• last year
सवाईमाधोपुर.डॉ. किरोड़ीलाल मीणा की मंत्री पद को लेकर चल रही नाराजगी एक बार फिर रविवार को शहर के मानटाउन क्षेत्र में चल रही रामकथा में जनता के सामने छलकी। डॉण् किरोड़ी ने रामकथा के मंच से कहा कि मंत्री बनने के बाद वे शिखंडी बन गएए जो करने की शक्ति थी वो भी गायब हो गई। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि वे कोई राजनीतिक भाषण नहीं दे रहेए बल्कि जो मन में पीड़ा हैए उसे व्यक्त कर रहे हैं।

बता दें कि सरकार में प्रदेश सरकार में मंत्री पद के गठन के समय से डॉण् किरोड़ीलाल को जब पद मिला तो कई दिनों तक उन्होंने किसी से बातचीत नहीं की थी। तब भी मंत्री पद को लेकर उनकी नाराजगी सामने आई थी। अब उनके बयान ने नाराजगी को एक बार फिर जगजाहिर कर दिया है। हालांकि वह मंत्री पद से अपने इस्तीफे की बात पूर्वी राजस्थान में हारे हुए सीटों को बताते आ रहे हैं।
उन्होंने कहा कि लोकसभा चुनाव के समय उन्होंने पीएम मोदी से कहा था कि वे पूर्वी राजस्थान की सातों सीटें जिताएंगेए लेकिन जहां से वे एमएल हैंए वह भी सीट हार गए। इसके बाद उन्होंने घोषणा की थी कि वे मंत्री पद से इस्तीफा देंगे और इस्तीफा दिया भीए लेकिन उनका इस्तीफा स्वीकार ही नहीं किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि वे सच्चे मन से जनता की सेवा करना चाहते हैं। इसलिए उन्होंने इस्तीफा दे दिया।

रामकथा में पहुंचे थे किरोड़ी

बजरिया में मानटाउन थाने के पास एक मैरिज गार्डन में कथावाचक मुरलीधर रामकथा सुना रहे हैं। डॉण् किरोड़ी रविवार को यहां आशीर्वाद लेने पहुंचे थे। उन्होंने कहा कि आज के समय में जैसे राजनेता बदल गए हैं। वैसे जनता भी बदल गई है। किरोड़ी ने कहा कि उनके बगल में गंगापुरसिटी हैए जहां जनता ने उस आदमी को फिर से एमएलए बना दिया हैए जिसने ये कहा था कि आदिवासी या मीणा हिंदू नहीं हैए वो फिर चुनाव जीत कर चला गया।
खुद को भगवान राम से जोड़ा

डॉण् किरोड़ी ने कहा कि भगवान राम की सिंहासन पर बैठने की सभी तैयारियां हो गई थींए लेकिन पिता के आदेश पर उन्हें वनवास जाना पड़ा। जब भगवान राम को ही सिंहासन छोडऩा पड़ा तो किरोड़ीलाल तो छोटी सी चीज है। सिंहासन का कोई महत्व नहीं है। उन्होंने कहा कि वे लड़ते रहेंगे और जनता के काम करते रहेंगे।


00:00Now I am not even a minister, I have already given my resignation.
00:03I have told the Chief Minister many times to accept my resignation.
00:08He said, why?
00:10I said, because I have served the people for 45 years,
00:14I have served the people for 45 years,
00:16I have served the people for 45 years,
00:18I have served the people for 45 years,
00:20I have served the people for 45 years,
00:22I have served the people for 45 years,
00:24I have served the people for 45 years,
00:26I have served the people for 45 years,
00:28I have served the people for 45 years,
00:30I have served the people for 45 years,
00:32I have served the people for 45 years,
00:34I have served the people for 45 years,
00:36I have served the people for 45 years,
00:38I have served the people for 45 years,
00:40I have served the people for 45 years,
00:42I have served the people for 45 years,
00:44I have served the people for 45 years,
00:46I have served the people for 45 years,
00:48I have served the people for 45 years,
00:50I have served the people for 45 years,
00:52I have served the people for 45 years,
00:54I have served the people for 45 years,
00:56I have served the people for 45 years,
00:58I have served the people for 45 years,
01:00I have served the people for 45 years,
01:02I have served the people for 45 years,
01:04I have served the people for 45 years,
01:06I have served the people for 45 years,
01:08I have served the people for 45 years,
01:10I have served the people for 45 years,
01:12I have served the people for 45 years,
01:14I have served the people for 45 years,
01:16I have served the people for 45 years,
01:18I have served the people for 45 years,
01:20I have served the people for 45 years,
01:22I have served the people for 45 years,
01:24I have served the people for 45 years,
01:26I have served the people for 45 years,
01:28I have served the people for 45 years,
01:30I have served the people for 45 years,
01:32I have served the people for 45 years,
01:34I have served the people for 45 years,
01:36I have served the people for 45 years,
01:38I have served the people for 45 years,
01:40I have served the people for 45 years,
01:42I have served the people for 45 years,
01:44I have served the people for 45 years,
01:46I have served the people for 45 years,
01:48I have served the people for 45 years,
01:50I have served the people for 45 years,
01:52Time does pass, my brothers,
01:54Time does pass, my brothers,
01:56Lord Ram had made all preparations
01:58Lord Ram had made all preparations
02:00to sit on the throne
02:02to sit on the throne
02:04but before sitting on the throne,
02:06but before sitting on the throne,
02:08the order of exile was given
02:10the order of exile was given
02:12and he followed his father's order
02:14and went on exile
02:16for 14 years
02:18for 14 years
02:20If Lord Krishna has to leave the throne,
02:22If Lord Krishna has to leave the throne,
02:24then Dr. Kiranlal is a small thing
02:26then Dr. Kiranlal is a small thing
02:28but the throne is of no importance
02:30but the throne is of no importance
02:32but the throne is of no importance
02:34but the throne is of no importance
