If you need to win more games in FC25 you have come to the right place! These pro tips are all you need to hit 15-0 :)
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00:00I am a pro player and I'm going to give you five tips to help you win more games on FC25.
00:06These five tips will change the way you play forever and here's the structure for each one.
00:11Firstly, I'm going to tell you the tip.
00:13Secondly, I'm going to show you how to perform it.
00:16And finally, we're going to analyse an example to show where it's used best.
00:20Tip number one, the speed boost.
00:23The speed boost is key to beating your defender in one-on-one situations.
00:27Also, a key note, the speed boost is best performed with players that either have the
00:32quick step or rapid play style or both.
00:35Even better when they have both.
00:36So how do we do it?
00:37So firstly, you hold L1 and have the left stick in whatever way you're dribbling.
00:41So wherever you're facing on the pitch.
00:43Then when you want to perform the speed boost, you hold R2 to sprint
00:47and move the left stick in the direction you want to exit.
00:50And just as a little bonus tip, if you hold L1 the whole time,
00:53when you're out of the speed boost,
00:55you're going to be still holding L1 and not dribbling properly.
00:57So my recommendation is let go of L1 as you're doing the speed boost.
01:01So as simple as holding L1,
01:03left stick with the way you're dribbling at that current time.
01:06And then when you want to speed boost, you let go of L1 as you hold R2
01:10and then move your analogue stick in the way you want to exit.
01:14So when I receive the ball with Omri here,
01:15you can see I am isolated against his defensive back line
01:19and there is a clear space to run into.
01:21So when I receive it with Omri, I hold L1
01:24and I'm looking to find space where I can speed boost through it.
01:27So once I've created that half yard of space,
01:29I hold R2 as I let go of L1
01:32and then I move the left stick in the direction I want to speed boost into.
01:36And you can see this all has to happen in one movement.
01:38It's all very fluid.
01:40As I let go of L1, I hold R2 and move the stick in the right direction.
01:44The left stick pushes me straight through.
01:46It gives me that boost away and then I can run through
01:49and I'm in one-on-one and a goal is a goal.
01:52Don't watch the finishing.
01:53I'll teach you how to do that later in the video.
01:55And one more example I'm going to show you is from the FC Pro Open final
01:59where Anders plays Auburn.
02:01Now these are two of the best pros in the world,
02:02so we should probably watch and learn.
02:04So we see Auburn is in a very similar position
02:07where he's isolated Anders' defenders one-on-one
02:09and there's a lot of space to run into.
02:11So when he picks up with Omri, he's holding L1
02:14and he sees where the gap is.
02:15He sees there's a big gap in the middle
02:17between Anders' centre back and right back.
02:19And he exits diagonally out the speed boost,
02:22gets a massive boost out of there.
02:24It's even better because Anders had a bite with the centre back
02:26and tried winning it aggressively
02:28and then he's broke through and he's in on goal.
02:30I think that's where it's shown best
02:32when you're facing against someone's back line
02:35and you can have a slight change of direction with the speed boost
02:38because every single time you're going to break through.
02:40And once you're in, you've got someone quick step or rapid,
02:43there is no one stopping them, especially after the patch.
02:46So let's recap the speed boost.
02:48You do it by holding L1
02:50and then moving the left stick into the direction you want to go
02:52whilst holding R2 at the same time.
02:54The speed boost is best performed by players
02:57that have quick step or rapid play style
02:59and it's best used in attacking positions
03:01when you're 1v1 against the defenders.
03:04Tip number two is free kicks.
03:06Free kicks are a guaranteed goal in certain positions.
03:10They are like penalties this year.
03:11So when we're learning how to take free kicks,
03:13we break it into two separate parts, the aim and the power.
03:17The aim is very simple.
03:18Depending on where you want to go,
03:20you either move the little cursor to all the way outside foot cold
03:23or all the way inside foot cold.
03:25They're the only two ways I'm going to teach you here,
03:27but they're definitely the most effective.
03:29And when you've decided what way you want to go,
03:31it's all about power.
