#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Where did I leave my money at? I need to go pay for something at the coffee shop.
00:03Ahem, excuse me, knock knock.
00:05Shady, are you at my front door?
00:06Yes, bro, you gotta come out like right now.
00:09You know you could just come in, you don't always have to knock.
00:11Oh, for real? Alright, well let me just redo it then.
00:13Oh, okay.
00:13Hey yo, I just found something crazy.
00:16What? What did you find?
00:17There's a new ore.
00:18In Minecraft?
00:19Yes, it's called Shadyite.
00:21You're gonna have to come with me, I'll show you it.
00:22Uh, I don't have a pickaxe, how am I supposed to mine it?
00:24It's fine, I'll provide the pickaxes.
00:26Oh cool, we should probably tell everybody else about it.
00:28That's what I'm doing.
00:29Niko, Niko, open up.
00:30I don't know if Niko wants you barging in.
00:32Well, that's too darn bad.
00:34Where's he at?
00:34What? Ow.
00:36Oh, nah.
00:37There's a new ore called Shadyite, okay, and you're gonna come see it.
00:40A new ore?
00:41Yes, trust me, it's like the best, like, ore in the game.
00:43Okay, let's go!
00:44If it's better than Netherite, then I'm gonna start grinding for it.
00:49Dude, Zoe has a door.
00:50My window!
00:51Hey, Zoe, wake up!
00:54Yo, you don't have to do all that!
00:56There's a new ore!
00:57Can you just take us there?
00:58You don't need to come into all of our houses.
00:59There is a new ore!
01:03Well, okay, I'm interested now.
01:05That was cool.
01:05All right, let's go.
01:06Zoe, this is serious business.
01:08I'm going, I'm going.
01:09Ow, I can't get over the chair.
01:10If it's better than Netherite, then we all gotta get a full set of armor and tools immediately.
01:14Ain't no way it's better than Netherite, though, come on.
01:16It is!
01:17Trust me.
01:18It's not!
01:19Just trust him.
01:20Okay, I need a pickaxe before I go mine it.
01:22All right, here, take one.
01:23Ah, yes.
01:24The good thing about this is you can mine it with the wood pickaxe.
01:27Uh, oh, really?
01:29But I thought it was supposed to be the best ore.
01:30Wouldn't you need, like, at least diamond?
01:33No, no, like, it's so special that you could just mine it with a wooden pickaxe.
01:37I don't know if the miner wants us going down here right now.
01:39Hey, bearded miner.
01:42No, miner, don't worry about it.
01:43We're just going to get the new ore.
01:47Tell him he needs to take a chill pill.
01:49I think he's trying to stop us from taking the ore.
01:51Are you trying to tell us something?
01:53No, he's not.
01:54He's not.
01:57Miner, listen, I got this, bro.
01:58Just let me take the lead.
02:00Let's just follow Shady.
02:02I know there's a big vein somewhere in that cave.
02:04You basically just have to go to the left, go up a little bit, and then you'll see it.
02:07Okay, okay, okay, I'm going.
02:08Uh, what color is it supposed to be?
02:10I'm not really seeing it yet.
02:11It's yellow.
02:12It's yellow?
02:13I'm hype.
02:14Uh, is that it?
02:15I'm pretty sure that's just gold.
02:16That's gold.
02:17No, no, no, keep going, keep going.
02:19Keep going.
02:20Okay, now walk right behind that wooden post right there.
02:23Just over there by that amethyst thing.
02:24Oh, okay.
02:26All right, make a quick right.
02:27Quick right?
02:29It's gold.
02:29And then suck on your thumb.
02:32You pranked us?
02:34Shady, are you serious?
02:36So is there no such thing as Shady-ite?
02:38Get pranked.
02:39No, I just made you guys leave your house for nothing.
02:41Oh my, I was gonna be lazy.
02:46There's a new ore.
02:48The Nico-ite.
02:49Yeah, I'm not falling for that.
02:50Okay, that's enough from you.
02:51Come here.
02:52I'm not even sure how I fell for that in the first place.
02:54He said Shady-ite.
02:55It's because I'm the GOAT at pranking.
02:57They would not name an ore after you.
03:01What'd you say?
03:01Did you say mango?
03:04I think the miner wants us out of here.
03:05You can't stop us from getting our Shady-ite.
03:07Oh wait, I forgot.
