The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 18
00:00Sending out a 15, shows code 6 at Shaw Memorial.
00:05What's going on?
00:06A guy came into the ER intoxicated, claiming of stomach pain.
00:09He's clearly been shot, but insisting he's not.
00:15You're having a little trouble.
00:16Uh, no, just, um, ate some bad sushi.
00:20What's your name?
00:22Arnold what?
00:23I don't have to tell you that.
00:24Hey, why'd you call them?
00:26Sir, she's required by law to call us when a patient's been shot.
00:29I told you I ain't been shot, just too much gas station sushi.
00:33Well, unless the wasabi burned a hole straight through your stomach.
00:36I'm forced to assume you're lying to us.
00:38So how about you tell us what really happened?
00:43He did it.
00:45That's my husband.
00:47Excuse me.
00:48What's going on?
00:55No, it's Hank!
00:59Hank, Hank, Hank!
01:01Ah, hey!
01:02Careful, man!
01:04I've been shot!
01:05You're gonna run away again?
01:10Get him an IV antibiotic and add five milligrams of lorazepam.
01:14Are you okay?
01:15Yeah, no, yeah, fine.
01:16No, I just, I got distracted.
01:18Oh, by what?
01:21Simon, this is Nyla Harper and John Nolan.
01:26Nice to meet you, officers.
01:28You must spend a lot of time here.
01:29Oh, he's here all the time.
01:31Well, the criminals and the injury, it's constant stuff.
01:36Well, it's nice to meet you both.
01:44Dispatch said you got a gunshot victim?
01:46Yeah, he belong to you?
01:47Unfortunately, yeah.
01:49Guy ate all the sushi at a gas station on Melrose and Fairfax.
01:52Refused to pay, things got heated, the owner shot him.
01:55Who's the dude close talking with Grace?
01:57It's her husband.
01:58I thought she was divorced.
02:00Not technically.
02:16I forgot my deodorant again.
02:18Here, use mine.
02:20Oh, I do love a manly musk.
02:23Just not on me.
02:26You're gonna have to start leaving some things here.
02:35You know it's illegal to lie to a cop.
02:39Last week, I interviewed for my dream job and I got it.
02:48I got it.
02:49Hey, that's great.
02:52It's in New York.
03:02I mean, you have to take it.
03:04Dream jobs only come around once.
03:07Yeah, I know.
03:12When do you start?
03:14Next month.
03:18They have cops in New York.
03:29Do you know where you're gonna live?
03:32Not yet.
03:34Maybe you could help me target some neighborhoods tonight.
03:43We're skipping roll call today.
03:45Gray's got us on special assignment.
03:47Sounds cool and mysterious.
03:49We will be escorting some juvenile felons through a scared straight program at Cal Correctional.
03:54Oh, and let me guess.
03:55You'd rather be on the streets chasing real criminals.
03:58I've been to these things before.
03:59It's a lot of chaos and noise.
04:01And the jury's still out as to whether it actually makes a difference.
04:03Well, if it helps even one kid, it's made a difference.
04:08This is...
04:09Meet me at the Sally Port.
04:13Hey, you. How you doing?
04:15Not great.
04:16Oliver is in some trouble at school.
04:18That's why Simon was here yesterday.
04:19Sorry to hear that.
04:23I'm sorry that it was awkward meeting my ex.
04:27It just didn't feel like the right time or place to introduce you as my boyfriend.
04:30I understand.
04:31I knew you would.
04:32Like, I know you'll understand that I need to reschedule dinner tonight.
04:37I mean, Simon and I have got to get on the same page about how to handle Oliver.
04:41Over dinner?
04:42I mean, it's the only time he can get off work.
04:45Yeah, right. Of course.
04:47And family comes first.
04:49Um, I have to go right now, but I will talk to you later.
04:53You've got a problem.
04:54Both of us?
04:55No. Just you.
04:56In the attempt to combat the high cost of civil litigation,
04:59the LAPD has adopted a pilot program which uses an algorithm
05:04to target officers who are most likely to get sued.
05:08Yeah. They hired a tech company run by a supposed genius, Elvis Romaldi.
05:14All due respect, why do we care what this dude thinks?
