#Waseembadami #aalimauraalam #shaneiftar
Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 11 March 2025 | #shaneramazan
Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
#WaseemBadami #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan
Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 11 March 2025 | #shaneramazan
Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
#WaseemBadami #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan
00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again.
00:06How do I face you?
00:11I am falling down.
00:13Welcome once again.
00:15This is a segment with our Ulema.
00:18Mr. Qibla Mufti Akmal, Dr. Muhammad Reza Dawoodani, please come.
00:23Thank you both very much.
00:24Mufti Sahab, many times we talk about this with different references,
00:28but I feel like, since it is Ramadan, my heart is more inclined towards this.
00:33Like Zafar Abbas was saying.
00:35So sometimes I feel very sad to hear all this,
00:38that people are in such a state of worry.
00:40So I would like to start with you both,
00:42what reward has the religion given for helping people with two words?
00:47Or what advice should we give?
00:50I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:52In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:55Firstly, on one hand,
00:57our Islam encourages those who are below you,
01:02who are in need, who are worried,
01:04to care for them, to help them.
01:08Like the Prophet said about the neighbors,
01:12that Jibreel-e-Ameen kept telling me about them so much,
01:16that I felt that maybe they will make them a part of the inheritance.
01:21And anyway, the Prophet has given the order to help widows, orphans, and the poor.
01:28So no one can deny this,
01:30that the religion wants you to feed others what you eat.
01:34Even about the slaves, the government has said,
01:37that whatever you eat, feed your slaves.
01:39Whatever you wear, make your slaves wear it.
01:41Don't take more hard work than that.
01:43And if you take hard work, then become its helper.
01:47When it is about slaves,
01:49then it is more about Muslims who are free.
01:52This is one aspect.
01:53The second aspect is,
01:54that our nation doesn't even think of changing its condition.
01:59I know such young people who are educated,
02:02but they say that if they get something for free, I will eat it.
02:05They are not ready to work.
02:08You offer them courses.
02:10You give them guidelines.
02:12They are such lazy people.
02:14Although the young people are at home.
02:16The mother is worried.
02:18The father is suffering from depression.
02:20But every week he is spending his life asking for money.
02:23This is one aspect.
02:27This is absolutely right.
02:29Say something about this.
02:31If you look at it with the support of what the Prophet has said,
02:34In the life of the Prophet,
02:36the companions,
02:38the Ummahat-ul Momineen,
02:40the Ahl-e-Bayt-e-Izzam,
02:42In their lives, we see ups and downs.
02:45Circumstances are never the same.
02:49These are the days when we keep turning people around.
02:52Sometimes the circumstances are very good,
02:54in terms of the world,
02:55and sometimes the circumstances are very bad.
02:57Sometimes we have to starve.
02:58If you look at Sheikh Bibi Talib,
03:00he spent three years,
03:02three years,
03:03in the boycott of Bani Hashim.
03:05In that,
03:10and other members of Bani Hashim,
03:12along with the Prophet,
03:14during the time of the boycott,
03:16there was no food to eat.
03:18Things were in such a state,
03:20that there was only starvation.
03:22There was a shortage of water.
03:24Things had to be bought at very high rates.
03:26But despite that,
03:28it was faced.
03:30The point that I will insist on,
03:32with the support,
03:34that we should feed the hungry,
03:36we should be prepared for their livelihood,
03:38we should try,
03:40and the work that our respected Mr. Zafar was doing,
03:42he was doing a great job.
03:44And all the other social workers,
03:46they are all doing a great job.
03:48Mr. Edhi was mentioned, Mr. Rizvi was mentioned.
03:50We were listening there.
03:52But all these things are very good.
03:54And along with that,
03:56one thing that is very important is to be courageous.
03:58Disappointment is not a cure.
04:00No matter how bad the situation is,
04:02despite that,
04:04suicide is not an option.