03:07That's not a thing.
03:11Okay, let's just leave.
03:12This was useless.
03:13Yeah, thanks a lot, Shady.
03:14I'm going back home.
03:15I should have known when he gave me a wooden pickaxe that-
03:17Oh, what is that?
03:19What is this?
03:20Does that look normal?
03:20Is that Nico-ite?
03:22Why'd you punch him in?
03:23I was gonna read the sign.
03:25How dare you?
03:25You go in.
03:27It says superheroes only.
03:29I don't know if we're allowed to go in, Zoe.
03:30Hey, I'm a superhero though.
03:32I'm Candy Zoe.
03:34No, you're not.
03:34No, Zoe.
03:35Oh, and all my friends jumped in.
03:37What in the Motton?
03:38This was never here before.
03:40And why is there a sign here?
03:41Wait a second.
03:41What does that say?
03:42Super villains only.
03:43Why are there two different portals here?
03:45Everyone went into the superheroes one.
03:46I'm kind of curious what this one's about.
03:48You know what?
03:48I think I'm gonna secretly jump in.
03:51What just happened?
03:52Uh, what are you doing here?
03:54Um, I jumped in a portal.
03:56Why do I look like this?
03:57Did you jump in the super villain portal?
03:59Who are you?
03:59I might have.
04:00I saw it in a cave, so I thought it was cool looking.
04:02Oh, okay.
04:04Well, I'm not complaining.
04:05Another super villain for the team.
04:06Yeah, I guess so.
04:08What does that mean?
04:09You know, to be a super villain.
04:10Uh, basically means you're evil and you have super powers.
04:13And your goal is to kill all innocent people and take over the world.
04:17Well, that sounds kind of fun.
04:18I could totally take over the world.
04:19We had a few new superheroes spawn into this world and I don't like them.
04:23Oh, that must've been my friends.
04:24Three of them jumped into the good side and I tried to jump into the bad side.
04:28Well, you're the only one who made the right decision.
04:30This is the only correct side.
04:31And together with your help, we can kill all of your friends.
04:34Wait, what?
04:34You just say kill my friends?
04:35Well, yeah.
04:36Take them back home, you know.
04:37So wherever you came from.
04:38Oh, we came from Square City.
04:39I don't know where we are now, but this looks creepy.
04:42Well, yeah.
04:42I don't really like superheroes and I need you to devise a plan to get them back out of here.
04:47Well, I could do that, but it's going to be hard.
04:49It's literally going to be like a 3v1.
04:50It'll be fine.
04:51Just pretend like you're not a supervillain and try to trick them to thinking you're on their side.
04:56Well, where are they at now?
04:57They're all together on an island.
04:58I need you to pretend to work with them and silently take them out one by one.
05:02Once you've done that, I'll let you go back home as well.
05:04So I'm trapped here until then?
05:06Well, yeah, until you get all your friends out.
05:08Don't worry.
05:08I got this.
05:09Take me to their island.
05:10All right.
05:10Teleporting you now.
05:11Ah, I really did get teleported.
05:13Hey, guys.
05:14Hey, what's up, dude?
05:15Cash, welcome.
05:16Oh, you look different.
05:17Oh, I like all of your superhero outfits.
05:19Do you like mine?
05:20Yeah, but...
05:21Are you sure you're a superhero?
05:22Uh, yeah.
05:23Your outfit looks weird.
05:24What are you talking about?
05:25I just got the fire abilities.
05:27You got some scary looking eyes, dude.
05:29I'm going to give myself a name.
05:30It's going to be Super Fire Cash.
05:32You guys have to all call me that from now on.
05:34Uh, how about no?
05:36Really, bruh?
05:37Dude, are you serious?
05:38I'm going to get you back for that.
05:39No, you're not.
05:39Yes, I am.
05:40Oh, yes.
05:41I got to see if that worked.
05:42Oh, please tell me it worked.
05:43Wait, what?
05:45I totally forgot that you were a superhero.
05:47You know what?
05:47I'll just let that slide, dude.
05:49Okay, yeah.
05:49Maybe we don't fight anymore.
05:51I won't hit anybody off as long as you don't hit me off.
05:53Now, what is this?
05:54Is this a super block?
05:55All right, I just want to do it to Zoe at least once, okay?
05:59I didn't realize the portal will take us here.
06:00It just drops random items though.
