• 2 days ago
The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 17


00:00Previously on the rookie Bianca right heroin you're gonna become an informant
00:03I've been instructing officer West about how patrol can leverage lower-level criminal perhaps earn some goodwill prior to your detectives
00:09Is that what's wrong? Jason is a nice to you think this will move you down the list. You're kidding. I'm
00:15Right back. You used to hang with Eva. Yeah for a minute because she stole from me
00:18You got to get in there. You've already caught her beating but since you found so generous I do have a job
00:26Walk away make me see you around
00:31Mr. Singer step out, please
00:34Please see me so soon. I
00:36Was just getting comfortable. Nope, it's line up time, but don't worry
00:40I want to get ID'd you'll have plenty of time to get comfortable in prison. Let's go
00:44If I'm ID'd
00:49Take your place position three four is my lucky number. Can I do that one instead? No
01:03Do an officer
01:07Number one step forward
01:11Number two step forward number three step forward
01:18We don't want you to guess it's better to not identify anyone than the wrong person
01:24I'm sorry. I'm just not sure. It's okay. We appreciate your help. Thank you
01:33Officer chance at least to line up you're saying something about a long-term
01:40She idea hit him hard and drive away fast and never get a good look
01:47The best part is her fine-ass ride is gonna earn me 10k easy
01:53Open the cell
01:58He confessed yeah, nice wait, that's entrapment. Oh, you're wrong
02:02There's no legal expectation of privacy within a police station anything you say here can be used against you
02:07Hit him hard drive away fast into the shower. I hope you stink. I don't stink my character sticks
02:21Think that we should stick with it. They say it's good after episode 12. Oh
02:25So only nine more hours of being bored out of my mind pass. I
02:29Like it. I think it's subtle and nuanced. I
02:33Suppose you'd rather watch action heist
02:35Any day, okay, they have a shark attack on an elevator sterling and it was awesome
02:40You know, it doesn't matter what we watch because I won't be looking at the screen. Anyway
02:50No, I canceled because tonight is a new episode of action heist
02:56Previously on action heist
02:59Lastly the brass wants us to increase our social media presence within the community
03:04We're cops not influencers like it or not officer Bradford
03:07You're both a strong relationship with the public makes us all safer
03:11So let's show them where people to get out there take a few selfies. Yes officer
03:16No back in Foxburg. I knew most of the cops by name because there were four of them
03:21Five but the number didn't matter. It's just that they spend most of their time on foot
03:25I mean, how are we supposed to take a selfie with someone when we're trapped in our shop most of the day?
03:29That's a good point. We do spend too much time locked inside our shops new plan
03:35Everyone spends the morning on foot patrol
03:43Good one
03:49I can tell what you're thinking out it you're working out how to kill me without your body can't catch you
03:55Yeah, actually that is what I was thinking
03:58Hey there buddy, what's your name? Sam? Is that a real gun? It sure is
04:03Oh, no, that's uh, it's against the rules, but I do have some stickers here for you
04:09Thanks, you bet buddy. Have a good day
04:12See, that was great. There are four felonies an hour in Los Angeles, but no that was a good use of time
04:20I've got no problem with community engagement
04:22Citizens play a vital role in policing more. They like us the more they help us. That's a surprisingly enlightened attitude
04:28Yo, yo officers, I got a legal question. Sorry. We're not real cops. We're extras. There's a movie shoot down the street. Oh
04:37Cool. Thanks
04:40What am I Google do your own research
04:44Don't get me wrong. I love hanging out with Lucy and I know she's like slow rolling back to the dating scene, but I
04:50Miss my boyfriend. So tell her that I can't she's still in like a delicate place and forget about having any alone time in
04:57the foreseeable future
04:59Attaching you to a possible one eight seven husband arrived home to find wife bleeding and unresponsive
05:05Seven Adam seven shows responding how much you should pay dispatch to give us the first call bottle of Wesley's fancy wine. So where's it?
05:14Police officers, is there anyone here?
05:21Jackson sir
05:30Came home to surprise her
05:33Who would have done this seven out of seven code for our location?
