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सीलमपुर, दिल्ली: केंद्रीय जीएसटी द्वारा सीलमपुर इलाके में एक जीएसटी कैंप लगाया गया जहां ईस्ट दिल्ली के कमिश्नर पवन कुमार पहुंचे। उन्होंने बताया कि जाफराबाद और सीलमपुर इलाकों में कई जगहों पर जीएसटी नहीं है और लोगों को इसके बारे में जानकारी भी नहीं है। इसलिए जीएसटी विभाग द्वारा यह कैंप लगाया गया ताकि लोग आसानी से अपना जीएसटी रजिस्ट्रेशन कर सकें और उन्हें यह समझ आ सके कि जीएसटी आखिरकार क्या है। भारत सरकार ने इसे 8 साल पहले लागू किया था और 8 साल बीत जाने के बावजूद अभी भी कई दुकानदारों ने जीएसटी रजिस्ट्रेशन नहीं कराया है।

#GST #Seelampur #Delhi #TaxAwareness #GSTRegistration #BusinessCompliance


00:30Taxpayer's doorstep, GST facilitation test, Taxpayer Services, our motto is GST, Central
00:44Board of Indirect Tax and Customs, and we have also taken the support of the Delhi Government
00:49Tax Department.
00:50So, we can come to the overall taxpayer's doorstep and explain to them how to take registration.
00:58There are two ways to improve compliance and we feel that in the behavioural aspect,
01:04where there is no registration, normally, what is done is that an inspection team comes
01:11and that inspection team comes, visits somewhere and then looks at it.
01:15Then, in a way, a very intrusive type of check is done, where the registered taxpayers,
01:21the people who want to come to the tax system, there is a kind of discouragement for them
01:26and the government also does not get that benefit because in tax administration, with
01:31limited manpower, you can only achieve that much.
01:35Especially in these areas, which have been out of the tax net for years and their turnover
01:43has exceeded this level, where they should be in the tax net.
01:48And after coming to their doorstep, we can tell them that you don't have to worry about
01:56We are at your doorstep, we are with you, we want to facilitate you.
02:01We don't just come to do an inquiry investigation.
02:04By hand-holding you, how you can become a compliant taxpayer, what benefits you will
02:09get from it, we are also making them aware of that.
02:12We have run a six-month campaign in which we have made the children of school colleges
02:19our GST brand ambassador.
02:21There are about 200 children from various colleges who have come very enthusiastically.
02:26Our officers have organized street plays, so that the common people can be explained in
02:32their language.
02:33And the response is also very good.
02:35As far as I know in the last two days, there have been a lot of inquiries.
02:38There have also been some on-spot registrations, around 100, maybe more than that.
02:43And the rest of the inquiries, the documents required for registration, we have received
02:49all the details.
02:50We will hand-hold them, how they have to comply, how they have to file returns, we will tell
02:57Sometimes people leave thinking that the work is difficult, that what is going on in these
03:02areas, let it go as it is.
03:05But now it has been 8 years for GST.
03:09And we feel that we should make such an effort where the rest of the unorganized sector,
03:14especially in the time of COVID, the unorganized sector was more affected because they were
03:20not connected to the banking channel, they could not get any credit.
03:24So we are also trying to explain to people that if you are in the tax net, then you can
03:30take a lot of benefits by registering.
03:33And you can also contribute to the development of the country.
