• 2 days ago
We try and get the most OP Capybara in Roblox

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils

• Video Editor ► Bran

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i

Play Capybara Evolution: https://www.roblox.com/games/134257874794717/Capybara-Evolution?

#gaming #ssundee #roblox

Thanks for watching!
00:00Sudders welcome back to roadblocks today. We are can't be bought a cafe, but look at it
00:04We are currently baby capybaras look as we got a little binky in her mouth
00:09So how this works bottom center you can see we're level one
00:12Let's say we walk up to this Apple right everybody come bite this Apple come on
00:15That gave us experience as we level up we start to fight these other things like if I fight this chicken. Yeah, it fights back
00:24Yep, so the more we level up the bigger our capybara evolution is a water
00:30I just to shot or I was just I just ate two apples. So you're already cheating
00:34So here's what we're gonna do
00:37Whoever can I just leveled up new happy bar eggs. Look at my capybara boys
00:47So now I'm hitting for four damage instead of two
00:50So we're gonna level up of all get bigger get stronger take on boys. Follow me really quick
00:58So you see there's a new level back there, right? Yeah, there's also a boss. Let's go fight the boss. Come on
01:04Everybody get in here. Let's fight it
01:08How did you level up so much
01:14Is that that's cheating
01:18Do do me a favor if you think I can catch up to Zod hit the like button down below the video
01:23I will pass him and make him fart. Nope. Shouldn't I said that also?
01:31Okay, he's cheating guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button I am gonna uppercut Zod in the mouth
01:35Wait, did you do the gifts? No, there's gifts. I just got a bunch of levels from
01:43Why is it whatever he did the gifts he did the
01:49Gosh I just leveled up and it's everything's why is everything? Why is everything blurry? Hold on everything's blurry
01:56There we go. Okay, and
02:00I have okay. Where am I with my Windsor in the bottom left 1.6 K. I can buy these pets
02:06Okay, what are these pets do? Hold on? Okay. Yeah, so the pets they increase your damage per attack
02:13I'm gonna equip all of these drinks double XP double wins and double pet luck
02:19Let's do double XP again. I'm gonna buy double I have to pass it up. He's got a big head start double XP
02:26Double with do I care about what I don't care about wins right now. Oh and look at this
02:3115,000 robux for
02:3430,000 damage times
02:3630,000 damage listen, I'll buy that in a little bit. We'll do that in a little bit
02:40I'm not gonna spend that much robux right now. I've been spending way too much more bucks on these videos, but I might later
02:45I don't know. We'll see. Let me open up this egg. Okay, so I have the increased luck. I got the 2% or
02:523.75 damage give it to give it a 0.5 percent or 50% I got the 50% or I don't want the 50% or I don't
02:59Want the 50% or 60% that's pretty good. Okay. I want the 0.5% Wait, can I get I can increase the look?
03:05I can buy luck one look to look three and then I got to go fight stuff. All right, hold on. There we go
03:09Super luck. I should have bought this before I spent all those wins. Oh
03:13Gosh and mega luck. Okay, if I don't get the 0.5 for this one, I'm punching my own leg
03:19Why no, I'm not gonna do that 50% I'm not gonna punch my leg. I have issues. All right equip vest
03:24I'm gonna do a lot of damage. Now. Let's see a golden apple. I one shot it. Oh my gosh
03:29How much damage do I do?
03:31235 damage don't you hit me back? Yeah, so the pigs and the animals hit back
03:35How much do I get per level or per break? Oh look at my level
03:39Hey, are you guys level six yet?
03:44Got little hordes, he's like a cow. I'm a cappy. I'm a cappy cow
03:50Stop it take on the cow
03:53I am hitting cows still I am hitting like a truck. Can we fight the boss now? He wants to fight boss
03:58Yeah, I want to what you didn't you're a liar. You're a liar. You're a liar. There's no way you did
04:04Her my boost you if you get enough gems you perma boost your your attack who's fighting the boss
04:12How are you guys a giraffe no, no, no, no, no
04:20Look how I look look at my teeth. Okay, I'm gonna fight the boss
04:23What are you guys doing that
04:25Please please please. Are you fighting that get away from me? I saw that Sud D. How'd you do that?
04:31What do you mean? What do you mean? I literally have a horns
04:40I died to the bar. How do you get no, no, how do you get the permanent damage boost?
