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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob

Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.

ARY Digital Official YouTube Channel, For more video subscribe our channel and for suggestion please use the comment section.

#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow


00:00Peace be upon you, ladies and gentlemen. I am Humayun Mehboob.
00:06I am speaking to you on behalf of Humayun Qasad on ARPite Digital.
00:12Ladies and gentlemen, you will have live calls.
00:15Give me the correct date of birth and time of birth
00:19so that I can give you the best possible explanation.
00:23As you know, today is the day of the martyrdom of Hazrat Syedna Maula Ali.
00:40It is a very important day for such a great personality,
00:48after the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:54Allah has given him so many qualities.
00:57There is not much time left for me to speak about him.
01:02I pray to Allah that may He bless us, Pakistan and Muslims with His blessings.
01:11Inshallah, may Allah bless my Lord with His blessings. Ameen.
01:20Please let me speak to the caller.
01:24Peace be upon you.
01:25Peace be upon you. Please go ahead, lady.
01:28Sir, I would like to ask about my brother.
01:30Please tell me his date of birth.
01:3712th December, 1989.
01:4012th September, 19-
01:43December, okay.
01:4512th December, 1989.
01:491989. Date of birth?
01:536 PM, in Azad Kashmir.
01:576 PM.
02:10He was born at 6 PM.
02:16Your brother is a good man, but his time didn't go well.
02:24Has your brother tried to go abroad yet?
02:33Yes, he is in the UK.
02:34That's good.
02:35His time is such that he should go abroad.
02:39If you had said no, I would have said yes,
02:42but even though he is there, he should be very careful.
02:48Can I say one more thing, lady?
02:51If you allow me, there will be a lot of problems in his marriage.
02:58Please listen to me.
02:59It has been one or two years since he got married.
03:02My sister, I am telling you that there will be a lot of problems in his marriage.
03:06May God protect him.
03:10I pray that he gets married again, but there are a lot of possibilities for his second marriage.
03:20Secondly, I would like to say one more thing.
03:22Tell them that in life, according to astrology,
03:33if they could control their anger,
03:35secondly, there is a possibility of a urinal infection or a kidney stone problem.
03:44Thirdly, in terms of women, their fate is not so good.
03:51Now, I will tell you one thing.
03:53Tell them to look into it and see if it is permissible or not.
04:04May God bless them.
04:07Tell them to give three bananas or twelve bananas to someone on every Friday night.
04:18And read,
04:19First and last, the Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
04:21After reciting it three times,
04:23say, Ya Zul Jalal-e-Wa-l-Ikram, and ask God for forgiveness.
04:33And remember what I have said.
04:35Thank you very much.
04:37Please talk to the next caller.
04:40Peace be upon you.
04:41Peace be upon you too.
04:43Please go ahead, ma'am.
04:44I would like to ask you about my brother.
04:47I have doubts about the place where he wants to get married.
04:51Please tell me the date of birth.
04:5314th June, 1985.
04:5614th June, 1985.
05:00What time was he born?
05:013.14 pm, Sahiwal.
05:04Give me a second, please.
05:21There are many possibilities.
05:23Was he in love with someone out of family?
05:27Yes, the woman proposed to him.
05:31We have no intention of harming her.
05:38Let me tell you one thing.
05:43God will do His will.
05:45The horoscope that you can see,
05:51there is a possibility that he will get married where he wants to.
05:57But there will be a lot of differences.
06:00There will be a lot of differences and problems.
06:03There will be fights and arguments.
06:08This is all I can tell you.
06:12This is his time.
06:14Please listen to me.
06:15Yes, I am listening to you.
06:16I am also afraid that you might see some dangers in his life.
06:26So, please tell me.
06:30Look, he can be influenced by anyone very quickly.
06:35For that, I will tell you a good way.
06:41You should pray to God.
06:44You should read the Wazifa.
06:47First and last, Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
06:50Three times.
06:51Three times in between, Surah-e-Fatiha.
06:54Three times, Chaar-ul-Qul.
06:55One time, Ayat-ul-Kursi.
06:58And three times, Surah-e-Baqarah.
07:00Read the last two verses and pray to God.
07:04O' Lord of Glory, O' God, do what is best for them.
07:08The rest is up to God.
07:11But yes, I can see some problems.
07:14Ladies and gentlemen, I am taking a break.
07:16After the break, I will take more of your calls.
07:18Humayun Mehboob is here again.
07:20He welcomes you on RY Digital.
07:23Yes, please let me talk to the caller.
07:27Peace be upon you.
07:28And peace be upon you, ma'am.
07:32I would like to know about my second marriage.
07:37What is your date of birth?
07:3911th January, 1993.
07:4211th January.
07:48And what time were you born?
07:50At five in the morning.
07:52Where were you born?
07:55Is your first marriage over?
07:58Yes, I am divorced.
08:00May God bless you.
