What could possibly go wrong?
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00:00They used to play for practice, how he won every game.
00:06FIFA 19 playoffs, in Hamburg was the same.
00:12First game on 25, barely came out alive.
00:18And then on hashtag Sunday, the Invincibles got five.
00:25Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.
00:37I'm going to sing until I get a foot birthday.
00:39They used to play for practice, how he won every game.
00:45FIFA 19 playoffs.
00:48Oh, oh, it's the first one.
00:51Stop playing the drums off me, you little dweeb.
00:53I just like touching your legs, all right?
00:54Happy foot birthday, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
00:57We should do a five-star, five-star team video
01:00where all of our players have to be five-star, five-star.
01:02Oh, by the way, what's his name?
01:04Get off, I'm not even that big at the minute.
01:06One mil.
01:08What do you mean one mil?
01:08Well, surely that's the first one to pack it.
01:09Uh, we have already got a discard player.
01:12He's discarded 200K already.
01:14You weigh more than me.
01:16I don't care.
01:17What do you weigh?
01:18I'm guessing you weigh 84kg.
01:20No, a little bit less.
01:21Oh, he's really good.
01:23Oi, I think he's really good.
01:24You've got less, Jackson.
01:25Not good play-style pluses, not good play-style pluses.
01:27Yeah, but it's five-star, five-star.
01:29Five-star, five-star, speed boost, technical.
01:30You're there.
01:31And trickster.
01:32Wait, how much do you sell for?
01:33Hang on, hang on.
01:34No, I reckon it's going to be an 80K.
01:361.5 mil got to be.
01:37It's 80K.
01:38No, it'll be down to nothing in no time.
01:40Go on, Harry.
01:40Harry, you're normally good at this.
01:41You're normally a wizard with this.
01:42Lads, it's literally just hit six o'clock on the Friday, by the way.
01:45We are selling these at the prime time.
01:47185 already, yeah.
01:49Right, I reckon 80K, let's listen for 80K.
01:51Here he goes.
01:52Here we go again.
01:54Oh, he came on against us and kept skying it.
01:56The biggest robbery.
01:57Hey, lads, 27 shots to two.
01:59Mate, that was a defensive masterclass.
02:00I don't know what you're talking about robbery for.
02:0127 shots.
02:02Go there.
02:03I've actually got a teenager team on this account, so I'm weak at play.
02:0680, 75, untradable.
02:08If anyone's wondering, I'm ill.
02:11I'm all right at the minute, except my head...
02:13Has your hay fever gone bad, H, as well?
02:14Because mine is.
02:15Well, I've got a severe flu of Ukrainian and Polish.
02:19Do you know what?
02:20I don't think that's a flu.
02:21I don't think that's ever been recognised as a flu.
02:2580 times 50 for Harry.
02:27He actually got ill from singing the chant one too many times.
02:29Yes, yes.
02:30No, I was singing...
02:31Learn a lesson, H, please.
02:33I was singing Amy Winehouse back to black with some birds.
02:36Birds plural this time.
02:37No, there was Irish, the ones who was singing Amy Winehouse with me.
02:40And then I accidentally sent that Irish girl a picture of Mikalenko,
02:45thinking I was sending it to the Ukrainian one.
02:47So I was like, sorry, didn't mean to do that.
02:48So I'll send it to the Ukrainian one, I'll put it on screen now.
02:51And what did the Irish one say?
02:53She was just like, ha, ha, ha.
02:55I was that engrossed in karaoke that I accidentally stood my wife up.
02:59Slosh, track of time.
03:00Elite season three and four, ultimate succession.
03:04Unless that's Laminia Mouth.
03:05Nothing succession about it, brother.
03:06Who is that right wing...
03:07Oh, my God, I've done it.
03:08I've actually done it.
03:09Well, you've got Joe Trotter's Savino.
03:10I've done it.
03:11Lad, he's so good.
03:12And why have you just skipped all the succession?
