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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob

Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.

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#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow


00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, ladies and gentlemen, I am Humayun Mehboob,
00:14I welcome you on ARY Digital with the program Sitar-O-Ki-Baat with Humayun.
00:21Your live calls will be there, my answers will be there,
00:25and Insha'Allah, I will try my best to present my analysis in front of you.
00:35One thing to keep in mind is that whether it happens or not, it happens by the will of Allah.
00:41If Allah wills it, it happens. If Allah wills it, nothing happens.
00:44But the date of birth, time of birth, give it to me.
00:46This is a science, just keep this in mind.
00:50The final being belongs to my Lord.
00:51Thank you very much.
00:52Yes, please let me speak to the caller. Hello? Hello?
01:01Yes, Walaikum-Salam. Tell me, Khatun.
01:04Yes, I wanted to ask about myself.
01:07Tell me your date of birth.
01:0920th August, 1998.
01:11You said 20th August, 1998. What time were you born?
01:19Where were you born?
01:21In Islamabad.
01:23You were born in Islamabad. Give me a minute, Khatun.
01:29Islamabad, 1998.
01:42You are very nice, you have a very good heart, you have a very nice house,
01:48where you will live. But can I say something, if you allow me?
01:53Yes, please.
01:55Don't trust people emotionally, otherwise you will be deceived.
02:00Will you listen to what I am saying?
02:06Don't trust people, otherwise you will be deceived emotionally.
02:12The yoga that is being done in your life, it is saddening that
02:19marriage can be delayed, but Allah will do His best.
02:26And God willing, I will advise you to at least not think about it until 2025.
02:38Now, what do you have to do? That is very important.
02:41On every Tuesday, Khatun, give 270 grams of red lentils to a poor person in the name of Allah.
02:53Or give 90 grams of red lentils to birds.
02:58Avoid red and black.
03:01And every week, you have to give 80 grams of black lentils to birds.
03:07Thirdly, you have to recite the Quranic Wazifa first and last.
03:11Durood-e-Ibrahimi, nine times.
03:13In between, 108 times, Ya Wadoodo, Ya Lateefo, Ya Azeezo, Ya Samado, Ya Rahmano, Ya Rahimo.
03:25After that, you have to recite 9 times Surah Fatiha, 9 times Surah Ikhlas, 9 times Surah Kausar,
03:349 times Ayatul Kursi, and 9 times Surah Rahman and pray to Allah.
03:42If Allah wills it, you will be better off.
03:48And if Allah wills it, this time of 2026-2028 can bring you good news.
04:01Rest, Allah wills it.
04:04Take care of this.
04:06Thank you very much, Khatun.
04:07Yes, please let me speak to the next caller.
04:13Peace be upon you.
04:14Yes, peace be upon you.
04:15Please go ahead, Khatun.
04:17Sir, I would like to know about my son.
04:19Yes, please tell me his date of birth.
04:2313th October.
04:2513th October.
04:32When was he born?
04:344 pm.
04:35Where was he born?
04:39Kamaliya is the capital of Toba Tek Singh.
04:41Where is Kamaliya?
04:42Toba Tek Singh?
04:43Yes, Kamaliya is the capital of Toba Tek Singh.
04:47Okay, so the child is good, a little bit angry, a little bit stubborn, but he is very good.
05:10He is a little bit less interested in education.
05:16This time period has been going on for a long time.
05:19It has been going on since 2020-2023.
05:21This will cause some health problems.
05:23And take care of one thing, Khatun.
05:26Take good care of his stomach.
05:28Will you listen to me?
05:29He has had stomach pain for about 6 months.
05:31We have taken medicine and he is tired.
05:33We don't know what the problem is.
05:35What is the doctor saying?
05:36Where is he?
05:38Tell me what the doctor is saying.
05:40Doctors are different.
05:42Some say that his stomach is not fine.
05:44Some say that there is a problem in his liver.
05:46Some say that he is taking medicine for his kidney.
05:48Some say that his stomach is upset.
05:50I don't see any problem in his kidney.
05:52Although my God knows better.
