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00:00oh damn so this is the shit in turkey i was just telling y'all about or y'all are trying sorry about
00:06that damn damn so this is oh my god
00:15jesus and apparently they person they put a political candidate in jail turkish president
00:31is uh erdogan's rival emogu is detained his diploma is a null then turkish stock market
00:36as well as national currency has been taken a serious hit while popular social media applications
00:40have been unavailable for hours what the fuck
00:50the u.s have detained authorities have detained 100 suspects including other politicians
00:53journalists and businessmen as part of an investigate what the fuck major platforms
00:58including youtube x of a messaging app have been subjected to bandwidth throttling significantly
01:03down access why is this happening and these are all the sources so so they the guy that
01:12the rival got arrested before becoming a presidential candidate
01:19huh turkey's a dictatorship yeah i mean this is scary i would say like if i was in turkey i'd be
01:25a little bit stressed out by this this sucks yeah i'd be very stressed i wonder why this is happening
01:31holy fuck where are they protesting more government corruption honestly
01:44i think that and i wonder i bet it's probably corrupt fucking everywhere i do i i like i'm
01:52not a big fan of riots right i don't think this is a a good solution but in a lot of these other
02:00countries the thing is that in america you have more of a representative democracy than in a lot
02:05of other countries many of these other countries they don't have the same rights and privileges
02:12as americans do to being represented and that's why you have these riots you have these riots
02:19because in a lot of cases or at least not in a lot of cases but in some cases you don't have
02:24a democratic alternative or you had one but then they put them in jail sometimes riots are necessary
02:30well here's the difference right is that in a democratic society you should go through the
02:35democratic process but when that democratic process isn't being respected or it doesn't
02:41exist like in a monarchy for example the only way for you to have any form of protest is by doing
02:51something like this right so while i disagree with this happening in the u.s because i think people
02:56do you know they're they're being represented uh in turkey i don't know what their government's like
03:02i check out turkey inflation that's why people protest yeah it's in the balkans what do you
03:08expect i don't is turkish is turkey a balkan country my understanding was that it wasn't
03:14is it technically considered that or not no okay i didn't think so yeah this isn't serbia you're
03:21thinking of serbia uh this is turkey here oh my god
03:36jesus in a nutshell istanbul mayor for five years is one of the main opposition to erdogan
03:44and current president of turkey one requirement to run for president is to have a high degree
03:49erdogan imprisoned him and then the order a university to cancel his diploma
04:03i feel like that's kind of rigged right
04:14holy shit
04:16oh my god look at all this
04:23check lira to us ad lira is their currency lira to usd uh
04:32over the years okay hopefully uh turkish lira to u.s dollars exchange rate okay
04:39and let's look at over 10 years
05:03this is worse than ubisoft
05:08holy shit
05:09oh my god look at one year 14 so it was really this massive drop in 2023 is what really caused
05:22it well they had multiple apparently massive dry there's another massive drop in 2021 as well
05:29holy shit man
05:33that's incredible look at today
05:39oh god
05:44oh god
05:48oh geez what the fuck
05:55this is insane so these are some of the videos about it then what happened there i don't know
06:09oh my god
06:13what is this is this another approach okay it's in our protest video
06:29holy shit isn't it crazy so turkey is probably like and i'm measuring this from a very very
06:37strong frame of reference the r slash place every single time that r slash place the reddit thing
06:45would happen the turkey flag was always the biggest flag every single fucking time and people
06:54would try to build over it you could never like you could build over almost anybody else's flag
07:00but not the turkey one they were not gonna have it and yeah and well there was germany and france
07:08those were two other really big ones and then also you had uh brazil yes brazil and so anyway
07:17look at all these flags this is so much different than it again this is so much different than
07:22american protests so everybody here has a turkish flag up huh wow you don't see this
07:33how about that
07:37holy shit man look at all this
07:43the world is going absolutely crazy
07:45when the coup happened there i watched some fucked up videos
07:53the tank ran over somebody what are they protesting about apparently so apparently there was a guy
08:00running for president and they just put him in jail and took away his degree so he can't run
08:04for president anymore it's like you're it's basically like you're playing uh halo against
08:12your friend on xbox like split screen and he just unplugs your controller
08:22yeah like just unplugs the controller like what the fuck
08:30skill issue
08:33they tried that with trump i think a lot of people uh probably feel that way
08:38and i and if you go back to what i said about that two years ago i said if they didn't succeed
08:44at putting trump in jail it was going to make him a martyr and he would have won president again
08:47that's exactly what happened because you either if you do this to somebody you have to be like
08:53you know who did it right oh god okay right is not the best word that i can use for this
08:59do you know who was effective in doing this stalin
09:05stalin and putin were effective at doing this
09:08so yeah the russians know how to fucking do this
09:20oh my god
09:37weak-ass nation always a dictatorship i think this is one of the really great things about
09:42having the worldwide internet is that a lot of people and the guys from turkey can see what it's
09:47like in other countries and they can see you know what maybe it doesn't have to be like this
09:52and i think this is the case with a lot of places uh whether it's in the middle east and also in
09:57america some people in america see what it's like in other countries too and they say you know what
10:01it doesn't have to be like this this is why i'm such a big advocate of like us merging our culture