04:06This is very categorically,
04:08and Mr. Mufti will definitely support this,
04:10you do not have the option of death.
04:12This is the battlefield.
04:14You have to fight in the battlefield.
04:16You have to fight.
04:18Like Mujahid Sabeerullah,
04:20the followers of Haider-e-Karrar,
04:22do not talk about running away.
04:24That we have to go from here,
04:26we have to commit suicide.
04:28This is not an option at all.
04:30Cross this option completely.
04:32And say that we have to face it.
04:34Yes, we have to fulfill the responsibilities
04:36of the authorized people.
04:38Whether it is the provincial government or federal government,
04:40they have to see how the situation can be improved.
04:42More opportunities can be created.
04:46And before that, I will go to Mr. Mufti.
04:48Like Mr. Raza said,
04:50I have also seen a lot of such examples.
04:52So, I would like to request
04:54the young friends,
04:56to make your own efforts.
04:58I have seen this at many places.
05:00I have said,
05:02you do this, you do that.
05:04No, I know that nothing will happen.
05:06No, there is favoritism here.
05:08In this country,
05:10even if I do this course,
05:12I will not get a job,
05:14so there is no benefit.
05:16This cannot be an excuse.
05:18I think this is a very important matter.
05:20Show him the question.
05:22My name is Zara Jawad,
05:24and I am talking from Lahore.
05:26A mother-in-law slaps her daughter-in-law
05:28and kills her character.
05:30To the extent that people
05:32start understanding her daughter-in-law
05:34and the daughter-in-law
05:36kills her character,
05:38then what is the Islamic order
05:40for the daughter-in-law
05:42other than patience?
05:44And at the same time,
05:46if you make someone
05:48sit on something
05:50and he becomes
05:52in control of it,
05:54and the owner
05:56is in danger of his life
05:58and property,
06:00then what should be done?
06:02And the Prophet
06:04saw some people
06:06upside down on the way to Meeraj.
06:08And their faces and chests
06:10were being pulled out
06:12from pieces of copper.
06:14And in a narration,
06:16they were being pulled out
06:18from their nails.
06:20So when asked,
06:22it was said that
06:24these are the people
06:26who are accusing
06:28innocent people.
06:30There are some people
06:32who follow Abdul Azari.
06:34His family is also affected.
06:36His children are depressed
06:38all their lives.
06:40Sometimes they get upset with their mother.
06:42If they have children,
06:44then they should never do this.
06:46But we should pay attention
06:48that sometimes there is a misunderstanding.
06:50For example,
06:52the daughter-in-law is talking
06:54to a cousin.
06:56In some houses,
06:58they are walking in such a house.
07:00But they come to such a family
07:02where these things are considered
07:04to be very minor.
07:06So the children should also think
07:08that the environment of our house
07:10and the environment of the in-laws
07:12may be different.
07:14Then they should come there
07:16and understand the environment
07:18according to their requirements.
07:20Otherwise, such misunderstandings
07:22can also arise.
07:24What should the daughter-in-law
07:28She should trust her husband.
07:30I always tell my children
07:32that a wife needs to understand
07:34her husband and a husband needs
07:36to understand his wife.
07:38A boy should not try to understand
07:40his wife through his mother
07:42or sister's words
07:44or deal with her.
07:46Similarly, a girl should not
07:48try to understand her husband
07:50through her mother or sister.
07:52She should trust her husband.
07:54I am sorry to say
07:56that I also see such stupid husbands
07:58who see that
08:00a mother has an old habit
08:02which not all mothers have
08:04which is to blame others,
08:06to lie.
08:08Now there is a new environment
08:10in which my mother has said
08:12that my mother used to lie
08:14and do mischief.
08:16Your respected mother is known
08:18in the whole family.
08:20Then why didn't you do it here
08:22I am your son.
08:24If my house is ruined,
08:26I will also get depressed.
08:28For God's sake, don't do this.
