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πŸŽ₯ DJI Osmo pocket 3 with the built in DJI microphone: https://store.dji.com/uk/product/osmo-pocket-3-vlog-combo?vid=163851

#london #luxury #travelvlog


00:00reality of living in London in 2025. Is this a lifestyle that you could live? The things that
00:05maybe you wouldn't have previously done? Don't leave your bike! So many fire engines everywhere!
00:11Now I have lived in London for I think about 18 years and in 2025, yes, things are a little bit
00:18different. There are things that I love, things that I am not such a fan of in London and I
00:23thought let's ask the question, would you live in London? So I was trying to be summery in my
00:28new jacket. I think it's really cute, it's from Sazam but it's cold so also wearing a scarf.
00:33I'm hoping the audio is a little bit better in this video. I use this little DJI
00:38microphone that came with this camera. It's not the crispest of... crispest? Is that a word? Yeah,
00:42the most crisp audio and whenever I wear a scarf it sounds a bit muffled so I do apologise,
00:46I do my best. That's why people don't tend to worry about using these things. Right,
00:50anyway, I've got I think six key points to get through. Oh the sun is trying, it is trying.
00:57I think it's about 2pm right now. I would say the main thing that I get heavily,
01:03should I use the word trolled? Probably, apart from being super annoying, is why do I live in
01:07London? Now I think I did this video, I did it in 2024 but I thought I'd kind of break it down,
01:12have a bit of fun with it and yeah talk you through some of the things that I love and
01:15don't love so much about London and number one I am going to start with the lifestyle. Yes,
01:21I love the lifestyle. I genuinely think there is a bit of something for everyone and as we go around
01:26I'm going to show you the kind of multicultural bit of everything that you can get in London,
01:30whether you want some Japanese food, Italian, you want to go to a museum or something in between,
01:35a bit of shopping, I'm telling you, you've got to have a few quid which we'll come on to.
01:38There's definitely something for everyone. Oh spring is coming, look at the daffodils,
01:43I can't wait. I'm not sure if it's sunglasses weather, I feel like I'm squinting, it's almost,
01:48almost sunglasses weather but yes the lifestyle. I am of a certain age and I like to go out to nice
01:55restaurants, I like to go to bars, go to museums but there's also so many free things to do and
02:02like it depends where you live but you're always within, I would say, half an hour
02:05of some really amazing places. I went to the British Museum the other day, otherwise known
02:11as Finders Keepers, that was free which is amazing and I had a fantastic time, it was lovely.
02:16I've also walked down a den of this path, where's the exit? Goodness me Hannah. But yes there's so
02:21much to do and I refuse to believe that anyone living in London is bored. I remember you can't
02:26have too much fun in the gardens people, no partying, no footballs, no dogs. Told you it
02:31was sunglasses weather. Also I haven't cleaned them, everyone always shouts at me because I don't
02:35clean my sunglasses. I love the green domes on the top of these buildings, I think they're so cool.
02:42I'm so glad that they do actually paint what direction to look so you don't get run over.
02:49Scoot, scoot, scoot.
03:01I always show you guys the touristy places but let me show you a little bit
03:04of where I live and we have a few little shops, this little high street
03:08which is pretty typical for a lot of places in London. You have a champagne and nail bar
03:14as you do and this little petite cafe on the end. Part of the London lifestyle guys, you've got to
03:20go and get like a croissant at some point or they've got loads of cakes. I'm going to show
03:24you some prices as we go around, we had 260 for an espresso, you can see it on the left there.
03:29English tea Β£2.90, herbal teas Β£3.25, yeah definitely London prices. I always get comments
03:35about these types of shops from like viewers not in the UK but yeah like your new news agent
03:40in London will always have some kind of fruit and veg. Oh and a complimentary browse of the window
03:45of any estate agent, it's just part of our culture isn't it, whoever knows what we're looking at.
