Yeh Sab Tumhara Karam Hai Aaqa
Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#YehSabTumharaKaramHaiAaqa #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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00:00In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:14In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:16The glory of Ramadan, the transmission, the blessings of Iftaar and the segment is all due to your blessings, Master.
00:21And with us is Syed Salman Gul Noorani Sahib.
00:25Sir, as a host, we have seen you throughout the month and all the days.
00:30But today, you have come to us.
00:32So, this journey of hosting, how did it start? Where did it start?
00:36Tell us.
00:37The journey of hosting started with some private gatherings.
00:41Then it started with some private channels.
00:44But after all, as they say, when a person finds his destination.
00:47When I came to Qutubi, I felt that this was the place.
00:51I should have come here long ago.
00:53But Allah is the best in everything.
00:55So, when I came, I started my work from here.
01:00How long has it been?
01:02Alhamdulillah, it has been 10 years with Qutubi.
01:05This is the 10th year.
01:06And Alhamdulillah, my heart is satisfied.
01:08My soul is also satisfied that I am connected to such an institution.
01:12From where the message of Allah and His Messenger is coming.
01:14So, tell us about your educational background.
01:18My educational background was very disturbed.
01:21Because I did my Matric from Science.
01:23Then I entered from Pre-Engineering.
01:25So, I did not get my expected marks.
01:28Then I joined Commerce.
01:30I entered with Commerce.
01:32After Commerce, instead of going to B.Com,
01:35I did Bachelors of Arts from Federal Urdu University.
01:38In which?
01:39In IR, International Relations was my major.
01:41You know, the rest are compulsory.
01:43Urdu, languages and all.
01:45After that, I did my Masters in IR.
01:47In International Relations, Alhamdulillah.
01:49In Federal Urdu University.
01:51Approximately 10-12 years ago,
01:53I saw you in a gathering.
01:55You were doing Naqabat.
01:57So, how did you come towards Naqabat?
01:59The second thing is that,
02:01those who are Naqib in gatherings,
02:03or Nathuha,
02:04surely, they have a religious background.
02:06So, I would like to first explain that,
02:08how did you come towards religion?
02:10How did you come towards the religious field?
02:12Because such things are not seen in education.
02:14It is formal education as it is.
02:16So, how did that happen?
02:18How did you come towards Naqabat?
02:20It so happened that my father,
02:22Hazrat Qibla Syed Agha Gul Qadri,
02:24Allama Shaiman Noorani Sahib,
02:26Huzoor Qaid-e-Millat-e-Islamiyya,
02:28Allama Shaiman Noorani Siddiqui Nawar
02:30Allah Omar Qadol Karim,
02:32he spent 40 years with him.
02:34And then, he told us that,
02:36son, you have not seen your grandfather,
02:38nor have you seen your grandmother.
02:40So, your grandfather is the same Noorani,
02:42and your grandmother is the same Noorani.
02:44Consider that my parents are the same.
02:46Then, he used to take me to Noorani's gatherings.
02:48He used to teach me Tahajjud in the mosque in Kachi.
02:50He used to teach me Shabina.
02:52I was very young.
02:54Even today, those videos go viral in Ramadan.
02:56Whenever Ramadan comes, the videos go viral.
02:58There is a way to read the Quran.
03:00People used to come from far to listen.
03:02When I used to get tired in the rows,
03:04I used to memorize the Quran.
03:06My father was very fond of it.
03:08My father didn't tell me to memorize it.
03:10I was very fond of it.
03:12I told him to drop me to school and
03:14I dropped out of three classes.
03:16After that, I rejoined.
03:18After five classes, I dropped out of my school.
03:20I dropped out of my primary classes.
03:22After that, I joined directly in the ninth class.
03:24He said, no, you can take it from the sixth or seventh class.
03:26I said, no, no.
03:28My class fellows are from the same school.
03:30They will laugh at me.
03:32So, they got me admitted in the ninth class.
03:34I think I dropped out of the sixth class.
03:36I took admission in the ninth class.