03:33Now, if you're fairly close to the box, about 20 yards out,
03:36you're aiming for about three bars of power.
03:38Then if you're further back, 25, 30 yards,
03:41we can probably ramp it to three and a half.
03:43But wait, there's one more big thing.
03:45So you have the aim.
03:46You know you're going to hit it
03:47between three and three and a half bars of power.
03:50Now, when you hold circle to that amount of power,
03:53you need to hold L1 at the same time.
03:55So that may have been a lot of information at once.
03:57So let's analyze an example and break it down there.
04:00So I have a free kick against one of the best players in the world, GC.
04:04I am using Alise who has dead ball.
04:06For best results, use dead ball and dead ball plus.
04:10So I've decided I want to go outside the foot,
04:13round the wall and into the top corner.
04:16So I move the cursor all the way to the outside foot cold
04:20and I don't really move the line up or down.
04:22You can move it slightly up, slightly down,
04:24but I would recommend just moving the line straight across.
04:26So considering I'm about 25 yards out,
04:29I've decided I need a bit more power and I've gone for three and a half bars.
04:33You can get bonus points here for greening free kicks.
04:36If you tap circle just as you're about to hit it,
04:38you will see the green time indicator come up
04:40and it'll be even more accurate.
04:42This time I didn't even need it because the aim was perfect.
04:45Three and a half bars was perfect.
04:46It absolutely flies all the way perfectly into the corner from there.
04:50The ball is going to curl a lot.
04:52So be ready for that.
04:53And now for the best example, we're going to the pro open final again.
04:56Aubrun scores a free kick against Anders in the seventh minute.
05:00He moves his inside the foot all the way to the left.
05:03I know that is the case.
05:04I can't read Italian myself, but I know he's doing that.
05:07I play this game enough.
05:08So he's aimed it all the way with the inside of the foot.
05:10He's got it around the post.
05:12So it looks like he's shooting off target,
05:13but he knows it's going to curl in because Palmer's got dead ball plus.
05:16You can see he times it green as well.
05:18Perfect timing as he strikes that.
05:20The green probably helps it just fly in at a quicker pace.
05:24And there you go.
05:25A 1-1 goal in a pro open final for 100k.
05:28That is the level of importance free kicks have.
05:31So let's summarise free kicks.
05:33They are best to score anywhere from 18 to 30 yards out.
05:36You can aim them either inside the foot or outside the foot,
05:39depending on the situation.
05:41You need to shoot with three to three and a half bars of power.
05:44And for best results, time the free kick green.
05:47Tip number three is low driven shots.
05:50Now these are great because they're the most reliable way to score in the box.
05:53And they're really easy to do.
05:55So how do we do the low driven shot?
05:57You tap circle to about one to one and a half bars of power
06:01and use the left stick where you want to aim it.
06:03A bonus tip.
06:04This is even better on precision shooting.
06:06So if any of you out there are using precision shooting,
06:09you'll feel the benefits of this just that little bit more.
06:11So where is it best used?
06:13In tight angles in the box and when the goalkeeper is on rushing you
06:17and you don't have enough space for a chip.
06:19So you can see here I'm 3-2 down and chasing the game.
06:22You can see I'm working in the box and maybe a bit fortunately it falls to Cole Palmer.
06:26That's not the important part.
06:27The important part is the finish here.
06:29You can see I'm 1-1 with the goalkeeper and he starts to bring him out.
06:32I realise this is not a situation to chip.
06:35And considering the goalkeeper animations is usually to extend themselves.
06:38A low driven finish just under him is going to work wonders here.
06:42So you can see Palmer is in on his weak foot.
06:44I tap it one to one and a half bars of power and it rolls along the floor
06:49and Courtois has got his big arms out.
06:51But he didn't see me low driven him, did he?
06:52He thought he was going to come up here and save me.
06:54Well, you're not being clever because you've just been sat down.
06:57Told you mate, didn't I?
06:58This next example is prime low driven territory.
07:02So I'm in with my striker here and you can see as I get to goal,
07:06it's an okay angle, but you see this get saved sometimes.