05:38Sir, you have to let her go and come with us
05:50What do we got watch him detective Calderon we just got here we have he doing here this crime scene he's a suspect
05:57Yes, ma'am. We were just forget it. I'll deal with him. You two go in camps of neighbors
06:05What's her problem I have no idea it's a waste of police resources cheese
06:13Thank you, sir should have taken the books
06:17You know attitude is everything drug deal
06:22Without the shop, there's no way we can roll up on them without them seeing us wrong
06:26Put your hand over your collar like this. You're saying if we cover our badges, they're not gonna notice us. Yep. Watch
06:45Bianca John
06:47Bianca John
06:53I can't explain you just got your 30-day chip. I
06:57Know I know
06:59But I'm making minimum wage my mom's sick and the medications expense. That's rough. You're under arrest
07:04Please I can help like last time you mean when you bailed out the window and then you OD'd
07:08Yeah, that was such a help
07:11Hook her up
07:14Okay, I'm clean I
07:16Know what are you score? Well, don't offend them
07:22Don't lie to me Bianca, I would never lie to you John
07:28Who's selling the fentanyl Curtis Curtis ever last name I don't know it but everyone calls him Ripper
07:38Do you think Rachel's disappointed I canceled last night don't know
07:42Yeah, I felt bad she found this bartender that tailors cocktails to your astrological sign it sounded cool
07:48I just I was tired and I needed a drink and she gets that right
07:52You might find this surprising, but we don't talk about you ever
08:10Control seven out of nineteen requesting an RA unit Palmetto and Mateo head verse vehicle
08:16CT stay still. Oh, man. I think you got into an artery. There's a lot of blood
08:21Here you can use this scarf and pen to make a tourniquet
08:28Thank you, please it two inches above the wound
08:41All right, the bleeding stopped am I gonna get a badge for this
08:44For this
08:48Been hanging with Bianca hanging. Well, I got her into a program kept an eye on her pulled back when she got clean
08:55Didn't want to get confused. I don't think that worked
08:58Girls got arrested, but she seems more upset that she disappointed you. I didn't see that
09:04Still I wonder if she would have slipped if I'd been around don't do that
09:15You sure this tip is solid I know how badly you want to get Ripper judge thought so
09:20Gave us a no-knock warrant based on all NCI
09:22Bianca insists Ripper is sitting on a huge supply of fentanyl. I didn't know he was that big of a player
09:27Didn't used to be he's making a move for the big time
09:32You ready sergeant
09:35All right, let's go get this guy
09:44What the hell
09:52Do you who's in charge here Michael Nyla I
09:59Heard you were back on patrol, but I didn't believe it
10:02Okay, can we do this reunion thing after you tell me why you just landed in my operation because you're about to blow my operation
10:09So I'm shutting you down
10:21Nine minutes Lang you guys usually much faster than that
10:27Bradford's your to yeah my condolences
10:35Well this over a few boxes of marsh yellows, right they couldn't get pinpams
10:39The tourniquet
10:43Well excellent work, thank you
10:48Help oh, right
10:52In early September our sources in Mexico identified a shipment of fentanyl being driven from Michoacan
10:58Across the border into California rather than stopping it
11:01We decided to follow the drugs use the Intel we collected to arrest the entire smuggling network a controlled delivery
11:07That's what you used to do undercover. Yes agent Banks, and I worked together on them on the narcotics task force
11:13Nyla was the most hardcore you see I've ever seen she could lie to God himself and get away with it
11:18You don't say that's surprising because she always tells me the truth right detective absolutely sir truck was ambushed in the desert outside
11:26Ocotillo we were monitoring with satellites seven minutes later the entire shipment was gone anything gripper stole it. We don't think it
11:33We know it
11:35So why'd you shut us down because the drugs aren't stored at the location that you were about to hit where are they?
11:43You don't know which is why you're talking to us right now. We've been on Ripper and his crew for two weeks
11:48They haven't gone near the fentanyl so what kind of weight are we talking 20 kilos uncut street value?
11:54Roughly 10 million that is a morgue full of ODs in the making so what's the plan to keep it off the street?
12:00Honestly, we didn't have one so we got wind of your warrants
12:03You've given us a way in
12:05There's CI we can use her to introduce me as a straw buyer to Ripper. I'll do respect sir
12:11I don't think Bianca's ready for that
12:13Then you can make her ready every hour that goes by increases the risk that those drugs end up on the street
12:20Detective Calderon we're done with the canvas
12:24Neighbors report seen a suspicious vehicle speeding down the street around 11 a.m.