03:38I topped in the class for two months.
03:40With the blessings of memorizing the Quran,
03:42my situation got better.
03:44Now, I have gained some background from Madrasa.
03:46I have competed in Tabazimai,
03:52Naqawat is a long story.
03:54I was very fond of reciting Naat.
03:56I have been reciting Naat since my childhood.
03:58After that,
04:00I competed in Tabazimai.
04:02I remember,
04:04the Nazim of Karachi,
04:06Nematullah Khan,
04:08he made me compete in Karachi.
04:10I took part in all three competitions.
04:12In Tilawat and Naat.
04:14I came third in Tilawat.
04:16I came second in Naat.
04:18I came first in Taqreer.
04:20The next time,
04:22I won in Taqreer.
04:24But, I lost in Naat and Tilawat.
04:26You are an all-rounder.
04:28I am trying.
04:30Not every profession is made for everyone.
04:32It is fun and fun.
04:36We don't know why we are made.
04:38I don't know why I am here.
04:40You knew that you are a guest.
04:42Let me tell you,
04:44there is a background.
04:46Three or four times,
04:48Mr. Hafiz lined up for his podcast.
04:50Our time was decided.
04:52His podcast is very good on digital media.
04:54He has a lot of fans.
04:56He lined me up.
04:58But, I couldn't reach.
05:00There were always some circumstances.
05:02He came today.
05:04I told him to host today.
05:06You can ask me in your podcast.
05:08I will answer you.
05:10You told us about your religious background.
05:12How did you come to
05:16How did you come to Naqabat?
05:20I learnt Urdu from home.
05:22My mother is from Delhi.
05:26I learnt Urdu from home.
05:28It was a hobby.
05:30In a gathering,
05:32I was told
05:34that I have to announce.
05:36I didn't know how to announce.
05:38I didn't know that.
05:40He said, you don't have to do anything.
05:42Just recite a poem and call a person.
05:44I recited a poem and called a person.
05:46People from my locality cheered me up.
05:48They said, you recited very well.
05:50Your Urdu is good.
05:52I started getting appreciation.
05:54I took a step in this domain.
05:56Then, I started doing different things
05:58related to Naqabat.
06:00I started traveling
06:02in different cities.
06:04After Q-TV,
06:06after this platform,
06:08Allah gave me respect across the seas.
06:10I go anywhere in the world.
06:12You won't believe.
06:14I was at Toronto airport.
06:16A family came to me.
06:18They said, are you Salman Gul?
06:20I said, yes.
06:22They recited some of my poems.
06:24I felt like
06:26all my fatigue was gone.
06:28I was very happy.
06:32my Q-TV, my channel,
06:34is seen in every corner of the world.
06:36Our hard work is rewarded.
06:38Then, about Urdu.
06:40When I was young,
06:42I used to see only a couple of people
06:44in the department.
06:46There was no one else.
06:48They recited very well.
06:50They recited very well.
06:52When I used to listen to them,
06:54I used to think that
06:56I can bring something better.
06:58I tried.
07:00Allah gave me success.
07:04If you ask me,
07:06if there is an inspirational personality
07:08in the department,
07:10there is no one.
07:12I became a Naqeeb accidentally.
07:14They used to say,
07:16this is not my style, this is not my color.
07:18People used to say,
07:20this is the style, this is the color,
07:22this is the style.
07:24Allah gave me this favor.
07:26I heard you in a gathering.
07:28After that,
07:30one of our relatives
07:32invited you to our Madrasa.
07:34He told me that
07:36you recite Hala Hazrat's poetry very well.
07:38When you came there,
07:40you recited Hala Hazrat's poetry very well.
07:42At that time,
07:44you were wearing Sindhi Dhobi.
07:46Yes, exactly.
07:48I have been in Nizamat
07:50for 25 years.
07:52I have been in Nizamat since a very young age.
07:54People usually recite
07:56Hala Hazrat's famous poetry.
07:58I remember,
08:00I used to start from here.
08:02My style was like this.
