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Craig Douglas


00:00What's up, guys? Nepenthes here, and welcome back to a little bit of a late
00:05FC25 video today, because I was watching the EFL Cup final. My God, what a final that was.
00:10Liverpool just didn't show up today, did they? Well done to Newcastle. Thoroughly deserved the
00:14win, and a 70-year wait for a domestic trophy now over. But we're not here for real football.
00:21We're here for fake football. That's right. Let's see what we have got for today.
00:30From EA Sports, I've done seven things. What have I done? Oh, I did the crafting upgrade
00:34completionist. Haven't finished it yet, mind you. Do we have anything new today? Nothing in live,
00:42nothing in pro, or coaching masterclass, or milestones. Now, usually on Sundays,
00:48we get like a good Evo. So we should hopefully have a good Evo here today. But we also usually
00:52get like Icon re-up and things like that. So I have got to finish off that Raheem Sterling
00:57today, which won't be too much of a problem. But let's have a look, guys,
01:02at what we've got going on. So the King of Egypt 1 is expiring in less than 24 hours. So if you've
01:07got a player you want to put in there and you haven't done yet, make sure to go and grab that.
01:11And then the next one is in two days. Then we have got so many Evos there, isn't there? It's
01:19going to be a Freevo. It's the Bronze Beast Breakthrough. And it is a 64 rated overall player
01:28as a centre mid or a CDM. Oh, damn, I love this. Total positions max three, play styles max 10,
01:33play style pluses zero. And it gives 30 pace, 45 vision, 40 crossing, 50 short pass bruiser,
01:4240 defending, 60 agility and composure, 35 curve, centre mid and holding plus plus,
01:4850 physical, 30 ball control, 60 balance, 40 dribbling, 35 reactions and box to box plus.
01:53It gives tiki taka, trickster, 4 star extra on weak foot guaranteeing 5 star weak foot,
01:58incisive pass plus, deep line playmaker plus plus and 50 long pass, 4 star skill moves as well,
02:03making it 4 star, 5 star, 5 star, 40 shooting, press proven plus, 10 pace, 40 free kick accuracy
02:10and long ball pass as well. And the best thing is it's only a plus 10 Evo.
02:17It's only or it's a plus whatever to a maximum of 74. And the reason why that's incredible,
02:23guys, is because you're going to be able to take one of these players and make them like broken
02:29eventually. Because look at that 74 rated, you will be able to get these cards to 99 everywheres
02:36before you even hit like 84 overall rating. It's good. It's really good for a free Evo.
02:41What I would be looking for is finding somebody who's already got some like
02:46good play styles like Minji Hwan, Munji Hwan here. Oh, and it's grassroot greats as well,
02:53guys. So the chemistry is going to be there. 5 star, 5 star on this man for 6 foot 1.
03:01It's a good card, isn't it? That is a good card. Guys, this is a very, very, very good Evo.
03:08Very good Evo. Position is center mid or CDM.
03:15Oh, look at that. He's got already technical incisive pass. A lot of pace there as well.
03:23That's good. Technical, relentless, incisive plus long ball, tiki, trickster,
03:26bruiser and press proven plus. Brilliant, brilliant stats. Keep in mind. It's a silver.
03:33If you want to use the best players in FC 25, there's only one sure way to get them.
03:37U7buy.com gives some of the best prices around for you to buy ultimate team coins.
03:42It's fast, safe and reliable. And if you use code NEP at checkout,
03:45you will get 8% off their prices. So check the link in the description.
03:49And so with that, guys, let me know down below who you are putting into this one.
03:53Are you going to take someone from a favored nation or a favored club,
03:56or are you going to take... Let's see how much the overall... I haven't got any low
04:00rate bronzes left really. Yeah, it doesn't matter what it does. It takes them all to 74s.
04:08It's good. It's good. It's very good. It's Trebillon. Yeah, show me. Let me know down
04:13below, guys. Let me know down below what you've put into that evolution right there.
