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#EAFC25​ #EAFC #FC25

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► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"

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Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
00:00What's going on guys, it's Ozzy here, welcome back to a brand new video.
00:03So today we have got another foot tram rewards and I ended up finishing rank 1 on the main
00:08and a rank 1 on the RTG but we got more than just rank 1 rewards to open, we have also
00:13got an outrageous amount of icon player picks as well and it's the new icon pick, the one
00:19that you can get team of the year cards from.
00:22So if you do enjoy today's video make sure to leave a like and subscribe and if you are
00:26interested in watching me open my rewards live, I do stream everything over on Twitch
00:30so my link to my Twitch channel will be in the description.
00:33Hope you guys have an incredible day and I hope you guys do enjoy this week's rewards
00:38So this was the team I ended up using on the main account this week, Cruyff, still going
00:43strong in that striker position, still scoring plenty, plenty of goals as well, 148 and 128.
00:51Wanna see?
00:52Unreal, and that is why, R9, winter wild card has turned into my assistant manager, right
00:58Yep, he's not even on the bench because we got a ton of lone cards, so he's just chilling
01:02there next to the assistant manager, letting him know what to do, alright, or helping,
01:08Bonmati in the centre mid position instead of Porteus, Porteus last week, Bonmati this
01:13I like Porteus but this card, R1 dribbling wise, a joke.
01:17Creighton, Hansen, still going strong, better version of Chanoglu.
01:21I didn't use Van der Sar, not Van der Sar, sorry, Virgil, Lone actually ended up buying
01:25the card.
01:26Extremely good, best centre back in the game in my opinion, but yeah, the team on the main
01:29account, incredible.
01:31No new fantasy card, I wanted to bring in Kovara but I couldn't get Kovara with Illich
01:35on full chemistry.
01:36It was a little bit of an issue.
01:37Chat, make sure to say hi YouTube so you guys can get included into the video, let's go
01:41ahead and open some player picks.
01:43We got so much to open, 85 pluses, 86 pluses, fantasy picks, icon picks, the whole lot.
01:49Let's get into it.
01:5085 plus player picks, reveal all.
01:52Can I make a bit of coins here?
01:55I mean, it's alright, I honestly, I love the fact that Odegaard and Hegelberg is already
02:00popping up.
02:01Look at that by the way, they're starting off, they're starting off like that really.
02:06Next one, what do we see here?
02:08An Enform, Benzema, Odegaard again, oh my god.
02:13Can we do three in a row?
02:15Odegaard, go on, maybe, no?
02:18Okay, I mean, I'll take the Enform, sure, why not?
02:2386 plus player picks, what are we getting here?
02:26We are getting 87 Saliba, oh, billing, alright, that's very nice.
02:32He's at what, 70k now, 80,000 coins, huh, 60,000 coins, still good though, still good
02:38from 86 plus player picks, we'll take it.
02:41Next one, we see Enlar, Bernardo, Pop, Harry Kane, sure, 90 overall.
02:49Last one, and we get, any fantasy cards out of this one or no?
02:54Alright, all good, I'm happy with that, billing, some Fodder, some players that actually sell
03:0089s, Enforms, yeah, sure, why not?
03:03Alright, let's do this, we got fantasy picks, we got five icon player picks, why does it
03:07say I'm controlling the left one and the right one?
03:10What is that?
03:11I've never seen this glitch before.
03:12Alright, there you go, let's do the fantasy picks first, EA, what are you gonna give us?
03:18Come on, this one is Baku, alright, the second one here, Alexandro, hmm, hmm, anything good?
03:30Billing at least, right, come on, no, no billing, oh my god, that's really bad, by the way,
03:38that's honestly, that's like one of the worst ones you can get.
03:41We'll go for Baku, I don't think he goes so much anymore, does he?
03:43Yeah, under 100,000 coins now, you know what, we'll have a little small break, alright,
03:48let's do some icon picks, we'll do three icon picks and then we'll go back to it because
03:51that is awful.