05:16Because he flagged you as the most problematic officer in this station.
05:21And he's got the chief's ear.
05:22Come on, Sarge. I just got the tap for detective.
05:24I'll get passed over if this guy dings me.
05:26Which is why I got him to agree to spend a day with you.
05:29Collect more data for his algorithm.
05:32So, you are going to show him you are a by-the-book cop with love in her heart,
05:38take only the tame calls, and give him the answers he wants to hear.
05:44He might just skate through this thing.
05:46Alright, line up against the van.
05:50Marco Leland. Assault and battery.
05:54Tyson Renner.
05:55Hey, uh-uh. Up. Off the van. Stand up straight.
05:58Tyson Renner. Vandalism.
06:01Fletcher Perry. Auto...
06:02Auto theft. I turn you on, baby.
06:05Nothing like getting hit on by a 12-year-old delinquent to get your day started.
06:09Okay, yo, I'm 15.
06:10I'm better.
06:11What about you? What's your story?
06:15Okay, good talk.
06:16Hector Duran. 17. Spent three months in juvie for theft and drug possession.
06:21Okay, I'm officer Nolan. This is detective Harper.
06:24Together we're going to be taking a little field trip down to the California Correctional Facility.
06:28Those of you who complete today's program, the rest of your sentences will be commuted.
06:32But this is your last chance.
06:33Get busted again and the prison we are going to will become your new home.
06:37Fine by me.
06:38Really? You ever been there?
06:39Hell yeah. My brother's doing a bit up there.
06:42Not something to be proud of.
06:45Alright. Road trip time.
06:49So, I made some calls.
06:50This Grimaldi guy made a fortune on the dating app that he sold to Google.
06:54Claims his algorithm is so good that it can predict compatibility with a 90% success rate.
07:00Maybe. But rumor is, Bieber used it to land Haley.
07:03I don't know who those people are.
07:07You the brain messing with my livelihood?
07:09Mr. Grimaldi, I'm officer West. This is my training officer, officer Lopez.
07:14Call me Elvis. Mr. Grimaldi are my dads.
07:16You don't look as dangerous as I anticipate.
07:18And you don't look as smart.
07:20Yeah, I think I'm gonna go.
07:22You, um, you'll lose out on gathering more data points for your algorithm.
07:25And that'll delay exiting the beta phase by weeks.
07:28You understand about beta phases?
07:30Yes, sir. Officer Lopez taught me.
07:33Okay. I'm back in. Data Uber-Ellis.
07:36But, officer Lopez, you should know that negativity towards me will only strengthen the core data draw that landed you the top spot on an audit list.
07:42I'll take that on your advice.
07:44Excellent. Shall we?
07:49Rachel told me about New York.
07:52I'm happy for her.
07:53What are you guys gonna do?
07:55It's not much to do.
07:57You know, it's not like it's a semester abroad. It's permanent.
08:01Long-distance relationships never work.
08:06Thanks for coming.
08:07Of course. What do you got?
08:09Uh, social services has been here a few times on truancy calls.
08:12Paul hasn't been to school in the last month due to an undefined illness.
08:16And the mom recently started a GoFundMe to cover the medical bills.
08:20You think she's running a scam?
08:22Well, scams are your jurisdiction. I'm just here to make sure the kid's okay.
08:28Hello, Ms. Mint.
08:29Hi. I'm Rachel Hull with the Department of Child and Family Services.
08:33Is this about the truancy?
08:34Yes. We just have a few questions for you and your son.
08:37Uh, I'm sorry. It's not really a good time. Paul's asleep.
08:40I understand. But my job is to make sure he's okay. And I'm not leaving until I see him.
08:47Step aside, ma'am.
08:49I have a radio interview in 20 minutes.
08:51We'll be out of your way in 10.
09:00Paul, honey.
09:03This is Rachel. She needs to talk to you.
09:08Hi, Paul.
09:13Have you been to the doctor?
09:15He's been in and out of the hospital for the last three months.
09:19What's the diagnosis?
09:20Results inconclusive.
09:22Which is doctor for?
09:24We have no idea.
09:26Pulse is racing.
09:27Hey, Paul. Can you squeeze my hand?
