Qurani Waqiyat | Naimat e Iftar | Hazrat Suleman AS ka Zikar
Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#QuraniWaqiyat #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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00:30As you know that yesterday we had mentioned an incident of Hazrat Suleyman A.S.
00:37Today we are going to talk about a very famous incident of Hazrat Suleyman A.S.
00:41Which is also mentioned in the Holy Quran
00:44Once upon a time there was a court of Hazrat Suleyman A.S.
00:48All the courtiers were present but Hudhud was absent
00:51When Hazrat Suleyman A.S. asked for Hudhud
00:54He came very late
00:57Hazrat Suleyman A.S. asked Hudhud that where were you absent from so late
01:02He replied that I have brought a news for you
01:05And it is a very important news
01:07I was flying at altitude and was observing the areas far away
01:13Then I saw an area of Yemen
01:16There was a community living there
01:18And the name of that community was Qaum-e-Saba
01:21Where a woman rules
01:24The name of that woman was Malika Saba Bilqis
01:27And that community is Mushrik
01:29Instead of worshipping Allah and bowing down in front of Him
01:33She worships the Sun
01:35Viewers, Qaum-e-Saba was living in Yemen
01:39And it's residence was Ma'arib
01:42And this city was located 60 miles away from Sana'a
01:45On the east side
01:48It was a very happy and green area
01:52There were mountains on both sides of the city
01:55From where the rain water used to come down in the form of rain
02:01And to collect this water
02:03The mountains were closed
02:06So that the city is saved from loss
02:09And the water is also saved from being wasted
02:12While on both sides of the city
02:15There was a wide range of green gardens
02:19And all kinds of flowers
02:21And trees and gardens full of fruits
02:25This area was full of blessings
02:28And the people there were happy and rich
02:31But unfortunately
02:34Instead of worshipping Allah
02:37They used to worship the Sun
02:40When Hazrat Suleiman A.S. was informed about that city
02:46Hazrat Suleiman A.S. immediately
02:49Sent a letter to Malika Saba Bilqis
02:52To complete his duties
02:55In which it was clearly written
02:58That the Prophet of Allah, Suleiman A.S.
03:01Is inviting you to worship Allah
03:07Stop worshipping others
03:10And become obedient to Allah
03:14And go
03:17This letter reached Malika Saba Bilqis
03:22Malika Saba Bilqis's court
03:25And this letter of Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
03:29Was delivered to Malika Saba Bilqis
03:32When Malika Saba Bilqis read this letter
03:35She immediately called her advisers
03:38And consulted them
03:41Most of them suggested
03:43That we will have to fight against Suleiman A.S.
03:46But Malika Saba Bilqis knew
03:51That Suleiman A.S. is the Prophet of Allah
03:56And to fight against the Prophet of Allah
03:59And to win is impossible
04:02That is why Malika Saba Bilqis
04:05According to the custom of that time
04:08Delivered a very valuable letter
04:11To Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
04:14But she forgot
04:17That to fight against the Prophet of Allah
04:20Is not possible
04:23And to reject the Prophet of Allah
04:26And to send a letter
04:29And to be disobedient
04:32Is also not possible
04:35Malika Saba Bilqis
04:38Returned all the letters
04:41And immediately sent a message
04:44That I have no need of these letters
04:47You immediately accept my invitation
04:50To be disobedient to Allah
04:53And to leave Shirk
04:56And to be obedient to Allah
04:59Otherwise I declare war against you
05:02In response to this letter
05:05Malika Saba Bilqis immediately sent a letter
05:08And said that I myself
05:11Immediately come to you
05:14And accept your invitation and Islam
05:17When Hazrat Suleiman A.S. received this letter
05:20He said that when Malika Saba
05:23Comes to me as a follower of Allah
05:26Then I want to accept Islam
05:29And I will give her the same throne
05:32As a gift
05:35Hazrat Suleiman A.S. asked the courtiers
05:38Who among you
05:41Before Malika Saba Bilqis
05:44Brought her throne to me
05:47One of the courtiers, a jinn
05:50His name was Ifrit
05:53He said that I can present that throne to you
05:56Which is 700 miles away
05:59From where I am standing
06:02In such a short time
06:05That jinn wanted to present it to you
06:08And he also said to Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
06:11That Allah has given me so much power
06:14That in such a short time
06:17Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
06:20Couldn't even stand for a few seconds
06:24One of the courtiers
06:27Who was a scholar of Zaboor
06:30Said that I can present that throne
06:33Before your face is revealed
06:36And when Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
06:39Revealed his face, the throne was in front of him
06:42These things are related to miracles
06:45When the throne was presented
06:48In front of Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
06:51Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
06:54Changed the appearance of the throne
06:57So that he can test Malika Saba Bilqis
07:00Whether she recognizes her throne or not
07:03When Malika Saba Bilqis came to Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
07:06She accepted the invitation of Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
07:09She repented from Shirk and disobeying Allah
07:12So Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
07:15Gave the same throne to Malika Saba Bilqis
07:18The purpose of this was
07:21That your throne is permanent
07:24Hazrat Suleiman A.S. is the Prophet of Allah
07:27Who is also known as the founder of Baitul Maqdas
07:30Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
07:33Constructed Masjid-e-Aqsa
07:36Which is known as Haikal-e-Sulemani
07:39Haikal-e-Sulemani was a master of architecture
07:45It was beautiful
07:48And the most amazing thing was
07:51Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
07:54Constructed Masjid-e-Aqsa with the help of Jinn
07:57With the help of Jinn
08:00Big stones were taken to Balandi
08:03And big stones were placed in the foundations
08:06So from the foundation to the top
08:09Masjid-e-Aqsa was the wonder of architecture
08:12And Hazrat Suleiman A.S.
08:15Constructed Masjid-e-Aqsa on the will of his father
08:18Hazrat Dawood A.S.
08:21Hazrat Dawood A.S.
08:24Constructed Masjid-e-Aqsa
08:27Where it is today
08:30During the time of Hazrat Dawood A.S.
08:33There was no permanent construction
08:36But for worship
08:39Hazrat Musa A.S.
08:42Constructed Masjid-e-Aqsa
08:45In Wadi-e-Sina
08:48Before Hazrat Musa A.S.
08:51Hazrat Yaqub A.S.
08:54Constructed Masjid-e-Aqsa
08:57And this is the Masjid-e-Aqsa
09:00Where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
09:03And all the Prophets
09:06And Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
09:09The Masjid-e-Aqsa is the first Qibla of Muslims
09:12Always remember this
09:15When Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
09:18And all the Prophets said
09:21If there is Namaz, Namaz is like this
09:24If there is Imam, Imam is like this