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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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00:00Baldi was WRONG when he said race swapping only happens in one direction.
00:06And, uh, this is how Netflix portrays a 13-year-old knife murderer in the UK.
00:11The second image is the person it was based on.
00:13I think this is...
00:15I think it's very obvious that...
00:17what they're doing. It is. It's very obvious.
00:20And I think that the problem is whenever you do something like this,
00:24everybody can see the reason why you're doing this.
00:26So, this is the trailer for...
00:30This is the new propaganda that's being released.
00:33I think it sounds a lot like propaganda to me.
00:36That's being released in the UK.
00:39Let's take a look at it. Let's watch it.
00:44I'm ugly.
00:47How does that make you feel?
00:51You probably say I'm not ugly.
00:52What I think isn't important.
00:54Yeah, you don't say the things normal people say, do you?
00:56Well, how would you feel if I did say you're not ugly?
00:58I just don't know why you don't say the things normal people say.
01:00You thought I should have contradicted you when you said your dad was ashamed of you
01:03and you think I should contradict you now when you tell me you think yourself ugly.
01:07I... I don't know.
01:09I'm interested in the fact that you think you're ugly, Jamie.
01:14Yeah, I'm...
01:16I'm fascinated...
01:18I'm interested in it because what you think is more important to me than what is true, OK?
01:26So how do you feel about being ugly?
01:32How would you feel?
01:34You don't know.
01:36You're not that pretty.
01:38This isn't about me, Jamie.
01:40You don't think you're pretty.
01:41I'm not the interesting person in this room.
01:43You don't think you're pretty. You do think I'm ugly.
01:45I haven't passed judgement on either of those things.
01:47If you think about it for very good reason...
01:49Oh, for very good reason.
01:50I want to understand you.
01:51To understand my understanding of my understanding of my understanding.
01:55The other bloke is much more easy.
01:58Him checking whether I understand was much easier.
02:00Whether I understand what I did.
02:03No, no.
02:04Fuck off!
02:05I didn't fucking say that!
02:06You fucking put your words in me mouth!
02:08It's like a fucking trap in here!
02:10You! I...
02:12Just shut the fuck up.
02:22What was that?
02:26What the fuck was that?
02:30Signal my way like a fucking queen, yeah?
02:45I need you...
02:47to sit...
02:49Is this it?
02:55Is this it?
03:00That's weird.
03:01That's weird, bro.
03:02Like, yeah, that's real weird.
03:04Uh, is, uh, creators of Netflix adolescents
03:06that they show at the parliament and schools
03:08that causes discussion and wants to make things change
03:10on social media's toxic influence
03:12and misogynistic influence on teenage boys?
03:14I'm never gonna take any of this shit seriously at all
03:17until they start holding other girls accountable
03:19for the toxic shit that they do.
03:21Uh, men are not the exclusive purveyors
03:23of being toxic on the internet, right?
03:27Uh, this is not it.
03:29Now, obviously, the thing is
03:31is that you're caricaturing this type of a person
03:33and I do think that a lot of, like, young guys
03:35Yeah, correct, yeah.
03:37It's like, I don't want to hear about how,
03:39you know, men are toxic
03:41and this is some kind of terrible fucking thing
03:43that's happening.
03:46Well, I don't think this is about being white, right?
03:48Uh, but yeah, in general, yeah, I'll take
03:50but the others are bad?
03:52Well, yeah, I mean, like, the thing is that
03:54a lot of guys
03:56so this is what happens, right?
03:58A lot of guys go on the internet
04:00and they find people like Andrew Tate
04:02or, like, any of these other, um,
04:04bullshit internet dads
04:06the reason why that happens
04:08is because they don't have real dads at home.
04:10And the reason why I think
04:12they don't have real dads at home
04:14is because any traditional sense
04:16of masculinity has been
04:18completely removed by society
04:20and been replaced with this
04:22bullshit. So, it's really
04:24a second and third order effect of
04:26why this happens. Like, you hardly ever
04:28see people that come up and do this kind of stuff
04:30that had a man involved in their life
04:32growing up that was a positive influence.
