love how throw everything at the wall it was um there are a couple
03:00records that i could have done without i didn't care for like the uzi record was just like a
03:04unfinished like the 92nd yeah that way i didn't really care for every time travis popped up on
03:10the album i sighed and wish he would stop rapping i thought he was great on crush from an ad-lib
03:15standpoint i can do the ad-libs were good the the verses were just like i the best travis verse for
03:22me was the one on uh back rooms that came out like last year and then that one didn't get put on the
03:27album so i was like we got three other ones that are not up to par no but um i loved how kendrick
03:34kind of slid into cardi's world i think that was the highlight for me seeing him adapt like the
03:39vamp stuff as opposed to like cardi going into his world or him just remaining kendrick and not
03:45really branching out like hearing kendrick say like you know vamp life spooky like i didn't
03:49think i'd hear that ever but like that shit was fun as fuck like i that was a really nice surprise
03:54and i liked how he like flipped the little drop drop drop ad-lib um in good credit too that's
03:59a banger um i had a great time with music i i think it'll be one that i keep in rotation for
04:04most of the year um but definitely too many songs because there's like a really great like
04:1116 track album hidden somewhere in there but at the same time i do think he might have would have
04:17needed to like sacrifice certain parts of himself to make it that slim so i do like that he gave us
04:21so much and it's been five years um we we know that we're owed that much music but you know i'm
04:27not going to turn my nose up at it so yeah all great points um we're talking about a project that
04:32has close to 15 features um mr trevor angst and then those include the multiple kendrick travis
04:40future like different yeah appearances yeah yeah um you got some why and what do i do you got a
04:48little bit of wire i know we all got a little bit of wire in us we was all the way in at one point
04:52right yeah this is a whole different era yeah you know it's one of those things where i
04:58because you know the build-up obviously was was so big and how many years it had been
05:02and then you know you hear all about like okay because i was asking i know somebody close to me
05:06who works like in a high school setting so i was kind of surveying i was like okay what do the kids
05:11think about car like you know he's very kid friendly but like let me really get a pulse on
05:15the ground and this person was like well the kids on spring break but they did run run into one of
05:22them and this person is like 20 and this person was like you know i like him he kind of scary but
05:27i like his music but i think it's mostly for the teenagers and i was like you're 20 yes and you're
05:34talking about this is for the team like i feel like everybody kicks it back like he's like the
05:37most it's like the 30 year olds like not it's for the 20 year olds the 20 year olds like not it's
05:41for the teens the teenagers like i'll be at this point like it's gonna be the infants gonna be
05:46the base wasn't it you that said you saw an axe that um they were calling it boy music
05:51yeah i did see that tweet going around um yeah that oh like boy music versus girl music well
05:55basically yeah like it was it was you know some woman who was like okay i'm gonna try to get into
05:59this playboy cardi album like let's check it out but whoo this is a boy album it's a boy album
06:05um so all that being said you know when you go into it it's like okay when i press play i don't
06:10know what's coming my way let's find out that pop out oh my god that was such a fire opener it was
06:16scared me but it was fire well yeah instead of talking i was like i said okay we're back we're
06:22so back like the flames like blow on your face like okay like we we in it we in it the little
06:28rager inside me did have a ball with that one i will say that um but i'm curious were you able
06:34to digest all 30 first listen like i know i i i went like first five stopped but then i went
06:42straight 20 and i was like this is a lot like literally paced it like a marathon yeah i would
06:49say it wasn't that bad for me only because like a lot of them weren't full-bodied songs yeah like
06:54there's there's a lot of short there's a lot of like half songs that clearly like weren't finished
06:59it was like even on the song like an hour maybe like yeah we've gotten longer longer albums with
07:04less tracks low key so it was like i wasn't too much for me but the number 30 was just daunting
07:10when i opened up the music app like okay it was interesting because even on some of the songs
07:14themselves there were like a lot of gaps i was surprised that like because usually card is really
07:18good like filling a lot of that space with ad-libs and kind of this and that's but there were even
07:22points where i was like i heard no i heard no words in about a minute you know what's what's
07:27going on but in general like yeah i think i think you know like everybody's gonna say 30 songs is
07:34too long that's not a new critique that's something that everybody on from kyle to reddit to pitch for
07:39everybody feels the same way so i'm not gonna you know i'm gonna make that quick point and not
07:44hammer on it and it's not just a problem the card he has everybody got this problem
07:47but when it hit it hit you know it hit more than i was like okay yeah like because i was definitely