05:54But according to the science that God has given me,
05:56I don't see any problem in his kidney.
05:58I don't see any problem in his kidney.
06:00However, I think the problem is in his stomach.
06:10Since he was born,
06:12he didn't eat junk food and cold drinks.
06:18He eats food with great interest.
06:20He doesn't eat anything else.
06:22He has had a problem from the beginning.
06:24Is it a problem from the start?
06:27No, she has had a lot of cold drinks.
06:32No, I am asking you if she used to drink cold drinks.
06:38Yes, she does, but it doesn't work normally in our house.
06:41Only when a guest comes.
06:43No, no, ma'am, her stomach is so sensitive
06:48that you can't imagine her stomach.
06:52Stale food, bacterial food, junk food, cold drinks, soft drinks,
06:59which have soda bicarb or carbonated water,
07:04are poisonous for her.
07:06And let me tell you one thing.
07:08May Allah bless her.
07:10You focus on her stomach and eyes.
07:13What I feel is that there is a problem there.
07:17Because you can't see a kidney problem in such a horoscope.
07:22And yes, one more thing,
07:25whenever you put this on her,
07:31black color,
07:33it will affect her health.
07:35Now for this, one thing,
07:37and red color.
07:39One thing you do,
07:42may Allah bless you.
07:44I am telling you this medically.
07:48Then I will tell you a Quranic hadith.
07:51After reciting Durood-e-Ibrahim,
07:54three times,
07:55after that you have to read,
07:58okay, hold her.
08:01hold her.
08:02Ladies and gentlemen,
08:04I will take a break.
08:05After the break,
08:07because she is in need,
08:08I will tell you her hadith and chastity.
08:11You note it down.
08:13I will take a break.
08:16Once again,
08:17Humayun Mehboob,
08:18welcomes you to ARY Digital.
08:20So that lady,
08:21that sister,
08:22who was before the break,
08:23I will tell her this.
08:25First and foremost,
08:27after reciting Durood-e-Ibrahim,
08:29read this.
08:30Fourteen times,
08:31Surah Fatiha.
08:32Fourteen times,
08:33Surah Ikhlas.
08:34One time,
08:35read Ayat-ul-Kursi,
08:37blow on it,
08:38and add Surah Rehman,
08:40it will be very beautiful.
08:42Add this.
08:44its treatment,
08:45from a very,
08:46from a doctor,
08:48if you want to do CT scan,
08:50or ultrasound,
08:52whatever you want to do,
08:54do that.
08:55And now,
08:56such modern technology has come,
08:59if you,
09:00even that,
09:01for the endoscopy of the doctor,
09:03get it checked,
09:04so that it will be more confirmed.
09:07let me tell you one thing,
09:09my personal observation can also be,
09:11this is my opinion,
09:13anyone can disagree,
09:15for stomach related diseases,
09:17the old and good doctors,
09:19are much better.
09:22I will tell you a formula,
09:24of Rasool Allah,
09:25peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:27do that and see,
09:28it will definitely make a difference.
09:30That is,
09:31at night,
09:32soak three figs in water,
09:34in the morning,
09:35smash it,
09:36that is,
09:37grind it,
09:38in that,
09:39in that,
09:40one spoon,
09:41olive oil,
09:42extra virgin olive oil,
09:43mix that,
09:44put a little in that,
09:46may Allah bless you,
09:51one spoon of this mixture,
09:52mix it,
09:53drink it,
09:55in lukewarm water,
09:57and on top of that,
09:59the formula I have told you,
10:00read it,
10:01by the will of Allah,
10:03in his life,
10:04in this matter of the stomach,
10:06you will feel better.
10:08The rest,
10:09the one who gives healing,
10:10is of my Allah,
10:11of my Panjitan Pak,
10:12and may Allah have mercy on him.
10:14Thank you very much, Khatum.
10:15There are some callers,
10:16who I,
10:17who are in need,
10:18that they have to give a little more time.
10:21talk to the next caller.
10:28tell me, Khatum.
10:29Peace be upon you.
10:31peace be upon you,
10:32tell me.