04:34The majority of, like, boys
04:36and young boys that go and do this stuff
04:38and, like, get into, like, acting weird like this kid did
04:40the majority of them were probably
04:42raised by single moms, they don't have
04:44any positive male influence
04:46in their life at all that's, like,
04:48a guiding force. It's like, if you watch a
04:50monkey or a gorilla
04:52you'll see the big gor- the little
04:54gorillas fucking with the big
04:56gorillas and then the big gorillas
04:58set the little gorillas straight
05:00and then the big- the little gorillas become big
05:02gorillas and they do the same thing.
05:04That's the circle of life, right?
05:06And so, if you don't have the big
05:08gorillas around to keep
05:10the little gorillas in check, then
05:12you have situations like this.
05:14So, I actually do think it's
05:16the case, and I think that all of the
05:18different elements of any form of masculinity
05:20has been totally taken away from men
05:22as well, and I think that any
05:24form of aggression that men have
05:26even, like, kind of casual
05:28male aggression towards each other
05:30like banter and stuff like that has been
05:32demonized, uh, I think that
05:34any type of, uh, you know
05:36coarse communication
05:38like saying things in ways that are
05:40you know, quote, not PC
05:42has been totally neutered as well
05:44and so you have a society that's
05:46totally removed all of the
05:48things that men, and especially young
05:50men do, and able to
05:52do when they're young in order to
05:54establish and build a
05:56sense of identity and camaraderie
05:58and you don't have any of that
06:00that's why you have a lot of people going to the
06:02internet and seeking out spaces
06:04like this, that's the exact reason
06:06so when you look at
06:08why this happens, it actually
06:10is, it's not like
06:12a, oh but the other side does it too
06:14what I'm saying is that the constant
06:16demonization of men
06:18masculinity, and
06:20any form of coarse or
06:22like basically problematic
06:24behavior that young men do
06:26demonizing all behavior
06:28that young men do that's
06:30aggressive or coarse at all
06:32as being problematic and needs to be
06:35stomped out
06:37that's not going to make it go away
06:39it's just going to make it go on the
06:41internet, and that's what's happened
06:43you're overestimating?
06:45really? I don't
06:47think I am, I don't
06:49what do you guys think, do you guys think I'm right
06:51about this?
06:53because I
06:55think this has been a domino effect
06:57there's been a lot of dominoes for this
06:59he's underestimating, yes, do you think it's partly
07:01why more young men join
07:03the army? I think that the fact that
07:05like, you look at
07:07the amount of people that are joining the army now
07:09men join the army
07:11there's a lot of reasons why they join the army, right
07:13some do it to pay for school, some do it because
07:15it's a family thing, some do it for any other reason
07:17but like, it's undeniable
07:19that after Trump and Pete
07:21Hegseth took over the fucking Department
07:23of Defense, military
07:25recruitment went way fucking up
07:27you want to know why that is? It's because
07:29those guys represent that
07:31traditional, coarse, aggressive
07:33and very politically
07:35incorrect view that a lot
07:37of young men are attracted to
07:39and so if you want to put, like
07:41take a guy that has tattoos
07:43from the fucking
07:45middle age crusades there
07:47that works out every day, put him in charge
07:49of the military, and you're gonna have a lot
07:51more people signing up to join
07:53that's a fact, because that's what young
07:55men want, and the problem
07:57is that you have like
07:59any element and any version of that
08:01has been demonized
08:03by culture, and I think
08:05this has happened in the last 10 years, it's been demonized
08:07by Karens, do you remember what I said before about
08:09how all problems in society are caused by
08:11Karens or incels? Well, this
08:13actually is a problem that's caused by Karens
08:15and it creates incels, and so it's kind
08:17of both, so what I think
08:19happens with this, there's a paladin, of course people
08:21follow him, yeah sure, and so
08:23the problem with
08:25something like this, I think, is that
08:27it doesn't really explain
08:29what the real reasons for these
08:31things are, because I think it goes
08:33against traditional narratives
08:35it's a historical fact, men will follow other men
08:37men will even die for other men at times
08:39well, it's about who you want to
08:41follow, and who you want to die for, right?
08:43and if you have somebody
08:45that embraces and embodies
08:47those traditional values
08:49that I think a lot of young men, universally
08:51like, this is totally universal
08:53like, you go to Afghanistan, you're
08:56gonna find men that will find this
08:58respectable, you go to China
09:00you're gonna find men that will find this respectable, go to
09:02Russia, you go to fucking
09:04El Salvador, you go anywhere in the
09:06world, this is a universal reality, right?