03:50You would have seen already there's quite a lot of kind of red brick mansion blocks in this area
03:54in West London and yeah they're not the cheapest Β£1.4 million for a three-bedroom, needs a little
04:00bit of work by the looks of things. All for Β£975 a week for a three-bed apartment. Oh right on cue,
04:09always a siren. I said in a previous video yes sirens and the sound of clicking, we'll see if we
04:15find any clicking with all the line bikes that have been stolen but hey that's just the London
04:20soundtrack these days. There are quite a few little delis as well, people are enjoying their food,
04:24bit of alfresco dining, I do love the tree-lined streets. People always comment on these trees,
04:29I can't remember what trees they are, they look amazing when they are in bloom, in bloom they do
04:34look a bit creepy, very Harry Potter when they've been trimmed. I will come on to it but architecture,
04:39I blooming love walking around London and seeing all the different architecture, appreciate it's
04:44a certain style in this area like I said with all the mansion blocks and I do love the red brick.
04:50But yeah the old window shop front, I adore it. There we go subscription flowers Β£30 a week,
04:58wow that's goals isn't it, how cute. I always forget to come in here to get cards,
05:02they have really good cards and what are we looking at, London prices Β£40 for the little
05:09bunch there, that is a bit stoop, Β£9.50 for tulips, okay that's about norm, oh those are lovely, Β£22.50.
05:17I do love this brand though, I hate ironing, what a brilliant name. Do you know what though,
05:35I'd rather iron than cook, I've said that before. We have got this Italian deli, Italian,
05:42another Italian and Persian as well. How much does it cost to go out in London, what are we
05:49looking at, yeah it's kind of normal-ish, house specials, I've not eaten here actually but yeah,
05:58we are loving the kind of outdoor seating, this has definitely come from Covid times I would say
06:03but this is also a reality of living in London in 2025 and probably most of the UK, look even on
06:09this nice little street that we have, you have a couple of units which have closed down and have
06:13not since been let out for some time and there's a pan across, you then have a really lovely Japanese
06:19restaurant. I do love all this kind of like plastic covering, it reminds me of kind of going
06:23on holiday in Europe right, I know you guys love a menu, sushi and sashimi sets, see some of the
06:30prices there on the left, yes it's not all about eating out but I just wanted to show you because
06:35quite often people are like London's a dump, yuck yuck yuck, it's horrible but
06:40the kind of quieter neighbourhoods, I feel like never get shown on YouTube.
06:48Oh that one's done up, 1.95 million for two bedrooms, two baths, oh all the scaffolding
06:54has gone, can you see, is it called, what's it called, like the gap, sorry to zoom in someone's
06:59flat, like where the white stuff is, mortar tipping, I don't know but this is what it used
07:07to look like, so they are slowly refurbing, obviously at the residence price. The buildings
07:14in the area, I actually kind of preferred it before but I guess got to keep the upkeep of
07:18these old buildings, yeah I always love, look at like the text above the door, I think that's so
07:24cool, with the checkerboard floor. Hannah, why don't you buy a house? I would like to but I can't
07:32afford one, maybe one day, one can dream but yes this is West London, I probably would have whacked
07:39up a kind of a bit of a map just so you know where I am in the world but it's a very typical kind of
07:43area I would say, around the kind of zone 2 into zone 3, zone 2 zone 3 of the tube, sorry guys I
07:50sometimes forget to say that, I always get asked where do I park my car, yeah you have to pay for a
07:55permit guys, oh you get a bike, I think a permit's probably about 150 to 180 pounds a year but yeah
08:01if you get a bike you really need to actually get one of these, it says it's funded by the Mayor of
08:06London and if you don't have one yet basically you get like a key, you have to hope that no one has
08:12cloned it to try and steal the bikes but yes you kind of get a qr code, find a location where they
08:16have got spaces and you pop your bike in there but yes whenever you go past like an exposed
08:22bike rack there's always one that's got like the wheels missing, you know the drill but yeah
08:27a lot of people do cycle, I cycle a little bit in London, a lot of my friends do cycle but it's the
08:32inconvenience because you kind of have to keep your bike inside of your flat if you don't have
08:36one of these little things near you, okay you're giving the London lifestyle a bit of a chance
08:41all right, you've gone out for food, you've gone to a free museum, you've had a bit of a mooch around
08:45and a bit of a history tour, you want to go to the pub, all right guys that is what you need to do
08:49whether you drink or not there's always a tipple or non-alcoholic tipple for you, yes pubs is
08:54obviously a big part of British culture but something I love about London are the pubs and
08:58I think the older I get in my creaky old age, not creepy, is that I enjoy going to the pub
