The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 11
00:00Previously, on The Rookie.
00:01Rosalind Dyer was convicted of killing.
00:03The bodies were never recovered.
00:04There's another body?
00:05And it's much fresher.
00:06Don't look at me.
00:07I've been in prison for the last five years.
00:09What's DOD?
00:10Day of Death.
00:11Wesley, wake up!
00:12Mixed anxiety meds and alcohol.
00:13Are you trying to kill yourself?
00:14I don't know.
00:16Rosalind put the letter in the book for me to find.
00:18Could torture me.
00:19The only person that knew Rosalind buried the body in that spot is her.
00:22Maybe she was working with someone from back in the day.
00:27We have found our next victim and she is alive.
00:28In pursuit of suspect requesting airship.
00:33You're saying that I should go get a drink?
00:35Maybe even with another human.
00:36Do you?
00:37Put something in my drink.
00:59You know what it is?
01:04Tell me.
01:07My Day of Death.
01:33Good morning!
01:34It's gonna be another awesome day in the LAPD.
01:39Guess your day went well.
01:46I know it looks bad.
01:47Looks bad?
01:49I asked you if you were trying to kill yourself and you said I don't know.
01:55I was out of it.
01:57I'm not gonna do that again. I promise.
02:05You can go to work.
02:06I already called in sick.
02:08You know, I don't need a babysitter.
02:12The following is a statement from convicted serial killer Rosalind Dyer.
02:16But first a warning.
02:17This may be disturbing to some of our viewers.
02:20She writes,
02:22Five years ago,
02:23Detective Nick Armstrong looked into my eyes and fulfilled his darkest fantasy.
02:28Arresting me for playing at slaughter.
02:30Since that moment, I have lived in a variety of cells.
02:33Until yesterday.
02:35The world thought that I was trapped inside cinder block walls.
02:39A prisoner.
02:40But I've been killing this whole time.
02:44Hey, have you seen Lucy?
02:45Uh, no, not yet.
02:46She didn't come home last night.
02:48She's a grown woman.
02:49Why, are you worried?
02:51I mean, yeah, a little.
02:52I texted and called.
02:53There's still no answer.
02:54Her phone could be dead.
02:55She's always complaining the charger in her car doesn't work.
02:59See Lucy in the locker room?
03:01No, why?
03:02If she's just running late and we ring the fire alarm, she'll get dinged.
03:05But if we don't and something terrible happens...
03:10Tell him.
03:11Lucy did not come home last night.
03:13She's not responding to texts or calls.
03:16Okay, did she go out with that guy?
03:18The one she met at the bar?
03:19Caleb Wright, with a W.
03:21Yeah, yeah, she was headed to meet him when we walked out together last night about 8.30.
03:25Haven't heard from her since.
03:26Could have ended up at his place?
03:30Lucy doesn't do one late.
03:33What do you know about this Caleb guy?
03:36No, he said that he worked for a medical supply company.
03:38I saw a video of him playing with a puppy.
03:41Chan was checking out his social media page.
03:43All right, take West.
03:44Run a background check.
03:45I want to know everything we can find on Caleb before we knock on this door.
03:48And find Armstrong.
03:50Come on.
03:51I'll run a trace on Lucy's phone.
03:52Get her into MUPS and name her systems.
03:54Everyone listen up.
03:56Officer Lucy Chen has not been seen for approximately 13 hours.
04:00Given the circumstance, we cannot rule out abduction.
04:04So stop whatever you're doing.
04:05I want everyone on this until she's located.
04:07Notify S.O.
04:08See if they can share calls for service.
04:10Phone company says GPS is disabled.
04:12Last tower ping was on 6 in La Brea at 9.07 last night.
04:15That is not far from the bar where we were when she met Caleb.
04:17It's Lost Taurus.
04:19I need a shop to swing by Lost Taurus.
04:21Looking for a missing Officer Lucy Chen.
04:23Code 3.
04:24So what do we do now?
04:25Go to the hospital.
04:26Talk to the victim you saved.
