#Waseembadami #aalimauraalam #shahadateAli
Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 22 March 2025 | #shaneramazan
Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
#WaseemBadami #ShaneRamazan #21ramazan #Youmeshahadathazratali #Shaneiftaar
Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 22 March 2025 | #shaneramazan
Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
#WaseemBadami #ShaneRamazan #21ramazan #Youmeshahadathazratali #Shaneiftaar
00:00The mercy of my heart has come to me again.
00:08How do I face you?
00:13I am falling down.
00:15First of all, we welcome you.
00:19The Ulema are with us in this segment.
00:22The telephone number is on your screen, you can send your questions.
00:25Qibla Mufti Akmal Sahib, Dr. Mohammad Raza Dawdani Sahib, please come.
00:29Thank you very much.
00:31We will start with two occasions.
00:34The first is the night of Ta'aq.
00:38Today's day is associated with Hazrat Ali.
00:42Since the night of Ta'aq has started,
00:44people who are sitting in I'tikaf have already sat there.
00:46If you can tell us from this topic.
00:49Many people ask, if you can tell us from the occasion of these nights
00:52and the actions of those who do them.
00:55In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:57The Prophet of Allah said,
01:00that you should look for the night of Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadhan.
01:06If you look at this matter, it is almost obligatory to look for it.
01:10And you should perform Ibadah in it.
01:13And Allah has declared Ibadah superior in this night for more than 83 years.
01:20So we should try to divide the parts of this night into different Ibadahs.
01:27It is called Tanawu' that different types of Ibadahs should be performed.
01:31So that the soul does not feel heavy due to one type of Ibadah.
01:36This is the nature.
01:37If you go to read the Qur'an, it will be like this after a while.
01:40Like from Maghrib to Tulu' Fajr, it will be the whole time of the night.
01:45So divide it into different things.
01:47Our advice is that you should read the Nawafil, but you should also recite the Holy Qur'an.
01:53Change it a little bit, like the Qaza Namaz of the previous life.
01:58In the same way, learn some knowledge of religion.
02:01This is the best form of Ibadah, to learn knowledge.
02:03The Prophet of Allah ordered his beloved to pray for the increase of this virtue.
02:09Say, O my Lord, increase me in knowledge.
02:10O Allah, increase my knowledge.
02:13If you read the Qur'an, then read it with translation and interpretation.
02:17So that you understand the meaning and the purpose of God.
02:21And in the same way, there is Kalim-e-Paak and Zikr-e-Ilahi.
02:26And if God forbid, you can't do anything, then go to sleep.
02:29Don't waste this night.
02:31Don't play cricket outside at night and spoil people's lives.
02:35Don't spoil their sleep.
02:37Fight with your family.
02:38Sit on the internet and start watching something wrong.
02:42We get such cases.
02:43Because they are children, they are not serious.
02:47Imam Ghazali says that a sinner should at least sleep if he can't do good deeds.
02:53So that the devil can't commit a sin for that long.
02:56Is there any specific standard in terms of deeds?
03:00That this is the best thing to do this night.
03:04Or is it just based on what you said?
03:06The word of Allah is the best.
03:08So we can say that it is the best in terms of the Qur'an.
03:11But in reality, it is better for you to do what you want to do.
03:16You said that you will recite the Kalima 5000 times.
03:19Now you are bored, you are sleepy, you are taking a nap, you are looking at the time.
03:24So this means that worship has no benefit.
03:28Wow, wow, wow, right.
03:29Qibla, you tell us about this.
03:31In the name of Allah, the most Merciful.
03:32As much as possible, a person should take advantage of these last hours.
03:35These are melting hours.
03:37These are moments that will pass.
03:39Al-fursatu tamurru marra sahab.
03:41The moments of time pass by and you don't even know when the clouds came to the sky.
03:46You don't even know.
03:47After a few days, you will see that this month of Mubarak will be over.
03:50Yes, all the fun will be over.
03:52So where?
03:52Then these hours will come back.
03:54And if a person finds out in these,
03:56that there is a diamond in the midst of these flowers,
04:00then how much effort will a person make to find it?
04:02Yes, yes.