04:18That is a big one, though. Otherwise, for today, guys, we have got
04:25nothing for players. Maybe we've got a new icon today. It's been a while since we've had an icon
04:29player. Pope, Mbappe, Rafinha, Luis Suarez. Flashback. Five star, five star, six foot tall.
04:42He's got target forward, false nine and poacher, plus plus with advanced four plus.
04:46He's got finesse shot plus power shot, quick step plus, technical,
04:49Travella, acrobatic and press proven. And then he's got very good shooting,
04:54good physicals, okay passing, good dribbling, good pace, good card. I can't actually imagine
05:01this would be too expensive. Obviously, he gets the link to Lionel Messi. Jesus. An 84 with an
05:06infirm, an 85 with an infirm, an 86 and an 87. It's not bad. It's only 90 rated as well, which
05:18is quite nice. I think finesse shot plus on a five star, five star is good. I think a finisher
05:24chem star on him will actually be very good or a marksman. I do think it's probably, as I say
05:30this about almost every SBC, mind you, I think it's probably a little bit expensive, which is
05:38annoying. So we've got the 88 plus, sorry, the 88 plus mixed heroes player pick, which is now
05:47one of three track stars prime or winter wild cards. And this is an 86 and an 86 with an infirm.
05:55I'm all right. Yeah, thanks anyway. An 86 and an 86 infirm for a track stars prime or winter
06:03wild card hero. I am all right, but thank you anyway. We've got an 87 plus mixed icon player
06:09pick one of three. Centurions, Thunderstruck, winter wild card or team of the year. This is
06:15three squads, an 86 and two 87s with one team of the week. Now that, that's something I will do,
06:22and I will do it with you guys right here. So I've got about 73 million Harry Kanes and
06:27Hegebergs and Sommers and God knows what else to get through here. Sommer, Bruno,
06:35Fernandes, I've got loads of Aussiemens as well. I even have enough just like off this low rated
06:41crud to kind of build these first couple of squads, which would be quite nice. I don't have
06:48anything else lower. Drop another 86 in. That already is an 87 rated squad. Let's see if we
06:56can bring this down a little bit. Harry Kane's too far. Hegerberg, not enough either. There we
07:02go. That'll do for the first one. And you get a mega pack back for this as well. I tell you what,
07:07that's really good. We've also got the daily login upgrade as well finished today.
07:16That is, that is good.
07:19A mega pack for that as a reward is very good, dare I say. So yeah, that first squad, 87 rated
07:27only. Let's go ahead then and have a look at this next 87 rated squad. If we just go squad builder
07:36down to the 87, and let me just see if I've got enough in the club just to build an 87 rated squad.
07:44I've not only just got enough, I've got more than enough. Always fun, guys. Always fun.
07:51Another mega pack for this as well. I tell you what, that hero, that hero player pick
07:57seems to be woeful value in my opinion. This icon player pick
08:03seems to be incredible value in my opinion. Let's get rid of all of this stuff here.
08:10I think the tipping point anyway, anyway, anyway, is the packs back are brilliant. This one,
08:16not so much. We'll be able to build here an 86 rated squad and just pop one of the informs
08:26in. Let's get an 85 rated inform in here.
08:31Make sure we're taking our unthreadables. We've got wheeling in there and bosh, let's go and grab
08:35our icon pick guys. Obviously, there's a few icons here I would love for the arsenal RTG,
08:40which is the account that we're on right here. This is repeatable infinitely as well,
08:43which is really good. It is really good. Here's our first icon. It's going to be 90 Raquelme.
08:50Our second icon is going to be 89 skulls. We've got a lot of skulls in there.
08:55It's going to be 90 Raquelme. Our second icon is going to be 89 skulls, which actually
09:02is a really good one to get right now. Our third icon is going to be 93 Prins again. We got her
09:07last time. This skull is currently extinct because he goes in that new Evo and becomes
09:12absolutely insane. Not that I would do like pull skulls from my arsenal RTG,
09:18but it is definitely there. Then we've got the campaign pick, which is back again.
