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Dastan e Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) | PART 3 | Qasas ul islam | Waseem Badami | 25 March 2025 | ARY Digital

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:20In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:50The story that we have brought forward is that
00:53there was a journey of the Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. with Aminah S.A.W.
01:00which was going on.
01:06So, what is that journey?
01:07We will tell you about it.
01:09Yesterday, we told you that
01:11there was a very strange and emotional journey of Aminah S.A.W.
01:17What is that?
01:18We told you that we will tell you about it.
01:20It is a very painful story.
01:23And a strange journey.
01:25Let's start.
01:26The father of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. passed away in Madinah.
01:31His grave was also in Madinah.
01:33And he passed away before the birth of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.
01:39Now, Aminah S.A.W. is going to Madinah with his innocent children and his servant Umme Aiman.
01:49His grave is in Madinah.
01:51He has gone to Madinah and he is coming back.
01:54The journey of his return has started.
01:56Now, the journey of his return has started.
01:59He has left Madinah.
02:01There is a place outside of Madinah.
02:03And at this place, the atmosphere has changed.
02:12At this place, the mother of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.
02:16Aminah S.A.W.
02:17Her health has started to deteriorate.
02:21Now, obviously, this is Bayaman.
02:23And this is not a caravan of 5000 people.
02:26And there is no doctor.
02:31There is no support.
02:35Now, obviously, we can all relate.
02:39In such a situation, when the mother of a stranger falls ill, then every person will be a little worried.
02:44The people of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. were astonished.
02:48What happened suddenly?
02:50What happened?
02:51And you see, he is still very young.
02:54He is coming from his father's grave.
02:56You have not seen what the father's compassion is.
02:58He had already passed away.
02:59Now, the condition of the mother of a stranger is getting worse.
03:02There is a desert in the middle.
03:04There is sunlight.
03:05There is no caravan with it.
03:08To the extent that the situation is changing in such a way that
03:11The compassion of the government of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. is increasing.
03:20And the state of your compassion has increased even more
03:24When your mother of a stranger has started crying for her six-year-old innocent orphaned son.
03:34Now, this scene is getting more emotional.
03:39With every passing moment.
03:41The Holy Prophet S.A.W. is restless.
03:43And, obviously, the government is very restless.
03:48They address him by saying mother.
03:51Now, in this state, there is a dialogue between Aminah and the government of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.
04:01And the scene that takes place here is enough to make it even more emotional.
04:06See, we celebrate the birthday of the government of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.
04:09We celebrate the celebration.
04:10You see this aspect of their life.
04:13See the state of their depression.
04:16See the state of their helplessness.
04:24Here, Aminah says,
04:26See son, every living being has to leave this world.
04:29Every living being has to die.
04:31Every young age has to die.
04:33Every living being has to die.
04:34Every young age has to die.
04:37It seems that my time has come in my youth.
04:42But I am leaving such a child who will purify the whole world.
04:45Now, think about it.
04:46This child is six years old.
04:48His father's shadow has already risen from his head.
04:52Now, the whole universe is his mother.
04:55Aminah S.A.W.
05:00And now, the same mother is crying in front of his eyes in a state of extreme depression.
05:05She is making him understand.
05:09And the situation seems that anything can happen at any time.
05:12But anyway,
05:14This continued.
05:16The scene was getting more and more different.
05:20To the extent that the time has come.
05:22Obviously, it is the decision of Allah.
05:25Now, the Prophet S.A.W. is seeing this whole scene.
05:28He is feeling it.
05:29He is alone in the desert.
05:31He is lonely.
05:32He has not received the love of his father.
05:34His mother is saying this.
05:35To the extent that in front of his eyes,
05:38The Prophet S.A.W.
05:41The Prophet S.A.W.
05:45Today, you are listening to the story of the mother of the Prophet S.A.W.
05:49In this world, in front of his eyes,
05:52His most beloved personality has left him alone and departed from the world.
06:02Now, you imagine that scene.
06:04When six-year-old innocent Muhammad S.A.W.
06:07With the Prophet S.A.W.
06:09He would be putting mud on his mother's grave.
06:12What would be the scene?
06:13How would he have collected the stuff of the grave?
06:15How would he have made the grave?
06:17How would he have done this in the state of poverty?
06:19He would have done this himself.
06:20How would he have done this in the state of poverty?
06:22The most precious thing of his life.
06:24Here, at this place, which is called Maqam-e-Awwa.
06:27He would have done it underground.
06:33The scholars tell.
06:35This Maqam-e-Awwa is at a height.
06:38Some people have seen it.
06:40Some people have seen this Maqam.
06:42The scholars tell.
06:43This Maqam is at a height.
06:45So, when the Prophet S.A.W. came down after burying him.
06:49Then, he released his hand from Umm-e-Ahmad.
06:52Then, while running, he quickly ran towards the grave.