09:35They released him like this?
09:37No, he was better.
09:39It's always the same. He improves at the hospital, but after a couple days at home, he's back to this.
09:43How am I supposed to send him to school? He can't even sit up.
09:47I understand. We'll be out of your hair in just a minute.
09:56So what do you think? Is Munchhausen by proxy?
09:59She meets the criteria. Attention seeking. Undiagnosable illness that gets better when he's under observation.
10:06It's just so wrong that a parent would poison their own child for attention.
10:11All right, what do you want to do?
10:16That how much you made off your dating app?
10:18Oh God, no. I made ten times that.
10:20The $80 million is how much the LAPD paid in legal settlements this year.
10:23That's up 3.25%, which is why they hired me to target officers like you.
10:27You can't predict behavior with math.
10:29It's literally what I do.
10:31Policing is different.
10:32I disagree.
10:33Of course you do.
10:34I find the whole subject fascinating, but I'd love to pick your brain.
10:37If you're such an expert on human behavior, tell me how today's going to go.
10:40Easy. We're going to drive around for a few hours taking only the tamest calls in town
10:45while your partner attempts to smooth over your rough edges and convince me that deep down you really are a sweetheart.
10:52Today I attached us to a high risk warrant service in Highland Park.
10:55Got you a bulletproof vest and extra smoke.
10:57Only way to show you I'm a good cop is to show you I'm a good cop.
11:08Why does Motorpool always give us vehicles with no gas?
11:12Hey, Beck.
11:13Before you were my T.O., I had an unintentional propensity for crashing police cars.
11:20Who needs a restroom?
11:21Come on.
11:26All right, you guys.
11:27Who wants some snacks?
11:28My treat.
11:31That's a no.
11:33Another no.
11:34You two, over there.
11:37Over here.
11:41What are you doing?
11:43I'm buying them snacks, but you're about to tell me I'm being too nice?
11:45They're not Boy Scouts.
11:46They're criminals.
11:47I know you like to think I'm naive because I tend to see the good in people,
11:51but that's just laziness on your part.
11:53Oh, really?
11:55And I think you'd be surprised to see the difference it makes when you show your partner
12:00And I think you'd be surprised to see the difference it makes when you show kids a little bit of respect.
12:08You were saying?
12:18Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:19Hector, let him go.
12:21I'm not adding time to my sentence because this fool decided to boost his street credit by stealing a police ride.
12:26You did good.
12:27Let him go.
12:30Easy, easy.
12:32Hey, hey, hey.
12:33Knock it off.
12:34Come on, Fletcher.
12:36Hands against the side of the car.
12:37Let's go.
12:38You dummy.
12:39Wasn't very smart.
12:40Now you're going back to juvie.
12:41It was worth it.
12:42Everything code four.
12:44Hector here stepped up and did the right thing.
12:46I didn't do it for you.
12:47It doesn't matter, Hector.
12:48It's the right thing.
12:49It's the right thing.
12:50Is he for real?
12:52Control 7, Adam 15 requesting juvenile transportation.
13:00Do you think there's any chance Tim would come to New York?
13:03I don't know.
13:05I mean, he's LA pride born and bred, but he is crazy about you, so you have no clue.
13:12The man's a mystery.
13:13What are they doing here?
13:14They're here to take Paul back to the hospital.
13:16So the doctors can shrug and say sorry, ma'am, to the tune of $10,000 a day?
13:21I'm afraid this is not a discussion.
13:22To hell it's not.
13:23I am his mother.
13:24Look, I believe you are a danger to your child.
13:27Therefore, I'm removing him from your care pending a full investigation.
13:30No, you can't do that!
13:31You can't do that!
13:33You can't do that!
13:34No, please!
13:36What are you doing?
13:40I just want to put it out there that you're completely disobeying a direct order from
13:43the watch commander.
13:44Gray just wants me to play nice, but how I act isn't going to matter to a geek who only
13:47looks at numbers.
13:48I need to convince him that there's data that he's not backbiting his algorithm.
13:51And if he gets caught in the crossfire?
13:52Problem solved.
13:57Do exactly as I and the other officers say at all times.
14:00Got it?
14:01Got it.
14:03Who's this?