10:34I wanted to ask about my marriage,
10:35I will tell you the date of marriage,
10:41I did not understand,
10:42say it again.
10:436th June,
10:45Which June,
10:46which June,
10:47you said,
10:486th June.
10:496th June.
10:506th June,
10:528th June,
10:538th June.
10:548th June,
10:56now open your voice.
10:578th June,
11:00I am saying this.
11:02if you clearly speak,
11:03then I understand,
11:11Time of birth?
11:1410 in the morning.
11:1510 in the morning.
11:18Where were you born?
11:38what should I say,
11:39since 2011,
11:40your life has been
11:41full of obstacles,
11:43and there is always
11:44a problem.
11:45Will you listen to me?
11:47I am listening.
11:48Your mother is alive,
11:53Please take care of her
11:54health these days.
11:55This is my request.
12:39I think,
12:43first tell me one thing,
12:45so that I am more
12:47This time that has
12:50November until now,
12:52the time of March,
12:54has anyone discussed
12:55anything with you,
12:56or have you received
12:57any proposal?
13:00I received a proposal.
13:01Try to materialize it,
13:02because this time
13:03Because this is the time of 2025 that there are strong chances that by the will of Allah,
13:11your marriage will be arranged and Allah will make things better for you.
13:16Now you have to do one thing.
13:18Every Saturday, you have to take 80 grams of bajra and put it on the birds.
13:29And every Thursday, you have to give three bananas to a poor person.
13:39And on the same day of the week, like bajra,
13:44you have to give 80 grams of black lentils to the birds.
13:48And you have to minimize black colour from your life.
13:52And I will tell you one thing.
13:55Read this. By the will of Allah, it will be better for you.
13:58First and last, Durood-e-Ibrahimi, eight times.
14:02In between, 107 times of Ya Wadoodu, Ya Latifu, Ya Azizu, Ya Tawwabu,
14:09Ya Rehmanu, Ya Rahimu.
14:12And after that, you will read Surah Fatiha five times,
14:16Surah Ikhlas five times,
14:18Atul Kursi one time and Surah Rehman one time.
14:23You have to pray to Allah after reading this.
14:26And by the will of Allah, I have faith in Allah.
14:30You will definitely get married.
14:34Thank you very much, Khatun.
14:35Next caller.
14:36Ladies and gentlemen, I am taking a break.
14:38I will take your calls after the break.
14:40Ladies and gentlemen, Humayun Mehboob welcomes you once again.
14:45One thing that I always tell you in every program,
14:49Ladies and gentlemen,
14:51My YouTube channel is Humayun Mehboob Astrology.
14:56I have no connection with Facebook, LinkedIn, Messenger, TikTok.
15:05Those people have made it.
15:08You can check it out.
15:10But there are frauds on it.
15:13So, whenever you want to call, my number is 021-3568-5501.
15:27Today is Sunday, don't do it on Sunday, the office is closed.
15:31So, the timing changes in Ramadan.
15:33You can call my assistant from 8.30 to 11 at night and take an appointment.
15:40For private commercial consultation.
15:42And if you are calling from a foreign country,
15:44you can show it to Humayun on the video.
15:47You can see me and I can see you.
15:49And if there is a doubt in someone's mind in Pakistan,
15:52you can definitely call and check.
15:56So, take care of this.
15:58Yes, let's talk to the next caller.
16:02Yes, Assalamu Alaikum.
16:03Yes, Bibi.
16:04I want to ask about my job.
16:06When will I get a job?
16:08Tell me your date of birth.
16:108th June.
16:128th June.
16:18What time were you born?
16:20Sir, at 10.30 at night.
16:22You said 8th June, 1999.
16:26And where were you born?
16:28Sir, in Hyderabad.
16:41Give me a second.
16:47See, by the will of Allah,
16:51on the week of my Pantan Pak,
16:53your job will be...
16:58I think, if Allah wills, it will be done in the next moment.
17:01I think, from September 2025,
17:06you can still try to get a job.
17:08You can still get a job from September.
17:11And don't pay me.