07:09The keeper likes to stretch his arm out and make a good save.
07:12And what we do here is the same as I mentioned before,
07:14a bar and a half of power and it's going to hit that low driven.
07:18Now you'll see with the goalkeeper animation, he can't save it.
07:21And one more example, we can see I'm playing foot champs here
07:24and I managed to get the ball to my striker.
07:26Salah is in 1-1, but the goalkeeper's on rushing me.
07:30So it's the perfect time for a low driven.
07:32You can see he turns and it's just so accurate.
07:35It sits him down once again.
07:36It just flies in.
07:38It is so accurate.
07:38Joey reminds me of as well, FIFA 17.
07:41For the OGs out there, in 17, everything was a low driven.
07:45We don't need to go that far this year, but in the box,
07:48it is very, very reliable and something you need to be using.
07:51Let's summarise low driven shots.
07:54It is a consistent and reliable way of finishing inside the box.
07:57To perform it, you shoot with one to one and a half bars of power
08:01and aim your shot in the corner.
08:03And it is best used with tight angles in the box.
08:05And when the goalkeeper is on rushing you and there's not much space.
08:09And one more thing, it's even better on precision shooting.
08:12Tip number four, through balls.
08:15I feel like every year we're talking about through balls,
08:18but they're back again for FC 25 and they're arguably better than ever.
08:22I don't know what it is with EA, but they just love people that can through ball.
08:25But before I show you how to do them, there is one key note.
08:29Through balls are only really effective with a player who has incisive pass.
08:33That play style is very, very important here.
08:36There's two types of through balls, on the floor and in the air.
08:39So it is really simple to do.
08:41You literally just press triangle for the on the floor one.
08:44And then if you want it to go in the air, you hold L1 and triangle.
08:48Now, I know that sounds really, really basic,
08:50but there's a few little tips here to help you set these up.
08:53So we already know the player should have incisive pass.
08:56They can have long ball pass, but incisive is definitely more important.
08:59And we know we're pressing triangle or L1 triangle, depending on how we want to do this.
09:04But for the through ball to be completely effective,
09:06you need to press L1 to trigger a run before you play it.
09:10There is no point playing a through ball to someone that's standing still.
09:14As it's fairly simple to perform, it's all about the analysis here,
09:17because there's a few little, tiny, teeny details that are very important.
09:21You can see I've got it with Bon Mati here, who actually has incisive pass silver.
09:25So it's not actually gold, but it's still more than enough.
09:28So the first trial of action is to trigger the run.
09:31You can see as I face Rodri, I am bashing L1 and triggering him, saying, get on your bike.
09:38So when he's made this run, it is now about timing.
09:40And I know if I press triangle with a fair amount of power,
09:45it's going to make his way through to Rodri, because the incisive pass is so effective.
09:49Now, as a note, you can see that was a long through ball.
09:52I wanted it to travel a lot of distance, so I put more power on it.
09:54That was like three and a half bars.
09:56Every through ball is situational.
09:57The longer you want it to go, the more you power it up.
10:00If you only want a short one, you don't power it up much.
10:03Simple as that.
10:04Now, I want to take this up a level to the next hardest part,
10:06and that is the first time through ball.
10:08You've probably heard that a million times this year because of how good it is.
10:11But I've got an example again from Ovren.
10:14I mean, he's probably going to think I'm stalking him at this point.
10:16This time, he's going to play it first time.
10:18So he's triggered the run of Omri already.
10:20Omri is running.
10:22He's managed to get it to Cole Palmer, and then first time triangle.
10:25He just aims it where it wants it to go.
10:28It goes around the corner.
10:29He's in with Omri, and he's not going to miss from there.
10:32And to do the first time through ball in the air,
10:34it is the exact same procedure, but press L1 triangle.
10:38They are harder to do.
10:39That is probably the hardest part of through balls, first timers.
10:42But if you can learn them, they're very effective in some situations.
10:46So let's summarise through balls.
10:48To perform them, you either press triangle or L1 triangle.
10:51For best results, you need a player to have incisive pass.
10:54To get the through ball to work, you need to trigger a run before performing it.