04:27See if she has any insight to help us find this guy.
04:31If anything's happened to Lucy...
04:32Don't go there.
04:33If she is in trouble, the only way you are good to her is if you are focused solely on saving her.
04:38Not playing worst case scenarios.
04:41Caleb Bright doesn't seem to exist.
04:42That's impossible.
04:43I saw his social media page.
04:44Well, it's gone now.
04:45He must have erased it.
04:46But if he is our guy, then he's already faked one identity.
04:49Brian Coleman.
04:51Stole his life to gain access to the old zoo.
04:53Used it's isolation to kill his victims.
04:55If that place burned, he's gonna need a new killing ground.
04:58My guess is he already has one, and that's where Lucy is right now.
05:01Let's go.
05:12Oh, hey, you're up.
05:13Hey, you're up.
05:15I'd offer you some, but it's better if your stomach's empty, you know, later.
05:20All the screaming tends to make you...
05:27Can I at least have some water?
05:30Of course, I'm not a monster.
05:41Don't get greedy.
05:47Is this why you hit on me in that bar?
05:49Why you asked me out so you could make me a victim?
05:51Oh, no.
05:53No, I see the confusion.
05:55You weren't the target.
05:56You were just a happy opportunity.
05:59I was there scoping out Armstrong.
06:01Honestly, I don't know what Rosalind sees in the guy.
06:04But who am I to judge?
06:06We all have our fetishes.
06:08Are you gonna bare me in Rosalind's third on Mark Grave?
06:13I think so.
06:15I was gonna put Nora in there, but then your friend screwed that up.
06:20Why are you doing this?
06:22You know, that's more of a second date question, and we're just not gonna get there.
06:26I'm sorry.
06:28Now, I gotta get to it.
06:29I got a lot to do before I put you inside.
06:31Wait, wait, wait.
06:32Why, why the tattoo?
06:34Is it...
06:36Is it some display of ownership?
06:39The ultimate control over another person deciding when they die?
06:44It's not for me, silly.
06:47It's for you.
06:49To force you to face the truth of your death.
06:54It's the gift of something we rarely get in life.
07:01Did Rosalind teach you that?
07:04That's mine.
07:05I just thought Rosalind is your mentor.
07:07No, no, no. It's not like that. We're equals.
07:12Does she know that?
07:21You're good, Officer Chen.
07:23I'm gonna enjoy this more than I thought I would.
07:34Miss Valdez.
07:37You saved me.
07:41Thanking you seems... inadequate.
07:45And unnecessary. We were just happy we were there in time.
07:48Now, maybe you can help us save someone else.
07:52Oh, no.
07:54I'm afraid so. A friend of ours might have been taken.
07:57Anything that you can remember about your experience would really help us.
08:03I never saw his face.
08:06He wore that horrible mask.
08:12How long after he took you did he give you the tattoo?
08:15At least twelve hours.
08:19I was leaving work when he grabbed me.
08:21Around eight or nine.
08:23It's the same timeline as Lucy.
08:26Did he stay or do anything that stood out to you?
08:31He was so happy.
08:34He kept saying that she was going to be impressed by him.
08:39I didn't know who he was talking about.
08:41We do.
08:43Did he mention any other place aside from the old zoo? Somewhere he might go?
08:51I'm sorry. That's all I can remember.
08:55How long would it take to suffocate in an oil barrel?
08:57It depends.
08:58If the lid is sealed in place, only 21% of the air inside that barrel is oxygen.
09:03So every time she breathes in, she's absorbing some of that oxygen.
09:07And every time she breathes out, she's adding carbon dioxide to the air.
09:11So if she can stay calm and breathe shallowly, she can last for several hours.
09:16But not longer than that.
09:22The bartender at Las Torres recognized Lucy and Caleb.
09:25The good news. There's a security camera in the parking lot so we know they left at 9.05.
09:32The bad news.
09:35The camera angle is too steep to recognize faces.
09:38Two minutes later, this car drove by.