07:54trying to see what was up with evil jordan because that was the song that song that seems to be the
07:57biggest you know breakout runaway and i was kind of like okay look what's going on with this and
08:01when i got to it it definitely was like the first wake up song for me like i feel like a lot of
08:06these albums especially the ones that we talk about are really bloated it's usually about four
08:10or five songs in when i and then there's something that catches and i'm like oh this is like this is
08:14where this starts and for me i mean it's track number four so i could kind of do maybe without
08:18the first three i kind of i kind of like what's going on with crush the little like yeah the
08:21little choir was cool but evil jordan was the first one especially the production where i was
08:24kind of like oh okay something's going on here um but yeah i mean i think weirdly enough most of
08:31the features are okay to me they don't really do too much different i do think the kendrick is
08:35probably the best and i was a little worried because you know i was almost worried that
08:38kent's gonna be overexposed because there's so much going on with him but i think he does a good
08:43job of playing in the background but obviously making his presence known right so i thought
08:47those were smart touches to get in there um i was trying to think about like what song i heard like
08:54what i really thought could pop off as like because you know people talking about this album
08:57obviously it's gonna do crazy numbers on the charts next week and it's blowing out in that
09:00capacity now people i think kind of wonder you know can cardi make that breakthrough hit run
09:05and just become a solid hit maker across the board and i was trying to see which song i felt
09:09was going to be the one and i don't know that i landed on like an obvious one that i don't know
09:14like there's a couple i don't know i don't know i thought rather lie definitely gave like that
09:18could be a radio record it could be a radio record but the only thing about it i don't know if that
09:22to me is like it's very if it's like me wow if it if it feels like it is but it's better like
09:30but like it's a little bit faster that i want like we're interesting that i want to sit there
09:34and say like oh this is this is a playboy cardi breakthrough that feels like more cardi
09:38like on some magnolia shit something like that i feel like he's already had it rather
09:42lies almost like too safe like it's too obvious a choice if it wasn't rather lie i'm also thinking
09:49obviously the both kendrick joints will probably do yeah yeah i mean backdoor fine shit was one
09:54that popped out to me it's like that was a little something um cocaine knows too people keep
09:59pointing that one out i don't know if that's me like a hit hit but i think it'd be one that
10:03just streams very well because people keep bringing that one up rather than being like
10:06oh this shit really yeah especially out of the back half that's one of the ones that
10:09that stood out it kind of got a little savey towards the end but to your point on the features
10:14though i really have gotten to a point where i do think we might have to retire the kind of 2010s
10:20all-star features that we've been doing on all these mainstream rap releases where it's like
10:24the same collection of like travis future maybe kendrick if they're cool or whatever but like
10:30there's so much talent and so much to explore in the hip-hop scene that when i see the same five
10:35names pop up as features on like every major rap album it gets very tired especially when like not
10:41all the time are they really delivering transcendent verses that are like oh shit this is really
10:44fucking dope it's like you do well you do what you're supposed to do like future was good like
10:49on the record nothing great nothing new but good but it's like damn i wonder what that could have
10:54sounded like with someone who doesn't have as many opportunities future has to just be on tracks all
10:58the time charles and josephine that phrase is going live on though oh yeah for sure oh for
11:02sure they that yeah that and they're also going to make trim like national lingo now like after
11:07this album it's not going to be the new push and pee i also you know we hey we got we got a new
11:11nav album coming out at the end of the month 28th i almost like if you know that cast of characters
11:15you could almost like you could see them all coming right back around in a couple of weeks
11:21let me pose you guys this question real quick because i did see a floating around and trev made
11:25a great point about this being his breakout album people are already anointing anointing this album
11:32as his astral world um is that a safe comparison because to your point astro had some grand slam
11:39hits like you know sickle mode um what was another breakout from that it was really sickle mode i
11:46think about it which is such a monster yeah yeah that carried yeah it was like uh
11:50stargazing was big yeah stargazing was big but yeah do you guys see having that potentially
11:56cardi is calling themselves the travis of atlanta so in terms of like a sycamore launching from this
12:03i'm gonna say no but i i'm not like mad at that comparison okay um i think this is definitely like
12:10a breakthrough not a breakout moment i don't i feel because obviously we know who cardi's been
12:15established but like the numbers that he is projected to pull or the streams that he's
12:20gotten so far are kind of eye-popping so it's like this does feel like a different level that
