• 2 days ago
SPRING BREAK: Senior year || Concert, beach days, road trip, shopping, etc!!

TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM : @alisson.gonzalez07
Business 📧:sisterforever@cesddigital.com


00:20Hey guys and welcome to my spring break vlog it is March 13th, and we're kicking off spring break right now
00:25I'm about to leave to go pick up Maddie. We're going to the Hudson Westbrook concert tonight
00:28So that's why I'm wearing this hat today has been so chaotic because I've been prepping and running around if you guys saw my last
00:33Video I've been prepping for Ava to come into town
00:35She's gonna be here for the first half of my spring break and she flies in tonight
00:38So we're going to the concert
00:39Hopefully he comes on at 8 o'clock because I have to be at the Tampa Airport to pick her up at like 9 9 30
00:44And it's like a 30-minute drive from the venue so it's gonna be a chaotic night, but we're picking her up tonight
00:48I'm so excited to meet her so come along spring break 2025 today's Thursday and senior assassin actually started last Thursday
00:55So I got my goggles in hand just in case somebody pulls up on me and actually everybody got a new target today
01:00So I have a new person and I actually know him this time, and I'm plotting to get him, but definitely not today
01:04So let's go pick up Maddie
01:08Outfits of the night this top is from peppermint this belt is Amazon addicted Amazon
01:13Delicacy peppermint three people
01:15It says 26 miles, so what is our prediction okay 55 minutes? I'm gonna say 48 minutes 49
01:58Saw a bus 20 minutes away. I'm so scared right now of this hit that we're actually okay. We need to freshen up
02:05Gotta be good for a bath
02:06Okay, we're one minute away, and I've never driven to the airport ever
02:10I genuinely don't understand where we're going. We haven't seen a single human being
02:17We're lost in the airport arrive arrive depart no we're arriving. I don't see her
02:28My gosh
02:32I'm sorry the system are gone. No take any order for the moment
02:42Just try just try I think I'm gonna cry
02:45Okay, wait, let's check UV today wait wait. No wait. No. This is not good it plateaued no
02:52We're going to the beach yeah all of our friends flake so we're just gonna go have a beach day
02:57Yeah, and I'm gonna get tanned
02:59And we're really we're worried about Florida ocean dip ever week first ocean in Florida ever
03:59Cream skin lineage cream skin so that's like moisturizer, but like liquid basically okay, is that what you're supposed to do no
04:15It smells like play-doh
04:17Here's the before we've only used this say product, so I'll be back with the final glam
04:24Final look I think we look so good. We look glowy, and we look tan. Yeah, I do this so like dry my lashes
04:34Look girl
04:38Bro guys my phone keeps on running out of storage. I don't know how much I'm gonna have to delete
04:43Oh my god the mall closes in less than an hour, so we gotta go we should do your mom's return
04:47It's at least she's gonna help me return to think cuz I've never returned to me
04:50So happy to just get money back it is now 1040
04:56We ate crumble cookie and we ate dinner, and then we go to the gym to walk it off
05:00We in fact didn't and now it's 1040 and we are gonna do work have we written a single thing have we edited anything
05:07No, we've just sat here and talked so I'm actually gonna walk in and get this assignment done cuz it's due Sunday today's Friday
05:14But I'm definitely not gonna do it if I don't do it right now, and I literally took the right like three more sentences
05:19Okay, why is this falling apart and turn it in so I'm gonna walk in and get that done
05:23And then I'm gonna go to sleep cuz I'm so tired
05:27It's 830 I told my friend that we would leave at 9 we're fully not gonna leave at 9
05:32But we're gonna try our best to be there at 1030. It's an hour away
05:36I have no idea what swimsuit I wanna wear
05:38Allie's on the phone with her boyfriend right now, so I thought I would give you guys a little taste test of
05:42Cuban coffee that her mom made for me Cheers
05:45Mmm, this is so good. We're running so beyond late, but it's okay. It's because my type B has an effect on no it does
06:22Okay, so we're back from Boca. It was such a good day, and it's now 615
06:27I put it along for 645 because we need to get out of here by 645
06:31Wait yeah, we are going on a double date
06:34And we need to shower
06:35I think the reservations for like eight and we want to get my oil change and go shopping
06:38Before that we didn't give my will change my dad said I don't like me too. Here's the tornado of Ava. We'd love
06:45It is 640 the alarms gonna go off in five minutes, but honestly. I think we're doing really good on time
06:50I just put this product my hair, and I'm gonna blow-dry it. We're going on a double date, so we gotta look good
06:58All right, we're ready here our outfits of the night for our double day
07:02We're gonna run to the mall right now get an active set and then we're gonna come back and the boys are picking us up
07:06For our date, let's go
07:11So I went to work out set alo nothing free people
07:15I mean like it was cute, but I wouldn't wear that a lot, so I got this set
07:19It's like this really pretty like ocean blue color, so I got the leggings and then this top
07:23Which is actually quite flattering? I didn't think I was gonna like it, but it's like a V bra. Hey
07:291043 and we're in the wall while parking lot right now double day went good, and they're like staring at us, and it's like really creepy
07:35Like what is going on it was a great day, and we ate a lot
07:40And they just bought us a Lonnie's cuz they want us to go play pickleball in hot tub
07:44But like I'm ready to go to bed cuz it's like about 430 hours from now
07:47Do you realize that we have to wake up at freaking 430 in the morning? This is not real
07:56Or 46 in the morning woke up on the first alarm, which is impressive for me
08:00Because we've slept through every other alarm. Let's get it started. We have a road trip across the state
08:05I've never driven this far in my life my car might need an oil change
08:09We will actually find out today if I actually did it or not. We'll be fine 457. Let's do it. Oh
08:19We're at a random Duncan in the middle of nowhere to pee
08:31I don't know where the road trip begins again
08:38Okay, it's 821
08:43We are literally one minute away, oh my gosh
09:00It is 1048 p.m.. And it's been such a day pretty much
09:27We woke up at 430 drove all the way here went to three natives
09:31And then we went on the boat from literally like probably 11 to 4 5 p.m.