03:52First icon player pick, who am I getting, Fernando Torres, it's not looking great over
03:57here either, but Essie, Lineker, so no matter where I go, I'm getting else, that's what
04:05it feels like, that's what it seems like.
04:07The second icon player pick, anything, Butra, sure, oh my god, see, I saw the team of the
04:15year design, I'm out here thinking of a Xebio, Henri, Cantona, Koeman, he's decent, alright,
04:21he is decent, Mateus, I already got this Mateus card though, yeah, we're gonna go Koeman,
04:26how much is this Koeman card now?
04:28He's 300,000 coins, it's decent, alright, alright, it's not too bad, now I will say
04:33I am looking for more than that, I definitely want to see someone a little bit better, of
04:39course, of course you pop up, it's a joke, how, how can I not get away from this guy
04:45is honestly mind-blowing, what is happening, why does he pop up so often, Gattuso, why
04:53man, why, 93 prints, we go from an 88 to a 93 and then we get Saul Campbell, alright,
04:59I'm gonna go for prints, don't even think about it Gattuso, back to the fantasy pick
05:03we go, come on, billing, please, no, that's Sunset, there you go, alright, I wanted him
05:12untradable, I got him untradable, can we see anyone better though, Ravagidae, I am not
05:17gonna go for her, no, I'm not gonna go for you, no, okay, 100% we are gonna go for billing,
05:24I am gonna use him in rivals, I'm gonna see how good he is because a lot of people, I
05:30was about to say, I ain't got him untradable, no chance, alright, two icon player picks,
05:34but yeah, a lot of people have said he's like unreal, so we're definitely gonna give him
05:37a go, down the middle, Fernando Torres again, come on, EA, ooh, alright, alright, alright,
05:49decent, now I will say, yeah, Cam Sentiment, I have got a better Sentiment, I have got
05:55a better Cam as well, so it's good card, it is, it's a very good card, it's just I'm
06:00not gonna use him, I will be honest, alright, last one, last icon pick, we get Sour, not
06:09the one I want though, unfortunately, Casillas, and then the final one is a 92 Prince, we
06:15will go for Prince once again, so the best one was Zico, Zico is fantastic, I feel like
06:21though from five icon picks, I was expecting a card a little bit better, but I did get
06:25a team of the year icon as well, let's go ahead and crack this open, it's tradable,
06:30ooh, my expectations were not that high, but you know what, why not, De Jong, 87, I'm trying
06:38to think, De Jong ain't got a card, he's not even got an inform, yeah, De Jong, Alexandro,
06:48it's an okay card, alright, it's an okay card, De Jong, Batcher, of course, the Fantasy
06:54card is gonna be behind, Shaka, it's fine, it's an 80 plus times 50, again, my expectations
07:00weren't up there anyway, so that's alright, 80 plus times 75, we get a Fantasy here, oh
07:06my God, nah, the Elite Division packs, also the Elite Division player picks gave out billing
07:12as well, so Elite Division rewards, actually giving out, is that just Kimmich, it is, who
07:18is this, no way, nah, from an 80 plus times 75, what, Kaiseido pops up, no chance man,
07:30oh my God, I thought if we're gonna see a card like this, it comes from like the 89
07:33plus times 2, not this, not the 80 plus times 75, how much is he, Kaiseido, yeah, 400,000
07:41coins, that's a really good man, wow, the packs that you don't expect anything in, always
07:47gives out, always, Elite Season 3 and 4 review pack, can this get even better, Globetrotters,
07:54as the second walkout, who, who is this, who, who actually is this, I don't know, oh, it's
08:05Nakora, the Globetrotters, is that Cameron, it is Cameron, oh, that's terrible, that's
08:13really bad, 287s, give us a Fantasy card, 84 plus times 25, you see what I mean, Salah,
08:24you see what I mean, it's always the packs that you don't expect to give out, they give
08:29out, the 84 plus times 25, does not have a Fantasy card, Salah and Donnarumma, 289s,
08:37any informs, one inform, is that it, two informs, 89 plus times 2, surely, surely, what's happening,
