लखनऊ, यूपी: उत्तर प्रदेश के डिप्टी सीएम ब्रजेश पाठक ने लखनऊ में हुए एनकाउंटर को लेकर सपा द्वारा सवाल उठाए जाने पर कहा कि हमारी सरकार प्रदेश में कानून व्यवस्था को मेंटेन करेगी। समाजवादी पार्टी को अपने कार्यकाल को भी याद रखना चाहिए जब अपराधी खुलेआम सड़कों पर घूमते थे, हमारी बहू-बेटियां असुरक्षित थीं, उद्योगपति यूपी से पलायन करके जा रहे थे, सभी लोग परेशान थे लेकिन आज उत्तर प्रदेश में कानून व्यवस्था पूरी तरह से चाक चौबंद है। भयमुक्त शासन का नारा जो बीजेपी ने दिया था उसे धरातल पर उतारने का काम हमारी सरकार कर रही है।
#brijeshpathak #deputycm #uttarpradesh #lucknowencounter #samajwadiparty #shivajistatue
#brijeshpathak #deputycm #uttarpradesh #lucknowencounter #samajwadiparty #shivajistatue
00:00Our government will maintain law and order in Uttar Pradesh.
00:05Today, the criminals are in fear.
00:07The government of the Socialist Party should also remember its past.
00:10When the criminals roamed the streets openly,
00:13our daughters and daughters-in-law were unsafe.
00:15They were the fourth target of the businessmen.
00:17The businessmen were fleeing from Uttar Pradesh.
00:21The farmers, the businessmen, the daughters, everyone was troubled.
00:26Today, the law and order in Uttar Pradesh is completely in shambles.
00:29The criminals are in fear.
00:31The slogan of a fear-free government that was given by the Bharatiya Janta Party,
00:34our government is taking it to the ground.
00:36We will maintain law and order completely.
00:39And all our great men,
00:42who have played an important role in the freedom of India,
00:45like Babasaheb Bhimrao Medkar,
00:47are the ideals of all of us.
00:48And after their freedom,
00:52their role in the creation of a new India,
00:55the Bharatiya Janta Party,
00:56on the basis of the ideals of Babasaheb Bhimrao Medkar,
00:59is working to unite the people and move forward.