14:05I run a risk evaluation program for the LAPD.
14:07Well, you're in the right place.
14:09Serving a warrant on the Jacobs brothers is like playing chicken with a runaway train.
14:12That's on fire.
14:14Filled with zombies.
14:16Stakeholder warrant?
14:17Even better.
14:18No knock.
14:19That's why Detective Armstrong's my favorite.
14:21Nick Armstrong?
14:22Yeah, why?
14:23My algorithm has you pinpointed as the highest performing detective in the station.
14:26An exemplary officer.
14:30Let's catch some bad guys.
14:38Get on your knees!
14:39On your knees!
14:40On the ground now!
14:41On your knees!
14:42On your hands!
14:43On your hands now!
14:45Stay right!
14:46You surprised us!
14:47Code four.
14:48Suspect in custody.
14:53Wanna hear some real predictive analysis, Elvis?
14:55Okay, yeah.
14:57The suspect has begun to show pre-assault indicators.
15:00Hey, nobody told you to stand up.
15:01Sit your ass back down.
15:03Bladed stance.
15:04Rocking and bobbing.
15:05Means adrenaline and oxygen are pumping.
15:07So you watch his eyes.
15:08Once they lock, it's go time.
15:13And that is why Officer Lopez is my favorite.
15:16Get up, dummy.
15:18And that was a completely justified use of force, by the way.
15:20Law says she doesn't have to wait for the suspect to attack to defend herself.
15:23Okay, uh, tell me more about that.
15:42Naturally feel nervous.
15:44This ain't nothing.
15:47Welcome to Cal Correctional, Officer.
15:49Please hand over your duty belts and backup pieces.
15:51They'll be securing the locker here.
15:54Thought you were bringing me four young men.
15:56One of them flamed out before we got here.
15:58Sounds like I'll be meeting him soon enough.
16:00You three, face the fence.
16:02You are now in my custody.
16:04You will obey every order I give,
16:06or I will put hands on you and I will make you obey.
16:09You ball up your fist, I'll take that as a sign of aggression,
16:11I will put you on the ground and I will handcuff you.
16:13Is that clear?
16:15Is that clear?!
16:16Yes, sir.
16:18Let's move.
16:25Detective Harper.
16:27Officer Nolan.
16:28I'm Warden Miller.
16:29Have you been through this program before?
16:31I haven't, no.
16:32Well, it can be intense.
16:33Do you have children of your own?
16:35I have a son who's 19.
16:36Then this is gonna be hard to watch.
16:48Take a seat.
16:54Are you deaf?
16:55I gave you an order.
16:56Man, get off of me.
16:57I told you, you don't listen, I make you listen.
16:59Now sit your ass down.
17:04Okay, bring him in.
17:11Hey, I know you.
17:13You gotta be kidding me.
17:15You know Oscar?
17:16I apprehended him twice during multiple escape attempts.
17:19On one of those attempts, he stabbed my friend.
17:21I can't imagine he has anything useful to say to these kids.
17:24No, well, he's not here to say anything useful.
17:26He's here because he's the monster that they'll be locked up with.
17:30And Mr. Kane here joined us 11 years ago,
17:33after he was convicted of a double homicide.
17:35Well, come on, Warden, give him some credit.
17:37Kane tore the arm off of a guy that he caught his wife cheating on him with.
17:41He beat them both to death with it.
17:43I'm not sure it's a good idea to remind him of that.
17:45No, but it sure is fun.
17:52Yeah, I know what you're thinking.
17:55You're better than me, right?
17:57Yeah, because you're on the outside, because you've got options.
18:02You just roll your eyes at me.
18:06What, you got a death wish?
18:07You think these guards are going to save you?
18:09I'm in here 40 years.
18:11You think I'm scared of a few weeks in the hole?
18:13Five more and my sentence.
18:16Step back, Kane.
18:30Kane's passionate.
18:34He's got what psychological professionals would describe as anger issues.
18:39Say something wrong to him, he'll turn your bones to dust.
18:42But deep down, the real reason that he's here with you
18:45is because he wishes that someone had diverted him from this place.
18:50Not me. I'm here because it got me out of my cell.