04:03In the same way, if in these plants,
04:05which are like flowers,
04:06and in these, there is a diamond-like gem,
04:10then the meaning of searching for it is to make the most of it.
04:13That as much as possible, take advantage of it, take advantage of it.
04:16In that, each and every action is more than a thousand times,
04:19more than a thousand months, not just a thousand times,
04:21but more than a thousand months.
04:24So it is a golden rare opportunity for a person.
04:26The most important action, all those actions are very important.
04:29I was very pleasantly surprised.
04:31See, this is also a coincidence.
04:32We have also received a lot of criticism in the words of scholars.
04:37That on the night of Qadr, the mind usually goes towards Nawafil.
04:39Yes, yes, to offer prayers.
04:40The mind of a person goes towards prayer,
04:42not towards intellectual discourse.
04:44But the intellectual discourse has been regarded as the top priority in deeds.
04:48Okay, okay.
04:50Otherwise, the impression is that,
04:51read the Namaz tonight, this will continue, this will happen.
04:54But you both are telling that even from a jurisprudential point of view,
04:56there is still a lot of criticism.
04:57Scholars criticize a lot,
04:59that at least one part of this night should be made specific for a person,
05:03for the purpose of increasing his knowledge,
05:05to increase his knowledge, to gain some understanding.
05:08There are many things, we say that we go to work,
05:10we don't get time, but time is present here.
05:12Now you have sat in I'tikaf, or sat in the night,
05:14or sat at home and picked up a book,
05:16or to have a conversation with a knowledgeable person,
05:19this benefit of the phone can also be there.
05:21Or in today's time, for example,
05:22you have seen an interesting video on YouTube,
05:25you have seen the commentary of a Surah, right?
05:27It can be a jurisprudential topic,
05:29it can be a moral topic, it can be a historical topic.
05:31Wow, wow.
05:32Everything that becomes a lesson for a person,
05:34for that, enlighten the paths of the future in a religious way,
05:37it is very good if enlightenment comes in it.
05:40Wow, great.
05:41What is it in terms of charity?
05:42There is a lot of criticism, a lot of criticism.
05:44That is, the charity that will be given in ordinary days,
05:46and the charity that will be given in these nights,
05:48then if it is probably Shab-e-Qadr,
05:50if it is counted in the nights, what to say?
05:52Obviously, the reason for all this will continue to multiply,
05:55so don't forget charity at all.
05:57These are all the basic things that a person usually does.
06:00In this night, this work will be done with a lot of criticism.
06:04Great, Jazakallah.
06:05What to say?
06:06Khimlam, today's day, the second topic,
06:08in that regard, it is obvious from Hazrat Ali,
06:10the topic of today's day.
06:11Yes, absolutely.
06:12Yesterday we were doing a program,
06:13he said, introduce Hazrat Ali.
06:15I said, you are introducing that personality,
06:18that whatever we say, it becomes our introduction.
06:20Wow, wow, wow.
06:21What to say?
06:22It is not a matter of introduction.
06:23Wow, wow.
06:24He has so many virtues that if you keep collecting,
06:26it is true that years and years will pass.
06:29And if you come to his explanations,
06:30then centuries will pass.
06:31But I will say a few for blessings,
06:34like the Prophet said to Hazrat Ali,
06:37that you are from me and I am from you.
06:40O Ali, you are from me and I am from you.
06:43He has given many explanations like this,
06:45but this is a great expression of selflessness and love.
06:49In the same way,
06:50Man kuntu maulahu fahadha Aliun maula.
06:53Whose I am the master, Ali is also his master.
06:55In the same way, Prophet,
06:57there are some virtues that when we see the relationship with Hazrat Ali,
07:01then from Adam to the Day of Judgment,
07:04there is no one like you.
07:05Allahu Akbar.
07:06For example, the greatest virtue is that
07:09you got married to your daughter.
07:11Every generation starts with a son.
07:13And for the Prophet, this is a great thing.
07:18This is a source of pride for Hazrat Ali
07:20and a source of privilege for the Prophet.
07:23Wow, wow, wow.
07:24This is a source of pride for the Prophet.
07:26And this is a great honor.
07:29What do you have to say?
07:30With regards to your courage,
07:32there are different narrations,
07:348 years, some say 10 years that you accepted faith.