09:05by like going for a Sunday lunch, I never used to be a Sunday roast person, I actually hated it
09:09but where I live I'm very fortunate we have got a bunch of different pubs and one of them is
09:13hiding behind me, the Warrington hotel, the Warrington pub which had a little bit of a refurb
09:18a while ago, yeah and it's got quite an authentic old man, I love the style of it, we're going to
09:24see a few as we walk around, I'm going to blend some of these numbers together on the tour but
09:27yeah point two guys, why you got to live in London? For the pubs, yes I know there's pubs all over the
09:32UK but let me know are you a Brit, are you a pub goer, are you a Weatherspoons person or are you
09:37someone who likes something a little bit fancy, a little bit of a gastro pub, there's a lot of those
09:41now, oh I can't wait for summer, nothing better than London in the sun and oh gosh I can't film
09:50that side, sorry there's some saucy messages on one side, but I've been trying to film some of
09:54the telephone boxes because they do have on them, if I scoot around, this little sign, this kiosk
10:00is protected for future generations, I'm not going to film in it because there are some
10:04things in it that I can't film, oh come on guys, every Saturday karaoke 7.30. I've still not found
10:12any of the King Charles post boxes, I think I should probably should google where they are,
10:16I don't know if there are any in London.
10:31Oh they've got loads of bike racks there, electric cars are always part of the topic aren't they, but
10:38a lot of the lampposts, I'll try and see if I can find any more, they do have that charging point
10:43if you've got your own cable. Do you guys have electric cars? I don't know, I guess
10:48what the benefits, I think in London it used to be that you didn't pay the congestion charge
10:53and obviously ULEZ which is if you've got kind of a gas guzzling car, but yeah it costs a fortune
10:59to drive in London if you do have like a diesel car or something like that. I'll whack up a map
11:03actually, yeah ULEZ without boring you with it, it got extended a little while ago now, quite a while
11:08ago, and it now includes Heathrow, so if you're like a taxi driver, if you're picking someone up
11:11from Heathrow airport, you've got to pay the ULEZ charge, so you need a car which has got like good
11:16emissions, or low emissions I should say, to kind of bother, or I mean I know some people who drive
11:22into London for work and yeah they live here and they literally pay a daily fee, I think you get
11:27a bit of discount, but oh pint in the sun, you have the Hero of Maida, this got a refurb a while ago
11:36and it always comes up as one of the top places to get lunch in a pub, it's pretty expensive but
11:42very nice. I find anything with like green old tiles just reminds me of like Harry Potter, but
11:46yeah I am telling you summer or even a good spring day, oh you can't even see me, in London is top
11:53tier, all right, yes you can go to tropical islands, but there's just something about the lifestyle of
11:59just walking around, having a drink, going for a look, maybe in the shops, get yourself a little
12:04knick-knack, I love it, oh you could live in a little house on the back of the pub, that might
12:09be a bit noisy actually, a bit rowdy, but yes that brings me on to, am I on point three, am I giving
12:14these numbers, yeah the walking appeal, now I'm always in a rush, I'm always about five minutes
12:19late, I used to always be a really early person, now I'm always late, but I usually try to travel by foot
12:29I would say if I'm going somewhere and it says, I would say 40 minutes walk, I will usually walk it,
12:35I don't mind going in the underground, obviously I've lived in London for a super long time, there
12:39are certain, I mean I find the Bakerloo line a bit hot, the Central line's a bit of a bum fight,
12:44Circling District is always delayed, it's just one of those things that you accept, but yes walking
12:48around, having a look around, especially locally where I live, I love it, if you've watched my
12:52channel for a while you know I love vlogging around here, oh wow that was a brilliant waft of sewage,
12:57oh dear, pay all this money to live down here, I think that was just a bit of a rogue bit of,
13:02anyway don't lower the tone, but look at this, look at this gorgeous street, also my eyes keep
13:07watering, I need to try and move this microphone up, I hope it's okay, why are my eyes watering,
13:11probably from the prices, if anything's for sale I'll whack it up on the screen,
13:15get your credit cards, might have to all chip in for one of these purchases,
13:19a cobbled street walk is always good, oh look in the sun, the sky is coming out,
13:26but if I stop talking for a moment you can hear some birds,
13:35me clobbering along in my trainers, oh look at this one, I haven't walked down here for a little
13:40while actually, so nice to not have an umbrella, oh wow, my god that was massive, wow,
13:49you could make that really quite special couldn't you, have they won awards, Westminster in bloom,
13:54oh I think they've won a few times, how sweet, guys is this a lifestyle that you could live?