09:21This one was brilliant anyway, so we're going to do this one again.
09:26Just an 83 rated squad, bosh, and then the 85 rated squad. I really like this as far as a...
09:35Oh my days, I'm lacking on here. I really like this as far as like a
09:41SBC goes. I just don't have many of these like lower rated cards. We're going to have to go and
09:46do some of the upgrades that are there again. Then let's get an 85 rated squad,
09:53which we probably will have very easily. I'd be surprised if we don't.
09:59Yeah, we do. I just need an 85 rated inform to go in here. Bosh, he can go in and bosh,
10:09that is that one done. We get the campaign mixed player pick here guys,
10:14which is just re-ups. This isn't new today, but it is good value in my personal opinion,
10:19and let's see what we get from this one. We're going to start with 88 Juan Mata. Now,
10:22he's another really good one to have actually, because he's already got 99 dribbling.
10:25So when he is inevitably eligible for an Evo that gives him 99 in another stat,
10:30he's going to go extinct. I've already got Thunderstruck Jules Kunde, so I am going to
10:34take this Juan Mata because I think he's going to have some cracking potential somewhere down
10:39the line. What else have we got? We've got the 85 triple upgrade, the 83 by 10.
10:44Again, we've got the daily login today for the last day, the final daily login. So make sure,
10:52well, you might miss a couple of days or whatever, but you've got plenty of days
10:55extra. So that's okay. We've got daily silver, bronze, and gold, which I highly recommend to
11:01also then do the, you know, that one. And we get five, day five of foot birthday challenge for
11:08Prime Gold Players Pack. Now, this requires a 76 rated squad, four res, maximum two players from
11:16one club, minimum five players from one league, and minimum three regions as you're starting 11.
11:21So you can just do one nation. I don't have any commons left in my club, so I can't do it.
11:25But you can just do one league, sorry, not one nation, and you'll be absolutely fine for an
11:28untradable Prime Gold Players Pack, which is quite nice. And then we do, no, we don't. She's not,
11:35she's not new for Abby Lee. So no new icon here either, guys. Let me go and get my day 12
11:44objective here. The foot birthday upgrade completionist. We get the 86 by three,
11:51and we get the player pick as well. It's a one of four, 85 plus. We're going to get
11:56nothing out of the first bit. It's an Adair Militao. We also get Ollie Watkins,
12:02Yatingu. Hey, 90 rated Harry. Another one. I've literally got about 11 of him in the duplicate
12:10storage. And then an 86 by three. Listen, if we can't pack a foot birthday out of this,
12:15I don't know where we can. I don't know where we can. Let's hit it. Hey, foot birthday, let's go.
12:23Who's it going to be? Centre back, Graciel from the Premier League. So it's Gabriel as the
12:29regular gold. So who is the foot birthday? Give me Gabriel Martinelli.
12:37I tell you what, on the Arsenal account, that's all right. I know she's like discard price. Oh,
12:43look at that for an Arsenal past and present pack. That is hilarious. I know she's dirt cheap,
12:48but having her first owner is absolutely banging. Very nice indeed. Thank you very much EA Sports.
12:54Let's have a look at the other packs that we might have today.
12:57Do we have like a birthday pack or a free pack or, you know, a 10 coin or 30 coin or 16 coin pack?
13:05No, we do not. Do we have anything in packs for you that is good? No, we do not. And so
13:16let us go onto Footbin to have a look in this new content. So, oh, Lewis Skelly,
13:27Ethan Mbappe and Zidane are popular for this new Evo, I guess, right? Now I've got quite a few
13:33decent Miles Lewis Skelly cards, but I actually think this one's probably going to be the best
13:37because again, it's not even the fact that he's just 74 rated, right? It's the fact that what else
13:43can we put them in straight away? Doesn't look like anything hilariously, just the skins.
13:52Trickster and Skillmover is already five star, five star. There's actually nothing eligible that
13:57they fit into for another boost, but look like he would have been eligible for like a curly in or
14:06something. Man, this Evo is going to be so legit. It's going to be so legit, like so, so legit.
