During a House Natural Resources Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN) spoke about the alleged 'weaponization' of the Endangered Species Act.
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00:00of questioning.
00:01Thank you, Chairwoman Hagelman.
00:02I appreciate the opportunity to be waved
00:04onto the subcommittee and also want to thank you
00:05for calling this hearing to discuss legislation
00:08that is incredibly important to my constituents in Minnesota.
00:12Last spring, this subcommittee traveled to my district
00:14to see firsthand the impact that the well-intentioned
00:17yet broken Endangered Species Act is having
00:19on the communities that I am proud to represent.
00:22Furthermore, this subcommittee saw how the weaponization
00:24of the ESA has led to failed management of the gray wolf.
00:27When the gray wolf was listed as threatened
00:29in Minnesota under the Endangered Species Act in 1978,
00:33a recovery goal of 1,250 to 1,400 wolves was set.
00:39Today, according to data from the U.S. Fish
00:40and Wildlife Service and the Minnesota Department
00:43of Natural Resources, we have over 2,700 wolves in Minnesota.
00:47That's about half of the total wolves
00:49in the entire lower 48.
00:50Half of the wolves in this country are in Minnesota
00:53by the official estimates, and their population
00:56is twice as high as the goal our wildlife managers set
00:59at the species listing.
01:01With that said, I've traveled across my district.
01:05It's clear that this 2,700 wolf figure is an undercount.
01:10It is clear that there are likely hundreds,
01:13if not thousands more than what we're told.
01:18If you look at those grassroot groups,
01:20hunters for hunters out of Minnesota, hunter nation,
01:26in my mind, they're the experts
01:29in talking about this.
01:31And the reason I say this, they're out in the woods.
01:33They're in the deer stands, and they see the pack of wolves
01:36coming right below their deer stand.
01:39They see it on their game cameras.
01:41I see it almost weekly on my hunting track cameras
01:47in northeastern Minnesota.
01:48Species were never meant to be listed
01:50under the ESA indefinitely, but that's the reality today.
01:54Since the ESA's enactment over five decades ago,
01:56only two to 3% of the species ever listed
01:59have made it off the list.
02:01As Don Young said, rest his soul,
02:05that they were never meant to be put on there permanently.
02:09He was an advocate to delist the gray wolf.
02:12The ESA has been weaponized by radical activist groups
02:15that don't want to follow the science,
02:17the science that proves the gray wolf has recovered
02:20and should be delisted and allowed the state to manage him.
02:25Dr. Roberts is a wildlife biologist.
02:27He's dealt with the ESA for quite some time,
02:30and not just relating to management of the gray wolf.
02:33Clearly, the ESA is not working.
02:35It's helped certain species recover,
02:38including the gray wolf,
02:40but it has also created a listing purgatory.
02:43Species simply can't seem to get off the list.
02:46Can you speak a little bit about
02:48how the ESA is supposed to work?
02:50What is supposed to happen once a listed species recovers?
02:55Once a species is recovered,
02:57well, there's a recovery goal
03:00that sets some sort of criteria that's established.
03:03And once a population reaches that,
03:07and a species is determined to be recovered,
03:09management authority is returned to the state.
03:12ESA is intended to provide federal protections
03:18and federal oversights temporarily
03:20while the species is at the greatest risk of extinction.
03:23After that, they return to state management
03:25like most of our other species.
03:26And the key word is temporarily.
03:29We have to celebrate that the gray wolf has recovered.
03:34So given activists' impressive track record
03:36of overturning administrative attempts
03:37to delist the gray wolf through the courts,
03:40do you think we can successfully delist the gray wolf
03:43under the ESA short of passing legislation
03:46like the Pet and Livestock Protection Act?
03:50No, I don't.
03:50I think that this act is critical.
03:53I think that it's a very litigious issue
03:55that lawyers and special interest groups like it
03:58because it's litigious.
03:59And in order to get some permanent action on this,
04:03it's gonna require an act of Congress.
04:06And Mr. Kariva, I appreciate your comments.
04:12I don't agree with you,
04:14but I do appreciate you coming here
04:16and giving us your opinion.
04:20Mr. Guardado, do you think it's important
04:23to streamline the process
04:24for approving voluntary conservation agreements
04:26under the ESA like habitat conservation plans?
04:31We have one ongoing right now
04:34that's taken over a decade to get through
04:37despite numerous iterations, numerous scientific studies,
04:41numerous consultations, and still no incidental take permit.
04:45Thank you very much.
04:46I will tell you that we must delist the gray wolf
04:51and allow the states to manage.
04:53We're seeing the devastation,
04:55not only in our farming community,
04:57but deer hunters, our young deer hunters are declining
05:02because they haven't seen a deer in years.
05:04And it's like golf.
05:05A good golf shot keeps you bringing it back.
05:07We must honor that tradition.
05:09And I yield back.
05:11The chair now recognizes.