12:26he's reached after um the first couple projects and astral i don't know maybe we got to see what
12:32this accompanying tour looks like first um before we do that and i think it'll be great because you
12:37know i love cardi live i saw him for the first time live at rolling loud in miami last winter
12:41and that was a fantastic show and i'm sure he'll do well with the tour were you in the pit
12:46i was in the pit yeah you got bruised up look at the size of me who get why and why
13:00yeah i mean i do think with the actual comparison is probably because you know it's a similar
13:05album number and his trajectory is like third you know major release obviously the numbers are
13:09going to be big i mean whole lot of red was the number one album but when it debuted it
13:12had just under a hundred thousand so you know it was a christmas release yeah i mean the fact
13:16that it kind of came out of sleepier time um and obviously this is gonna you know probably do
13:21well beyond that so i think the fact that sort of with travis in some ways you could uh perhaps
13:27i mean you don't want to minimize him by any means and i think people were engaging with him
13:30but astro was really that moment where you know even beyond just hip-hop like raw pop culture
13:35and large any kind of critic or reviewer had to engage with like okay this dude is out here and
13:40he's doing these kind of things so i think that kind of moment is parallel for cardi now where
13:44you could sort of you know resign him to like okay he's kind of buzzing in these rap circles
13:49he obviously hasn't really made this this crossover leap but now you know based on what
13:52the numbers are looking like how well it's been doing on streaming the fact that a lot of these
13:56songs will pop off at least for the first couple of weeks i think this is that same kind of moment
13:59where if you wanted to ignore him and kind of just say he's one of these rappers but he's not
14:03you know pulling in numbers like a drake or a kendrick or whoever now we're about to get to
14:08that point where it's like oh okay you know a playboy cardi album very much could be a everybody
14:12else get out the way watch out the streaming numbers are coming in and album bombs coming
14:17all that kind of thing it's gonna you know throw out the throw off the hot 100 you know like crazy
14:20next week so just that fact that he's crossed that territory i think is probably the best
14:25comparison in terms of what astro did for travis this could do for cardi well said i just hope
14:31cardi fans don't have to wait another five years can you imagine i mean next album 23rd 20 yo the
14:37weight has been increasing between each projects i would not be surprised come back that's why you
14:42guys got a 30 piece yeah hey listen yeah let me just fill those coffers i mean fill that contract
14:47up and shout out rocky get what you get that was a clutch signing shout out yeah and our rock come
14:56on um yeah so shout out to playboy cardi excited to see what he does opening week now uh moving on
15:04miss lizzo man jesus she had a time on x um i know this all gotta be tired came over from
15:13blue sky to have a time she did she actively was like y'all got me you know y'all got me
15:18fucked up i would first off love to say lizzo i'm so proud of you for your weight loss journey
15:24um remarkable has been very inspiring so want to give her flowers on that but baby
15:32some of the things she said on x
15:36no i just have to you know what i'm saying um in case you guys haven't seen miss lizzo
15:42about damn time she is back um dropped two records still bad love in real life um not
15:48necessarily getting the same fanfare that she's accustomed to seeing any fanfare pandemic right
15:54and um she no not probably will say i don't say post pandemic i'm like i'm sorry yeah yeah thank
16:00you for that pre-pandemic so she took x to you know get back at the haters with some clapbacks
16:08whoo let's read some of these tweets baby so somebody said this brand of pop to
16:12pop-tomism doesn't work very good mr lamar very good you know
16:18they got a reading you know i'm saying pop the teacher round it up
16:23doesn't work for me post-covid and in second term trump america more uh miss lizzo came back and
16:29said saying my brand of optimism doesn't work in a post-covid world is a lazy take as if i didn't
16:34release about their time post-pandemic as if i didn't write about damn time to be post-lockdown
16:39anthem to inspire us to get outside and together again and successful at it and was successful at
16:45it by the way she went on to compare herself to some greats you guys may know uh james brown
16:52earth went in fire whitney houston the um great late aretha franklin um so as we said lizzo has
17:01put out two singles they have not dominated in typical lizzo fashion um was she warranted for
17:08this crash out you know was it okay for her to crash out the way she did on x and what does lizzo
17:15need to get back on the saddle in terms of regaining her pop superstardom
17:22and it was a lot to digest that crash out was like a good 18 tweets i think the funniest thing
17:27for me was all of this kind of stemming from a misunderstanding of what the word or term
17:32optimism is i think that initial tweet was made with the understanding that
17:39optimism meant like pop plus optimism is like optimistic pop music or like a beat like um
17:45sort of the katie perry campaign or which is like everything's gonna be all right yeah which is just