03:15I don't know.
03:16You've just got Gerrard.
03:17That's why.
03:18That's why, yeah.
03:19He knew who it was.
03:20He slipped on his f***ing arse.
03:23Steve Gerrard, Gerrard.
03:25Steve Gerrard, Gerrard.
03:27Don't you start.
03:28Don't you, Steven Gerrard.
03:30The baby's not yours.
03:32Hashtag house legend.
03:33Dawson, yeah, my German team.
03:36It's a guy with McManaman.
03:37I thought you were going to say your German ting.
03:40Glad you didn't say that.
03:41Everton have so much to answer for that they let so many,
03:43like, class Everton fans play for Liverpool.
03:47Like, didn't Pogacar, Younger, you've got McManaman,
03:49Owen, Fowler, Carriger, Rush.
03:52Literally the greatest ever player.
03:54Are they all supporting Everton?
03:55Gerrard, Trent.
03:56Imagine if we took Rooney as well.
03:57Wait, is Trent confirmed an Everton fan before?
04:00He was at Wembley in an Everton top.
04:02That's all I'm saying.
04:03Is that a known thing?
04:03I feel like I've always heard about Trent being a boyhood scouser,
04:06like Liverpool.
04:07Yeah, nah, they just like,
04:09they just get wound up when you say Gerrard and Trent are.
04:11All the others actually are, though.
04:12Don't worry, boys, the sheriff's in town, ready to take over,
04:15get some foot birthdays for the boys.
04:16Happy birthday to FC.
04:18Happy birthday to FC.
04:22Don't think that's gonna stick.
04:24I'm in trouble, me.
04:26I've, like, I've proper got my chat back.
04:28I'll give up birds for lent.
04:29You've got your chat back because you sent a picture of Mikalenko.
04:33Nah, you don't understand what we're doing.
04:34I must not understand what chat is.
04:36I've given up women for a year.
04:38You don't understand what was going on on Polish grounds.
04:41It's funny how you've not really told us too much,
04:42but we come to recording the pack opening,
04:44it's like, we just get to reveal all secrets, it's clear.
04:46Have I got a foot birthday in my rivals' player picks?
04:49The answer is yes.
04:51Oh my God!
04:52Tom! Tom!
04:54Yeah, he's done it again.
04:55No, no, no, that's shadeable.
04:56That's gonna be beautiful.
04:57Oh my God, is that coins?
05:00Come on, lad!
05:01Oh, come on.
05:03Come on!
05:04He's actually really good.
05:05It's just Tom's account.
05:06Anticipating, is that not, like, the perfect centre midfielder?
05:11Wait, wait.
05:12By the way, do not sell him now.
05:14Lads, lads.
05:17Because he'll go up in two days.
05:18What, when people realise how good he is?
05:19Do not check his price.
05:20All right, give me...
05:21We've got...
05:22Because we are doing a foot bin price check, our favourite website.
05:25OK, price predictions, please.
05:27Um, my first prediction, this might be wrong, he's like 700K.
05:32OK, Harry?
05:33Why are you speaking to me like that?
05:34Lad, he'll be, like, 701K.
05:38Currently, 581K.
05:40Nah, nah, that's a bargain, that.
05:42That's too cheap for how good he is.
05:43It's just there's so many good cards, that'll be why.
05:46But incisive and tiki-taka plus is, like, the most essential thing with five-star, five-star.
05:50I've lost all my coins on all my accounts.
05:53Yeah, the market's gone completely.
05:55The fact he's got five-star skill to open up angles on either foot
05:58and just ping or incisive in centre mid.
06:00I'm telling you, I don't know what else.
06:03Like, for nine play styles, what else do you need?
06:05He's more than 500K in.
06:07Finesse over power shot and flares a bit pointless,
06:10but them six are just unbelievable.
06:12If you had bruise there, you'd think I weigh more or less, wouldn't you?