06:02Oh, oh, oh.
06:03It dropped a cool looking pickaxe.
06:05You didn't grab it?
06:06No, I didn't grab it.
06:07I didn't realize it was going to drop.
06:08We got a Butterfingers over here, everybody.
06:10Bro, I'm not Butterfingers.
06:12And we got an item hogger over here.
06:14Yeah, true.
06:14Save some for the rest of us.
06:16Take it, take it.
06:16Wait, hold on.
06:17Do you guys notice that there's actually signs over here?
06:19This one says Batman Island, Spider-Man Island, Supergirl, and Scarlet Witch.
06:24There's a lot of islands.
06:26Hey, look.
06:26You want some Iron Man boots?
06:28You can fly.
06:28I mean, I guess I'll take them.
06:30Oh, cool.
06:31It's so OP.
06:32I also have Black Panther's leggings and Wonder Woman's sword.
06:35Let me put both of these on.
06:36These jet Iron Man boots are awesome.
06:38And if I test this sword on somebody, it might kill them.
06:40Let me try it on Shady.
06:43Oh, my goodness.
06:44You killed Shady.
06:45Shady just disintegrated.
06:46You respawned?
06:47But I thought you're supposed to...
06:48Okay, never mind.
06:48Just ignore what I'm saying.
06:50My bad.
06:51You know, I won't kill you anymore.
06:52You know what, dude?
06:53I don't want to have to do it to you, but I'm going to.
06:55Oh, he got the frying pan.
06:56Why does he have a frying pan?
06:57Is anybody else scared?
06:58He about to whack you.
06:59Good luck, Cash.
07:00You should be scared.
07:02Shady, don't use that against me.
07:03I promise I won't kill you anymore with the sword.
07:05What did I do?
07:06First off, first off.
07:07This is a skillet, not a frying pan.
07:11And, Nico.
07:12Your buns.
07:14Oh, Zoe's getting mad at him now.
07:16I'm dead.
07:18I'm hiding behind a door.
07:19You can't get me.
07:20I keep forgetting he can fly.
07:22No, not me.
07:23Dude, what was that about?
07:24Hey, stop dying to the superheroes.
07:26You're making me look bad.
07:27No offense, dude, but your glowing eyes are kind of like off-center already.
07:31Okay, don't worry about my eyes.
07:33Listen, you can't just kill them by using a sword or hitting them off the edge.
07:37Well, then how else am I supposed to do it?
07:38They just respawn every time I kill them.
07:40You need to find their weaknesses.
07:42Do you remember the four islands that you saw?
07:44Oh, yeah.
07:44From the signs?
07:45I think I saw Spider-Man and some others.
07:48You need to go to each of those.
07:49They will all have a certain weakness.
07:51And once one of your friends hold it, they will die and be taken back to Square City.
07:55Oh, that makes sense.
07:56Okay, okay.
07:57I got it now.
07:57Just take me back.
07:58Okay, good.
07:59Teleporting you.
08:00Okay, guys, I'm back.
08:01Sorry about that.
08:02Why did it take so long to respawn?
08:04What the heck?
08:04We're waiting.
08:05Wait a second.
08:05Why is the Peanut here?
08:06Because I think he fell in the portal too.
08:08Are you serious?
08:09But I'm not gonna lie.
08:10He's not looking like a superhero.
08:11That kind of looks like some Thanos armor.
08:13Oh, why does he look mad?
08:14Yeah, he does look a little angry.
08:16Look at his eyes.
08:17Guys, don't say that.
08:18Hey, Peanut, are you a supervillain?
08:19I'm a hero.
08:20Oh, okay.
08:21So you are a hero.
08:22Makes sense.
08:23Because I don't want any supervillains on this island, right, guys?
08:26Yeah, huh.
08:28Most definitely not.
08:28That would be bad.
08:29That's what I'm saying.
08:30We're gonna destroy them.
08:31If I ever saw a villain, they're gone on sight.
08:33Peanut, we have this superhero block that we're getting a ton of items from.
08:36Every now and then, it drops something cool looking.
08:38Yo, stop with the skillet.
08:40I didn't even start anything.
08:41What did I do, bro?
08:42Pointing at the person that I'm gonna kill.
08:44Oh, nah.
08:44What did I do?
08:45No, no, no, no, no, no.
08:47Haha, what are you gonna do about that?