09:43The license plate on Caleb's car was reported stolen earlier that day.
09:47Officer Chen's car was found in the alley where she left it last night.
09:51Which means we believe Caleb is Rosalind's protege.
09:56And he took Officer Chen.
10:00I know how upsetting this is, but we have to remain focused.
10:04She's counting on us.
10:05Any other questions?
10:10What's up?
10:12Lucy's been taken. I need you.
10:15On my way.
10:21Get dressed. You're coming to the station with me.
10:23But I can stay here.
10:24No. Lucy's in trouble and I want you with me so I don't have to worry.
10:27Hey, give me one minute.
10:29Nora was abducted two nights ago. We found her 18 hours later, already tattooed and about to be put into a barrel to be suffocated.
10:36This makes Caleb's timeline from abduction to death approximately 24 hours.
10:40So we have less than 10 hours to find Lucy.
10:42Unless we're wrong and she's dead already.
10:47Look, I know I haven't known Lucy as long as the rest of you, but I do know that she is a fighter.
10:51She's gonna do everything she can to stay alive until we save her.
11:01Okay, we are ready to go.
12:20Gray wants to see us.
12:21Rosalyn's behind the whole thing. I need to talk to her.
12:24We tried that. It didn't go well. It was a waste of resources.
12:27This is my case.
12:28Look, I know this is personal. And so does Rosalyn.
12:31She's trying to manipulate and hurt you. She went through a lot of trouble to set up that tableau of your wife.
12:36And you're giving her what she wants by punishing her.
12:38Too bad!
12:40It comes right from the chief.
12:42You are too close to this, Nick. And we need you here.
12:46Do what?
12:47Answer the tip line with Tim and Jackson? It's a waste of time!
12:50Then go out and find something better!
12:59Sir, all due respect, if there's any chance of us getting even the smallest clue from Rosalyn, it is worth talking to her.
13:09I agree.
13:10But she is uniquely focused on punishing Armstrong. He was never going to get anything out of her.
13:19But you think I might?
13:21She likes you.
13:22Great. Are you up for the challenge?
13:25Sir, I'll do anything to help find Lucy.
13:28Good. I'll call Sergeant Hernandez at the prison. I expect regular updates.
13:32Yes, sir.
13:33Hey. Thanks for coming in.
13:35Of course. Grace got you on tip lines?
13:37Nothing says we got squat like listening to the public.
13:41Day off?
13:42Yeah, something like that. Can I help?
13:44What's your tolerance level for cranks and asshats wasting your time?
13:47I'm a public defender.
13:49Have at it.
13:54Well, my last two callers either believe that Lucy was abducted by Mulder, or they believe she was abducted.
14:00My last two callers either believe that Lucy was abducted by mole people, or kidnapped to be the new host body for Hugh Hefner.
14:06This is useless. We should be out on the streets kicking down doors.
14:09Whose doors?
14:10I don't know, but I can't just sit here.
14:14Wait up!
14:15I'm fine. I'm just blowing off steam.
14:16I get it, but you gotta get your head in the game.
14:18I don't need a pep talk.
14:20Then why'd you call me? Clearly you need to get something off your chest.
14:24Look, she... she wanted to go home. Okay? Go to bed.
14:30I told her that she should focus on something else.
14:34She went out with Caleb because I told her to.
14:38You couldn't have known.
14:39I should have. I'm a cop. I was standing this close to the guy.
14:43Okay, right across from him, and I never saw him coming.
14:46But she did, though. Some part of her didn't feel right about this whole thing.
14:52She hesitated.
14:54And I... I pushed her right at him.
15:00What's your plan?
15:02I'm open to suggestions.
15:04Rosalind's been playing us from the beginning.
15:06Pretending to make a deal with the DA, planting that coded letter for Armstrong to find.
15:10Even a mislead could be something.
15:12What she does not tell us could be just as important as what she does.
15:15That makes no sense.
15:17I'm trying to be supportive here. It's not really my lane.
15:19No, it's clearly not. But it's appreciated.