08:48I can't complain because I just got a Kaiseido, oh my God, if you give me the Odegaard and
08:53Hagerberg special, don't even think about it, EA, don't even think about it, Odegaard,
09:00Harry Kane, I've noticed Harry Kane has been popping up more often from this pack, 86 plus
09:05times 10, 85 plus times 10, we'll do the 85 plus times 10 first, it's tradable, here we
09:12go, send back, Dutch, oh, the inform, 87 overall, I cannot pronounce his name, he's got Intercept
09:20and Aerial, yes, yes, who is it, oh, Marlon, oh my God, tradable, that's like 600,000 coins,
09:32that's what I'm talking about, Kaiseido untradable, Marlon tradable, oh my God, that is so good,
09:40500,000, 500k, wow, alright, that is more like it, man, that's what I'm talking about,
09:48free informs as well, that's a ridiculous amount of coins, we lost a little bit of coins on Virgil
09:52as well, the team of the year card, so that covers that perfectly, Marlon back to back,
09:57we will be there, we will be there, oh my God, imagine the rotation, Marlon is in the rotation
10:02out of nowhere, Marino, inform card, 87 overall, yeah, not really much else, come on, Marino,
10:13okay, that is definitely not Marlon, that's for sure, no, I'm being greedy, that's the thing,
10:16I can't be too greedy, like we need to calm down a little bit, we have to leave some pack luck for
10:21the RTG, alright, so let's not be too greedy, we got ourselves a Marlon tradable, we got Kaiseido
10:26untradable, but let's see how we end it on the main account, I'm happy, super happy with how
10:31it's gone on the main account, CDM, if that was Gattuso, it cannot be Gattuso, Gattuso is an 86
10:36overall, Alonzo, yeah, we don't end it in the greatest way, but I cannot complain, it was a
10:43WPAC opening on the main account, and this was the team I ended up using on the RTG, an extremely
10:49good team as well, Salah, two weeks in a row in that striker position, last week, we didn't hit a
10:55rank one with him because of that DC we ended up getting, I was like, you know what, bring him back
10:59this week, let's see if we can hit a rank one this week with him, and we did, he is extremely,
11:04extremely good in that striker position, 21 games, 21 goals, 8 assists, unbelievable, his finesse
11:09shot as well, one of the best finesse shots I have seen in this game, hands down, he is a joke
11:14with those, let's go ahead and get into these player picks, and of course, after, we can get
11:19into the packs, we got a few more player picks on this account, because I've actually crafted out a
11:23few more campaign mix player picks, but yeah, we have got five icon player picks on this account
11:28as well, so in total, 10 icon picks in this video, 85 plus to start it off, João Cancelo, Watkins,
11:36I always, always get him, by the way, every time, this is like, by far, the most common inform to
11:42get in this team of the week, second 85 plus, Carvajal, Soma, oh, wait, does he still, he
11:49doesn't sell for that much, right, I don't think he goes for like 90k, he goes for around 80,000,
11:55yeah, 80k, solid, solid, we'll take that, next 85 plus, keep in mind, these are tradables, so
12:00that's 80k straight up there, Jonathan Tarr, anyone else, no, I will go for Jonathan Tarr,
12:05I don't expect him to really go for too much, also, they could, you know, gave him a better
12:11dynamic image, he ain't even got his eyes open, like, yeah, you're telling me Jonathan Tarr has
12:15not got a better image than that, 90 overall over the inform, yep, all day, sure pops up a lot,
12:21to be fair, 86 plus player pick, once again, oh, okay, oh, hold on a second, I was about to say,
12:27are we opening the fancy pick already, let me go for Alexandro here, two fancy cards,
12:32one from an 85 plus, one from an 86 plus, looking pretty decent, Salah, sure, again, oh,
12:38Babajideh, oh my god, the player picks so far have been better on the RTG than what they were
12:45on the main account, yeah, she goes for like 40,000 to 50,000 coins, we've made coins already,