14:05Oh gosh I wouldn't want to have to drive that around, you do not see
14:08many limousines in London anymore, I love the tops of all of these walls,
14:13what do you call them, like the little knobbly things on the top, oh I don't know,
14:16what do you call them, comment below, not knobbly things, which brings me on to, am I on number 4.4
14:24and I'm going to call it, let's call it visual appeal, now whether you live in South London,
14:29North London, East or West, I've lived in yeah South London, North, West, I haven't lived in
14:33East London to be fair, I will admit that, but wherever you go there's these pockets of like
14:39beautiful old architecture, new architecture and yeah a bit of a patchwork which I really
14:44appreciate, now I love this area for its kind of white stucco fronted buildings,
14:48you can stop off at Paulette to get a little charcuterie board and some wine, definitely a
14:54London price that goes with it, oh some olives and some red wine would do me just right, look
15:00how cosy that is, here you can just sit and watch the world, goodbye and then stop off at the
15:17chocolate and flower shop, what have we got here, oh what are these called, I can't remember,
15:23they're absolutely gawd, Β£10 a bunch, Β£15 for the lilies, oh with a nice car alarm in the
15:29background, I love the curve of this crescent, absolutely gorgeous, yes you are obviously living
15:35on top of each other into the depths of the roof but some of these are still houses, very nice
15:41indeed, this camera, what is wrong with it, I cannot, come on, my god, oh there we go, oh my gosh,
15:53to anyone who asks what camera I use, I use the Sony DJI Osmo Pocket 3, I've had it for maybe,
16:02I don't know, 10 months, it's starting to pack up already, I think it was about Β£700
16:06so if you've got the money to burn or waste dare I say, buy it, if not just use your iPhone but
16:12anyway, let's head on to the next point, oh I think the one on the end is for sale, guys
16:18we need to rob a bank, I love the detail on the end of that building, how beautiful is that, what
16:23do you call it, is that like a cornice or something at the top, see what I mean folks, don't leave your
16:28bike, we have got this pretty hotel, I don't know what it's like inside to be honest with you but
16:33I always like to show, it's got one of these blue plaques, English heritage, Alan Turing,
16:38he was born here, it's pretty cool, oh my gosh, the sun, I'm so excited for spring, I actually really,
16:46well I'm saying that, I'm actually quite cold but I feel like all the influencers have been trying
16:50to flog linen dresses for the last six weeks, it's been cold though guys, I feel like in January
16:55into February, I think if you don't have enough cold clothes like you still should try and get
16:59some but the shops are all too like summery, oh where am I going, let's go down here, anyway I don't
17:03know where I'm going with that but I'm really pleased I've got this jacket, it's lined and I
17:06technically am cold but we're going to ignore that, as part of my official mooch, I want to see if a
17:12house has been refurbed, you may recognize it from a previous video, let's have a look
17:28this beautiful muse house, it looks like something out of a movie doesn't it,
17:31look at this street, oh that one's got a bit of refurb going on, who was it, was it Sid Vicious,
17:37I should know that, I filmed it about four times but it looks like they've finally got
17:41some development going with that site thing but anyway we'll see what happens
17:45in time but what a cute little street, I know that's like super nosy of me but basically
17:49it's been like this for many many many years, I think something like 30 years or something like
17:53that and yeah it's always in the news of like what's going to happen to this building, what
17:57it's going to look like and then it went up for sale, I don't know I quite, I quite love the charm
18:02of it being like that, obviously you wouldn't want to live in it, right I'm going to balance you on
18:06that wall, hopefully don't fall off all right, stay still, stay still, I was watching someone's