08:49Nico, open the door.
08:50No, don't open the door, Nico.
08:53I already had that sword.
08:54Zoe, I'm sorry.
08:56Don't open the door.
08:58The door is still protecting her.
09:01Hey, so about those islands that show on the signs.
09:03I think we should go there like immediately.
09:05We should probably get there as quick as possible.
09:06Yeah, which one do you want to go to first?
09:08You know, that's actually a good idea.
09:10Well, I think the Batman Island sounds cool, so I want to go there.
09:12Oh, bet.
09:13But we need to get a bunch of blocks first.
09:15I have a good amount right now that I could just turn into planks.
09:17Okay, I'm gonna go.
09:19All right.
09:20I built out my share of the bridge.
09:21You got the rest.
09:22Okay, really?
09:24I'm gonna mine it really fast.
09:26Wait a second.
09:27I have Iron Man boots.
09:28This could literally help me make the bridge so much easier.
09:32Oh my god.
09:33Listen, I'm being a team player right now.
09:35Thank you, bro.
09:36What happened to the peanut?
09:37Oh, he's just mining the block really fast.
09:40Okay, I'm going all the way out to this Batman Island for you guys.
09:43I could just fly over there myself, but since I know you guys don't have the boots like me.
09:46Oh, well, I can fly a little bit.
09:48Wait, I forgot you could fly.
09:49I think that just came with my character's ability.
09:51Okay, cool.
09:51I'll help you out.
09:52Don't worry.
09:53I don't have that many more blocks, so I might have to go back.
09:56Don't worry, superhero brother.
09:57You're a superhero, right?
09:59Yeah, I am actually.
10:00Okay, put that on something.
10:01Um, ouch.
10:03Sorry, I can't talk.
10:04I'm getting killed by the peanut.
10:07It's okay.
10:07I got a glider summon.
10:08I'm pretty sure this is a cool other ability.
10:10It spawns a glider that I can get on top.
10:13Oh my goodness.
10:14This is awesome.
10:15Yo, Cash, you might want to see this over here.
10:17Shady's making some good progress.
10:19Okay, I'm on my way.
10:19The block dropped something really cool, and I'm flying over to you guys with it.
10:23This is so awesome.
10:24I'm jealous.
10:25I need to make sure I find the weakness before the rest of them.
10:28I gotta make sure it goes to the right person.
10:29And how long is this bridge?
10:30Oh my goodness.
10:31It's so long.
10:32I'm not even there yet.
10:33At least we see the island though.
10:35So this is where Batman lives.
10:37That's a cool looking Batman face.
10:38I'm excited to meet Batman.
10:40Oh my goodness.
10:44Oh, finally.
10:44Batman's probably gonna be really nice.
10:46I always wanted to meet my heroes.
10:47Hey, what are you riding?
10:48It's a glider.
10:49You can have it.
10:49Ooh, Fortnite.
10:50I'm gonna go talk to Batman.
10:51Okay, Batman's lair.
10:53I wonder where he would be sitting at though.
10:55That's a weird looking tube.
10:56Batman, are you somewhere around here?
10:58I wanna talk to you.
10:59Whoa, this place is awesome.
11:00He has a helicopter underground.
11:02Wait a second.
11:02That's the Batcave.
11:03I gotta go through the normal entrance.
11:04I can't just go through there.
11:06Aha, right here.
11:07Oh, perfect.
11:07Batman's definitely chilling down in his lair over here.
11:10Oh, there you are.
11:11Excuse me, sir.
11:12What? Who are you?
11:13My name's Cash.
11:14Listen, I have a question.
11:15What? What are you doing here?
11:17Are you a superhero?
11:18Yes, I am a superhero.
11:19I'm actually on your side.
11:20Don't really look like one, but whatever.
11:22Don't worry about it.
11:23I heard from a specific source that you may have some sort of weakness over here.
11:28Uh, yeah.
11:29What source did you hear that from?
11:31Uh, from one of my friends.
11:32It's another superhero.
11:33I was just wondering if I could get it because I want to destroy it for you.
11:36I mean, it's just over here on the wall.
11:38Oh, well, which one is it?
11:39There's a lot of items on the wall.
11:40Should I just take a guess for what it is?
11:42Well, that purple one down there.
11:44That one has a lot of other superheroes weaknesses.
11:46Oh, really?