15:23Rosalind, visitors. You know the drill.
15:30Away from the door.
15:38Took you long enough.
15:39Step back. On your knees.
15:49No Armstrong?
15:51He's working another case.
15:53Let's not start with lies.
15:55He found the letter I hid, which means he found the package I arranged for him.
15:59Tell me everything. Did he cry?
16:02I know most women find it to turn off, but I love it when a man cries.
16:05I'm not here to talk about Armstrong.
16:07I'm here to talk about your favorite topic.
16:11You're upset.
16:13I understand that pretty police officer is in trouble.
16:17It's all over the news.
16:19Then you understand why it's so important that I find her.
16:22I've come to make you an offer.
16:23I'm listening.
16:24Tell me who the guy is and where I can find him.
16:27And why would I do that?
16:29To regain control.
16:31I saw your statement to the press.
16:33I mean, yes, you project strength, but clearly it's coming from a place of weakness.
16:38You know Caleb is stealing your thunder.
16:40Not at all.
16:42His kills are my kills.
16:44Oh, that's not how the world sees it.
16:47No, he's the boogeyman.
16:49Now, Caleb is eclipsing you.
16:51And you know it.
16:52Soon you'll barely be an afterthought.
16:53I will never be an afterthought.
16:55Now face it, Rosalind.
16:57Yesterday was your last day driving this narrative.
17:00It's Caleb's show now.
17:02Unless you turn on him.
17:04Show him.
17:05Show the world.
17:06No one eclipses Rosalind Dyer.
17:15I'll give you 30 minutes to think about it.
17:17After that, I'm gone.
17:18So is all your leverage.
17:24Looks like he's at theater.
17:26But we might not need her anymore.
17:28Sergeant Hernandez.
17:30Does she get any packages delivered?
17:32Only thing she's received since she's been here is some fan letters.
17:35And the censors go over those with a magnifying glass.
17:37I saw some Bavetti chocolates in her cell.
17:39I'm assuming those are not from the prison commissary.
17:42No, they're not.
17:44Black market items make it everywhere inside this place.
17:47Even death row.
17:49That's how Rosalind has been communicating with Caleb.
17:52Notes hidden inside contraband.
17:54We need to find whoever is running contraband into the prison.
17:57That's who's going to lead us to Caleb.
17:59It sounds good, but IDing the source of a major criminal enterprise is going to take time.
18:03Time we don't have.
18:05I know someone who can find out in one phone call.
18:07No, sir. I don't need you to send me the photo.
18:10Officer Chen did not time travel into your grandparents' wedding photo.
18:14Because physics.
18:17Do you have any clients at Central California's women's facility?
18:20Yeah, sure. Three, I think.
18:21They need to tell you who's running contraband into the prison.
18:23Okay, but I can't do anything to incriminate a client.
18:25No one cares about black market cigarettes.
18:27Getting to that smuggler might be our only hope at finding Lucy before it's too late.
18:44If I get that away from you, it's going right in your brain.
18:46Such bravado. Still thinking there's an escape?
18:50You weren't conscious for your birth, but you will feel every second of your death.
18:55That's some greeting card level villainy.
18:57Not that psychopaths are known for being original thinkers.
19:00I know what you're trying to do.
19:02But you're not going to ruin this moment for me.
19:10Let's go.
19:14This is new.
19:15You suffocated the other two victims above ground before you buried them with Roslyn's kills.
19:19Given the setbacks, I'm taking extra precautions.
19:23Climb in.
19:25I'm not getting in there.
19:27You know, they all say that, and then they all get in.
19:31You know why?
19:35Inside that barrel, there's still life.
19:39Out here?
19:41Only death.
19:42And you and I both know that despite the evidence literally tattooed on your side,
19:45you don't think you're dying today.
19:47So get in the barrel.
20:09Get down.
20:13Get down.
20:27Any last words?
20:31You're going to be dead long before I am.
20:38So I can watch?
21:41Problem officer.
21:43You listen to me very carefully.
21:44Your name is Benjamin Lassie.