06:15I think you weigh 98kg.
06:18Cheek on that, lad.
06:19You're taking the minute.
06:20Harry will weigh 94.5kg.
06:23It was 93.9kg.
06:2580 times 50 is also offering absolutely nothing.
06:29I might have pizza-marked him.
06:30We need to see that pink for birthday.
06:33Football! Look at that.
06:35There it is, lads.
06:36That is as pink as it gets.
06:38It gives it a bit of blue on there, brother, as well.
06:40Who is that?
06:41So, is that...?
06:42Oh, that's not the walkout, I don't think.
06:43I don't think that's... He's got to be TOTW.
06:46Oh, yeah!
06:47Gobble, Tommy, gobble!
06:48Spin around, Tommy!
06:50Who's that?
06:54Absolutely outstanding!
06:56Oh, my word, I have maxed out here.
06:58I feel like I'm at the casino!
07:00Harry's fuming.
07:01He's at the casino, brother!
07:02Oh, you like the sound of it as well, don't you?
07:04You're still red again, bro!
07:05I'll spot pink again at the casino!
07:08No, no, lad, lad.
07:10Hey, hold on, price check!
07:12Drop the price check immediately.
07:14I've just packed three.
07:16When you score, you make the Celtics sing
07:19Jotter on the wing
07:21Jotter, Jotter on the wing
07:23She's 600K!
07:24Every time he's on the ball, you know
07:27There's gonna be a goal
07:29A superstar from Portugal
07:35If she doesn't have a passing playstyle, yeah.
07:37Oh, finesse-o!
07:39I'd be surprised if she even went above discard.
07:41He'd be surprised if Salma went above discard.
07:44No passing playstyles.
07:46And just to confirm, it was 600K.
07:48600K she sells for, yes, on the transfer market.
07:50She is untradable to be fair, so I'm gonna have to use her.
07:53Now we've got the elite season three and four.
07:55Go on, Vinny!
07:56Give me a Vinny!
07:57Come on, bro!
07:58Hold the front.
07:59Wait, who do you think that was?
08:01Vinny's a left wing, isn't he?
08:03Jotter was mad then.
08:04I coughed this way and fired at Tom at the same time.
08:06Hold the front.
08:08Oh, you pig.
08:09Oh, David Neres and De Gea is absolutely shocking.
08:12Give me another footbirthday.
08:14I'm to the Shozer account, lads.
08:15I've spoilt the people.
08:16Salma and Mokisi are ready.
08:18Footbirthday Factory is open for service.
08:22Oh, yes!
08:23Oh, my!
08:25Ten, lad!
08:26Casino's paying out.
08:28Oh, fellas, that's tradable as well.
08:29Show me his playstyles.
08:30Oh, you're gonna have to get a price check on both of them.
08:32I'm sorry.
08:33Oh, no.
08:34Oh, no.
08:35I'm playing champs tonight.
08:36I've got to use this Trent.
08:37Oh, no.
08:38Oh, my God.
08:39He's got 11 playstyles.
08:40I'm sorry.
08:41Price check, please.
08:42Price check on Trent, lads.
08:43Can we take that?
08:44All my days.
08:45Trent Alexander-Arnold, lads.
08:46350,000 coins.
08:47Actually, not as much as I thought, to be fair.
08:49Do you know if you're hosting, you're not meant to sound too disappointed as it happens.
08:52Yes, yes, yes.
08:53Trent, you're a beautiful, beautiful man.
08:55Lads, what a start that is to the pack opening.
08:57These footbirthday are really turning up for us.
08:59Wait, is Trent 89 pace?
09:01Something tells me he might be your E-Prem right back.
09:03Come on.
09:04Come on.
09:05Kane falling out of the Champions League, eh?
09:07Everyone's got to be quiet on that.
09:08Wait, what?
09:09Can he play centre mid by any chance or not?
09:10He can, you know.
09:11Oh, my God.
09:12Hey, he can, you know.