08:08Yes, she is pregnant.
08:09Anyway, think before you get married.
08:13May God bless you.
08:15First of all, you have to get married.
08:18If God wills it,
08:21this is a small time frame, after May.
08:29You can get married here.
08:31Otherwise, if God wills it,
08:39you can get married to someone who will take you away from here.
08:49And then, you can get married to a lot of people.
08:55I have given you a time frame of 2025.
08:59If God wills it, you can get married here.
09:02Otherwise, you can get married here between the end of 2026 and the beginning of April.
09:12Rest is up to God.
09:13Now, you do one thing.
09:15On every auspicious day,
09:19you have to wear a small piece of meat.
09:21It can be anything other than chicken.
09:23Halal animals like goats, bulls, cows.
09:27You have to wear it.
09:30And in the name of God,
09:32put these stray dogs that are roaming in the streets.
09:36And you must not wear red or maroon.
09:42And you have to recite the Wazifa.
09:44First and last, Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
09:47Six times.
09:48You will recite it 105 times in between.
09:51Ya Wadoodo, Ya Lateefo, Ya Azeezo, Ya Rehmano, Ya Rahimo.
09:57Six times, Surah Fatiha.
09:59Six times, Surah Ikhlas.
10:02One time, Ayatul Kursi.
10:04And one time, Surah Tauha.
10:08You have to pray to God.
10:11Pray to God to do what is best for you.
10:17If God wills it, all your needs will be fulfilled.
10:21He is the real God.
10:23When He wills it, everything will be done.
10:26Thank you very much, Khatun.
10:27Please call the next caller.
10:32Peace be upon you.
10:32Peace be upon you too, Khatun.
10:36Sir, my name is Annie.
10:37My date of birth is 5th September, 1986.
10:4322nd September, 19-
10:45No, 5th September.
10:46Okay, 5th September.
10:47Please speak a little clearer.
10:49Because sometimes the voice gets distorted.
10:55What time were you born?
10:57I was born on a Friday morning at 10 AM.
11:00Okay, give me a minute.
11:26God has blessed you with a good personality, Khatun.
11:32He has given you intelligence.
11:35There is a small problem.
11:39Tell me, did you do a job in banking, teaching or in any other field?
11:48Sir, we do interior designing.
11:50You do interior designing.
11:51Yes, that is also good for you.
11:53You have a good personality, God bless you.
11:55But you can also do this, because some of your yogas are like this.
12:03The second problem, if it bothers you, it can only bother you at the time of marriage.
12:12God forbid, it can bother you a little.
12:15And in life, the way you are going, especially in the beginning of 2020,
12:29it will disturb you a lot.
12:32Listen to me.
12:33Yes, sir.
12:34But God is the one who will bless you.
12:36I will tell you one thing.
12:39From today onwards, you have to make it your habit that on every Tuesday,
12:45you give 270 grams of red lentils to any poor person in the name of God.
12:55And see, you can try it yourself.
12:57The day you wear red, maroon or orange clothes, you will start fighting.
13:05Or the aura of that energy will not be able to tolerate your body.
13:11This is one thing you have to do.
13:12The second thing you have to do is,
13:16you have to recite the Durood-e-Ibrahimi very easily.
13:20You can recite it three times.
13:23In between, you can recite it 300 times.
13:26Today is the day of the martyrdom of Sayyidina Maulana Ali.
13:29His words are,
13:30Astaghfirullah Rabbi min kulli zambi ma'atubu ilaih.
13:35Recite this and pray to God for yourself.
13:38God willing, things will get better.
13:41And when the month of April passes,
13:43your life will get better in terms of financial prosperity and some other things.
13:50Thank you very much, Khadoon.
13:52Allah Hafiz.
13:53Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a break.
13:54After the break, I will take your further questions.
13:57Once again, Humayun Mehboob welcomes you.
14:00Ladies and Gentlemen,
14:01as you know, in every program, I would like to tell you,
14:04please, my YouTube channel is Humayun Mehboob Astrology.
14:12Apart from that, I have no connection with Facebook, LinkedIn, Messenger or TikTok.
14:20And there are frauds on them.
14:22So, please do not approach them.
14:24And apart from that, my office is at PC Hotel, Karachi.
14:29And the number there is 021-3568-5501.
14:35The other number is 021-3568-5021.
14:41In Ramadan Mubarak, my timing office changes.
14:46There, from 8.30 pm to 11 pm,
14:50you can take an appointment with my assistant for a private commercial consultation.
14:55And those who call from abroad,
14:57I request them that when you call on these numbers,
15:00do watch me on the video.
15:03And if anyone in Pakistan has any doubts,
15:08they must watch the live video.
15:10I will watch you and you will watch me
15:12so that we can control this fraud as much as possible.
15:16And as I said, it is just a YouTube channel.
15:21Apart from that, I have nothing on social media.
