• 18 hours ago
A GOOD FLORIDA WKND || Date night, beach walks, friends & fun!!

TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM : @alisson.gonzalez07
Business 📧:sisterforever@cesddigital.com
00:00Hello guys, I'm currently getting ready it is Friday
00:15It's about like 12 ish and I'm heading to go pick up Maddie cuz we're gonna go for a walk at Lido bridge
00:22It's this big bridge and it's about like I think a mile long
00:25It is actually so cold. Like why did Florida decide to have a cold front?
00:29We were doing so good. It was so warm
00:32We were out tanning every single day and then we got smacked with another cold front
00:36It should be a fun weekend. Very cozy since we had this cold front
00:39We had a lot of other plans, but it's cold now
00:41So those will probably not be happening, but we still have a lot of fun things planned
00:44This is my first week without weightlifting
00:46So I've been able to work out on my own and I am so sore, but here's this outfit
00:51I've been so good at not drinking an Ilani, but I feel like it's only right. We're going for a walk
00:55Let's grab an Ilani and let's go
01:02Gotta grab an Ilani. I'm actually in love with the new strawberry sunrise flavor. It's so good
01:13Look how beautiful it is outside. I do think it's gonna be a bit chilly
01:18So that's why I wore this because once you're on the bridge you're like higher up and plus you're at the beach
01:23So it's like naturally a little bit windier. So let's go on a walk. I think it's gonna be great
01:27I'm so excited. Cheers. Gabby Ilani and let's go have a good good weekend. Oh
01:35We have made it to Lido and it's actually a really pretty day out
01:38It's only 64, but which isn't that bad feels like don't look at that
01:42There's a review look how pretty it is out and it's such blue skies today
01:46So it's gonna be a mile across the bridge and then a mile back
01:49So technically it's gonna be two miles and we decided that we're signing up for a 5k in two weeks with zero training
01:55Whatsoever we start training on Monday. Let's go. Are you gonna judge me? I mean, yes, that's so I can
02:03Guys, she literally needs to be we went to the gas station 10 minutes ago. I didn't have to pee. Okay, show them what you're gonna pee in
02:11Okay, I will be getting out of the car for this
02:15Okay, good luck
02:17Look how beautiful our walking location for the day is it's definitely windy out right now
02:21I'm gonna start walking over here while she takes a little piss in my car in a cup that I love to drink out of
02:27And I will be throwing it away and leaving it here because there's no shot. I'm ever drinking out of that cup again
02:31I'm gonna set this up for you guys
02:34That is the bridge we're about to walk
02:36So walking across the whole thing is one mile and then walking back to our car is another mile
02:40Let's see if she's done because oh my goodness
03:08He's now like 630 and Anthony's over we are gonna go for a run we're gonna try
03:13I have not ran in like I actually don't remember the last time I ran
03:16But we are trying and then we're gonna go hit a workout in my garage and then we're gonna watch a spider-man tonight
03:22Cuz he's taking me through like all the I think it's Marvel. Don't quote me. I don't know. Here. He is
03:27What's up guys back at it again? We're going on a run right now. Ali G's first run in 2025
03:32I've ran before thank you very much when she was running away from something scary
03:36No, and in flag football when she scored that crazy time. Yeah funny story time. Actually, I got called turbo
03:41I got called a snail pretty much when I was scoring my touchdown and black football
03:44But at least I scored a touchdown. So whatever. Anyways, we're going for a run
03:48I'm gonna bring you guys with me to see how bad this goes. It's actually gonna go great
03:52It is low-key cold a little bit not too bad, but the Sun is very much set. How much are we running?