11:46So I would be careful touching it yourself.
11:48You never know.
11:49You could be weak.
11:50Oh, no, it's okay.
11:51I actually don't have a weakness as a superhero.
11:53Wait, what?
11:53All superheroes have one.
11:54Yeah, mine's actually just very specific.
11:57It's raw salmon.
11:59Um, all right.
12:00Well, uh, that scythe on the wall is my weakness.
12:02So I have it here stored so nobody could use it against me.
12:04This thing?
12:05Oh, well, it looks kind of cool though.
12:06Hey, wait, don't take it off the wall.
12:08Oh, why not?
12:08What are you doing?
12:09Well, I was just gonna...
12:12Okay, um, I kind of feel bad for that,
12:14but I couldn't have any of my friends coming down here.
12:16I need to hide this on the wall again.
12:17And he said this purple sword is one of my friend's weaknesses.
12:20I got to figure out which one it is though.
12:21Is it Niko, Shady, or Zoe?
12:23Hmm, I guess I could just test it out on each one of them.
12:25They're gonna be really sus if I try and kill them.
12:26Hey, guys, come down to the lair.
12:28It's in Batman's base.
12:29Okay, coming down.
12:31Did you find Batman yet?
12:32Uh, no, I couldn't find him, unfortunately.
12:34I think he's AFK.
12:37Oh, really?
12:38Ah, stinky.
12:39Uh, yeah, it's kind of bad.
12:40But look, he has a bunch of cool stuff,
12:42like a helicopter and like a lab area.
12:44It's cool.
12:45This is pretty sick.
12:46Look, there's also a trap here.
12:47I wonder where he went though.
12:48Just make sure not to fall in the trap.
12:50Oh, I guess that didn't work against him.
12:52No trap's gonna get us because we're superheroes.
12:54Yeah, and I actually have something to show Zoe real quick, if that's okay.
12:58Oh, what is it?
12:58It's a candy section.
12:59Only you can see though.
13:01Wait, really?
13:03Okay, Zoe, just be very quiet real quick, okay?
13:05What do you mean?
13:05Why do I have to be quiet?
13:06Just need to test something.
13:09Okay, please tell me that worked.
13:10If that was Zoe's weakness and I got it first try,
13:12then nobody's gonna be sus of me.
13:14Where's the candy at?
13:15I couldn't find it.
13:16Zoe actually stole it and went back to the block.
13:18Wait, what?
13:19Are you serious?
13:22Wait, what?
13:22Why do I hear her again?
13:23What was that for?
13:24Oh, Zoe.
13:25Wait, what happened?
13:26You're back?
13:26Yeah, I'm back.
13:27Zoe, where'd you go?
13:29Somebody killed me.
13:31Not gonna name who, but someone sus.
13:33There's an imposter among us?
13:34Was it Batman?
13:35Potentially, yeah, and I'm looking at one.
13:38I'm sus on red.
13:38I'm sus on red.
13:39I'm very sus on red.
13:41I didn't do anything, okay?
13:42I'm just a very innocent dude and a friendly crewmate.
13:45We should get out of here though.
13:46Bro is not a crewmate.
13:47I have to talk.
13:48What is wrong with you?
13:49Why'd you do that?
13:50I'm sorry.
13:50I just wanted to test it out.
13:52It was a cool weapon, okay?
13:52Why not on the peanut?
13:54Well, I wanted to give the peanut a present, and so I was testing it out beforehand.
13:57Oh, okay, fine.
13:58I'll let it slide just this once.
14:00Could you bring the peanut here just so I could surprise him?
14:02Oh, yeah, sure.
14:03Peanut, where'd you go?
14:05I'm coming.
14:07Are you guys taking the helicopter without me?
14:09Uh, you guys are taking too long, so yeah.
14:11Let me in.
14:12Oh, that was sad.
14:14Well, we'll see you later.
14:15Peanut, I have something to give you if that's cool.
14:17Yeah, of course.
14:18Is Zoe gone?
14:19Okay, good.
14:19Sorry, Peanut.
14:20I gotta do this.
14:22Okay, please tell me it was his weakness.
14:24If he respawns, I'm gonna be so sad.
14:26Okay, now's the true test.
14:27If he respawned back over here, then that means it wasn't him.
14:30But if he's gone, then I think I found the peanut's weakness.
14:32Hey, have y'all seen the peanut around here?