17:14Otherwise, I will cheat you.
17:15Apply in an organic way, in a natural way.
17:21Try it, and by the will of Allah, you will definitely get a job.
17:24Allah will be kind to you.
17:26Don't worry about it.
17:28Now, I will tell you a joke.
17:30Make it your habit from now on,
17:33that you have to read this joke at all times.
17:35Firstly, on the day of Mangal,
17:37you have to give 90 grams of red lentils to the birds.
17:42You have to read the joke.
17:43First and last, Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
17:45You have to read it three times.
17:48200 times, Ya Allah.
17:50Like this, pause.
17:52Ya Zul Jalal-e-Wa-l-Ikram.
17:54Then, read Istaghfar.
17:56Muqamal, Astaghfirullah.
17:58Rabbi min kulli zammim wa atubu ilahi.
18:01100 times, you have to read,
18:03Ya Qayyum bil rahmatika astaghfirullah.
18:06Read this and pray to Allah.
18:08By the will of Allah, you will definitely get a job.
18:13Thank you very much.
18:14And do one more thing.
18:16I am telling you a joke.
18:18This is an astrological joke.
18:20On the day of Haft-e-Waal,
18:21you have to take a little bit of oil from your feet and put it on your hands.
18:30For a few seconds.
18:34Sit in the sun for a while and then wash it off.
18:37This is the only thing you have to do.
18:38You will start getting a job.
18:41Thank you very much.
18:42Not everyone can start, this is for them.
18:44Thank you very much, ma'am.
18:46Please connect with the next caller.
18:50Peace be upon you.
18:51Peace be upon you, ma'am.
18:53Sir, I got a scholarship to Brazil.
18:55I want to know if I should go or not.
18:57Where did you get it from?
19:01Please tell me your date of birth.
19:0318th November, 1998.
19:0718th November, 1998.
19:12When were you born?
19:135.30 pm.
19:155.30 pm.
19:17And where are you from?
19:20One second.
19:22Which field did you get this scholarship from?
19:25I got this scholarship for the Masters of Physics.
19:28And Astrophysics is my field.
19:32I don't understand Astrophysics.
19:36What is this new knowledge?
19:44There are chances for you to go.
19:47If God wills, you can go.
19:48But one thing, please consider all aspects.
19:53Aren't you getting an opportunity from any other country?
19:56Sir, I got an admission from Italy.
19:58But I didn't get a visa from there.
20:00But I got a visa from Brazil.
20:03So, I would suggest that you should avail this opportunity.
20:07And when are you going to go?
20:10Oh, the poor girl's line got disconnected.
20:13Anyway, you can go.
20:15But you should decide when you are going to go.
20:21Decide it in May.
20:23After 18th May.
20:27I don't know what your date is.
20:29But I think that time is better.
20:31And may God bless you with success.
20:35Do one thing, stay here in Brazil.
20:38On every Thursday, give three bananas to someone in the name of God.
20:43On the weekday, give 80 grams of black lentils to the birds.
20:47And the third thing is very important.
20:51On every Tuesday, you should put small bones of meat on your body and put them on stray dogs.
20:59Secondly, because there is a problem in Brazil.
21:02The level of crime is very high.
21:04So, you should do a thorough research on this.
21:08You should read Durood-e-Ibrahimi five times.
21:12In between, you should read it one to four times.
21:14Ya Aleemu, Ya Khabeeru, Ya Hafeezu, Ya Salamu.
21:18Five times Surah Fatiha, five times Surah Ikhlas.
21:23One hundred times,
21:24Asbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Waqeel, Ni'mal Maula, Wa Ni'mal Naseed.
21:28And one time, Ayatul Kursi.
21:30Whether you are here or there, read it so that you are in the protection of God.
21:34So, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to say goodbye.
21:38Inshallah, we will meet again next week.
21:42And for the people who requested through social media,
21:45except for my YouTube channel, they are far away from everything.
21:49So, until next week, may God bless you, me and everyone else.
21:57Please excuse me.
21:58Thank you very much.
22:00May God protect you.
22:01In the name of God, the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