17:50not what that is like optimism is really like a music journalism sort of term um that was kind
17:57of created as a school of thought in opposition to rockism which unfairly sort of valued authenticity
18:04and instrumentation and you know self-writing as the tenants of like good music and kind of in that
18:10way devalued popular rmb acts popular pop acts so when you look back on some of the you know
18:14critiques of those albums back in the day they kind of got panned versus how they might have
18:18got received now in more recent times because critics are now a little bit more open to
18:24valuing popular music artists who are not based in the rock tradition um with that same kind of
18:29care and consideration not what we were talking about here yeah unfortunately we're gonna have to
18:35go with that new definition for this conversation but um i don't think the problem was the song was
18:41optimistic i don't think the problem was the song was pop no one's had a problem with lisa making
18:47pop music because she has only made pop music since she's blown up like she hasn't done anything
18:52else about pop music the songs suck that's genuinely the problem like they're not good songs
18:58um she's come harder before and she can come harder these just didn't work this is not the
19:04first time she has had records that hasn't that haven't connected right after about damn time
19:08she tried to push to be loved and that didn't really pop off in a way any remotely comparable
19:13to about damn time like it's fine and i also like don't even think that the culture has moved beyond
19:19a beat kind of like kind of almost corny pop songs like that little boo thing song was a big hit last
19:24year like we're not far beyond that people still doesn't there's always going to be an audience for
19:28that like the soccer moms the fucking old navy shoppers like it's gonna be a market for stuff
19:35like that it's just these particular records didn't land and that's okay not every record
19:41lands all the time right i think it'll be very difficult for her to figure out how to make any
19:45record land after those allegations came out last year because you know those allegations were just
19:52so opposed to what she stood for brand wise that it's like okay you are if you've created this
20:00entire persona this entire brand and your entire musical identity right now as the mainstream
20:05understands it is you being all about empowerment and loving yourself and you know picking up other
20:11people picking up yourself but then these allegations are like you're harassing xyz or
20:15just like treating your employees kind of oddly that's where to square and it's never going to
20:20be easier for her because she's unfortunately on top of that having to exist as a fat black woman
20:25in this space like she's going to be someone who gets dogged on even more even when it is warranted
20:31to get dogged on so like i hate to even sit up here and like continue that but the songs just
20:38weren't hot like that's like it really that's that's just it that's the long and short of it
20:42like just come with a harder record girl i'll be all right well executed reed um
20:49yeah i love you melissa that was his 20 i love you melissa but it's 20 uh these these these
20:54ones they didn't eat they ain't eat you you definitely sauteed her um trev yeah because
21:00i remember she had the cardi record rumors yeah rumors came and that was kind of the
21:05yeah i mean that was high debut that was the first post like after her blow up with uh truth
21:11hurts good as hell like that was sort of the the start of her second era and you know yeah i mean
21:16it was ended up pretty much erased uh that didn't make the next album right you know even about damn
21:21time came out you know that started out like lower than lower than you would think based on where it
21:28ended up i mean it started out sort of the middle of the hot 100 it was kind of on its way down then
21:32there was a tiktok dance and lizzo was herself very you know active and promoting and pushing
21:37it i mean it wasn't anything that was organic in a way but obviously it got you know it got
21:41its support there the radio came in in time picked it up came in all the way to number one won the
21:46record of the year grammy so you know to to the point about what lizzo can do to get back i mean
21:51i think lizzo was you know she's always one single away from making a clip about damn time is clearly
21:56that example um you know what that single or when it comes or how it's gonna come i don't know you
22:02know in the same way that i no one probably saw the about damn time journey so i don't know what
22:07it's gonna take what i am surprised by um to the point about the allegations and and the sort of
22:12drama around the up and downs of that you know that that felt and maybe i was just misreading
22:17like it was a little more in the rearview mirror in terms of timing than i expected because i just
22:24that's what i thought it was i thought it was more the rearview mirror but when this song came out
22:26that was one of the first things people were very like in the comments on the youtube videos and
22:30comments on reddit like just on social channels they're like oh we ain't forget like aren't you
22:35the one who and so yeah that that stink has like lasted on her longer than i thought it would i
22:41thought you know i mean look we don't leave an economy where people can do stuff last week and
22:45next week you forget about it and you can you know what about ism everything to death but this really