10:58And if you want to take it to the highest level,
11:00you need to perform your through ball first time.
11:02Tip number five is player switch in.
11:05Now, we all know in FC 25, defending is the hardest it's ever been.
11:09But if you can master player switch in, you're going to concede a lot less goals.
11:13So how do we do it?
11:14There's two different ways to player switch.
11:16So you either tap L1 to select a player,
11:18or you flick the right stick in the direction of the person you want to select.
11:23Now, before we continue and I show you examples,
11:25there is a key, key note here, and that is your settings.
11:29So for L1 switching, I like mine to be set to closest to ball.
11:33So every time I press L1, it's going to select the player who is closest to the ball.
11:37And for right stick switching, I have my sensitivity at two.
11:40But I highly recommend you play around with this.
11:42You either try two, you can try four.
11:44I wouldn't go too much higher than that.
11:46But you need to play around because it's personal preference.
11:49And as we start to analyse examples, I want to tell you how I see player switching.
11:53So I use L1 switching around the box.
11:56When you're switching frantically and you want to pull that centre back,
11:59that's when you press L1 because you need to choose the player closest to the ball.
12:03I use the right stick switching to read plays and to press.
12:06So if I can see a through ball coming from a distance,
12:08or if I can see something happening before it happens,
12:11I'll right stick switch to a player that might be a bit further away.
12:14Let's take a look at L1 player switching.
12:16You can see he's got a short free kick and he's building up around my box.
12:20Now, I need to choose the player closest to the ball because I need to impact the ball.
12:25There is no point marking anything here.
12:27The main thing to do is stop him dribbling past me or getting a shot off.
12:30So the first player switch goes to Omri.
12:33He then passes it out wide.
12:34I L1 switch to Theo Hernandez.
12:36But as he starts to come inside with Vinny and I realise what's going on,
12:39he's going to try and come in and look for a Trevella or dribble past me.
12:42I L1 switch again and it gives me the player closest to the ball, which is Rodri.
12:46I can now impact the ball and go and defend him.
12:49So if I didn't get out to him, he was either going to fake shot around me or hit a Trevella.
12:53I managed to get out to him with Rodri, clamp him down and make the tackle.
12:57But you can see in this area here, that is perfect for L1 switching
13:01because there's going to be a lot of quick movements,
13:02a lot of quick passes that you need to react to.
13:04And it's much easier to do that with L1.
13:06And in contrast, I want to show you where right stick switching is effective.
13:10So you can see he's out on the wing and he has the ball with Bale.
13:13He gets past my Theo Hernandez.
13:15Now, as of right now, Theo Hernandez is still the closest player to the ball.
13:19So I can't really L1 switch because it might register De Jong in the middle as well.
13:23I'm not confident in where he's going to do.
13:25I know I want Haaland here.
13:27So I flick the right stick back in Erling Haaland's direction
13:30so I can go and get to him as quickly as possible.
13:33Now we just watch that back one more time.
13:35You'll see he beats me with Bale and I know what I want to do.
13:39I know Haaland is the man I need here.
13:41He's the most effective.
13:42He's going to stop it.
13:43Just a flick of the right stick in the direction back to Haaland
13:48means I've now triggered him and it means I can go out there and impact the ball.
13:51If you know who you want to select, right stick switching is very effective.
13:55It is also the highest skill gap of the two.
13:57Right stick switching is harder.
13:59So you're going to need some time to practice it.
14:01Let's summarise player switching.
14:02To perform the player switch, you either press L1 or the right stick.
14:06L1 is best to use around the box
14:09and right stick switching is best used to track through balls
14:12and to have more control over who you player switch.
14:15For L1 switching, use closest to ball setting
14:17and for right stick switching sensitivity, somewhere around two to four.
14:21But feel free to play around with it as you please.
14:24But remember to bear in mind, right stick switching is slightly harder
14:28and it's going to take you more time to learn.
14:30They were my five pro tips to help you win more games.
14:32Let me know in the comments if they were helpful
14:34and if they weren't helpful, remember to blame Shorey.