18:54Plus it gives me a glimpse of future prey.
18:58I want you guys to end up here.
19:00I'm going to be behind bars until I'm 90.
19:03As long as I don't get caught blinding another inmate.
19:06Which I will never do again, ma'am. I have learned my lesson.
19:09Don't talk to me, Oscar. Talk to them.
19:11Yes, ma'am.
19:14So you're the future inmates of America.
19:16Trust me. Stay on this path. Do that.
19:19So you can end up in here with me.
19:24How many criminals get away with their crimes, Officer Nolan?
19:26Not many.
19:27Why is that?
19:28Because they're dumb?
19:29No, I'm not dumb.
19:30No. But you lack impulse control.
19:34I do!
19:41What's your name?
19:44Do you think that you're a tough guy, Hector?
19:46I know I am.
19:47You're not.
19:49Maybe you are.
19:50It doesn't really matter.
19:51There's always going to be somebody tougher than you.
19:53Somebody willing to do what you won't do.
19:56Do you know that tough guys are the ones who get away with their crimes?
19:59Not me, though.
20:01Because I'm not a tough guy.
20:03I'm a cockroach.
20:06I'll do whatever it takes to come out on top.
20:12This is not how to reach Hector.
20:14It is not your job to tell her how to do hers.
20:17It's okay, Detective. I'm willing to listen.
20:19Hector's brother, Thomas, is incarcerated here.
20:22So you think that a family of three can get away with murder?
20:25Hector's brother, Thomas, is incarcerated here.
20:27So you think that a family reunion is more effective?
20:31I read both their files.
20:33Hector was a model citizen before his brother got arrested.
20:36He idolized him.
20:38But he hasn't visited in almost a year because Thomas refuses to see him.
20:41Maybe it's time for Hector to see how far his brother has fallen.
20:50Hey, are you about a minute?
20:51Yeah, of course.
20:52I just spoke to Paul's doctors.
20:54Tox labs came back clean.
20:56They ran every commonly available poison.
20:59Wait, so how is his mom making him sick?
21:02I don't know, but this whole thing is not adding up.
21:07I'm going to reach out to a co-worker who had a case on the same block.
21:10Maybe she heard something.
21:11That's great.
21:12You keep me posted?
21:13Will do.
21:21Don't you dare stop.
21:22Give it a rest, Kane.
21:25Boys with me.
21:27Get up.
21:28On your feet.
21:29On your feet.
21:30Let's go.
21:32You're on the phone every week.
21:34Telling me how great you're doing.
21:36That's how I see you.
21:40Hector's been getting into a lot of trouble lately.
21:42He spent the last few months in juvie for theft and drugs.
21:45He wants to follow in his big brother's footsteps.
21:48Why the hell do you want to do that?
21:49Because he doesn't know any better.
21:51He thinks you're a role model.
21:52Hey, don't talk to him like that.
21:53No, Lady Cop's right.
21:55I'm the one he'd be proud of.
21:56How can you say that?
21:57You run things in here.
21:58People respect you.
21:59No, they're afraid of me.
22:02That ain't the same thing.
22:06When you're in here, you can't afford to be a human being.
22:08But once you lose that, you can never get it back.
22:14Don't be mean.
22:18What's that?
22:19Just a little bit of trouble.
22:20It's a daily occurrence around here, but I do need to go see to it.
22:24Put the three of them on a short leash.
22:28Wharton's lying.
22:29Two short bursts mean there's a riot going on.
22:33About to get crazy up in here.
22:40Sir, do you have a second?
22:42Sure, what's up?
22:44Hypothetically, what's involved in a lateral move?
22:48Well, I hate delusion, but the truth is, it'd be pretty seamless.
22:51What about NYPD?
22:53That's a whole other beast.
22:55You would have to go to the NYPD academy, complete the FTO program before you'd be allowed back on the streets.
23:01You'd basically be starting from square one.
23:05In fact, you would be the John Nolan of the NYPD.
23:09No, you see, it's not funny.
23:11It's hilarious.
23:15It'd be a big sacrifice.
23:17It'd be a big sacrifice.
23:19But if Rachel's the one, it'll be worth it.
23:21Who said this was about Rachel?