12:27Now the guy on the corner identified it as a blue sedan said he's never seen in a neighborhood before
12:31And and the timeline fits the TOD plus it's a cul-de-sac they don't get a lot of random traffic driving through here
12:37That's weak officer Lopez. Even if we didn't already have a prime suspect
12:42Patrol has responded to six domestics at this residence over the past three years. Then there's a withdrawal slip. I found in the victim's purse
12:50Mrs. Cook took a hundred thousand in cash from their account first thing this morning
12:54My guess is she was getting ready to leave her abusive husband, but he found out stopped her in her tracks permanently
12:59Where's the money don't know yet husband might have hit it or the victim did before she came home to get the rest of
13:04Her stuff either way we're done here. I
13:06Still think we should follow up in the car. Are you the detective here officer Lopez? No, ma'am
13:11If I need more scout work, I'll call you
13:16You're sure you're up for this yeah, okay
13:17This isn't just a handoff Bianca you have to look Ripper in the eye and make him believe you have a buyer for the drug
13:23No, no, I can do it. Okay, prove it
13:26sell me
13:27What now, okay
13:32Hey Ripper, I heard you scored some fentanyl heard from where yeah, no, no, I don't know
13:39Anyway, I got you a buyer out of Chicago, Kansas City, not Chicago
13:43What difference does it make because Kansas City is where the DEA set up the fake buyer?
13:53I'll do better. I
13:55Promise I won't let you down. Okay, this isn't about me Bianca one wrong word and Ripper will kill you. I
14:04Love how much you care about me
14:11Stay here David watch her for a minute. Thank you. Excuse me, sir
14:16You have a minute. Sure. I've been good to go. What'd you say? I uh
14:21Actually, no Bianca's a mess. I think we'll see right there
14:25You tell agent banks not yet, but there's more. Um
14:29It's become clear to me that
14:31Bianca feels that the concern I've shown for her means that I have feelings for her. Yeah
14:37Yeah, there's a problem and I've tried to maintain boundaries, but it's apparent I have failed. No, no, no, it's not your fault
14:44CIs by definition are in crisis
14:47They've endured a series of hardships and made a lot of bad choices to end up in this station
14:51And we come along and help them back up giving them the first step at that air that some of them have ever had
14:58If you think Bianca's unprepared you gotta pull up I can do that. She's your CI, which means it's your call even as a rookie
15:06But know this agent banks will be pissed
15:09Agent banks good. Let's wire up. She's not up for this. Yes. I am. No, you're not
15:16Bianca's handler. It's my decision whether to put her in harm's way and I can't allow her to proceed with this operation
15:23You can't I make one phone call. You never put on that uniform again
15:28So why are her ass up? No, sir
15:31If you pull your head out of your ass for a minute, you'll see that I'm right
15:33I'm not lying to you. I'm not lying to you. I'm not lying to you
15:37If you pull your head out of your ass for a minute, you'll see that I'm right if Ripper thinks for one second
15:41This is a setup. You'll lose your only chance to intercept those drugs and the ODs that will follow
15:46Those will be on your head
15:53Get her out of here, let's go
16:00Why are you sending me away because you're confused about things no, I want to help you
16:07I'm your handler not your friend. Then why did you take me to na?
16:12Help me find a job
16:14That's what cops do with their CI's. All right, we show a little kindness to help keep you in line
16:20I should have been clearer about that. That's on me
16:22But you need to get the idea out of your head that I have feelings for you
16:41She got you good
16:43Yeah, that Emily kids a hustler. Uh-huh handing them out to my favorite nurses, so I don't have to eat them all
16:48Oh, man, I do not have that kind of willpower. I'm gonna eat three boxes while I binge watch action heist tonight
16:52Well, hold on you watch that. Yes, man. I want that show the second Harry showed up with that mustache
16:58I knew he was the evil twin. Yes. Yeah mustache equals evil. That's fat guy 101
17:07Well, if you like action in heist there happens to be a group of pain marathon at the arrow and I have an extra ticket
17:13for Saturday night
17:14If you want to come with me
17:22Actually Saturday is bad for me, but
17:26Thank you for asking. Of course. Let's hit a boot. Later. Lane. All right Baptist Lucy
17:38He seems nice
17:41Sure, do you know him? Well play a little pickup basketball together
17:49No, what no forget it your social life is not my responsibility
17:53I learned that lesson the hard way you want to vet Emmett you go to somebody else. It was the right call
17:59Huh, but since your boot pulled the plug on my way in
18:06Don't have any see eyes that fit the bill, but I
18:09Can ask narcotics we don't have time for that Ripper could flip the shipment this afternoon. I need someone that Ripper knows
18:16Someone who can lie to God himself
18:19Mike come on Mike
18:22You saved my ass before I
18:25Wouldn't ask if lives weren't at stake