08:14This was my style.
08:16Now, my style has changed.
08:18Hala Hazrat's poetry.
08:20My first introduction was
08:22that you recite Hala Hazrat's poetry very well.
08:24Tell us something about this.
08:26When I was young,
08:28I got the first book of Naat.
08:30My teacher used to teach us Naat.
08:32He taught us the first Naat.
08:36I think, everyone's journey starts from here.
08:38This was Marqat-ul-Ara Kalam.
08:40By Imam Ahmed Raza Khan.
08:44He gave us the book as a gift.
08:46What was the book?
08:48My teacher
08:50had nothing to do with religious organizations.
08:52He was from Khanwada.
08:54He was from Bareilly.
08:56He was passionate.
08:58He gave us the book as a gift.
09:00I was young. I had a good memory.
09:02I memorized the whole Naat.
09:04I memorized all the Naats.
09:06When I started reciting difficult words in gatherings,
09:14When I started reciting,
09:16people said,
09:18How did you memorize the poetry?
09:20How do you read it?
09:22I started appreciating my memory.
09:24I started appreciating Urdu.
09:26Even our anchor,
09:28Rais Ahmed,
09:30I remember,
09:32when he was not in QTV,
09:34I used to do a small Nizamat.
09:36He used to recite Naat.
09:38He came on a stage.
09:40We used to live in the same locality.
09:42He came on the stage and appreciated me.
09:44He was among them.
09:46He gave me a pat on the back.
09:48He said, I am hearing your voice from there.
09:50I said, it is not a child's voice.
09:52My voice was heavy.
09:54It was a mature voice.
09:56From your journey,
09:58I can understand that
10:00your elders' pat and encouragement
10:02played a big role in your journey.
10:04They encouraged you.
10:06There is no doubt about it.
10:08I would like to take the name of
10:10Alhaj Muhammad Siddiq Ismail.
10:12He also told me about QTV.
10:14He called me to his office the next day.
10:16He made me join.
10:18I am thankful to Haji Abdul Rauf.
10:20He gave me a chance.
10:22I was not expecting
10:24any such kind of platform.
10:26Like this, AROI.
10:28The largest electronic media network
10:30of Pakistan.
10:32It is one of the biggest networks
10:34in South Asia.
10:36He gave me a chance.
10:38He is my Mohsin.
10:40It has been 10 years.
10:42Pay attention to some increment.
10:44He has been working for 10 years.
10:48We are with you.
10:50In this demand.
10:54I would like to ask
10:56those who are coming to this field.
10:58I would like to give them some guidelines.
11:00If you take the name of
11:022-3 of your favorite poets.
11:04If you read a poem
11:06at the end.
11:08God willing.
11:10I have noticed
11:12one thing is missing.
11:14They are not inventing anything.
11:16They are not creating anything.
11:18They do not make style.
11:20Poetry has a rhythm.
11:22It has a rhythm.
11:24It has to be read in rhythm.
11:26New students are copying.
11:28They are not smart.
11:30They are reading wrong.
11:32In Karachi,
11:34most of the students read my poetry.
11:36I am telling you.
11:38They read my poetry.
11:40They read it wrong.
11:42They do not make style.
11:44They read poetry.
11:46But they do not follow the manners.
11:48They trust in listening.
11:50They do not trust in reading.
11:52They need to study.
11:54You read books.
11:56You will read more.
11:58You will learn new things.
12:00First of all,
12:02our children do not know poetry.
12:04What is a good poem?
12:06What is a bad poem?
12:08Unless you read it,
12:10it will not affect anyone.
12:12I am telling you.
12:14We are not able to differentiate
12:16between good and bad.
12:18There is a lack of education
12:20and knowledge.
12:22I have studied it deeply.
12:24I have studied it.
12:26I have worked hard.
12:28Children do not work hard.
12:30They call you directly
12:32and ask you to teach them.
12:34What will we teach you?
12:36Time is over.
12:38I will read
12:40Muzaffar Warsi's poetry.
12:42I like it very much.