23:26Just be sure.
23:28Moving in together is tough enough.
23:30Plus, no jobs, no city, no social network to lean on.
23:34You don't want to end up resenting each other.
23:38Anytime, boot.
23:41Why do you call you boot?
23:42Nothing, it's an inside joke.
23:45Hey, what's up?
23:46My co-worker heard that a few of the kids in the neighborhood got sick recently.
23:49Turns out the city started maintenance on the main water line four months ago, so they switched to well water.
23:54And Paul got sick three months ago.
23:56Five years ago, Seabrook Chemical was accused of dumping heavy metals from their refinery.
24:00They paid a small fine and got a high-priced consultant to certify that the environmental impact was negligible.
24:06Well, clearly that might not be the case.
24:07Yes, but that does not help Iris.
24:10I got her son taken away from her, and reversing that is not going to be easy.
24:14Can't you just tell the judge you made a mistake?
24:16Not without definitive proof.
24:20Iris could lose her son.
24:24All because I pulled the trigger too quickly.
24:31Better hope that the warden squashes this riot.
24:33Cops and kids are about the best hostages inmates could dream of.
24:37Oscar, shut up.
24:38Shouldn't you take these guys back to their cells?
24:40I mean, Harper and I can guard the kids.
24:42I don't make a move without orders.
24:44I'm guessing three bursts is worse than two?
24:47It's just a call to prayer. As in, pray they kill you quick.
24:52Wait, so you call them pre-assault indicators, right?
24:56I got a question. Did you use your dating algorithm as a base for the LAPD one?
25:01Of course not.
25:03That's a yes.
25:04Hold on just a second. Sally?
25:08Wait, wait, wait. Calm down, calm down. What's going on?
25:12What's happening?
25:13One of our clients blames us for his breakup and he just showed up with a gun.
25:18Wait, Sally, are you still there? Sally?
25:207 Adam 7.
25:277 Adam 7, we're on scene and have a possible active shooter at 2100 Knoll Road.
25:31Shots fired.
25:32Wait here behind our car.
25:33When officers arrive, show them what door we went in and do exactly as they tell you.
25:367 Adam 7, we're making entry now.
25:38Do exactly as they tell you.
25:397 Adam 7, we're making entry now to the north door. Repeat, two officers making entry north door.
25:44All responding units, Code 3.
25:46You're not waiting for backup?
25:47Not an active shooter. We go in.
25:49But you don't. No matter what you see or hear, you stay outside, stay behind cover.
25:52You follow us in the corner, we can carry you out. Understand?
26:06Help us!
26:07Go, go, go!
26:13Go, get out!
26:28Go, go, get out!
26:29Go, get out!
26:36Go, go, go!
26:417 Adam 07, units are landing. Can you give us an update?
26:477 Adam 07, security check.
26:507 Adam 100, be advised, 7 Adam 07 not responding. We have more units...
27:21Shoot her in the stomach!
27:22Control, 7 Adam 07, shooter in custody, Code 4 in the bullpen.
27:25Copy, shooter in custody.
27:29Come on, come on.
27:31Hey, how bad is it out there?
27:32Several casualties. Mostly inmates. One guard.
27:3660% of the prison is under inmate control, which means you've got to go.
27:40Lock them in cells in B wing and then fold in with the CERT team.
27:44CO Sharp is going to escort you and the kids to the nearest exit.
27:48At this moment, the coast is clear. Be safe.
27:52Officers, take care of my brother.
27:55I won't let anything happen to him. You have my word.
27:59You listen to this man. Do what he says. And stay the hell away from here.
28:04You're better than me. Act like it.
28:19See you later, Joe.
28:20All right. Time to move.
28:22Not yet. We need weapons. In case the way is not clear.
28:30Come on, boys. You never wanted to smash up a classroom before? Now's your chance.
28:36Are you scared?
28:37You want the truth?
28:40Not scared at all.
28:43Let's go. Is there a way out of here that doesn't go through a cell block?
28:47I knew you was going to say that. Let's go, boys. Thank you.
28:50Come on.
28:58All right. Well, we're going to get a paramedic to look at you.
29:02Six victims so far. No fatalities.