21:46You're a mid-level idiot who controls every illicit item that enters the Central California Women's Facility,
21:51and today is your day of reckoning.
21:54Now, I am responsible for a life that is in jeopardy,
21:58and I will do whatever I have to to save her.
22:00Do you understand?
22:03There's a man who gives you items to smuggle onto death row for Roslyn Dyer.
22:07You're going to give me that man.
22:10Why would I do that?
22:11Because if you don't, I will pull you inside her.
22:13His name is Jerry Havel.
22:15He worked as a guard for a few months at Roslyn's prison back in 2017.
22:18We're pulling records now, but Tim's already got a SWAT team and a no-knock warrant.
22:30Go, go, go!
22:32Covering left!
22:36One down!
22:39Where's Lucy?
22:41That's not Caleb.
22:43Damn it!
22:44Who the hell's Caleb? Or Lucy?
22:46Your name is Jerry Havel. You work as a prison guard at Central California Correctional.
22:49No, no, and my name's Jerry, but I've never worked at that prison.
22:52I've been on disability for the last five years.
22:54Inmates should be during a riot.
22:56Look, DOC clearly states that you work at that prison.
23:00My identity was stolen right around three years ago.
23:03Really screwed up my credit.
23:05Caleb used Jerry's identity to get into prison.
23:07Get close to Roslyn, just like he stole Brian Coleman's identity.
23:10Is this connected to the officer that was abducted?
23:13And you're our last shot at saving her.
23:20Tim and Jackson struck out with the smuggler.
23:23So it's on you to get her to give us something that'll lead us to Lucy's kidnapping.
23:30You can do this.
23:31You have a unique ability to connect with people.
23:35She's a psychopath who enjoys mind games and dismemberment.
23:38It's not exactly my lane here.
23:45Time's up. I need an answer.
23:47You already proved your point with Caleb.
23:49Now give him to me and take back control.
23:55There's a flaw in your theory and you just can't see it.
23:58And now you've squandered the one thing you don't have.
24:02What are you talking about?
24:03The third grave was never the endgame.
24:07And what was?
24:08Not what.
24:09Not what?
24:18Roslyn was right.
24:20I failed you.
24:24I am so sorry.
24:27Come on, Nick. Pick up the phone.
24:31Nick! Hey!
24:32Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
24:33Hands where I can see-
24:34Hands where I can see them!
24:36On the ground, now!
24:37Sure, I can do that.
24:39But then who would let Lucy out?
24:41If I don't make it back, she'll die.
24:44I'll do it.
24:46I'll do it.
24:47I'll do it.
24:48I'll do it.
24:49I'll do it.
24:50I'll do it.
24:51I'll do it.
24:52I'll do it.
24:53I'll do it.
24:54I'll do it.
25:01Where is she?
25:03Where she'll never be found unless you come with me.
25:07You do that, and I'll let her go?
25:12Yeah, I don't believe you.
25:13There's no reason you should.
25:15Here's the thing, though.
25:16If you take me in, Lucy dies.
25:19Scared and alone.
25:22Oh, wait.
25:23Oh, wait.
25:25This is sounding familiar.
25:26I am not playing your game!
25:28It's not a game, Nick.
25:30It's a choice.
25:32Will Lucy die, or will you?
25:48My car's over there. Lead the way.
26:18Over here!
26:21We're too late.
26:23We're too late.
26:53Come on!
26:54Come on!
27:18Hey, check it out.
27:20What's that?
27:21Copies of credit card statements that Caleb used in Jerry's name.
27:27There could be charges in here that lead us to Caleb.
27:29Come on, we gotta get back to the station.
27:31Come on, get everyone on it.
27:32That's what I was about to say.
27:36You okay?
27:40What have you been doing?
27:42Combing through Rosalind's biographical data.
27:44Look, I figure that Caleb must be pretty obsessed with her if he's going through with all this.
27:47So maybe he's keeping Lucy somewhere that connects to her.
28:01Whose house is this?