08:30It is not necessary that
08:32the mother-in-law is wrong.
08:34The daughter-in-law should
08:36trust her husband and
08:38put her elders in the middle.
08:40Please tell us,
08:42is there any opinion on this?
08:44No, exactly the same thing
08:46that Mufti Sahab has said.
08:48Fundamentally, there are
08:50These three need to take
08:52their own assessment.
08:54Those who are going to accuse,
08:56are obviously following Kabira.
08:58Those who are being accused
09:00are going into depression
09:02and they are asking
09:04what should we do
09:06except patience.
09:08You have reached a special point.
09:10Those who are saying
09:12don't talk to us about patience,
09:14what you are expecting
09:16is what we are doing.
09:18There is a verse in the Holy Qur'an
09:24Allah does not like
09:26the spread of sins.
09:28Allah does not like
09:30the spread of sins.
09:32The oppressed are being given
09:34the opportunity to influence
09:36the people.
09:38They can express their pain
09:40that we don't want anything else.
09:42This is being unjust to us.
09:44I heard a sentence
09:46quoted by someone
09:48Do not condemn anybody
09:52Do not condemn
09:54anyone unheard.
09:56If this is done,
09:58it is the biggest act of condemnation.
10:00If you are not listening to it
10:02and you are deciding
10:04that because it has been accused,
10:06this is what will happen.
10:08There should not be this much
10:10oversimplicity in our society.
10:12Respect in its place.
10:14Their respect will be done
10:16according to the relationship.
10:18But their words will be taken
10:20on merit.
10:22If they speak against
10:24Newton's laws of motion,
10:26they will be saluted.
10:28But this will not be accepted.
10:30Absolutely right.
10:32And Mufti Sahab said
10:34that if someone is entrusted
10:36with something,
10:38they should have it.
10:40Even if the owner
10:42has it, what should they do?
10:44This is also haram and a great sin.
10:46This is also haram and a great sin.
10:48And the Prophet
10:50said clearly
10:52La imana limallah amanatallah
10:54That one who is not trustworthy
10:56has no faith.
10:58So here is a little exaggeration.
11:00It means that his faith is not perfect.
11:02And when the faith comes to failure,
11:04then this society goes to collapse.
11:06Satan takes out faith.
11:08For example, someone's plot
11:10or someone's gold
11:12has changed their faith.
11:14A young man told me that
11:16he was stuck at some place
11:18for a long time.
11:20His parents were old.
11:22His parents were around 70 years old.
11:24When he came back,
11:26his relatives took
11:2840-50 tons of gold
11:30and put
11:32their signature
11:34on the documents
11:36of their house.
11:38Now they are coming
11:40and filing a case.
11:42This is such a bad thing.
11:44Even if you take this,
11:46always remember that
11:48haram wealth never comes true.
11:50Your children will be disobedient.
11:52They will go to the wrong path.
11:54There will be cancer,
11:56an accident.
11:58This haram money will come out
12:00just like that.
12:02And in the hereafter,
12:04they will be put in front of
12:06their sins.
12:08Now good deeds are over.
12:10Our sins and their sins.
12:12Now they will have to suffer.
12:14And that person
12:16is in a state of helplessness.
12:18What should we do?
12:20I can't tell you what to do.
12:22The problem is that our country's
12:24system is such that
12:26the victim is in jail and sometimes
12:28the oppressor is out.
12:30What to do?
12:32It is better to be patient
12:34and ask for help from Salah.
12:36There is no greater power than Allah.
12:38Allah is in control of nature.
12:40When Allah wants,
12:42there is a fire,
12:44big superpowers,
12:46tsunamis, snowstorms come.
12:48Even today, Allah shows his power
12:50and makes the person realize
12:52what his status is.
12:54Don't be disappointed,
12:56turn to Allah and
12:58there is no harm in taking
13:00worldly means.