07:37The Prophet said,
07:3913 years of life in Mecca.
07:40If you give a 10-year-old narration,
07:42then you have been in Mecca for 23 years.
07:44There is a world of youth.
07:47And in that magnificent environment,
07:49Hazrat Ali's standing with the Prophet,
07:53and in Islam, the courage of the Prophet,
07:57and being a source of piety for Islam,
08:00is a great thing.
08:01And one last thing,
08:03when the government is going to migrate,
08:05he said to Hazrat Ali,
08:06that you lie down on my bed
08:08and in the morning,
08:09hand over these belongings to the people.
08:11Maulana Ali said that the night I slept,
08:14I was afraid that it might be the last night of my life
08:16and I would not be able to see in the morning.
08:19But on that night, I slept very peacefully
08:21because I was absolutely sure that I would not die by morning.
08:26We should learn from this that Maulana Ali is thinking every night
08:30that it might be the last night of his life.
08:32And our plans are made for so many centuries
08:35that we do not remember our death at all.
08:37In fact, we consider the mention of death to be hateful.
08:40If you look at Maulana Ali's style,
08:43that if you think every night is the last,
08:45then you will keep your affairs in order
08:47and prepare for the hereafter.
08:49We need to follow this style as well.
08:51What do you have to say, Subhanallah?
08:53What can I say, Subhanallah and truly,
08:56such a beautiful statement in reference to this day.
08:58Then if you look at the verses of the Holy Qur'an
09:00and its explanations,
09:02that it is the command of the Prophet
09:05to convey the message to his relatives and wait for them.
09:09So the Prophet chose Maulana Ali for the arrangement of that invitation.
09:14Maulana Ali, while representing the Prophet,
09:17conveyed the message to everyone.
09:19Then we see, as Mufti Sahib has said,
09:22that when it is the night of migration,
09:23then the verse of the Holy Qur'an is revealed,
09:25that there is one among the people who sells his soul
09:28and buys the will of the Lord.
09:30So this is the interpretation from the Lord of the worlds
09:33that he sells his soul and buys the will of the Lord.
09:35He himself explains what rank and position he will have.
09:38In the book of Iliyatul Auliya and other books,
09:40there are many explanations in this regard
09:43that the Lord of the worlds has sent the Prophet
09:46to buy the will of the Lord.
09:47That the Lord of the worlds has sent Jibreel and Mika'el
09:50to buy the will of the Lord.
09:52One of them was the leader of the Prophet and the other was his follower.
09:55They were entrusted with the protection of the Prophet.
09:57And their words were,
09:58that what can I say, O son of Abu Talib,
10:02may you be blessed.
10:04That God is praising and exalting you among the angels.
10:08Then we see that after the migration,
10:10the Prophet waited for Maulana Ali in the valley of Quba.
10:14Maulana Sayyeda and the other women of the house,
10:16Maulana Bint Asad, etc. brought all of them.
10:19After that, the Prophet entered Yathrab from the valley of Quba
10:23and the Prophet responded to the welcome of the people there.
10:26Then we see, as the Mufti said,
10:29that the Prophet's daughter,
10:31who is dear to the Prophet and respected by him.
10:34Every daughter is dear to the Prophet,
10:36but with respect,
10:37the Prophet himself used to stand up and welcome her.
10:40So, for him, the one who has been chosen,
10:42the one who has been declared as his Kufu,
10:44is Maula-e-Kainat.
10:46And in reference to this,
10:46Imam Shafi'i has made a very beautiful point,
10:49that till when, till when, and till when,
10:52will I be in love with this young man.
11:00I am not crazy about Ali just like that.
11:02Imam Shafi'i is saying,
11:03I am not crazy about Ali just like that.
11:06Is it the honor of being the husband of Zahra
11:08that someone else has been given the honor of being the husband of Ali?
11:11And is there anyone else other than him?
11:14And has Surah Al-Ata come for anyone else?
11:17That is, the scholars know that this use of Al-Ata
11:20is used twice,
11:21in terms of the composition,
11:22for the Surah of the title of Alam,
11:23and once to use it as a verb.
11:26What a beautiful choice of words and what a beautiful composition.