28:03It belonged to Rosalind's uncle.
28:05She told me about it when I was at the prison.
28:08It's sacred land.
28:09It's where she scored her first kill.
28:13You don't know about that one.
28:14There's so much you don't know about her.
28:17I know everything.
28:19Good for you.
28:20Because, dude, I don't want to know everything.
28:22People like her, like you, you're a cancer.
28:24You'd know something about that, wouldn't you?
28:27Where's Lucy?
28:29In the house.
28:30Let's go see her.
28:35Watch the tripwire.
28:38There you go.
28:41Hey, hey, we got something.
28:42Hey, hey, we got something.
28:44Caleb used Jerry's identity to rent a post office box in Kern County near the prison.
28:48But he kept it up after he quit.
28:50Still pays for it.
28:51He must have a place close by.
28:53Rosalind's family.
28:54Her trust in the department in Kern County.
29:13She's in the ground out there somewhere.
29:16Rosalind felt bad that you missed your wife's death, so she's giving you Lucy's death to make up for it.
29:21We'll watch it together.
29:23And then you'll go in that barrel.
29:29A star shining bright above you
29:36High breezes sing to whisper I love you
29:42Birds singing in the sycamore tree
29:47Dream a little dream of me
29:52Say nighty night and kiss me
29:57Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
30:03While I'm alone with blue eyes can't see
30:08Dream a little dream of me
30:15Stars fading but I linger on dear
30:22Still craving your kiss
30:25I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
30:31Just saying this
30:37Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
30:42Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
30:48But in your dream forever
31:07LAPD unit on site.
31:08We cannot wait for SWAT. We're going in.
31:18Let's go.
31:49LAPD! Drop that gun!
31:55Damn it!
32:01He's the only one who knows where Lucy is!
32:04Stabilize the sedative.
32:10Find something to put pressure on that.
32:11This is Officer John Nolan.
32:12I need a code 3 ambulance sent to 757 Old Farm Road.
32:15I have a gunshot wound victim.
32:17Male in his 30s. Conscious and breathing.
32:19Copy, John 3.
32:20Ambulance en route.
32:21Ambulance ETA is 8 minutes.
32:23He won't last that long.
32:24I'm going to get the first aid kit.
32:28What are you doing?
32:31The ambulance is 8 minutes out.
32:32I have a gunshot wound victim.
32:33One round to the chest.
32:34Where the hell is Lucy?
32:36Turn the phone around so I can see.
32:38Where the hell is Lucy?
32:39Turn the phone around so I can see.
32:43Closer. I can't see. More light.
32:46Hold it.
32:47I got the flashlight.
32:49Pull the cloth away from the wound.
32:51Gently push down on different parts of his abdomen.
32:57John, I need to see inside the wound.
32:59I'm not supposed to do that.
33:00Pull the flesh back from around the wound.
33:02Shine the flashlight in there as far as you can.
33:04Where is she?
33:05Where is Lucy?
33:06She's dead.
33:08Hold him down.
33:09He's losing a lot of blood. He's getting pale.
33:11The round may have nicked one of the thoracic branches,
33:13which means you have about a minute.
33:15Stick your hands in there as far as you can.
33:17You need to pull the flesh away from the wound.
33:19Shine the flashlight in there so I can see.
33:22Laceration right subclavian artery.
33:24John, you need to stick your fingers in there
33:26and wheel around for the source of the pumping.
33:32I got it.
33:34I'm holding it. I got it.
33:36See if you can pinch it.
33:40I lost it.
33:41Put your hands back in there.
33:42I can't find it.
33:43You can find it.
33:44Nolan, he's gone.
33:56She's out there somewhere. She's still alive.
33:57That grave's gonna be fresh. We gotta look.
34:09Caleb is dead.
34:10Lucy's buried somewhere on the property. We gotta find her.
34:12Can't even tell if she's still breathing.
34:14Spread out.
34:17Airship, we have an officer buried alive.
34:20Looking for the site.
34:25She wouldn't have buried her close to the house.