18:11video the other day, whose was it, oh PewDiePie's and they were back in the UK visiting Brighton
18:17and something they said, PewDiePie said or Felix said was how much scaffolding there is in the UK
18:25versus Japan, if you didn't know, I mean I'm sure you know who this guy is, he was highlighting like
18:29how much scaffolding there is in the UK and there isn't in Japan which made me think and actually
18:33since watching that video as I've gone around London, yeah there's so much scaffolding but my
18:38theory is because maybe our buildings, are they badly made or maybe there's so many old buildings
18:44in London or maybe in the UK, I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong because I literally
18:47haven't thought this through, um and everything needs restoring, everything needs renovating and
19:08I mean it could be worse couldn't it, as the boat goes along, I always like that church on the left
19:15a bit backlit, you do have the waterway, I think it's had, that's also had, I feel like
19:19loads of these places have had refurbs, yeah we do love a bit of plastic alfresco dining,
19:24very cosy, very nice. Actually question for you, how much is a pint where you live? I'm gonna say
19:31I think a London pint is about Β£6.50, Β£7, I'd say Β£7 in most places, especially
19:37somewhere like that, it's probably like Β£7.20. Yeah it's gone up a bit hasn't it, I um, where was I?
19:43I was in like an OK-ish gastropub, not gonna say where it was, the other day and I bought,
19:49it was a medium glass of wine, it was 175ml, I know 250 tends to be large right,
19:54and it was like Β£11.40, it was rosΓ©, it wasn't, I think it was the second cheapest,
19:59which I think is a scam isn't it, if you buy the second cheapest of any wine it's actually the
20:04cheapest, but yeah it was 11, like over 11 quid and I was like, you should be wearing a balaclava,
20:10but anyway, is this lifestyle for you guys? That big lumpy one on the left, that was a terrible
20:16description Hannah, I think that was owned by Richard Branson for a while, so a bit of a bit
20:20of a zhuzh, but yeah, double berthed, is that what it's called? Definitely not for me, but it's nice
20:25for a bit of a walk around, or something like that, I love the contrast, obviously those high
20:30raised buildings are very ugly and disgusting, but I don't know, I've grown to kind of love the
20:34mishmash, oh when it's warmer guys, I'm gonna have to take you to the summer house and watch
20:39the boats go by at the back. Okay I think we're on point five, I probably should have written it
20:59down, well point five, we'll call it number five, I'm gonna call this the mishmash, the varied fun
21:05and sometimes random things that you get to do living in London, now I know a few clicks, I could
21:11go to a cat cafe in East London, like I said I can go to a museum, I've probably said it about three
21:15times now, there's always random pop-up events and kind of artists and independent fairs, which I
21:21have been to a couple lately actually, they're quite hard to film, so probably not the easiest
21:24thing to go and do, yeah antiques and fashion shows and god knows what, and yeah, and like behind me,
21:30I know I can just go for a quick mooch to a slightly expensive but overpriced little garden
21:35centre which I know I've shown you many times before, but I know in about a 10 minute walk
21:40I can go to pannington and go to a cheese barge, do you know what I'm trying to say? So it's kind
21:45of fun, there's loads of fun things to do and yeah a lot of my friends have actually left London and
21:50they live on the outskirts and the other day I was saying like, oh I went here, I did this, I did that,
21:54and there was a little bit of jealousy, all right, love to my friends, love to them, but yeah that's
21:58why I still like living in London, I feel like there's just so much that you can do and yeah,
22:02opens your mind I think, the things that maybe you wouldn't have previously done, do you know
22:07where I'm going? Can you tell I'm tired? I probably should have got a coffee, but yes.