15:24Please take care of that.
15:25Yes, please let me talk to the caller.
15:28Hello, Asalaamu Alaikum, Sir.
15:29Waalaikum Asalaam.
15:30Okay, I will take your calls for a little while after the program is over.
15:35Those who are not able to connect,
15:38if they get a chance, I will turn off the program from here.
15:45But I will take your calls for a little while.
15:49Yes, Khatam Farooq.
15:50Waalaikum Asalaam.
15:52Sir, I have two questions regarding my sister.
15:54Her date of birth is 27th January, 1987.
16:001987, when was she born?
16:03Sir, 5.35 pm.
16:06Where was she born?
16:08In Hyderabad.
16:09In Hyderabad. Give me a second.
16:14Yes, tell me, what do you want to ask for her?
16:17Sir, first of all, she had one child and then she lost her child.
16:21Will she have a child in the future?
16:22And secondly, will she get a government job in the future?
16:26For a government job, she will have to struggle a little.
16:32And her time has passed a little.
16:38Now, I will tell you one thing for sure.
16:40May Allah keep her children and give them life.
16:45You should be thankful to Allah for giving her one child.
16:50Otherwise, her children are badly affected.
16:56Yes, if Allah wants, He can give ten children.
17:03I will tell you one thing for that.
17:06And tell her not to do anything else for a government job.
17:12She can try.
17:13She is in the centre, but she is not that strong.
17:16That is her planet.
17:18Anyway, Allah will bless her.
17:24And you tell her that when she generally tries to
17:31and when she is going through the stages of marriage,
17:38she should not wear black or red.
17:41And she should read Durood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times.
17:45She should read it 101 times in between.
17:49Either Musawwir, Bari, Khaliq or Salam.
17:54And 14 times Surah Fatiha, 14 times Surah Al-Ikhlas,
18:0014 times Surah Kausar.
18:02All of them are short Surahs.
18:05And once she reads Ayatul Kursi and prays to Allah.
18:08If Allah wants, He can give her children tomorrow.
18:11It is the glory of my Lord.
18:13And He is the One who will bless us.
18:15If my five senses are pure, then Inshallah.
18:18Have hope in Allah.
18:20It is possible, but there are some difficulties.
18:23But Allah is Allah.
18:24Thank you very much.
18:26Connect with the next caller.
18:28Hello? Hello?
18:33I can't hear her. Hello?
18:40Yes, Walikum Salam.
18:45Yes, Walikum Salam.
18:48Yes, 4th of January.
18:50Can you please turn off your television and listen to me on the phone?
18:564th of January.
19:064th of January, 1989.
19:211989, and time?
19:24Time is 6 a.m.
19:286 a.m.
19:30Where were you born?
19:45This is your...
19:48Hello? Hello?
19:51This is your horoscope. I am asking you this.
19:57She is not listening. She is not even turning off her television.
20:00Her voice is getting distorted. I am sorry.
20:03Connect with the next caller.
20:05I am telling you again and again to turn off your television.
20:09There will be a communication problem here.
20:12Get the next caller to speak. Hello?
20:17Yes, please.
20:20I want to know about the child.
20:24Yes, please. What do you want to know?
20:27I want to know about the child.
20:28Yes, please tell me the date of birth.
20:30The date of birth is 22nd February.
20:3222nd February.
20:3810.20 a.m. in Karachi.
20:42Please ask her quickly. I don't have much time.
20:45What does she want to know?
20:46She has health issues.
20:49I will give it to her.
20:54Yes, yes.
20:56God will bless her.
20:57No, God willing.
20:59Look, since she was born, no, not just now,
21:03since she was born, she has health issues.
21:06Now, you do one thing for her.
21:08First, on weekdays, like today is Saturday,
21:12give her 80 grams of beans, 80 grams of black lentils.
21:14Give this to a poor person in the name of Allah.
21:17On every Peer Waal-e-Din, give her 250 grams of raw rice in the name of Allah.
21:24And I am telling you a wadif.
21:26First and last, five times of Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
21:29In between, 102 times of Allahu Shafi, Allahu Kafi, Ya Hafeez-o, Ya Salam-o,
21:35Ya Rehman-o, Ya Raheem.
21:37When this is uploaded on the website of A.R.Bhai,
21:41you can listen to it there as well, if you forget.
21:43Five times of Surah Fatiha, five times of Surah Ikhlas,
21:47one time of Ayat-ul-Kursi, and one time of Surah Rehman.
21:52Pray to Allah for this.
21:54God willing, it will get better.
21:56Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to end.
22:00I will take a few more of your calls.
22:02And with this prayer, may Allah bless you, me, my country, Pakistan,
22:08and the Muslim Ummah, God willing.
22:12I am taking a call here, but I will see you again tomorrow morning at 10 am.
22:17Until then, thank you very much.
22:20Allah Hafiz, Fi Amanillah.