11:29But you also see that in this,
11:31Imam Shafi'i has also paid attention to another excellence,
11:35that Surah Al-Dahr and Surah Al-Ata,
11:36in which the Lord of the worlds has recited a qasida,
11:39that those who, despite of their hunger,
11:43are full of the love of the Lord,
11:47feed the poor, feed the orphans, feed the captives,
11:51and then their speech and their thought,
11:54comes in words like this,
11:55that we are feeding you only and only in the love of Allah.
12:00We do not ask from you any reward or gratitude.
12:03We do not even ask you for protection.
12:05We do not even want to thank you.
12:07When we feed for Allah,
12:08it is Allah who is the one who appreciates,
12:11it is Allah who is the one who rewards.
12:13And then the declaration of Ghadeer-e-Khum,
12:15that whoever is the Lord,
12:16and is present, is the Lord of the worlds.
12:18And if there is a battlefield,
12:20then the soul of the Prophet,
12:22who was declared the soul of the Prophet,
12:24is the Lord of the worlds.
12:25What to say, what to say.
12:26And today is the day of the martyrdom,
12:28and we hear the incident that during the prayer,
12:32we hear a concept about a person,
12:36obviously there is no comparison,
12:38that he is so brave, courageous,
12:40but when he is in prayer,
12:43we hear from the scholars that he is afraid of Allah.
12:46Now these are the people from whom there is no misconception.
12:50So just tell us from this narration.
12:53See, Allah has made it clear that
12:55Allah only wants to purify the people of the house.
13:01Allah has made it clear that the people of the house,
13:02Allah has made a will.
13:04And when Allah makes a will for something,
13:06it is done immediately.
13:06Otherwise, it is done.
13:08That He has purified you from all filth,
13:11and you are from among the people of knowledge,
13:13it was enough to say this.
13:14That He has purified you from filth.
13:17But further, He says that He purifies and purifies,
13:20and then purification after purification,
13:23and then bringing the source,
13:24and then His insistence is more.
13:26So much insistence,
13:27He has said it three times in this,
13:30that He protects you from all kinds of filth.
13:32Okay, there are two ways to protect.
13:34One is that Allah has put filth on your body,
13:37I have cleaned it, this is it.
13:39And one is that filth cannot come near.
13:41This is the meaning.
13:42You can't get filth.
13:44So you see that all kinds of thoughts,
13:47worries, your power of decision,
13:49your dealings, your strategies,
13:52Allah has protected all of them from sin and other things.
13:56Now, how great is the one who kills such a personality,
14:00the master said,
14:01two people were very upset.
14:03One who had cut the branches of the camel of Salil-e-Salam,
14:07and one Hazrat Ali's hand was here,
14:09when the master said life,
14:11the one who will hit you here.
14:14He will be the most upset.
14:16So such a bad deal,
14:18and such a great personality,
14:20such a great wealth,
14:21intellectual wealth,
14:22the master said I am the city of wisdom,
14:25Ali is his door.
14:26He said I am the city of knowledge,
14:28Ali is his door.
14:29And people enter through the door.
14:31You tried to make that door fall.
14:34May Allah give guidance to such thoughts,
14:37and if there is no guidance in their fate,
14:39then finish them.
14:42We will say that if a person thinks about the will of the master,
14:46that Amir-ul-Mumineen said in it that,
14:50I don't want to see that you take my name
14:52and start killing someone else,
14:54and start bloodshed among people.
14:57In fact, I would like that,
14:58even if I am martyred as a result of one blow,
15:01then my killer will be hit with one blow,
15:05and no one else will be killed.
15:07This is a very big message of the master of the universe
15:09in terms of the respect of human life.
15:11And after that,
15:12will about prayer,
15:13will about the Quran,
15:15will about relatives,
15:18keep in touch with each other,
15:20keep giving gifts to each other,
15:23don't try to break,
15:24try to connect.
15:25There are many similarities,
15:27there are many loves that can be divided,
15:29distances can be reduced,
15:30reduce those distances,
15:31increase the distances.
15:33Thank you very much.
15:34Thank you very much to both the scholars.
15:36We take a break.
15:37Inshallah, we will be back with another segment in today's conversation.