18:28This isn't months undercover it's a quick in-and-out look even if I were to say yes Ripper knows crystal as a junkie
18:35There is no way he would trust me to act as a go-between
18:38True you need someone to pose as a link to the Kansas City buyer
18:44Ideally Ripper would already know them
18:53We've got a new plan to get Ripper I'm going in as crystal
18:58And you're coming with me
19:06What are you doing I ran that blue car through the CGI scene got a bunch of hits look at this Lopez I
19:16Hear you've been pulling robbery files. Yes, ma'am, even though I told you to stand down
19:22Yes, ma'am
19:24Here's the thing Nancy drew
19:26Your little hunch the files you pulled the notes you're writing all of that is discoverable. I know you're sleeping with the enemy
19:33But I didn't think you'd be one of them yourself
19:35sleeping with the enemy
19:37This is about Wesley Joanna Kelly murdered coming home from school back in 18 took us months for us to crack
19:44But we had him cold and then your boyfriend gets it tossed and some procedural crap if you done the work to make the case
19:49Bulletproof he wouldn't have been able to what did you say you heard me? Hey? Hey, let's call it a night. Yeah
19:57If there were three other burglaries in the same vicinity as this murder
20:02At all of them a blue sedan was seen leaving the scene
20:04That's then except that each victim also threw a large sum of cash from the same bank the same day. They were robbed
20:11It's all in here
20:13So unless you want to get embarrassed on the stand again, you should take a look detective
20:34Well look who it is
20:39Nice place crown jewel of my empire
20:43How's the food? Oh, it's great. Especially if you hate your column
20:46Yeah, but uh, but you got one of them Michigan stars for laundering money. Am I right? Yeah, you know, I'm surprised you called
20:54Especially after the way we left it, you know, yeah, no I get that but um
20:59Money trumps a grudge any day and I I got a deal
21:03That's gonna make us both a lot of it. I don't do deals with tweakers. I wouldn't either but
21:09That ain't me no more. Hmm. You see my old man. He got me clean. So now I'm on the supply side
21:16So what you uh, you want a job? No
21:23I heard you came across a big-time load of fentanyl
21:30You heard
21:34All right
21:39Who told you that
21:44It's all over the street
21:47But today is your lucky day
21:50Because I got a buyer for it all. Mm-hmm a heavy hitter out of Kansas City
21:56Kansas City
21:58And who's this heavy hitter? Hmm. He's my old man's cousin. They grew up together
22:03They did time together, but y'all he is solid and he is eager to buy everything you have got
22:09He's eager
22:16Don't be an idiot y'all you bit off way more than you could shoot ripping off a damn cartel
22:25You're trying to move weight you ain't even got the manpower to step on I am trying to put millions in your pocket and your
22:31Problems in your rear view, but you know what? No, you're right. Throw my ass out
22:37How do I know you're for real? Huh?
22:42Let's go meet my old man in the back just you just me
22:55Okay after you
23:11You expect me to believe you got millions driving around in this low-rent ride, I thought you told me he was smart
23:19What's that mean?
23:20You want to be a cop magnet drive around a flashy car? You learned that in KC?
23:25Working corners in Brookside. I look like a Brookside guy to you
23:28I'm from Blue Parkway and before you start quizzing me on ribs, it's LC. It's all the way
23:33All right
23:34Set a check. Okay, so can we talk numbers now?
23:3720 keys uncut
23:40So in a 400 purse, oh hell no, nah 250 we find your entire load so we ain't paying reto 300
23:48best in final
23:59It's a million mr. Prover for real
24:04Relax KC. It's a sample
24:07But cut that at least five times before you taste it. Whoever does be dead before they hit the floor
24:14So it's a deal maybe we still got to do a little background check on your man here
24:19All right. Well, you got my number, but you make us wait too long. It goes back to 250
24:24It's just gonna work banks doesn't screw up your paper trail if it does we pray the body count doesn't include us
24:39So I texted Sterling. We are going to binge watch The Bachelor and all of these cookies
24:45Yeah, Lucy, like no, please. I cannot watch the Cardinal again. It is so boring. Hey, it is
24:51But be look it's not even about what we watch
24:57Sterling and I love hanging out with you, but we really need our alone time, too. Oh
25:05My god, I am the third wheel
25:07beautiful talented badass third
25:12Great needs another team on the DEA up. You want to put in some OT? Sure. Yeah, I'm not doing anything
25:17Okay, right, yeah, yeah, why wouldn't we be
25:31Now what I went through the file all the evidence you gathered and it only took two phone calls to ID the bank teller who
25:38Handled all the cash withdrawals from the bank
25:41And it only took two phone calls to ID the bank teller who handled all the cash withdrawals from mrs. Cook and the other victims
25:49Which means you were right
25:53And I owe you an apology. Yeah, you do. You're not gonna be gracious about this. Are you why should I be you're out of line?