12:50let's go ahead and open the campaign mixes, get these out of the way, and then, of course,
12:54we can get into, you know, the bigger, the bigger player picks, let's call them,
12:58Kachawi, Kachawi is so common, I know Izzak is pretty decent, to be fair, but I'm not gonna
13:03use him on this account, if I got him on the content account, sure, but the RTG,
13:08not that guy on the RTG, Tillman, Rolfo, you know what, I haven't had a sentiment Rolfo yet from any
13:18campaign mix on any of the accounts, so I will actually take that, I was waiting to get her on
13:23tradable, finally, she actually pops up, fantasy picks, icon picks, we are gonna do, if the first
13:29one is bad, when it comes down to this fancy pick, we will go ahead and do like two or three icon
13:34picks, so, you know, have a little break, but we will see, first one is gonna be Alexandro,
13:38we go down the middle here, done, which is, I mean, decent, this one here is Billing,
13:44that's really solid, that one is Sikkengoth, and then the final one is gonna be Baku, okay,
13:51uh, Billing or Dunn, this is the thing, I have a feeling he's gonna pop up again,
13:56well, she is not gonna pop up again, so I am gonna, you know what, no, no, no, she's gonna
14:02get the upgrades, yeah, yeah, okay, I'm gonna go for Dunn, the thing is Napoli also doing pretty
14:06well, so let's go ahead and open it, I'm praying that I get Billing on tradable, because I want
14:11him on tradable on both accounts, Alexandro, he was here, right, no, hold on, hold on,
14:18no, EA, come on, come on EA, there you go, that's what I'm talking about, final one here,
14:25no, oh my god, alright, there's no way we're going for Billing, no chance, we got him tradable on
14:31the main account, untradable on the RTG, I can just go ahead and pick up Billing, it's not that
14:36deep, Marlin again, oh my god, I feel like recently Marlin has been in that rotation,
14:44like what is happening with him, five icon picks, let's keep it going, player picks, so far,
14:50unbelievable, honestly, if we don't get a single W from these icon picks, I don't mind, because of
14:55how good the other picks have been, Kelly Smith, not the Funnershot card, just the base, Mateus on
15:01this account now as well, and the final one is gonna be Puyol, we will go for Mateus, yes, I know
15:07you can throw him into the anticipate plus Evo, but I'm not gonna do that, because he doesn't
15:11actually get into the team on this account, so it's a nice pull, I'm not gonna, you know, sit
15:16here and say, oh, that's a terrible pull, no chance, it's a very solid pull, it's just, that's
15:20also very nice, Carlos Alberto, hold on, Mateus and Carlos, back to back, yeah, Mateus is solid,
15:27but I'm not gonna use him, Carlos is extremely good, and there's definitely potential for him,
15:31Xavi, Dolglish, but I already got that version, oh my god, I saw that team of the year design as
15:38well, nah, it's Koeman again, let's keep it going here, three in a row, that's actually been pretty
15:43solid, Delpy, anyone else, Nedfed, last one, is this gonna be our first Del, no, it's not, oh,
15:51wait, hold on a second, it's the one I already got, I thought that was gonna be the incisive
15:55version, I will go for Sour, these are so much better, by the way, than what we saw on the main,
16:00yeah, we saw Zico on the main, but like, Carlos Alberto, Mateus, Koeman and Sour,
16:05if I didn't have that Sour, oh, all right, last one, last icon pick, who do we get here,
16:11we get Barnes, we get Zanetti, and then the final one is gonna be a Shearer, okay, the final one
16:18is absolutely terrible, but I cannot be disappointed, Marlon Untradeable, we got
16:24Dunntradeable as well, Babajide Tradeable, which I will go ahead and sell, I mean, overall, that's
16:29a W, 80 plus times 50, 80 plus times 75, on the main account, surprisingly, it was very good, so,
16:36can we get a Foot Fantasy on this account as well, no, we cannot, we get an Inform,
16:41send back Portuguese, probably Ruben Diaz, right, the Inform is Mortensen, was it Diaz,