22:50you know hit a chord with who her core audience is and some of her major listeners and you know
22:55that is one thing if the casual listeners that come and go you can kind of you can lose them
23:00but when your core audience sort of has this problem that feels like they have that feels
23:02like it hasn't been addressed and i know she's been on kiki palmer and a couple places and
23:07you know spoken about it to some degree kind of talked around there yeah it just feels like they
23:12haven't gotten the answer that they want and you know i guess these songs are not enough to where
23:18they feel like we can ignore it you've been selling like an image since like what 2018 at
23:22the like earliest we want to go to like the coconut oil ep i guess like it's 2025
23:28we've been accustomed to something from you and then you get this case like a legal case it's like
23:33what what do i even do with that you know because like we didn't some of them like drop yeah some
23:38of them i think did drop i think that's the murkiness of it too where it feels like she
23:41sort of won you know in a sense because you know it didn't go all the way and they dropped the case
23:46so it's like i can sort of see where she's like okay well why why is this still on me when right
23:51you know clearly some of them felt like this this wasn't enough to go on and to that point
23:56and to that point it's we'll talk about even later in the show it's tons of male artists who do way
24:00worse shit who actually do get clocked for it legally and still have legions of fans and
24:05supporters i'm sure it's even more of a mindfuck word to be like i even do half the shit that was
24:09that bad and y'all don't like my shit it's weird because i always felt with lizzo even when she
24:13first came out like yeah obviously about damn time truth hurts all the claims but they were still like
24:19a core section of haters like whether they were fat shaming her or like i don't know if you guys
24:25remember when she was at the clippers game and oh when she wore the cut out dress and it was um
24:33that you know cats have been waiting in the shadows yeah that's why i'm saying i know
24:37lizzo got to be tired because if it ain't this is that if it ain't that it's over there if it
24:42ain't over there it's back here right like it's like she ain't had a month apiece and the only
24:47month she has is when she like goes away and it's like we were saying like the good sister like she
24:51was on her weight loss journey looks incredible dropped her first record and tanked but listen
25:00even though you're old for two baby girl you know over two is not a strikeout you know you got to
25:04get three of them bad boys so you still got room i'm saying so she's still got room to you know
25:10what i'm saying like not striking out to get ahead pop pessimism i'm saying i'm saying she's old for
25:17but it takes three for it to be a strikeout so you know you still got room for ahead i will also i'll
25:22add one other thing on a more straight up level like i don't know y'all correct me if i'm wrong
25:27if i wasn't on this corner of the internet and i try to make you know do my research and such
25:32i just felt like the rollout for this was so sudden it just felt very like lizzo's back
25:36definitely felt like then and she dropped the same day as cardi yeah but i mean even like what you
25:41know the video was like i feel like i was expecting more of a lead-up to like you know whether it's a
25:45snippet or something that felt like okay lizzo's coming back warm it up to be fair like this dropped
25:50out of nowhere the video was out of nowhere and then a second song a week later you know because
25:54by now people might be like oh have you heard the new lizzo song it's like yeah i heard it
25:58no i mean the other new lizzo song it's like oh that wait she dropped it just felt to me very
26:03quick and very under the radar and i think to that point the the rush of the second single was to
26:08combat the negativity of the first single and she also did three intimate shows one in minnesota
26:14one out here um not too long ago and in la i believe it was last night quite honestly so
26:21you know i don't know what the fanfare was for those shows those intimate shows but um baby girl
26:28yeah i think the album's supposed to come out summer so she still has time to cook yeah i mean
26:34like i said she i mean like anybody but i think she especially you know young in her career and
26:38all that you know just get that one hit then you know it can change it can change your fortunes
26:44you know yeah like 2019 2020 classic break our hearts is just so fascinating to me because like
26:49their trajectories are so interesting but that's like the little nas x class the baby
26:53that's the baby like city girls even you can throw in there shout to beg for surviving right like it
26:58that was it's really a win to survive that class because i don't know what happened with them but
27:04roddy it's been real rocky for them as we've gotten like out of the as we've gotten like
27:10into an actual post-pandemic era like for them to find their footing it's it's been yeah
27:14this spearhead 2020 i mean little baby made it you know shout out to little baby
27:21he's coming off a number one
27:26video just came out it didn't go top five when it debuted so you know i can't wait for dominant
27:33it did yeah dumb dumb and dumber it debuted top five on the hot 100 or top 10
27:40sir that's all debuted at 16 i knew the dumb dumb and dumber sir that's all debuted because