04:45I'm doing 1.2 K damage
04:50Yeah, you are brain cells, sorry
04:55Said sorry
04:57You didn't say sorry on I don't I gotta do this. I gotta do this
05:03Are there any codes did you guys put in codes? Oh
05:09Hey, how much damage did I do now I three shot it three shot. What do you mean? I literally said it
05:16I want to figure out what this boost. Okay, so just I'm coming to you
05:20Traveling day camp cappy or a sick park. What are you saying?
05:2625,000 health. Oh, hold on. What is VIP 50% max health 80% attack damage and faster movement speed
05:32Wait, why didn't I see that before 50% off? Wait, what is the starter pack? I didn't see that either. I am an idiot
05:37I need to do stuff. Okay, I move faster drive double help now
05:40Well, let me buy that buff buy this buy it damage boost permanent damage boost. How much do I do now?
05:46I one-shot them. Let me go take off this pot. Stop it. So I'd get out of here ugly. That was my boss
05:50This is my boss. Hold on. What's in this new area? Are there places to spend gems in this new area?
05:55I will pass
06:00Why do I look like this? No, why do I look like this? Hold on. Is there a boss over?
06:05Oh, there's a buff over there. Let me so much experience. I get
06:11Why do I look like this I look like something from the Sims
06:15Look at this boss turn off auto-attack, so I don't die. Let me see 150 gems. Are you kidding me right meow?
06:21Hey, so just why do I look like this? I don't like this
06:30I've an idea. Hold on. I have an idea. I'm gonna buy I'm gonna buy some wins
06:33I'm gonna buy some wins so I can get some better pets here in a minute
06:36If I don't get enough good pets, do I do triple buy?
06:39I'm gonna do triple by triple hatch if I don't get good pets from this here in a minute
06:43I'm gonna buy that really strong pet for 15,000 robux, even though I'm gonna cry later. Okay, let's do this. Here we go
06:49Buy three, I'm gonna buy three for 675 wins. Here we go
06:52If I don't get a two percenter, I'm uninstalling my face sit 45 7. What was the third one?
06:57I got two of the 45 percenters. All right, so I was doing 10,000 damage. How much am I doing now?
07:0328 so the pets are insane. So when I get this pet I am gonna hit like a truck. Okay, that'll be fun
07:10All right. Let's fight this guy. Okay, so I'm having fun. Are you guys having fun?
07:13Yes, what can I have always wanted to be a capybara? What's a capybara?
07:17Why why is how you wanted to be when you growed up? Why'd you say growed up borrows are really cool. Are they?
07:23Okay, I'm taking out a dragon nest. Oh
07:26New capybara. Wait, I'm flying. I said else
07:32They're from the pet shop over there you got open eggs I can see you you look like a chicken
07:42Gotta go
07:44Do I buy the pet now? I got that. Halo bara. Why do I have so many arms?
07:48Is it is it like an angel with all the arms and hands and stuff? Okay
07:53I'm gonna when I can rebirth isn't rebirthing bad though complete daily quest strength
07:58Happy bars are 50% stronger permanently gain to experience. No, it reset me. This is fine. This is fine. This is fine
08:06Okay, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm back here, but check this out. I got daily quest now
08:10I got 50% damage and two times experience, right? So if I eat that, yep, I just leveled up
08:15I just leveled up. I'm level 3 now. I'm level 10 now. What happens if I hit this guy? Oh
08:22No, I got quest. All right, let's go in here. Do I buy this? Okay before I buy that pet
08:26I'm gonna hit this and let's see how much damage I do
08:3021,000 so if I buy this, oh gosh guys
08:33These videos are so expensive. All right hit that dab got it. Okay, cool. Mom. Don't be mad at me
08:38It wasn't my fault. All right pets equip best
08:4230,000 so is that 21,000 now I'm gonna hit this. Let's see. I
08:49Don't know because it would disappeared let me try this one I leveled up again
08:5840 million how much help does this thing have 3 million hydra tops? I am now a cappy
09:05Dragon, I need to get to level 17 to go to that area. Okay. I'm right. Yep. Okay. Are you guys having fun?
09:11Yes, or no? Yeah, I can see
09:16But I can see you look like a dragon Bara, what do you mean?
09:20What do you mean? Whatever? I just saw you fly around as a dragon
09:24I literally I don't ever lie. Yeah, how many codes did you put in? Uh, seven, maybe eight? That's a lot of code
09:34Yeah, you're so far ahead of me bro
09:41I am a cat. Are you I'm a cat Ibarra. Let me see. I'm a cat Ibarra