10:06and like the amount of like things and like media that's being in like the middle east and saudi
10:10arabia is that i think this is going to be an uplifting force for everybody in the world and i
10:15think that yeah obviously like we'll understand their culture better but i think that they'll
10:19understand and appreciate our culture better too and i i think this is i don't think things like
10:24this would be possible without the internet in a lot of cases i don't and i think that the access
10:31to being able to have a global conversation about things is one of the most beneficial and
10:37transformative things that we've had in the last 10 years l globalist it's not it's no no no no
10:45it's not about removing the culture of these countries it's about these countries looking
10:51at elements of their culture and then changing it because it could be better
10:56it's about giving people a choice not choosing for them yeah it's positive growth yeah as money
11:02global gay no no i i don't want china to be like america i don't want america to be like china
11:07but i think there's certain things that china does that maybe we could take on and there are
11:12certain things that we do that i'd hope china would take on as well and i think that's a
11:15reasonable perspective and that's again you have like uh you know trade of materials there's also
11:20a trade of culture you missed the greece mega protest yeah i i know i i heard about that
11:36i haven't been able to look at that so what's been
11:42oh my god so what's i i wonder why these are like happening as a cascade
11:48because like it was turkey sorry it was serbia it was greece it's turkey now this is incredible
11:59what are they saying
12:00what are they saying
12:12it was england a few months ago
12:15dictator erdogan erdogan dictator and that's the thing right is that when you establish yourself
12:23as a dictator you effectively take away the population's ability to democratic change
12:30and if a population doesn't have the ability to democratically change government
12:35the only way that they can change government is through things like this that's why it's so
12:41important to have democracy and that's why it's so important to have elections
12:46is so you prevent this becoming a necessity
12:51you switch from autocracy to dictatorship balkans got to one-up each other apparently
12:55people are saying this isn't a baltic country the mayor and several others have been held
12:58on suspicion of extortion money laundering and irregularities considering tenders and
13:02procurement among other crimes yeah maybe it's true but maybe there's also the people oh my god
13:09this this this seems like it's a movie okay never mind
13:14this is from i think a while ago i'm not even sure
13:23your neighbor mexico is killed uh has had 30 plus candidates killed last year yet
13:28use russia as an example really uh yeah i i do because the fact is that like stalin and putin
13:34are much more well known than any sort of mexican uh like official and also like mexican government
13:40i don't really know anything about it honestly i'm sure that mexican government has its own
13:44problems too i'm just not really educated in it and i don't really know the details
13:48everybody knows stalin everybody knows putin right so it's easier to talk about i understand
13:53you're trying to tone police me for some random reason but uh it's just it's just being like
13:59normal that's all nice thing government's totally corrupt uh i don't know i'm not sure
14:15russian bot detected well
14:17i mean i i don't have anything against russia like it's not russia's fault
14:21that like stalin did something 50 years ago yeah
14:30damn that's a lot of fucking people too it's actually crazy to see the size of these protests
14:36because like if i compare it at least to a lot of the u.s protests
14:40this is like like the u.s protests are like microscopic compared to this in a lot of cases
14:45turkey has a lot of people yeah this is like mlk march uh with the way uh what do you call it uh
14:50with the way elections are over the world you you would have to have corrupt uh you'd have to be
14:54corrupt to finance your run it's really bad isn't it wow
15:07this is huge
15:12i live in turkey right now everybody in the streets
15:18these people actually believe in our protest cause our protests are paid for by ngos
15:23we've got a really uh
15:26we've got a really uh
15:27we've got a really uh
15:28we've got a really uh
15:30we've got a really uh
15:31we've got a really uh
15:32we've got a really uh
15:36we've got a really fucked up culture we do
15:47they have no first amendment yeah
15:52i mean a lot of countries have like some form of like you know protection for expression
15:56but there's like usually a lot of like asterisks and fine print there
16:01uh that's that's what i've i've observed
16:04in a lot of cases uh curious how no stones are being looted yeah i mean maybe there's
16:08stuff that's getting broken but uh yeah i don't know this seems pretty fucking insane
16:13all right this is the last one i'll watch then we're gonna look at some other stuff too
16:16yeah this is nuts man
16:21did you notice there's not one bald person in the crowds
16:35i think actually you're right that's the worst part is i think that you're actually right
16:39holy shit yeah i guess so i guess we'll find out but um yeah this is really really bad i had no
16:46idea about any of this happening if this is a dictator why do democrats keep calling trump a
16:50dictator after democrat regime tried to detain trump as well well the reason why is that and
16:55this is why i find it to be so funny with like american politics is that american politics always
17:01try to use like oh this is like it's like a dictatorship oh they're taking away people's
17:07right to vote they're doing all this stuff you don't even know what that actually is and it's
17:13crazy for me to see people that are in these other countries that like they live in like you know
17:18china or russia or like one of these countries where like there's a corrupt government like
17:22apparently serbia right you don't even know how bad it can get you don't even know how good you
17:29have it the rhetoric must be hilarious abroad yeah it is and think yeah they're using nazi
17:34yeah it's a super privileged perspective it's massively privileged and i just i can't imagine
17:40telling this to somebody oh trump is the same way as this while this guy takes away the guy's degree
17:45and puts him in fucking jail that's nuts