• 2 days ago
मुंबई ( महाराष्ट्र ) – दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट के जज के घर पर जला कैश मिलने पर शिवसेना के सांसद संजय राउत ने कहा कि हम दो दिन से इस मुद्दे पर बोल रहे हैं। अब चीफ जस्टिस ऑफ इंडिया ने तीन सदस्यों की कमिटी का गठन किया है लेकिन उन्होंने इस मामले के लेकर पीएम मोदी को घेरते हुए कहा कि ये सब उनके कार्यकाल में हो रहा है जो कहा करते थे कि न खाऊंगा न खाने दूंगा। सुशांत सिंह के मामले पर उन्होंने कहा कि बीजेपी के लोग अपने विरोधियों को बदनाम करने का कोई मौका नहीं छोड़ते। औरंगजेब के मुद्दे पर संजय राउत ने कहा कि पीएम मोदी तो कपूर परिवार से पूछ रहे थे कि तैमूर कहा है? संजय राउत ने नितिन गडकरी के मुद्दे पर कहा कि गडकरी साहब सीधी राजनीति करने वाले नेता हैं। गडकरी साहब जहर नहीं फैलाते जो उनके मन में आता है वो बोल देते हैं।



00:00I have formed a three-member committee
00:03and I have also uploaded a video
00:06you must have seen
00:08the cash found in Justice Verma's house
00:11and the cash caught fire
00:13that video
00:16has been uploaded by the Delhi Police Commissioner
00:18and also by Chief Justice
00:22so many things are coming out
00:25but who is doing this?
00:28I will neither eat nor let you eat
00:30says Narendra Modi
00:34in this way
00:36in our judiciary
00:39in a judge's house
00:40we are getting 15-20 crores
00:43it seems like a one day's earnings
00:44the figure that has come
00:45the amount that has come
00:4615 crores
00:4715 crores is nothing in Delhi
00:49if there is a discussion about the judiciary of Delhi
00:52then it is a very serious matter
00:55that is why I say
00:56why did the Shiva Sena not get justice in the Supreme Court?
01:01this is the reason
01:04the justice system is in pressure
01:06and the justice system is corrupt
01:07that is why
01:08our 40 MLA's
01:11who broke the 10th schedule
01:14and left the party
01:15they were given protection
01:19and an incident-free government
01:21gave support to the unconstitutional government
01:24Saroj Chandra Nilay
01:26this is the reason for that
01:28the cash that you got in a bungalow yesterday
01:32this is the reason
01:33if you open the door of the Indian People's Party
01:35then you will be completely naked
01:37but this does not work in politics
01:40some things should be kept safe
01:42especially your family
01:44do not make someone's family a victim of politics and defamation
01:49I spoke to Uddhav Thackeray
01:50Uddhav said, what is denial?
01:52we have not had any such conversation
01:54there is a limit to lying
01:57we have not had any such call
01:58the person who called
02:00Mr. Narvekar
02:02he also said, I have not given any such call
02:05no, no, Aurangzeb wants to dig a grave
02:08he wants to dig
02:10he wants to
02:11he is a Mughal terrorist
02:13he wants to erase his name and identity
02:16so how are they tolerating Taimur?
02:19the Prime Minister was waiting for Taimur
02:22in the PM House
02:24when the entire Kapoor family went to meet Saif Ali Khan
02:27the Prime Minister asked, where is Taimur?
02:30were they going to give milk to Taimur?
02:32we did not say anything about Taimur
02:35your party people opposed it
02:37so Taimur is going on
02:39the way Aurangzeb has imprisoned his father Shah Jahan
02:44the same way Adwaan has also been imprisoned
02:46Gadkari sir is a
02:47a direct politician in this country
02:52he says whatever comes to his mouth
02:54he does not spread poison
02:57I have seen
02:58what Gadkari sir said is 100% true
03:01the people of this country
03:04are not casteist
03:06politicians should be casteist
03:08politicians want to spread poison