27:45we didn't have no records peaking in top five no bro and he's still in number one that's kind of
27:50crazy yes i was i knew i look you know something in my brain this is why you're the man of the
27:58four and it was hey you still got a number one album though that's what i was like i was like
28:07you know what i may have i may have got confused and that may have been the apple charts
28:11so my apology well the album was number one music i'm uh dumb dumb dumber oh the oh okay
28:19i'm talking about first of all dumber okay um shout out to you for
28:23knowing apple music chart like
28:29i've never heard somebody sign a number because you know rappers you know rappers love freaking
28:34posting that shit the day i mean a number one i'll give you but i'm sure it probably was number
28:38one at some point but to cite a number four yeah on a move okay number four for two hours i was i
28:45was right somewhere you know shout out to the only charts that matter hey shot fired um if you
28:52guys have any music related questions please drop them in the chat we will get to them um that's
28:59carl where he thinks some more hits peaked on this chart i like this look listen i don't you
29:03have to like i'm not i mean you are that's why i'm surprised it was such a such a miss oh yeah
29:09let's all go say that was your strike oh don't do that to me baby well you know the brother who uh
29:15still believes in me mr leon fucking thomas man he is enjoying an incredible run still
29:22with the success of mutt um he performed in texas over the weekend and tease another remix
29:30for mutt after dropping his freddie gibbs remix not too long ago we have a mr christopher
29:37maurice brown on the remix of a song that is peaked at number 59 that was leon's first
29:44hot 100 hit salute um when the record was teased online mixed reactions to christian on the record
29:53we had some that loved it and we had some that hated it um let's talk about chris in this case
30:02why he is still getting uh this negative energy whenever he hops on whether it's new
30:08artists' records or just records in general the fans come out and are quick to denounce
30:14you know said artist or chris before even listening to the track in full
30:20chloe bailey had a posted a cover of residuals last week and got a similar reaction on socials
30:25like kind of split where some of her fan base were like when you make it so hard like why you
30:30gotta cover this guy the other half being like this eats i love this song it's like
30:37residuals is a massive hit like that's a long lasting hey he won the grammy earlier this year
30:42like he clearly is here like he's selling out these stores like people are showing up people
30:47are still engaging and consuming chris brown and are here for it like are looking and clamoring
30:52for more chris brown so like business-wise i can't even be like it's a bad decision
30:57but i think it's more of a symptom of a symptom of us like being in the middle of two generations
31:02of chris brown fans where you have the ones who like grew up with him like you know with like his
31:07version of this christmas and with you and you know fucking uh run it and all that stuff and
31:13then you have a generation of listeners who really know him as this is a guy who be terrorizing women
31:20basically and somehow it gets hit every now and then but i know him more because he beat up this
31:26person he got a shooting murder against that person and those two generations now coexist
31:32online and in online circles so i think that's why you get such a mixed reaction and you know
31:37part of the younger generation the younger demographic does in a way expect a level of
31:43morality from their favorite artists or they impose their own moral compass on those artists
31:48and when those things don't align they're like i thought higher review i thought you why would
31:52you do this it's like well this is a job they're co-workers and he needs to get this song to be
31:58given higher this is probably a smart choice on his end um i personally i thought we could maybe
32:03have waited a bit to even put out another remix like it's down to 60 this week we got the cardi
32:08album bomb coming so like that'll fuck it up but i think like i think we could have got maybe three
32:13or four more weeks before we put out the another remix but hopefully it's fire i would hate for
32:18we have a discussion it's like a mid remix or a forgettable remix like that would really suck
32:23um you know i can't i can't it was crazy about chris i can't name the last time i've heard a
32:29mid chris brown feature that i think and and he's been doing this for 20 years like if you
32:36really sit with it and like yo i would really have to like the only and it's not even because
32:43of him i just wasn't crazy about the record if i had to pick it's probably like that only record
32:48that khaled nicky wayne yeah you know pink brand 2014 or was it oh khaled wasn't on it no no i'm
32:56sorry so yeah it was yeah bad bitches only yeah that's the only one i was kind of like a little
33:02but even then you just said what was that 2015 yeah 10 years ago like like you know i'm not
33:09having all i feel like chris put out so much music i just don't know all of his recent features
33:14and i feel like there's something i've probably listened to that weren't bad
33:17it might have been forgettable but like when they hit they hit you know i think i'm just such a big
33:21fan of mutt the song and of leon that i really do want his solo version to remain the definitive