09:54Are you
09:55Factorio Bara, I'm the factorio what factorio is in the game. I don't know. I'm in fact playing factorio now. I don't
10:04Do I even need to do this do I even need to do this do I even need to do this seven percenter?
10:09Okay, what did I get for seven percenter?
10:135659 okay and equip. Okay. How much damage do I do now? Let's see. Oh my god. I'm I'm now a cappy Dora
10:22Know a cup Bara. I'm a cup. I'm a I'm a cappy Bara in a mug. Cool. That's not real
10:30No, I'm a trashy Bara now
10:35I'm a cacti Bara. Stop saying these things
10:41Wait, I'm a cappy desk
10:44That doesn't rhyme
10:47Okay, quick intermission. I'm gonna come back to the previous world
10:50I just want you to see what I am be at the door be ready for me. Here I come
10:54What are are you?
10:57You're flat like your personality
11:00Okay, check this out check this out cappy chair cappy sofa now, I'm a cacti Bara
11:07I don't hold on. You're so wiggly
11:10Things are you gotta go? Maybe he'll trade with me. I want to see what the rest of these things are
11:14Wait, it's trading a thing. Can you trade first person to figure out how to trade me? I'll trade you
11:20Okay, what level I need to be for the next one, all right 25 gotta go
11:24Okay, here we go. What is my next thing gonna be? I am a printy bar. I'm a printer
11:29I'm printing out photos of a cappy Bara. Look at the axolotls
11:37I'm right. Okay and sea urchin and axolotls. I did this is all legit
11:47What do you mean none of this feels legit no it is this cost 25 so I knew I want three of those
11:52So if I get three of those I need to do that and then that one. Okay. Got it. Got it. Got it
11:57Got it. Got it. Got it. Oh, why do I do this part of what you're saying, please? Give me that
12:01I want to get better stuff and three of those
12:04two percenter
12:06I got the two percenter. Okay, let's see how much damage I do. I couldn't even see how much damage do I do?
12:118.2. Got it. All right. Let's equip these equip best and now how much do I do and I leveled up?
12:15Okay, I'm a cappy tuna 10
12:21What do you mean, oh, oh if I get the axolotl Bara then I rebirth all the buzzes here how much help do you have?
12:30My I can't I can't beat it
12:33What do you mean you can't beat it after you probably bought out the entire store, ah
12:38I can't I can't beat it. If I want to go the next day. I need to get to level 33
12:43Are you meowing me right kittens? Yeah
12:47What as his discord kittens we have to wait
12:52All right. I got a rebirth six times experience. I'm back at level one six times
12:59Experience buff so six if I go all the way over here cuz I'm level one
13:03I'm going to fight this boss as a baby cappy bar. Hello boss
13:08You're dead and what at level am I level 9? Okay. Got it proud of you. Can you call me?
13:14Hey, yo, wait. Oh, thank you. Oh, I gotta unlock it first by fighting these bosses
13:19Okay, I'm level 9 and you get to level and I'm level there. Okay, gotta go shot at the boss that we're stuck on
13:25As a dragon
13:29Stop are you guys having fun? Are you guys having fun? You're being a bully and gotta go
13:37He's a cat a bar, uh, yeah. All right. You gotta go. Yeah. All right going back into Factorio. All right, cool
13:43I'm back up to axolotl already that took like five seconds, but getting to level 33 is gonna be impossible
13:51Squiddy Barra, I'm gonna stay. Oh, I do 100 billion now
13:54I do a hundred billion damage, which means I can probably take out this guy. I'm doing more damage than he's doing to me
13:59It's just a giant whale. Okay. All right, cool. All right, cool time to go to the next level. Hopefully a level 29
14:05Oh, wait, that didn't give me as much as I thought
14:08Sharky Barra. Hey guys, I am I'm a sharky Barra. What do you mean a sharky Barra?
14:13What do you mean? Okay, it can't be a sharky bar. No, I can no I can I can
14:19Okay, that's only 4% give me the permanent speed boost. Oh, no, I'm a fast boy
14:23I'm not fast any faster. Okay, this should this boss should level me up. Come on. Yeah, right
14:30I'm a jawless Barra. Sorry, what?
14:34Like the like the dinosaur literally a jaws. How much damage do I do per hit? Let's see
14:39I don't even know I killed it too fast. What'd you do? I don't know. Okay, let me play. Oh my god
14:46What um, okay question whoever did the most damage when one hit wins. How much damage do you do in one hit?
14:53Okay. Okay. I'm doing
14:551.5 trillion
14:56Trillion I'm going to bed. I'm going to take a hit the like button subscribe. I we cappied it