09:08and I think that that is
09:10the main difference, men don't follow women, not
09:12in the same way, uh, no
09:14I think men's lifestyle environment
09:16and food is lower testosterone across the board
09:18yeah, and so the reason why
09:20people, so this is the point, right, so all
09:22I'm doing is providing like a frame of reference
09:24to explain why I think
09:26this happens, but now you go to the second part
09:28which is why the
09:30radicalization of young white boys in a
09:32I think especially for
09:34white guys, it's
09:36especially bad, because in a
09:38lot of like, I would say, like, western
09:40culture, that's like the one
09:42group of people that it's generally
09:44acceptable to make fun of, right?
09:46It's generally acceptable to make fun of men, and
09:48it's generally acceptable to make fun of white
09:50people, you can't do that to anybody else
09:52in the same way, and I think
09:54that's really, like
09:56I think everybody sees this
09:58a lot of young guys, young white guys
10:00see this, and they're like, well, this is fucking ridiculous
10:02universal reality in your fascist head?
10:04Well, here's the problem, is that if enough people
10:06have that universal reality, then it becomes
10:08a universal reality, right? So
10:10you can say that everybody's stupid, and
10:12oh, they don't really think this, and it's not
10:14true, but you're not gonna convince
10:16people that something isn't real
10:18when they're looking at it, right? And so
10:20anyway, reality's reality, yes, exactly
10:22and so anyway,
10:24this is something that has
10:26alienated, and it's
10:28radicalized a lot of young men
10:30and the problem is that
10:32and this is really the issue, is that
10:34the problem is that
10:36all of the investigation into
10:38why is this happening to young men
10:40is blamed on young men
10:42at no point ever
10:44is it looked at as like
10:46why is this happening
10:48in a broader sense?
10:50Why is this happening
10:52beyond just this group of people?
10:54Because if you look at any other group of people
10:56that have problems in society,
10:58there's always a secondary group
11:00or a secondary causal factor, right?
11:02Women have problems in society,
11:04there's an issue with women, it's because of men
11:06Minorities have problems, it's because
11:08of the dominant majority in whichever country
11:10it is, right? And so what you have
11:12is, you see every
11:14single other group is able
11:16to have a shared accountability
11:18for its missteps, but
11:20with this group, they're constantly
11:22blamed for everything that goes wrong
11:24Feminists created Entretain, they did
11:26they absolutely did
11:28and so, that's the
11:30reason why people go after content like this
11:32so, making shows like this
11:34that just further demonize
11:36young men and boys
11:38and just turn them into these emotional
11:40unstable babies that can't control
11:42themselves, this
11:45all it does is it just further radicalizes
11:47them and it just makes everything worse
11:49that's what happens
11:51when you demonize a group of people, don't be
11:53mad when demons don't want to lose
11:55yeah, exactly, if you demonize a bunch of people for a
11:57long time, don't be surprised when they turn into demons
11:59that's basically what I'm saying
12:01and I think it's very accurate, I think that's
12:03exactly what's been happening too
12:05I'm sorry, but some of the men need to get therapy
12:07as a woman, I've been told that for decades
12:11how is this different?