25:59Fair enough, but there is a teller and interrogation
26:03You think you got what it takes to get a confession out of this guy?
26:11Watch me. Oh
26:16Finally someone's gonna tell me what I'm doing here. Sorry to keep you. Mr. Dugan. We just need your help with the case
26:21We're investigating. Yeah, of course. It's just you know, I have some place to be so I'll try and move things along
26:27Do any of these people look familiar?
26:30Nope, they're all customers at your bank
26:33Okay, if you say so, in fact, they all made large withdrawals and got robbed later that same day. I'm sorry
26:40What does this have to do with me? I?
26:42Was just hoping you might have some insight in your fellow employees
26:46Are any of them having financial problems?
26:49Candace is always stressed about money. She's moving back in with her mom and Roy drinks a lot
26:55What kind of car do you drive
26:57My car a Honda what color? I'm sorry, but I do have to go
27:04One last thing. I understand that you waited on mrs. Cook this morning. That is the mrs. Cook
27:10So you do know the victims
27:12No, I mean
27:14Yes, I I
27:16Maybe you should sit down. Mr. Dugan. I
27:18Was at the crime scene. It's clear. Mrs. Cook fought back before she was killed
27:24Are we gonna find marks under your sleeves?
27:30And I give you a little advice mr. Dugan sure you'll feel better when you confess I have nothing to confess to
27:40Listen to me
27:42All that stress and fear you're feeling the overwhelming need to vomit. That's never gonna go away until you tell the truth
27:52Did you mean to kill her
27:57Was an accident
28:01She surprised me
28:05I need your rate that all down exactly how it happened
28:17Why isn't River called to confirm the meeting yet he's doing his homework making sure the story checks out
28:25What if I blew it okay you didn't good speak of the devil
28:33River what's up? Hey, you and your boys check you out. Tell me something
28:37I don't know
28:40Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll be seeing you see told you go don't get excited yet
28:45But we still have a long night ahead of us making sure that he does not change his mind and sell the drugs out from
28:50Under us you up for a coffee run officer. No one. Yeah. Sure coffee wouldn't be a proper stakeout without coffee. I'm on it
28:58First rounds on me you bet
29:07I mean, obviously I've been using Jackson and Sterling as a crutch together. They kind of make the perfect boyfriend
29:14More importantly, they're safe. And who are you talking to Rachel?
29:18Hey, just go for a coffee run. Can I get you guys anything? I try tea latte, please
29:23This is a stakeout. He's not going to Starbucks two coffees black. I'll try to find you some vanilla cream
29:29Rachel I'm back. Yeah, I totally see what they're saying and and they're right. I don't know if I'm ready
29:44Hello, hello Rachel is in a staff meeting which means you are talking to no one
29:55Not no one me I
29:58Talk things out to process them and I knew you wouldn't do it with me
30:02So why would you even care what I think what the last time I gave you romantic advice?
30:06I pushed you towards Caleb and you almost died
30:11That's that's ridiculous
30:15There was no reason to suspect anything what happened what happened wasn't your fault
30:22It wasn't mine either
30:25Look I wouldn't ask your advice if I didn't value your opinion
30:33You can do better than that
30:37Why why would you say that
30:39This is a firefighter for God's sake. I know he's hot. Okay. No, see if you're gonna act all contrarian
30:45I am done with this conversation. I'm not being a contrarian
30:48You know, I I think you're threatened by his hunkiness
30:54It's not even a word
31:00This is nice
31:03Working together again
31:05Reminds me of the old days
31:08Said back then I would be the one in the house with the target. We're in the wire. I like this better
31:14Having you close. Are you flirting with me? No
31:20Just think your talents are being wasted back on patrol really because I got talents you don't even know about
31:28Now you're flirting with me
31:35So tell me
31:37Why is it we never hooked up?
31:40Cuz I was married
31:44Well, you're not married anymore
31:49Hot coffee is
31:53I'm gonna come back later. No, give me the damn coffee
31:57Well, we got a bogey neighbor
32:00Seems nervous keeps moving around. Could it be one of Ripper's carriers? Got it. No backpack. No bag
32:10It's Bianca
32:14The hell is she doing here double-crossing us that would be suicide Ripper would know it was her that gave him up
32:20What was that quote about a woman scorned a point to all units be advised
32:24Apparently just walked into the target house repeat friendly is on scene. Can you get some audio on this?