34:27Come on.
34:30Airship to ground.
34:31Hate to say it, but there's a lot of possible sites visible from up here.
34:34Mostly east and north.
34:35Split up. You go left, all right?
35:24I've got her!
35:25I've got her!
35:35Come on.
35:52Right here.
35:53Here we go. Here.
35:58Come on.
36:00Help me.
36:05Come on.
36:10Oh, man.
36:13Excuse me.
36:14Is she breathing?
36:36Oh, God.
36:46Oh, God.
36:47Oh, God.
36:54Oh, God.
36:57Oh, God.
37:26What are you reading, Teen Rebel?
37:27They actually have some really insightful political articles.
37:33Which BTS member is your soulmate?
37:36It's got to be Suga, right?
37:40What's a BTS?
37:42Oh, God.
37:48Have you been here all night?
37:59Glad to see that you're awake.
38:02You just missed Rachel. She said she'd be back after work, so...
38:05Oh, does that mean I'll be in the hospital for a while?
38:08Well, probably until tomorrow.
38:10You know, we need to get you rehydrated, make sure nothing unexpected pops up.
38:13You know, you're very lucky.
38:18How did you find me?
38:19Uh, that was my genius policing skills.
38:22That's just what people are saying.
38:24Anyway, I brought you something.
38:26I can see that.
38:28It's the biggest one I could find.
38:30Oh, my God, I should hope so.
38:32Oh, my gosh, I'm going to need a bigger apartment.
38:35Uh, no, no. You cannot have my room.
38:38Oh, thank you.
38:40Well, he is a she, and she is going to sleep in my bed,
38:46since I am clearly never going on a date again.
38:50I'm not sure that should be the takeaway.
38:52Well, hang on. Statistically, that's actually pretty safe.
38:56So is this the kind of support and understanding I can look forward to from now on?
39:00Yes, pretty much.
39:02That's great. That's really good.
39:07You hungry?
39:08Yeah, I'm starving.
39:10You know what I really want to eat right now?
39:12Veggie burger and fries? Extra pickles?
39:16You know me so well.
39:19Too well.
39:25Where are you going?
39:31I'm not lying this time.
39:32So what, you're suddenly cured?
39:37But helping to find Lucy gave me a serious sense of perspective.
39:41Not just for what she survived, but that she couldn't have done it without all of us.
39:47And I realized I was an idiot for trying to, you know, deal with it.
39:51I realized I was an idiot for trying to, you know, deal with all these things by myself.
39:56So I'm going to go to work. I'm going to go to therapy.
39:59And if I feel panicked or sad, I'm going to ask for help.
40:06That's good. That's really good, baby.
40:18Hey, what are you doing here?
40:19I work here.
40:21Seriously. You should take a day or two. You've been through a lot.
40:25Yeah, thanks, but this is where I belong. Helping make things right for people.
40:30Okay, fine. You're a grown man.
40:33But tonight, you're in my house.
40:36And we're going to barbecue like men and watch the Laker game.
40:40Okay, sounds good. Thanks, thanks.
40:44And listen, Sarge, thanks for sticking by me.
40:48It means a lot.
40:50You're a good man, Nick.
40:53I hope you can cast those demons out one day and move on.
40:57Yeah, me too.
41:06I have some bad news.
41:08Caleb failed.
41:10Yeah, we saved Armstrong and Lucy, and Caleb is very dead.
41:15That is disappointing.
41:17And now it is truly finished.
41:20No, I never showed you where the third burial site is.
41:23There are others. I can make a new deal.
41:28We found Caleb's notes.
41:31He wrote down everything you told him.
41:34Every kill.
41:36Every burial site.
41:39You have no more secrets.
41:41So there's no more deals.
41:43No more creepy hikes.
41:51For the rest of your life.
41:57I do know one last secret.
42:01I don't care.
42:02You will.
42:03It's about Armstrong.
42:05And it is bad.
42:07I don't believe you.
42:08Not yet, but when you do...
42:11I'll be here.
42:45Damn it.