09:13Hold up.
09:14Oi, centre mid with every passing playstyle.
09:16Can we have another look?
09:17Of course, we'll have a look.
09:18That's a centre mid at E-Prem, man.
09:20Oh, deep line playmaker.
09:21Deep line playmaker.
09:22You can play it.
09:23Yes, 4-2-1-3.
09:25I'm guessing he might go up again, lads.
09:26We'll see.
09:27Come on, another footbirthday, chaps.
09:29Oh, it's going to be something bigger.
09:30Oh, yes.
09:33Hey, maybe the drop rate is here, Kings.
09:35Yeah, well, something's happened here.
09:36I don't know.
09:37We are literally only just six on the dot,
09:40so we don't know if this is just normal.
09:42All right, Kings, my elite,
09:43season three and four of you-packed.
09:45This probably does need changing at some point in the near future.
09:48Yeah, it needs to keep up.
09:49I'm saying the promos better, doesn't it, really?
09:51Gonzalo Ramos, Numero Foot.
09:54And Willy Orban.
09:56I know this might not sound right scientifically,
09:58but usually when you're meant to drink a lot of water,
10:01when you're like this,
10:02I'm just going to try and drink as much alcohol as possible tomorrow
10:05and then hopefully I'll just wake up fine.
10:07Yeah, something tells me that isn't going to go to plan.
10:09That's not going to happen.
10:11Should we have a bet on how Harry wakes up on Sunday?
10:15Oh, is it an evening game tomorrow?
10:16It's a Saturday 8pm.
10:17Jesus, what are you getting up to tomorrow night?
10:19Too many girls.
10:20I don't like to say the word.
10:22That's going to be too many birds at this house.
10:24You two are going to have to go.
10:26I'm going to need your rooms.
10:27At his house, 50.
10:28Are we meant to be recording on Sunday?
10:31Because, like, the odds are slipped.
10:33No, it's late Sunday evening, brother.
10:35That doesn't change anything normally.
10:37No, we've done it every time this year.
10:39Not so great that, Javs.
10:40No, Harry, you just know you sleep the whole day
10:43and then just be going again and again.
10:44Considering he's ill and his way of curing it is through alcohol,
10:47something tells me he's not going to be able to film on Sunday.
10:49Can't respect it.
10:50The thing is, if I lose the month,
10:53obviously it's because of the illness.
10:56Nose pack.
10:57Hey, guys, Matt here.
10:58What an absolute ledge.
10:59I know for birthdays, bro.
11:01This is what 11 and 4 gets you.
11:04I got that too.
11:05No, man.
11:06Up high, brother.
11:07No, because we had a chance to see Harry off
11:09and now he's back in it straight away.
11:10No, no, no.
11:11This is one weekend of hope.
11:12I thought, oh, yeah.
11:13You know what?
11:14We're ahead of him here.
11:15I know.
11:16And now we're just basically back to square one.
11:17He might fall back behind.
11:18I'll lose because of my illness.
11:19Should I start with the fantasy heroes here?
11:21Because, like, why not, Rob?
11:23Fantasy FC or fantasy heroes.
11:24Fantasy medicine in March.
11:27Absolutely shocking, as expected.
11:29I think we're going to see the same thing again.
11:31One hero, I wouldn't mind.
11:32It'd be Kanu if it is.
11:35No, that is so, so bad.
11:37Back to the foot birthdays.
11:38Come on.
11:39Welcome, welcome, welcome.
11:41You know what to do, EA.
11:43They're just waiting.
11:49Big Dom.
11:50Have they done anything to informs yet?
11:52They've somehow given Dominic's oversight 90 pace, though.
11:54So I rate that.
11:55One more for the road.
11:56One more.
11:57That's just, yeah.
11:58You just know when it starts.
12:00Come on, the foot birthdays.
12:02You know what?
12:03I don't even care for a gold.
12:04I'm skipping it at this point.