32:29What the hell do you want?
32:31Cops are on to you say that again. I said the cops are on to you. How much did they know?
32:47See anything no, but that doesn't mean they're not out there. Let them meet we gotta get in there negative. We hold here
32:53Call me
32:56No one's right. He's gonna kill me. Yeah, he's not gonna kill her in his house
32:59He thought we were on to him. He'd create a distraction make a run for it
33:08It's making a run for it
33:12Negative that's a decoy vehicle
33:14He's looking to split our resources and our perimeter all units stay with the house prepare to make entry ten seconds
33:20Do you could be going for the drugs?
33:23Bradford Chen let the SUV get out of the area and then stop that vehicle 7m 19 suspect vehicle spotted heading east on Midland pursuing
33:48Seaside perimeter hold all the units collapse on our location be aware. We are initiating a tree
34:01I'm just fired calling for backup airship hood three ready
34:09At least one of them went upstairs go
35:12Nolan you okay? I'm good. It's still clearing upstairs downstairs clear. No Ripper. No Bianca here in the decoy vehicle
35:19Seven out of 19 be advised Rippers in the decoy vehicle
35:23He is in the decoy vehicle
35:30Coming up on the vehicle heading north east on Beaudry approaching 4th Street intersection
36:00Okay, yeah
36:15Harper Bradford go to Harper was Ripper in the SUV
36:18Unknown we got ambushed by a second vehicle Brown pickup truck both vehicles got away
36:28Who's gonna hit stick for the fentanyl he'll kill Bianca I thought you ID'd all of Ripper's crew
36:32So who was in the intercept vehicle? No idea. We've only been up on Ripper since he hijacked the shipment
36:38New guy must've been laying low on purpose staying close to the drugs. How could they possibly coordinate an intercept so quickly?
36:43It's all fun. We're up on all our Rippers phones not the burners
36:50Advise them in bulk if we can find the number Ripper used we can ping his location. It's the only empty box
36:55It's got to be the one call the phone carrier. Tell them we have an in-progress
36:59life-threatening exigent circumstance
37:21Think my legs broken should hit him straight on now. You're a problem
37:33I'll see Bianca. We need to get in there that don't locate the fentanyl
38:02Boss let's drop this chick and get out of here. Go ahead
38:14Get those hands up
38:22Crystal you even twitch towards that gun and it'll be the last thing you do. I knew you all wrong. No, you didn't turn around
38:38Thank God I was so scared put your hands in the car
38:47What are you doing arresting you
38:51Wait, I screwed up. I was angry like I just lost my mind. I'm sorry
39:03You gotta stop eating like this
39:05That's not funny. Hi. It's a little funny. Let me see
39:11It's not that deep. We got lucky
39:18Can I tell you something I'd like to think that we have that kind of relationship I
39:27Lied about being busy on Saturday
39:30My social life is kind of complicated right now
39:34No worries
39:36But just so that you know when it gets less complicated
39:40I'll still be interested
39:46Don't be such a baby. Come on. I'm not a baby acting like it right now. Okay, watch out
39:56Nice job tonight. Thanks. Hey
39:59You ever thought about becoming a detective? I took the exam last year
40:04Scoring the top three, but then I fell down on a case lost my luster
40:09Well, I might be able to smooth that over get you back on the fast track if you want seriously, yeah
40:17Then I have to take back all the nasty things I said about you
40:21Yes, you would
40:24I'll be in touch
40:31Hear me out
40:33as a case officer
40:35No more undercover
40:37Company car government plane at your disposal 24-7
40:43Any other perks
40:47You're working closely with me
40:50That is tempting
40:54I'm gonna have to say no. I
40:58Just got my life back on track
41:00And that plane you're offering also comes with 3 a.m. Phone calls and 15-hour days
41:08I'm happy Mike
41:10Happier than I've been in a really long time
41:14I'm gonna say no to the job
41:18But I wouldn't say no to dinner
41:48Yes, sir officer Nolan
41:55It's okay to feel bad about what happened even though you didn't do anything wrong. Yes, sir
42:02I'm gonna do something. I never thought I would
42:05I'm gonna buy you a beer
42:07Sure Wow
42:10I'm touched that you would even offer. You know, I'll make this way cuz I can take it back
42:14No, I'm showing up about it right now gonna grab a bite to eat too because there's you know, just a beer
42:20That's fine. I'm busy, too