13:02Some people say that
13:04even if someone
13:06abandons a piece of land,
13:08then that piece of land
13:10will be put in his neck
13:12on the Day of Judgment.
13:14If a person visualizes
13:16the facilities here,
13:18can he pay the price
13:20that he will face
13:22on the Day of Judgment?
13:24Either he says that
13:26we have no faith on the Day of Judgment,
13:28then he is not addressing us.
13:30If a person claims to have faith,
13:32claims to be a Muslim,
13:34claims to be an Ummati Rasool,
13:36then he should think about these things.
13:38Secondly, he should improve
13:40the system so much that
13:42no one should fear going to the police station.
13:44He should say that
13:46I don't have to go to the police station
13:48and file a report.
13:50I don't have to go to the police station
13:52for an FIR.
13:54Because I know that
13:56I will have to hand over everything
13:58to the police station.
14:00He should also think about these things.
14:02What is the reason for people's
14:04lack of faith?
14:06Why are people forced to think like this?
14:08In the end,
14:10I am not pinpointing anyone.
14:12But there is a trick.
14:14Again, we are current affairs
14:16and we are examples.
14:18I have seen more than one.
14:20Where your land is,
14:22I have taken possession of it.
14:24Since the society or people
14:26do not object,
14:28I have made a part of the land
14:30a place of worship.
14:32I have made a mosque on it.
14:34By doing this,
14:36this action will not be permissible,
14:40I have seen it.
14:42There is a mosque.
14:44Talk about the mosque.
14:46Is the minaret of the mosque?
14:48It is forbidden to build a place of worship
14:50on a place of worship.
14:52And who knows that this is a place of worship,
14:54he cannot pray there.
14:56In our Hanafi.
14:58If he prays,
15:00the obligation will be fulfilled.
15:02But if he knows that this is a place of worship,
15:04and prays, he will be a sinner.
15:06He should be boycotted there.
15:08He should be desolated.
15:10This is the order of the mosque of Darar,
15:12which is to be demolished.
15:14Some shrines are made there.
15:16And they are put in it.
15:18And the rest of the land
15:20has been taken over.
15:24who do you want to deceive
15:26by using the religion of Allah
15:28to fulfill your dirty aims?
15:30You can deceive Allah,
15:32you can deceive the Messenger,
15:34you can deceive the angels,
15:36you can deceive the creation,
15:38but where will you reach?
15:40It is up to Allah.
15:42Who should be interceded for?
15:44For the Prophet.
15:46And the Master loves his Ummah
15:48like his own family.
15:52you are absolutely right.
15:54We should not use such tricks.
15:56The simple thing is that
15:58at any place of worship,
16:00as Mufti Sahab has said,
16:02when it is not his right,
16:04then how can anyone
16:06be interceded for him?
16:08Mufti Sahab has given an explanation
16:10regarding the falsehood of Darar.
16:12But in our jurisprudence,
16:14Salah is false.
16:16Salah cannot be accepted
16:18You will have to do Iyadah here.
16:20Because it was not his right.
16:22But that is a matter of jurisprudence.
16:24But anyway,
16:26if you are trying to deceive
16:28Allah or his angels,
16:30then it is a pity on such a mind.
16:32Thank you very much.
16:34Before this,
16:36I am guessing that there are some
16:38worldly issues as well.
16:40There was a question
16:42that this mother-in-law is doing this to me.
16:44According to jurisprudence,
16:46what should the mother-in-law do?
16:48We said that these issues
16:50are above the jurisprudence.
16:52Whether it is the jurisprudence of Jafri,
16:54the issues of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
16:56are uniform.
16:58The world is going somewhere.
17:00The issues of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
17:02According to jurisprudence,
17:04what should the mother-in-law do?
17:06The mother-in-law is the mother-in-law.
17:08She is not a jurisprudence.
17:10This is also a situation.
17:12Let's take a break.
17:14We will continue another day, inshaAllah.