मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र: मुंबई (पश्चिमी क्षेत्र) में युगांडा के मानद वाणिज्यदूत और एक प्रसिद्ध परोपकारी व्यक्ति मधुसूदन अग्रवाल को मानद कांसुलर कॉर्प्स डिप्लोमैटिक-इंडिया (एचसीसीडी) द्वारा प्रतिष्ठित 'कांसुलर ऑफ द ईयर' पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया है। अजंता फार्मा के सह-संस्थापक और उपाध्यक्ष अग्रवाल एचसीसीडी मुंबई के महासचिव और एचसीसीडी इंडिया के निदेशक भी हैं। पुरस्कार हासिल करने के बाद अग्रवाल ने कहा कि एचसीसीडी से यह प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार पाकर मैं वास्तव में सम्मानित महसूस कर रहा हूं। यह सम्मान सिर्फ मेरे लिए नहीं है - यह मेरे परिवार, अजंता फार्मा में मेरे सहयोगियों और ममता और मधुसूदन अग्रवाल फाउंडेशन की मेरी टीम का है, जो समाज की बेहतरी के लिए अथक प्रयास कर रहे हैं। मैं युगांडा की सरकार और लोगों को भी उनकी सेवा करने का अवसर देने के लिए हार्दिक धन्यवाद देता हूं।" उन्होंने कहा, "यह पुरस्कार हमें याद दिलाता है कि अभी भी बहुत कुछ किया जाना बाकी है। मैं अपनी स्वास्थ्य सेवा पहलों का विस्तार करने, भारत-युगांडा संबंधों को मजबूत करने और एक स्वस्थ, बेहतर दुनिया की दिशा में काम करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हूं।
#ajantapharma #madhusudanagrawal #consularoftheyear #uganda #mumbai #indiaugandarelations
#ajantapharma #madhusudanagrawal #consularoftheyear #uganda #mumbai #indiaugandarelations
00:00The relationship between Uganda and Ajanta Pharma is thirty-five years old.
00:06We give medicines to the whole of Africa, not only Uganda, but Kenya, Tanzania and 25-30 countries in Africa.
00:13We give affordable medicines for Malaria, Tuberculosis and whatever else.
00:20So, the efforts of Ajanta, what Ajanta did for Africa, was recognized by Uganda and I was appointed as an honorary councilor.
00:28So, my job there was to promote investment and tourism.
00:34And to help the poor people who have a heart problem.
00:40In the last two years, I brought 60 children who had a very big heart problem,
00:47who could not be treated in Uganda, to Mumbai.
00:51My grandson, my grandson, the hospital where he is being treated,
00:57I brought 60 children from Uganda and got their heart surgery done.
01:02In Uganda, landmines are installed. Smugglers and terrorists come from other countries.
01:08So, landmines are installed for that.
01:10Now, the children do not know that there are landmines here.
01:13So, they go after their animals and they get blasted.
01:18So, Jaipur foot is very famous here.
01:21So, I set up a Jaipur foot center there.
01:26Trainers from Jaipur went from here and gave training to the people of Uganda.
01:31People came from there, came here and took training in Jaipur.
01:34And I am very happy that now those people are starting to walk on their feet.
01:39It is a very big task. There will be more than 1000 people who have to walk.
01:45Cancer, as you all know, when I got an appointment in 2018,
01:50I got a mammography van there, which costs one crore rupees.
01:55My first donation was of a mammography van.
01:58Because poor people, who have ladies, who have breast and cervical cancer,
02:03they go to villages and get a mammography van tested.
02:08And in cancer, early detection is saving of life.
02:11So, they go and find out if they have any problem.
02:14If they find out early, then their life is saved.
02:17Then they can be treated in Uganda Cancer Institute.
02:20And if Uganda Cancer Institute could not treat them,
02:23then I bring them to India, I bring them to Mumbai.
02:26We have a Sanjeevani Mamata Hospital there.
02:29Our CSR, Ajanta Pharma, every year CSR.
02:32We have crores of rupees in India and all my friends in our village,
02:38we are a resort village in Maharashtra, we camp from there.
02:43And those people, who have to get hip and knee replacement done,
02:48they have to get cancer surgeries done,
02:51they have to get dialysis done, they have to get cataract operations done.
02:55If it is underprivileged, then Sanjeevani Mamata Hospital.
02:58I have made a Mamata and Valsu Nagrahal Foundation.
03:01Unfortunately, my sister-in-law, Samta Ji, died due to blood cancer.
03:06She died due to blood cancer.
03:09It's been 12 years now.
03:11Since then, our family, everyone has decided that
03:14we will help underprivileged people, all the poor people.
03:18We will do early detection for them.
03:21Now there is a new thermal screening.
03:24There is a new innovation.
03:26It's not just artificial.
03:28With artificial AI, it can be tested.
03:33And without mammography, it can be found out whether he has a cancer tumor or not.
03:38If it is found out that there is a tumor in the base,
03:41then it can be treated immediately with mammography.
03:44So, I am happy about such ventures.
03:47When you do a good job,
03:49on 9th October, our 64th National Day,
03:52Uganda gave me the highest civilian award,
03:55Diamond Jubilee Medal.
03:57So, after that award,
04:00our national body gave me the award of Hyundai Council of the Year on 21st March.
04:07I am so thankful.
04:09I thank our President, Mr. Ganju, Mr. Purushottam Bhakiria and the juries
04:15that they selected me for this prestigious award.
04:19I will continue this pledge and my responsibility increases
04:24when you get recognition for something.
04:27So, I pray to God that as long as I am alive,
04:30I will continue to serve the poor.
04:34Our Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi,
04:38took Ayushman Bharat scheme.
04:41Those who don't have insurance,
04:44they can get health treatment through Ayushman Bharat.
04:49It was 5 lakh rupees.
04:51Our health care company, Ajanta Pharma, is 50 years old.
04:56So, I thought why not,
04:58the efforts of our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi,
05:03our middle class people, underprivileged people,
05:08poor people, those who live in villages,
05:11should get treatment and should get it for free.
05:15So, I thank you very much.
05:17I am happy that we got connected with the Ayushman Bharat scheme of Prime Minister Modi.