16:47it was Diaz, we get Shaw as well, and Wrayton, and Sommer in the dupe section, 80 plus times 75,
16:54Fantasy, no, no Fantasy, all right, so, this was the pack we got Kaiseido on,
16:59on the main account, but we don't get a Fantasy at all on this account, was it a double walkout,
17:05it was, yeah, Grimaldo, the other player, Kobol, and of course, Sala, Elite Season 3 and 4
17:12review pack, EA, come on, Winter Wildcard as the second walkout, right mid,
17:18right mid Spanish La Liga, I don't know, or is this Juanmi, yeah, it is, 87 overall,
17:28oh, and it's Auburn, I feel like this pack, right, hasn't been out for that long in terms of like,
17:34you know, in rival awards, but I feel like it already needs an update, they need to bump it up
17:39to like 88 plus, that is awful, let's open some 86 plus times threes, I've got two of these over
17:45here, I think I've actually got another one on the right hand side as well, if we don't get a
17:48Fantasy card, I will just go ahead and skip, we are of course guaranteed three walkouts, 288 with
17:54186, that's all right, it's nothing special, it's good fodder, next one, no, really, no Fantasy card,
18:03no Informed card as well, I'll take a 91 overall though, 84 plus times 25, let's get into the rank
18:09one packs now, EA for Fantasy, wow, wow, wow, wow, really, now I can't complain because of how
18:17good the player picks were, but the packs right now are not looking all that, Contessal, wait,
18:23how many walkouts, okay, I was about to say, where are my walkouts, we didn't really get many for an
18:2784 plus times 25, three Informed, I'll take that, 89 plus times two, will I get a promo, oh, whoa,
18:35hold on a second, it's a hero as well, Striker, the classic, classic, Hagerberg, yep, all right,
18:4189 overall, don't be Carnu, don't be Cole, he's on a bit more higher, you know, he's a bit more
18:48up there, who is it, it's Joe Cole, you know what, even though I just, even though I just said I
18:53don't really want him, it's fine, it's okay, 91 Joe Cole from an 89 plus times two, I will take
18:59that happily, how much is he, yeah, he's been dropping a lot, by the way, 86 plus times 10,
19:0685 plus times 10, we have lost a lot of coins on Virgil, I actually picked him up for 5.8,
19:11he's dropped down to 5.5, so we need coins, 85 plus times 10, good start, come on, I don't know
19:18who that is walking towards us, it's going to be Pop, all right, 88 overall, come on, be someone
19:24that goes for a lot, I mean, I'll take another Marlon, if you're, if you're wanting to give us
19:29Marlon, it's Sanse, I'm actually hold on to him, just because, you know, he's going to get the
19:33upgrade, so he might end up going up in price, free informs, a few 80, a few 85s, it's been a,
19:41it's been an interesting one, let's just go ahead and put it that way, 86 plus times 10,
19:46hero, hold on, and it's tradable, Katoto, yes, it is, Katoto, oh my god, we can make an outrageous
19:55amount of coins here, who is it, who have we got, it is, is that Enzo, oh, that's beautiful,
20:03Enzo, last time I checked, 400,000 coins, that's an unreal 86 plus times 10, let me,
20:10let me double check his price now, is he, okay, dropped a little bit, around 350,000, yeah,
20:16that covers the amount of coins we lost on Virgil, that's insane, did we get anything else, no,
20:20no inform, but it doesn't matter, and we're ending it on the rank one icon pack, this pack opening
20:25has been unreal, we saw Kaiseido, we saw Marlon twice, Enzo, Joe Cole, the whole lot, we've seen
20:31so many incredible fancy cards, and the way we are ending it is a striker, it's German,
20:37and it's gonna be Muller, it looks like Muller, that doesn't look like Close, hold on,
20:43yeah, finesse shot plus, it's a high rated icon, at least, overall, cannot complain, overall,
20:50it was unbelievable, man, the main account got blessed, and the RTG, we don't usually see that,
20:56we don't usually see both accounts get blessed, so, overall, definitely, AW.