06:55He was six years old.
06:56May Allah keep everyone's mothers safe.
06:58Umm-e-Ahmad ran after him.
07:00The eyes of heaven.
07:01He is seeing a strange scene at Maqam-e-Awwa.
07:04The support of orphans is shedding tears on his orphan.
07:08The Prophet S.A.W. is crying.
07:14The next scene seen by Umm-e-Ahmad.
07:16It was enough to make the heart painful.
07:19What did you see?
07:20Master is sitting near the grave of his mother and crying.
07:23Mother, you know.
07:25I have no one except you.
07:27Where have you gone?
07:28This is a strange journey of the Prophet S.A.W.
07:31This is a strange journey.
07:33The destination of this journey was the grave of his father.
07:36The beginning of which was the grave of his mother.
07:38The end of which is the grave of his mother.
07:43O Prophet S.A.W.
07:44O Prophet S.A.W.
07:53The Prophet S.A.W. was separated from the grave with difficulty.
07:58There is no one.
08:00No sister, no brother, no father.
08:01The Prophet S.A.W. was separated from the grave with difficulty.
08:03The Prophet S.A.W. was riding on a camel.
08:05I don't know.
08:06The Prophet S.A.W. is the one who makes the hearts of orphans.
08:09The Prophet S.A.W. is the one who makes the hearts of humans.
08:11What will be the state of the Prophet S.A.W. at that time?
08:14It is a journey of return.
08:16But this is not the mother.
08:18The journey of return started.
08:20I heard from the scholars.
08:21It was a journey of two days and two nights.
08:23It was a journey of two days and two nights.
08:25The Prophet S.A.W. spent this journey in this state.
08:28It was not a long time when he did not go to the grave.
08:32The Prophet S.A.W. left.
08:35The Prophet S.A.W. left.
08:37The story is moving forward rapidly.
08:39Time passed.
08:40Time passed.
08:41Days passed.
08:42Weeks passed.
08:43Months passed.
08:44Years passed.
08:45Years passed.
08:4657 years passed.
08:48The Prophet S.A.W. is leaving for Hajj.
08:52From Madinah.
08:53The Prophet S.A.W. is 63 years old.
08:55The Prophet S.A.W. has a caravan of 7000 people.
08:57There are 40 to 50 thousand people in the caravan.
08:59The caravan has passed from the place of Abwa.
09:02The Prophet S.A.W. has stopped.
09:04The camel has turned towards the grave.
09:06The Prophet S.A.W. is going towards the mountains.
09:08The whole caravan is moving.
09:09The camel has been put down.
09:11The Prophet S.A.W. has gone up.
09:12The Prophet S.A.W. is wearing a hijab.
09:13It is very hot.
09:14The Prophet S.A.W. is a Mustafa.
09:16The Prophet S.A.W. is the grave of the mother of the Prophet S.A.W.
09:18This is the whole scene.
09:20Then it came in front of the Prophet S.A.W.
09:22The journey of Madinah.
09:23The mother is not well.
09:25The Prophet S.A.W. is passing by.
09:26The Prophet S.A.W. is collecting the stones and making a grave.
09:29The Prophet S.A.W. is crying.
09:31The Prophet S.A.W. has seen a strange scene.
09:33Today, not six years.
09:35But 63 years.
09:37The Prophet S.A.W. is sitting near the grave of Aminah.
09:41The Prophet S.A.W. has shed tears.
09:43The Prophet S.A.W. has cried so much that the Prophet's sacks have been wet.
09:46The Prophet's chest has become wet.
09:48The Prophet S.A.W. has been sitting for many hours.
09:50The Prophet S.A.W. has been crying.
09:51Although there is a lot of difference between the Prophet S.A.W. and himself.
09:53Now, the Prophet's announcement has also been made.
09:55The Prophet S.A.W. has also been made.
09:57The Prophet S.A.W. has also been made.
09:59The Prophet S.A.W. has also been made.
10:01Now, Sadr, Amin, Muhammad, Ahmad, Hamid, Mehmood, Habibullah, Fatir, Khatam, Abul Qasim, Taha, Yasin, Muzammil, Mudassir, Da'i Allah, Rehmatallil Aalameen.
10:13Now, these names are known.
10:15But the mother is a mother.
10:17The mother is a mother.
10:19The Prophet S.A.W. is remembering the mother.
10:23And the Prophet S.A.W. is crying.
10:27I will conclude with three verses.
10:29Hafeez Jalandhri Sahib has written in Shahnaam-e-Islam.
10:31He was narrating how the Prophet S.A.W. spent his childhood.
10:37He was narrating how the Prophet S.A.W. spent his childhood.
10:41How the Prophet S.A.W. spent his childhood.
11:15He was narrating how the Prophet S.A.W. spent his childhood.
11:37I'll be back again tomorrow, InshaAllah.