29:04Thank God. I never saw this coming. Why did I not see this coming?
29:09Because you trusted the data. But people lie.
29:13No guy is going to reveal a history of domestic violence in his dating profile.
29:16But I thought that I had factored in firewalls for erroneous data.
29:20Not enough.
29:59He's dead.
30:00Just keep walking. Keep walking, boys. Come on. Let's go.
30:05Keep walking. Come on, boys.
30:08Hector. Hector!
30:17Hey, JJ.
30:18We got those scared straight kids.
30:19Hell yeah. On our way.
30:23You don't have to do this, you guys.
30:25Yeah, we do.
30:26Then we're done talking.
30:28Boys, get behind us.
30:57Nolan! We gotta go!
30:58Move! Go, go, go!
31:11Come on, move! Get up!
31:15Hey, clock.
31:36Hey, have you heard from Rachel?
31:38No. Why?
31:39She blames herself for yanking Iris' son before the tests were run.
31:42Look, I've been calling, texting. She's not getting back to me.
31:45What, do you think she's going to do something stupid?
31:47You know her better than I do. What do you think?
31:59Listen up. We get ourselves a VIP.
32:02Get your hands off me!
32:03That's the warden.
32:04Try and take the prison back. We'll rip it to pieces.
32:06A list of demands we'll be forthwith.
32:08Until then, have a great day.
32:10Any chance that SIR team is nearby?
32:12No. They're clear on the other side of the prison.
32:14There's no way they'll get here in time.
32:18But we can.
32:19Why? You don't know we're nothing.
32:21Because it's the right thing to do.
32:22He remembers that. You practice it back at the gas station.
32:25Why does everything have to be a teachable moment with you?
32:27Because he knows it's annoying.
32:32You ready?
32:44Why are we going this way? The warden's in the opposite direction.
32:46I know, but we need a little help.
32:47From who?
32:51Hey, guys.
32:52Why are you out there running wild like the rest of them?
32:54I was. But then I got tired.
32:57All I really wanted to do was beat the hell out of this one guy.
33:01Kevin Medved.
33:02And did you?
33:03No. Somebody beat me to it.
33:05I know, right? Just my luck.
33:07But I did get to laugh in his face.
33:09Which was nice.
33:12I'm surprised to see you two in one piece.
33:14Where's the kids?
33:16Did you trade them for safe passage?
33:17No, we got them out.
33:19And then you came back.
33:21For the warden.
33:24Why'd you come into me?
33:25Because you're going to help us get her out.
33:26No, I'm not.
33:27Yes, you are.
33:28If I've learned anything about you these last few months, it's that you are the ultimate opportunist.
33:31You find yourself in a situation where there's a chance to escape, you try to escape.
33:35But there's no escaping today.
33:36Which is why you're still here in your cell.
33:38So, I'm here to offer you the next best thing.
33:41So, I'm here to offer you the next best thing.
33:43To escape? There is no such thing.
33:46Sure there is. Privileges.
33:48You help us rescue the warden, you can ask for anything.
33:51You help us, we help you. Are you in or are you out?
33:59Have a seat on the bench.
34:00Whoa, what's going on?
34:01She assaulted some corporate guy outside his office.
34:03I did not. I threw water in his face.
34:06Contaminated water?
34:07No. But he thought it was.
34:10Can I talk to you for a second?
34:13Let me take her off your hands. Side her out.
34:16She's all yours.
34:20What the hell were you thinking?
34:22He didn't even care. My kids are sick and he's got kids of his own.
34:27And you were surprised by that?
34:31What do I do now? How do I make everything right?
34:35I don't know that you can.
34:37But I've called in some favors and I got the deputy chief to call the judge.
34:43And based on my personal assurances, he's reversing the order of removing Paul from his home.
34:52You did that for me?
34:57Even though I'm leaving?
35:05Damn it.
35:06I know. I know.
35:09Look, do you want to cry about it or do you want to go get Iris and bring her to her son?
35:17Yeah, I can work with that.
35:33Don't screw us.
35:44Hey, guys.
35:46Oscar, get your crazy ass out of here before I slice you open.
35:49Okay. I guess I'll trade these two cops I caught to the Mexicans.
35:55You got those cops?