09:36I got a sun blister on my lip if you can't tell oh also
09:39I have blisters on my feet and it hurts to walk so you could say I'm doing really good right now plus
09:44I'm way burnt. I love it best day ever
10:05Okay, so we took the monk thing here and now we're stuck here and my car is 25 minutes away walking
10:11But it's like 15 driving, but now we're stuck
10:15Yeah, they said they were gonna come back and get us, and it's been like 20 minutes. I
10:21Seriously don't understand how people drink coffee. It's such an acquired taste, and I didn't acquire it
10:25Love the taste like I don't even do it for the caffeine. We have very different taste buds anyways
10:29We waited 30 minutes for that car and now we're stuck on this bridge. We have not moved in actually
10:3410 minutes, maybe
10:39It is the next day and it's
10:41707 in the morning because we're going to summarize I've on my uggs who it feels like 47 degrees outside
10:46But we're going to sunrise got a bikini on and we're actually already running late, so
11:12Dropped my camera as I literally always do I'm so bad with cameras
11:15I'm so clumsy with them and like it's a bad thing, so I really just pushed the lens back in so let's actually pray right now
11:22Please let my camera work
11:31My gosh wait
11:32I literally just like my friends who have like a g7x is and I said please I'll literally pay you let me borrow your camera
11:36But it turned back on anyways actually bless. I almost
11:42We're ready so it is currently 1040 with everybody by 1030 so like we're getting better with this whole timing thing
11:50But we're going shopping we're gonna meet up with her friend Lucas
11:53We're gonna go to Pura Vida and get some brunch some banana bread. I'm so excited so here's our fits of the day
11:59Addicted addicted princess Polly Boston Nordstrom, but it's from the brand like days
12:05Aritzia home verse perfect and the cleaning ladies are here so they can clean up the mess that Ava made oh
12:11It was not that bad guys. I know I'm just messing with her all right. Let's go to the mall
12:24It is 311 we're leaving for the airport in like 20 minutes
12:27I'm now I'm keeps going up. It was like 56 minutes, and now it's at an hour in 22 minutes
12:34So we're gonna get her up there because her flight is at 630, but I have a haul yeah
12:38I went to the mall and we got breakfast and it was really good actually and we also got lunch at three natives
12:43But I got a couple things at the mall. We also just went out at the tan
12:47We only had 30 minutes to spare, but we fell asleep in the Sun. I was knocked out
12:53No, it actually felt so good
12:55Anyways at the mall. I got this top from Brandy
12:58It literally just fits so nice and like easy for like throwing it on with linen pants
13:01So it's like blue gingham, and then I went to Sephora
13:04I was inspired by Ava to get a new makeup routine so
13:08First up we have a bunch of safe stuff because they're all their stuff is like really good, and it's like decently priced
13:13So this is the radiant blush powder in Gracie, and it's such a good dark really pretty color
13:19I love dark shades on my complexion personally then I got this lip tint
13:24And this is like SPF 35 tinted moisturizer
13:27And I got it in shade 6 and then lastly I got this lip gloss, and it's also in that dark shade
13:32So I'm gonna actually unbox it. This is the remix shimmer. Oh, yes. I love it. Okay. Yeah, so that is everything
13:39I got today at the mall, and we just hand for a little bit
13:41But we have to get her the airport so she doesn't miss her flight
13:44Time to take her to the airport
13:51And I gotta pee and I'm about to crash out because we still have to like we can't even do a u-turn we have to
13:56Go 45 minutes over this bridge, and there's so much car accidents, and I need a piece
14:00I'm literally gonna pop a squat right here. I actually might pee everywhere
14:11I'm gonna
14:15I'm not even done yet
14:21We're leaving the airport
14:23but we still have Ava because
14:24She missed her flight because there was three accidents on the bridge to the Tampa Airport
14:28And it was insane and we were stuck on the bridge for two hours
14:32Literally two hours, but my dad went got some gas. It actually overfilled my tank apparently. It's 723 right now
14:39We left for the airport at 330 so it took us
14:41What is that four hours am I doing the math right four hours to get to the airport time reference?
14:45I was boarding at 6 p.m.. Yeah, so she would have been like a quarter of the way to Washington by now
14:50So my dad taught us some red velvet cookies, so let's give them a little 7-eleven taste test
14:56Mmm. Pretty good also
14:58I had to pee in the car because
15:00We had just gone onto the bridge mind you after I peed we were still on the bridge for another hour and a half
15:06So I peed in a cup. I rebooked my lovely flight for 9 a.m.. So we'll still be making it back guys
15:15She's gone Ava is currently on her flight home. It was such a mess yesterday
15:20Usually to go to Tampa and back maybe two hours it took us six hours
15:26We left at 330 and didn't get home till 930 it was such a mess, but thankfully she got a new flight
15:32She stayed up in Tampa to make it easier for her to get to the airport in the morning
15:35But anyways it was just such a great time to have here. It was so much fun
15:38I loved every second of it, so I'm really excited to see her again in a month, so don't worry
15:42We'll be back, but anyways that is it for the first half of spring break
15:45It is Wednesday today, and I leave for a trip on Friday
15:49So they'll be a part to a spring break when we head over to our spring break destination you guys can comment below where you?
15:54Think we're going, but I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one