12:05This pack opening has been one of our best in a while, lads, by the way.
12:07Come on, rank three.
12:0884 times 10.
12:10Don't do it to us, EA.
12:11Come on.
12:1387 times two.
12:14No foot birthday.
12:15But it doesn't matter.
12:16I literally got Marchisio and Salma.
12:18So I don't care.
12:19Come on, then, boys.
12:21Let's get rid of these bad boys.
12:22Give us a big one.
12:23Give us a Sonny boy.
12:24Oh, that medicine.
12:25Oh, medicine.
12:26She just...
12:27Oh, God.
12:28I can't wait to see the end of her.
12:30Moving swiftly on.
12:31Oh, God.
12:32There she is again.
12:33Let's reveal this bad boy.
12:35They go much quicker.
12:38Why is he posing like he's in year seven?
12:40I used to do this pose all the time.
12:45What a strange...
12:46I wonder how we were influenced.
12:47Who does that?
12:48Like, oh, yeah.
12:50Who's doing that?
12:51And why...
12:52By the way, against us.
12:56He's going to finish you off at Anfield.
12:57Second leg.
12:58What do you think?
12:59They win.
13:01Not at Anfield.
13:02One foot birthday, please.
13:03Come on.
13:05I said please as well.
13:06They said no.
13:07That hazard looks like Brazil.
13:08I think it might go to extra time.
13:10The Liverpool win.
13:11Right, Kings.
13:13Come on, bro.
13:14Come on.
13:15And they'll keep out.
13:17Back to the factory we go.
13:18One foot birthday.
13:19Our survey says...
13:20It's not even a walkout from an 84 times 10.
13:23Well, boys, that was absolutely stinky.
13:26Anyone remember this primary school banger?
13:28Let's go.
13:29What's on the menu for lunchtime today?
13:32Let me imagine what it might say.
13:35Did you sing this?
13:37Does anyone know this banger?
13:40I'm collecting Conkers.
13:42I'm trying hard to find the biggest and the best.
13:48I'm collecting Conkers.
13:50I'm trying hard to find the biggest and the best.
13:59Under the chestnut tree.
14:02It waits for me.
14:06Under the...
14:11Darwin, I take it.
14:12What are you doing?
14:13Why would you do that?
14:14What are you doing?
14:15Why would you do that?
14:16He's going to get upgrades.
14:17I'm not going to lie.
14:18You were clicking play for that.
14:19And I just said to you, lock it.
14:21We ate at E-Prem, bro.
14:22Didn't we?
14:23Can I play the lunchtime song?
14:24Did you sing it?
14:25Yeah, I got it.
14:26I don't know.
14:27Like, hymns is the kind of thing...
14:28Like, it will just come back to me.
14:29It's the kind...
14:30I'm feeling so hungry.
14:31I bet it was my pants.
14:32My mind is on nothing but lovely food.
14:35Oh, yeah.
14:37When you're hungry, yeah?
14:39What's on the menu for lunchtime today?
14:42Let me imagine what it might be.
14:47No way.
14:48You can't be doing that.
14:49I don't know what it is.
14:51Reuben Nevis.
14:54Let's clear one thing out.
14:55What were you doing around the crotch area then?
14:57That is what we call hip thrusting.
14:59Hip thrusting, apparently, Kings.
15:01No, we were just Bible bashing us.
15:03Like, he's got the whole world in his hands.
15:07He's got the whole world in his hands.
15:10He's got the whole world in his hands.
15:13He's got the whole world in his hands.
15:16I don't know what order it is.
15:17It's like, he's got you and me, brother.
15:20In his hands, he's got you and me, brother.
15:24Is this the last pick of the vid?
15:25Oh, that's so boring.
15:26Did any of you play around the world for maths?
15:28Like, you used to have to go around and beat someone.
15:30I literally went unbeaten back in the year.
15:32Hey, foot virtue was...
15:33They were sick.