33:26version of it fair like if this got like savage remixed like i'd be very sad like i don't want
33:32like in terms of like the remix kind of like replacing the og savage like culturally oh you
33:37don't you don't like the beyonce no i do like it no i just don't want that to happen to mud
33:41that's what i'm saying oh yeah but is a song but yeah a collaboration right we get to the
33:47grammys and it's like oh mutt the grammy goes to leon and chris like i've been like damn like i
33:52really wanted this to be the solo like moment for him so and we have the remix of friday already
33:56which is great and kind of did its thing in terms of not taking over the solo version but you know
34:01we'll see hmm people could also just not like it and go back to the solo version we gotta hear it
34:07this friday yeah that that is kind of one thing that and i i get both sides because obviously
34:11like the song's on its way up and it's a song that has been climbing for a little bit now you
34:15know um and the fact that it is breaking into you know new levels of the hot 100 and still has
34:20some room to grow you know you kind of want to just see that success story you know from the
34:25ground up go all the way you know people think remixes are cheat codes and all these kind of
34:29things and obviously you know any remix is gonna help but there was something kind of nice about
34:33like oh if it could really be a leon thomas like you know a little engine that could story yeah
34:37um that i think you know we'll see if it gets lost in the sauce of the remix you know in the
34:42same way if you go to something even as big like despacito or something right it feels like
34:46the conversation kind of got taken over in a different way obviously the remix is what really
34:50powered it all the way to its huge status but you know some people feel like oh it's only because
34:55of justin and they kind of downplay this and that so i'll be curious to see how much chris is
34:59how much chris is on the record and then to what degree people start to attribute the success of
35:03you know to chris or not to chris to kyle's point look chris is obviously which you know let's let's
35:09step back and remember that chris is 20 years in the game 20 years so the fact that he is in this
35:14era that you know doesn't feel like it's chris brown's last lap or his last gas nowhere near
35:20it's kind of crazy that he has had peaks and valleys like you know there'd be mostly been
35:25stable in the rmb field but the fact that yeah you can have it under the influence you can have
35:28a residuals you can have you know sensational all these tracks that are really blowing up you know
35:34in succession 20 years into your career that is something that you know i mean i'm not the last
35:40person to really make that kind of leap certainly not in this millennial generation usher was
35:45closest he probably went about 15 years kind of non-stop and then you know you got to kind of go
35:49back to you know the cats and maybe i don't even know like the 80s or whatever when careers had a
35:54different kind of trajectory so the fact that you know he is a proven hit maker an automatic hit
35:59maker i mean you can't like from a business point yeah i mean it's counted and then to your point
36:05right even think about the era before that like when he had no guidance go crazy yeah i mean the
36:11top five yeah hot 100 records you know and people especially like on the pop side you of course you
36:16could have thought chris brown was done he would never kind of go back to that level i mean even
36:20residuals you know now it's coming up again on pop radio so um even that format which it kind of
36:26iced him for a good period of years there following you know the biggest blow ups kind of got back you
36:31know within 10 12 years they welcomed him back and right no guidance go crazy i mean those weren't
36:36even just tester records those really went you know the middle to the to the top third of the
36:40chart or so so there was a there was a pop re-acceptance of him right um i mean to the
36:46point about you know how the fans are going to feel about that i mean yeah i don't know we got
36:52we clearly have two different generations like kyle saying i don't know you know who wins out
36:56in that sense i mean i guess in a sense you could say the old generation is winning out just based
37:00on they're not you know he's not blacklisted from radio the concerts are doing well i mean even the
37:04grammys you know to give him that award is a sign you know there's not too many places where it
37:10feels like he's completely not welcome right if even if it's taken a long time for a lot of the
37:16ice to thaw out yeah and i know i had set up that generational dichotomy at the jump but i do want
37:21to like even explain that within that newer generation still i think it's really just a loud
37:28particularly online particularly vocal minority in that generation that makes a lot of noise
37:33online but like the stats speak for themselves like it's not only the older generation streaming
37:37residuals like it's not the only generation going to his shows over the past year like
37:43there are a significant chunk of the younger generation that also don't care and have
37:47accepted him or have just like not given a fuck about what he's done and just you know are here
37:52for the music and here for what he provides so i do think like the conversation gets skewed
37:58because like it's taking place primarily on social media on in an online platform so
38:04certain voices get to be very very loud when in reality everyone's voice is kind of like you get