35:58Just outside here. I tied them up.
36:33Hi. Let me get you out of here now.
36:35Thank goodness.
36:37What the hell is he doing here with you?
36:39Saving you. And my services don't come cheap.
36:42We're going to start the bidding with a plasma television screen, followed by bi-weekly conjugal visits.
36:48We told him you'd make a deal.
36:49I will not.
36:50Then I'll see you later.
36:56Let's go.
37:17Thank the good Lord.
37:19I just found these two trying to steal the warden from you guys.
37:24Where's Hector?
37:25We got him out.
37:27For real?
37:28For real.
37:29Back off, Thomas. This ain't got nothing to do with you.
37:33They walk.
37:34Like hell they do.
37:36They walk.
38:01So, I'm going to make sure these guys find their way out.
38:11Sit here. I'll change and then I'll take you to Doobie to process that with the rest of the boys.
38:15Cool. Thanks.
38:19Paperwork and wait till tomorrow.
38:21I hear that.
38:22See you in a minute.
38:23See you.
38:24Hey, trouble kind of finds you, doesn't it?
38:26They told us to scare the kids.
38:28We scared those kids.
38:30How are things going with Grace?
38:31Ah, I'm not sure. She's having dinner with her ex as we speak.
38:35Got a problem?
38:36I don't know. I guess that's up to her. She knows how I feel.
38:39How do you feel?
38:43I'm not a little in love with her.
38:45You tell her that?
38:46Well, I implied it, you know.
38:49I implied it, you know, with my actions.
38:53It's not the same, is it?
38:55Okay, so you guys want to hear something funny?
38:56It's not that funny.
38:57No, it definitely is, just not to you.
38:59I'm losing interest.
39:00Okay, so, Elvis' algorithm flagged Lopez as being most likely to get sued, right?
39:04You got the wrong Lopez.
39:07He mixed up two lines on his spreadsheet, confused me with another A. Lopez.
39:09Albert Lopez in property crimes?
39:11No, Angelo Lopez in Vice.
39:14Funny, right?
39:21Harper will be out in just a minute. Can I get you some food for the road or something?
39:24No, I'm good.
39:26Tell me, have I earned the right to give you a little advice?
39:29Another teachable moment? Really?
39:31Only if you'd care to hear it.
39:33Fair enough.
39:35Hit me.
39:36All right.
39:39It's okay to put yourself second once in a while.
39:42You know, those men today at the prison, they all had weapons.
39:45They were selfish.
39:46They put their own petty, reckless needs above all else.
39:51When my dad abandoned us, I acted out.
39:54I got into fights.
39:56I made bad choices.
39:59And I drove my mom crazy with worry.
40:02And I didn't like how that felt.
40:05She needed me to be better.
40:09And I didn't.
40:11She needed me to be better.
40:15So that's what I did.
40:16You make it sound so easy.
40:18Certainly not easy, but it was worth it.
40:24You ready?
40:42I hope that it's okay that I just came by.
40:44Yeah, of course, of course.
40:46You're finished your dinner with...
40:52It's been an interesting day.
40:53It certainly has.
40:57I need to tell you something.
41:00I need to go first.
41:03The reason that Oliver has been having trouble at school is because of the divorce.
41:11The separation.
41:20He wants to give it another try.
41:24For Oliver.
41:32What do you want?
41:33I don't know.
41:35I mean, you and I have such a great thing.
41:43But if getting back together with Simon is the best thing for Oliver...
41:49How can I dismiss that?
41:55I just need to take some time.
41:57I'm so sorry.
42:27I love you.
42:28I love you.
42:29I love you.
42:30I love you.
42:31I love you.
42:32I love you.
42:33I love you.
42:34I love you.
42:35I love you.
42:36I love you.
42:37I love you.
42:38I love you.
42:39I love you.
42:40I love you.
42:41I love you.
42:42I love you.
42:43I love you.
42:44I love you.
42:45I love you.
42:46I love you.
42:47I love you.
42:48I love you.
42:49I love you.
42:50I love you.
42:51I love you.
42:52I love you.
42:53I love you.
42:54I love you.
42:55I love you.
42:56I love you.
42:59Damn it.