04:10See you in a mile in 10 minutes and 42 seconds. I've never ran a mile in my life
04:15She just ran a mile in 10 minutes for two seconds. Great job
04:17She wanted to quit like halfway through guys, but I'm so proud of her
04:21Freaking out
04:23He was pissing me off like he was being supportive but like when you're like, I'm saying I love you you got this
04:29She's like shut up. Stop talking
04:31Cuz he's making me mad. All right now we're gonna walk slash run back. It is now 816
04:37We ran the mile that you guys saw and then we walked half a mile and then ran the second half of my home
04:42And then we just hit a little lift in my garage. I did chest and tries and he did hamstrings, but
04:49So I think we're gonna shower. He's in the shower right now
04:51I'm gonna shower probably and then we're gonna go to
04:53Publix I want to get lesser evil popcorn because we're out and we're gonna watch spider-man tonight. So I want a snack
05:00We pulled up to public and it's flipping closed
05:07Morning guys and happy
05:09Saturday this video has unintentionally become like a wellness vlog because I went for a walk
05:14I went for a run and now I'm going to go to a polar plunge at my cousin's house and you got a cold plunge
05:21Birthday and everybody my family has done it and at first I was like, I'm not gonna do that
05:24But I woke up today and I was like, oh my body needs to get shocked back into life
05:29Everything is like shutting off. Everything is so sore. I need it. So that's exactly what I'm gonna go do. Let's go
05:35Look how colorful I am. I love it. We have made it. I have extra clothes and a towel
05:40I'm getting nervous. It's actually cold out, but I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it
06:00Guys I just received a package and they sent me over the cutest summer hoodies ever
06:04First of all, this one is an unreleased one. So this one is coming soon and the flowers on the sleeve are so stinking cute
06:10I love this blue color. The back is so adorable, too
06:13These are all from off-tropic you guys can use my code Ali 15. Look how perfect this one is for the 4th of July
06:18Are you joking me? Oh my gosh. It's so cute. The detail on these hoodies is just insane. It's so beautiful
06:24The ocean is calling with a bunch of sea life. And this one is just like the one I'm wearing right now
06:28But in pink and it's just so beautiful
06:30Literally obsessed but it is currently at 223. I'm gonna go to Maddie's and we're gonna cook
06:35I'm gonna go to Publix first and grab us some supplies to cook
06:39I'm gonna get my popcorn that I couldn't get last night cuz
06:42Publix was closed at 9 p.m. And they don't sell it at Walmart, which is really annoying
06:46But we're gonna head out and we're gonna go hang out with Maddie. Oh
06:49I got the Himalayan
06:52Sweetness popcorn from lesser evil. I don't know if the one that I last got was a sweet one or if it was like the
06:58salty one I
07:01Think this one's a little bit sweeter than the one I last got but still really good and then I got this short ribbed boneless
07:08Meat we're gonna just have potatoes in this
07:11Let's go, all right, we're gonna make potatoes in the steak and yeah, this is the cutting board
07:41Wait, oh shoot. I just I don't know how to use this thing. I thought it was already on high
07:47You guys won't believe it look what Allison got me. Thanks off tropic
07:52You got me this one for me. It actually looks so nice on you USA. I'm like Captain America guys
07:57We're gonna go paint pottery instead of going to sunset cuz the sunsets gonna be booty and then we're gonna go watch a movie
08:04Anybody else have a weird boyfriend?
08:06We were literally supposed to go to the beach and of course we didn't and it's actually
08:28Good morning and a happy Sunday guys. The sunset was
08:34like one of the top sunsets I've seen in so long and of course like we didn't go to the beach because we're like
08:39It's so cloudy. Like there's no point like it's not gonna be a good sunset
08:43Best sunset, but we did pottery and it's honestly really nice. I love the one that I did
08:48I did like a shell and we believe that there for a couple days
08:51We're gonna go pick it up
08:52Soon like next week and then after while we were finishing
08:55Maddie and one of our guy friends called and they're like you guys wanna go play pickleball
08:59So we went to Maddie's house and they were making like that steak cutting board trend where you do steak avocado and eggs
09:06so we had some of that went and played some pickleball and then we went to Walmart and got more steak and made two more
09:11Steaks and had like mango. We just kept eating steak. It was so good and
09:16Then we headed home and I'm exhausted
09:20But I want to try these banana oat pancakes for breakfast. So that's actually what I'm gonna do church is at 10
09:26I need to leave here at like 9
09:2835 so we have a little bit of time, but I'm gonna get my morning started
10:06Look at the inside. I feel like they're still like wrong. You know, my concern to me is the fact they had an egg in it
10:11I definitely wouldn't make it every single day. I'm gonna stick to my normal breakfast zone, but fun little experiment
10:15It is almost 930. So let's head over to church
10:18I was walking into the house. My dad told me to listen to this song
10:20The best is yet to come the Scorpions or something
10:23So I'm gonna listen to that but I have to clean my car today
10:26It has become a bit of a mess, but Anthony actually looks so good, but he painted this mug yesterday
10:33But he didn't get to finish it because we literally got there at like 6 30 not even I think honestly before and it took us
10:39Up until they closed at 8 and he didn't have time to finish
10:42So he's gonna go back and finish it, but it looks honestly really really good. And then with the gloss on it
10:48I'm gonna go listen to the song that my dad requested me to listen to
10:51What a morning it has been it's actually now who Oh 5 p.m. I went to church
10:56It was a great service today like great service. We went to Costco Anthony got a Costco membership
11:01What an adult so we went and got all his groceries and he bought me this big old fat loaf of bread and I may or
11:07May not have snacked on this entire loaf on the way home
11:10His mom always gets this and he's like this is like the best bread ever and he's not eating carbs right now
11:15So he's like instead of me eating it you can eat it and I ate that much
11:19Oh, wow, are these a yay or a nay? I honestly think they're kind of cool
11:23I have a fun event coming up in April and I need to find like funky cool outfits
11:27And I honestly like kind of like them, although I had eaten that much of it
11:30I'm gonna toast it up with butter because I already know it's gonna be so much better like that
11:35Okay, we're gonna pop this in the airfryer so I can get toasted
11:41Do not recommend eating half a loaf of rosemary is that rosemary whatever it is bread or an ass more
11:51That's so good it is literally
11:54640 I have been working on schoolwork all day long. My dad just brought me dinner to bed
11:58That is so good. I am almost done
12:01I submitted my essay, but I need to write some notes could be the turn in like notes tomorrow
12:05I'm currently doing a college assignment that I completely forgot about and it's due tonight and then I think I should be done