14:13Ethan Mbappe obviously just got himself a brand new card and so now the Bronze Beast Breakthrough,
14:20Bronze Beast, hey, a little nod to MattHDGamer there from EA, love that.
14:28Yeah, this is interesting. Compared to his foot birthday cards, this six and two threes,
14:34it's mad compared to that SBC. Now, obviously Zidane, I think is very tall, right?
14:41Six foot five, but the fact that you could take this Zidane and just pop him in here at six five
14:47and get him, what is it? Press Proven Plus and Incisive Pass Plus, Bruiser, Tiki, Trickster,
14:52and Longball. I mean, he's got absolutely no defensive awareness whatsoever, so I wouldn't
14:58play him at CDM with an engine chem style. For a 74 rated, it's just mad. It's just mad because
15:05you will be able to Evo them up more. It's just mad. Let's take a look at these SBCs, guys. Suarez
15:11is massively upvoted. The Mixed Heroes Player Pick is massively downvoted because it is terrible.
15:16The Mixed Icons Player Pick is massively upvoted because it's very good. Foot Birthday Challenge
15:21five is upvoted also because it's very good in my opinion. Yeah, I like this Luis Suarez,
15:26to be fair. You know, Finesse Shot Plus on a five star five star with Quick Step Plus as well
15:31is very good. You could either give him an engine, gives him great pace, much better passing. He's
15:35already got very good shooting with Finesse Plus and Power Shot and Traveller Base, and then that
15:40gives him like cracking dribbling. I actually probably just would give him engine. You could
15:44also give him like a Marksman or a Maestro. Marksman ups his dribbling nicely, that physical
15:49gets upgraded nicely, and that shooting like immaculately. Leaves his passing a bit poor and
15:53his pace a bit meh, but he has got Quick Step Plus and Technical. Alternatively, you can give
15:58him a Maestro, which doesn't really help too too much with the dribbling. I probably wouldn't give
16:03him a Maestro. It's more for a cam. You can give him a Hawk or a Hunter. You know, Hunter gives
16:08him insane pace and shooting, but you're missing out then on ball control, maybe dribbling, agility
16:14and balance. And so just off the back of that, I think engine has got to be the play. Like it gives
16:19him a huge boost in dribbling, a nice big boost in passing. A nice boost in pace, dribbling
16:27and passing, sorry. Five star, five star with those great rolls. Obviously gets loads of easy links to
16:32Lionel Messi, which is quite nice, of course. And yeah, with Finesse Shot Plus and Quick Step Plus,
16:37this shooting is just going to be delightful anyway. So for me, Luis Suarez is very, very nice.
16:42I actually remember when his Ultimate Succession card came out, that was really expensive at the
16:46time. It's still 156k now, probably a bit more because of the links. How is this 90 compared to it?
16:54Yes, much better, much better. I mean, this card, this Suarez was really expensive when he first
16:59came out. Yeah, he was well expensive for a good week or two. And he's kind of hovered around the
17:04200, 300k mark right now, which really goes to show how well priced this Luis Suarez SBC is,
17:11which is really, really good. Going into, guys, the objectives today, of course, there was nothing
17:17new in objectives, just you can finish the other thing. And in this one, sorry, what?
17:24Who the bloody hell is downvoting a free EVO that turns a bronze card into an insane player
17:30that you can then EVO even more and get full chemistry on at five star, five star?
17:36Who's downvoting this?
17:38Like, I genuinely mean it. Who is downvoting this?
17:47Ooh, lad, my hand. I don't think this card's on the market, though, that's a problem.
17:51It hasn't been for a long, long, yeah, like, it comes here and there.
17:57I'm sorry, guys, if you're downvoting that, you have lost your minds. For today, guys,
18:01that is going to be the end of the video. Of course, if you did enjoy it, be sure to like it,
18:04rate it, and comment. Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. And for now, guys, I'm out.