38:09one stream one sale and i mean clearly artists i mean he's working a shit ton of artists in the
38:14past you know five six seven eight years and there are no secrets about you know what the past was
38:19and you know what and there's no secrets about what the association will bring you know i'm sure
38:23somebody sat down and say hey you know if you do this record there may you know be interview
38:28questions or people may wonder people may and clearly but you know what's interesting about
38:32that like that's not holding nobody back when kyle brought it up when he started up with chloe
38:36bailey that's something i noticed it was dominant like i guess it was more um of a conversation
38:44with the female artists like a tinashe like a chloe bailey like a janae aiko like a her
38:49a sierra like a sierra like i can't remember a male r&b artist having this kind of like friction
38:58about i think it's because leon's fan base is quite heavily female like women really like leon
39:04and i think that was part of the reason why they kind of felt like betrayed in a way that
39:09what they had thought they were buying into was essentially cancelled out by collaborating with
39:14chris i think that was part of the fact because at least on my timeline it was also majority like
39:19women users i was seeing like being like disappointed in the decision to put him on the
39:23remix i hope this doesn't taint what leon has been able to do um the last year or so you know
39:30because in terms of fans the fans are fickle man you know yeah i mean i'd be sort of surprised if
39:36this killed everything right i mean just based on how you know the reaction to so many other songs
39:42has come and gone you know yeah i mean i know fans can be can be fickle but damn that would
39:50i would just be that would be yes it is i'd be like next thing that would be crazy if it just
39:55you know if you know you saw the tour attendance start to tank or the streaming numbers collapse
39:59i hope not yeah i don't think so yeah i yeah and i think they've done a good job of like steadily
40:05like building him introducing you know doing a lot of uh core building right that i'd be
40:11surprised if it collapsed that quickly without something you know dramatic happening in the
40:15mix that we don't we can't foresee yeah we do have one question from a fan though
40:20if it wasn't chris brown on the mutt remix who would you have wanted to see on the remix instead
40:39i'm not settled on this name yet but i know that i i would like to hear a woman on it because it's
40:46always such a masculine like doggish song i would love to hear like a female response perspective
40:51verse i like that who got that like kind of swagger for it kehlani comes to mind good call and i think
40:58that's that's who i'm settled on right now good call she's been on a great features run yeah
41:03lately um i worst behavior song speaking of features run that song is starting to pick up
41:07some heat hell yeah shout out k1 she's she's been beasting um i would i'm probably gonna
41:13stay on that same train with you i would love to see him and coco go back out again yeah and when
41:19they've collabed go yeah they'd be singing together i thought here we go the remix was
41:22phenomenal so i would love to see what she can do on his track i'm trying to think someone who's got
41:28that right kind of i mean they'll both have the right kind of bite like yeah i'm trying to think
41:31who got that dog in them for real like and it doesn't have to be like r&b this is true i mean
41:39i want to think of like you know bite versus i mean glow like in this current year you know first
41:43to mind like i think about uh the record she did with money bag like we've heard on the track like
41:50i can see you know i mean when i think of like who you know yeah i mean i'm actually i might go
41:54with glow yeah like i think i think she brings that right kind of that you know that hype energy
41:59especially that memphis like i said particularly when i think about that uh song with money bag
42:03where they were trading back and forth and just kind of one yeah i just think that that but she
42:07has good precedent for that you know who would be good this would be my number two i i think a
42:13classic wheezy verse would would do because i just think about all the puns he could do like
42:20oh yeah you would have a field day on that i mean where does it a classic wheezy verse
42:26you slide in really but you know i mean i don't know that jello record did it really
42:35i would also say if we wanted to like really dig into like the rock sensibilities of the record
42:40and like the funk side of it michael kiwanuka would be a really nice choice to like really
42:44just like you get in that bag in there okay come on tastemaker there's a lot there's a lot of
42:50places to go with that record like you could go right you could go soul you could go funk you
42:55could go rock like it's a really expansive song that's why i'm like damn we could do a whole
43:00remix back i'm excited to hear the record i like the old town road so now we have a different loyal
43:06version of each region like yeah not the edm shout out yeah shout out to leon thomas man he
43:15also had a great tiny desk by the way fantastic yeah super fire he is having a great run right
43:21now so can't wait to hear the record on friday um that is our time ladies and gentlemen appreciate
43:27you guys checking in and tuning with us for another episode of billboard unfiltered we will
43:32see you again peace