22:18Oh I don't love a crescent I must say, but yes, sun shining, beautiful architecture,
22:23bit of a mooch, how could you not love it? I don't understand,
22:29and that's why I haven't moved out of London yet. Tell me this, can you go and buy a latte
22:35on a canal boat where you live? Maybe you can, I don't know, get a little tour boat on the left,
22:40I don't think it's open yet, Jason's Tours, coming soon, and another pub on the corner, gosh I feel
22:45like this has been a mini pub tour, but do you see what I mean? The contrast, if I zoom in,
22:49you've got the A40 flyover over there, and then all these gorgeous houses. I do apologise,
22:56I'm definitely filming a lot of things that I've filmed before, but I just wanted to put it
22:59together and be like, here are the five, six, I think I haven't said six points have I? My sixth
23:04point is travel, right, let's take the sunnies off. Side note, there are so many fire engines
23:09everywhere, I think I've edited some of them out, there's like one every few minutes, but
23:15for the backlit Hannah, yes, number six, okay, we'll call this number six, it is transport.
23:20Obviously I've touched on that a few times, there is nothing better than cycling around London
23:25safely, hopefully in a cycle path, there aren't many cycle paths, which is a bit annoying.
23:29I love that I can just walk around, I can get on a bike, and there's a bit of a thing, I would say
23:34everyone I know in London, you kind of say to each other, you always want to be, you're always
23:38going to be about 40 minutes away from somewhere, which I don't think is too bad, and this is why
23:42I don't think I want to live in the countryside yet, because everything's so far away, I don't
23:47know, like if I want to go somewhere, 20 minutes, 40 minutes, 45 minutes maximum, I mean, actually
23:53saying that, I wanted to go to the Excel Centre because there was some Egyptian thing on, that's
23:57probably quite far for me, that's a good hour, and I'm living in London, I don't do, it doesn't take
24:02an hour to get anywhere, so I don't go, but yeah, I love that, I love that I can just get everywhere
24:08relatively easy, I do enjoy using the Tube, I think it is a bit expensive for what it is,
24:12the bus is a bit of a, the bus over the years, I would say the etiquette has gone down a little
24:18bit, but like every time I go on there, I'm a bit concerned, and I always end up with a cold, but
24:23c'est la vie, what can you do, and yeah, I drive a little bit in London, I'm not really anymore, if
24:28I'm honest with you, I don't have a moped, but yeah, on foot is my favourite, second cycling, third
24:33the Tube, anyway, that's not a very exciting point to leave you on, but I get asked quite a lot how
24:39I get around, right, I was going to go down to Paddington, I can't really be bothered because
24:43I'm hungry, and I'm going to go out later, so guys, I'm going to love and leave you, there's
24:47lots of people around, this is making me happy, tourist time is coming, okay, well there we go,
24:52that was my very quick and slightly rubbish six points as to why I love living in London,
24:57do my bag up, let's not get pickpocketed in the process, what are you doing Hannah, my god,
25:03what am I doing, there we go, oh actually, side note, this bag is from a brand called Totem,
25:08and I love it, and I saved up, because it was a lot of money for me, and I need to talk to them,
25:12because there was branding on it here, and this is what I mean, and this is what I've been saying
25:15about luxury fashion being a load of rubbish, I've only had this bag for maybe five weeks,
25:22can you see that, probably not, it's completely rubbed off, so I need to message them, because
25:26that's absolutely atrocious, new videos every Tuesday and Friday, but yes, as I finish,
25:33this is why I live in London, would you live in London, comment below, 2025, things are a
25:38little bit different to the last few years, let's be honest, things are a lot more expensive,
25:42I was going to go down that route, I'll probably explain pricing and changes and stuff in another
25:46video, but yeah, I really enjoy living in London, I don't see myself moving anytime soon, I do like
25:52the area that I live in, obviously you get stared at for being a vlogger, what are you going to do,
25:57content is content guys, yeah, do you live in London, would you live in London, I always get
26:02loads of comments from people saying like, oh, I want to live in London, or I was going to come to
26:06London, now I'm not sure, you just cover your wits about you, but I love this, sun shining,
26:11and go for a drink, go for dinner later, it's all good guys, anyway I'm going to love and leave you,
26:16thank you so much for watching, slightly abrupt end to this video, remember, like I said,
26:20Tuesdays and Fridays at 6pm, no, it's too sunny, and I will see you next week, can you give this
26:25video a thumbs up, I'd really appreciate it, I think it probably deserves a thumbs down, but
26:28do you know what, I'd appreciate it, oh my god, that looked like a parrot, Chanel, anyway, bye guys.