12:13as a woman, I've been told that for decades
12:15the way that men and women I think work
12:17through problems is fundamentally different
12:19and I think that the acknowledgement
12:21or sorry, the refusal to acknowledge
12:23that there are fundamental
12:25cognitive differences between the sexes
12:27is actually a foundational
12:29core problem that
12:31I think that's caused
12:33a lot of this
12:35friction, it's because
12:37and there's two elements of this
12:39so, there's number one
12:41it's the element that almost everything
12:43is reduced down to
12:45a one size fits all for both men
12:47and women, which I don't think is accurate
12:49because they're cognitively different, they think about
12:51things differently, they process things differently
12:53literally different chemicals in their brain
12:55and their body that make them make different decisions
12:57like testosterone and estrogen
12:59obviously, and then you have the second
13:01thing, is that in the case
13:03where it is a male
13:05viewpoint or a female viewpoint
13:07often times, the female
13:09male centric perspective is
13:11the one that is the prevailing
13:13one in society, and so
13:15you have a situation where
13:17men cognitively are trained
13:19to basically
13:21blame everything on themselves
13:23have everything blamed on them
13:25their coping mechanisms
13:27are deemed toxic
13:29their types of interacting with each other are
13:31deemed hostile and not politically correct
13:35basically, the solutions that are given
13:37to them are solutions that generally
13:39help more women more than men
13:41that's the reason why
13:43and so
13:45this is a huge problem
13:47men allowed this
13:49it's a self inflicted wound, you're right, men have
13:51allowed this, and that's why I think men need to stop
13:53men need to stop allowing
13:55themselves to be patronized by a bunch
13:57of Karens that hate them
13:59it's so obnoxious
14:01it's so absolutely
14:03insanely fucking obnoxious
14:06that these men
14:08get together, like, I don't want to listen
14:10to some Karen tell me
14:12about what words I'm supposed to use
14:14shut the fuck up
14:16it's weird
14:18by Karens who dominate the media
14:20well the reason why Karens dominate
14:22the media is because men
14:24allow them to because they
14:26think that they'll get laid
14:28that's the reason why
14:30men allow women to tell them what to do
14:32because the only way that they can appeal
14:34attractive to women is by being subservient
14:36that's the reason
14:38that's it
14:40they're simps
14:42I understand this is kind of like more of a
14:44red pill point of view
14:46but I think this is what's happening
14:48I really do
14:5030 minutes of armchair psychology
14:52you think it's all armchair psychology
14:54what do you guys think, you guys think I'm accurate on this
14:56what do you think
14:58how do you feel about it
15:00and also by the way
15:02if you're not a guy that's grown up
15:04in one of these western countries
15:06you're probably not going to be able to relate to this because I'm not talking about you
15:08or a girl's not going to be able to relate
15:10to this because it's a different experience
15:12so sure
15:14and this is it
15:16and by the way I'm sure there's some things that aren't true for everybody
15:18but I think in a general sense
15:20this is how things have happened
15:22and this is what's been going on
15:24those men still don't get coochie by being hyper submissive and self depreciating
15:26yeah but it's a better probability for them to do it
15:28rather than not
15:30and I think that's what happens
15:32she doesn't want you bro
15:34yeah sure
15:36and it's like guys pretending to care about astrology when they get yapping
15:40yeah have you ever noticed why a lot of the hottest girls
15:42are into crystals and astrology
15:44the reason why is because no guy wants to ruin his chance
15:46of sleeping with her
15:48by telling her that her bullshit isn't real
15:50that's the reason why
15:52you want to find a lot of hot girls
15:54go to the local witch cafe
15:56where they sell herbs
15:58and you're going to see tons of goth girls
16:00that are really hot
16:02and they're going to be absolutely fucking crazy
16:04and people put up with it
16:06it's actually true
16:08yes it is
16:10it's like are you really going to own goal yourself
16:12no you're not
16:14of course that's what a tourist would say
16:16you're so right honey
16:20you know like that's it
16:22nobody wants us
16:26they will
16:30what if they're not hot and into crystals
16:32i'm asking for a friend
16:34well then they live in the middle of a swamp
16:36and if you trade them three mushrooms
16:38they'll give you a healing potion
16:40yeah obviously we all know that
16:42we've all played legend of zelda haven't we
16:44and anyway
16:46one time
16:48they sold the crystals
16:50i think a lot of girls just get into it for whatever reason
16:52but my point is that
16:55that's exactly what happens
16:57and i understand that
16:59basically a lot of people might view
17:01what i'm saying as misogynistic
17:03but i actually think it's the opposite
17:05i think that women have
17:07regularly put themselves
17:09in male spaces
17:11and then tried to make male spaces
17:13conform to them
17:15changing the spaces and then complaining about it
17:17it's annoying
17:19it's very annoying to me
17:21speak the truth yes
17:23as a video gamer
17:25this is exactly what's happened
17:27back in the day
17:29everybody would say any word
17:31anything under the sun
17:33and nobody got upset
17:35except for a few pussies
17:37but now there's like 50 different regulations
17:39on what you can and can't say
17:41there's a thousand different rules
17:43and i think the big reason why
17:45is because you're inviting in all these people
17:47girls don't act like that to each other
17:49i don't see girls talking like that to each other
17:51you go into a male space
17:53that's dominated by young men
17:55that are hyper aggressive, extremely competitive
17:57and then you want to take away every outlet
17:59they have to express that
18:01get the fuck out of here
18:03turn off voice chat
18:05that's what i think
18:07turn off voice chat
18:09get out of here
18:11that's what i think
18:13that's where i'm at
18:15that's it