14:34No, I haven't.
14:35No, I thought he was coming back with you.
14:37Oh, no.
14:38Actually, I, uh, found out that he was evil.
14:40And so I had to kill him.
14:42Oh, well, I guess he was the imposter.
14:43Yeah, he definitely was.
14:44Well, thank goodness he's gone.
14:46No more super villains.
14:47He looked sus anyways.
14:48Yeah, he did look like Thanos.
14:50Let's just keep breaking the block, though.
14:51Ooh, a Loki sword.
14:52Yeah, I'm trying to go to the next island.
14:54Act like nothing happened.
14:56I got a Supergirl chestplate.
14:58I'm guessing this will protect me a ton.
14:59I also have blonde hair now.
15:01I don't know if I like that.
15:02All right, I'm making my way to the Spider-Man island.
15:04Okay, that's a good idea.
15:05How about this?
15:06All three of us could work on different bridges.
15:08All right, I'm down with that.
15:09But where is Zoe?
15:10Is she hiding from me?
15:10I'll go to Supergirl Island.
15:12She sounds like she'd be, uh, kind of bad.
15:14Okay, well, just don't go there alone, okay?
15:16Why not?
15:17Because I need to talk to her first.
15:18What, are you trying to get the baddie for yourself?
15:21No, I don't know.
15:22Okay, just listen.
15:23Yo, does anyone know where Zoe is?
15:24She'll probably be back soon.
15:26Now it's time to start building out my bridge.
15:28I gotta act like I'm actually doing work around here so they're not sus of me.
15:32Zoe just respawned back in the air somehow.
15:34I don't think she realizes that she can fly.
15:37Hey, Zoe.
15:37Are you talking to yourself over there?
15:39I have super hearing.
15:40You do?
15:41Well, yes, I was talking to myself.
15:42It's something I love doing.
15:43I'm sorry.
15:44Hmm, interesting.
15:45And you know what?
15:46While my friends aren't looking over there, instead of building this bridge, I could just
15:49fly all the way to the island myself.
15:51I gotta get that weakness before everybody else gets there.
15:53Time to find that Scarlet Witch Island.
15:55And I think this is it.
15:56Oh, I've been flying for long enough.
15:58And that definitely looks like Scarlet Witch up there.
16:00She's got a cool looking place.
16:01But I gotta focus.
16:02I gotta look for that weakness before everybody else gets here.
16:04So maybe I can talk to her and ask her where it's at.
16:06Or I could sneak around her house and find it myself.
16:09Let's try doing that first.
16:10It looks like this is where she sleeps.
16:11Is it weird that I'm going in here right now?
16:13And that's her armor.
16:14She doesn't have it on right now.
16:15Okay, you know what?
16:16I'm taking all of this.
16:17If I encounter her, I cannot have her using any abilities against me.
16:20So she's gonna be powerless.
16:21Now, where is that weakness at?
16:24Ooh, I like that.
16:25And what is this?
16:26A mind stone?
16:27One of these is definitely a weakness for someone.
16:29I'm not sure where she's at though.
16:30Wait, what's in this barrel?
16:31Thanos Gauntlet Empty.
16:33Oh, I see.
16:34I'm pretty sure I have to fill this.
16:35Ahem, ahem, ahem.
16:38What do you think you're doing in my house?
16:41How did you get there?
16:42I've been hiding.
16:44I always get a detection whenever someone's in my house.
16:46Now, what are you doing?
16:47Well, I was just checking out your stuff and I found this cool glove looking thing.
16:50Wait, why do you have that?
16:51Hey, give it back.
16:52Wait, no, but I have four of the stones.
16:55I just need one more.
16:56It's this one.
16:56No, no, you're not supposed to have it.
16:58Oh my goodness.
16:59Sorry, Scarlet Witch.
17:00Get back here.
17:01Get away from me before I use this sword against you.
17:03Oh gosh, um.
17:04I will be right back.
17:06Now it's time to put these stones inside the gauntlet.
17:08It's gotta be someone's weakness.
17:09I have a crafting table here and I'm pretty sure if I just put this in the crafting table
17:14somehow, it should work.
17:15But I don't know the right order.
17:16How do the time stones go in?
17:18Uh, nothing seems to be working.
17:19Ah, you know what?
17:20I'm just gonna toss it all here for now.
17:22Not like I can even pick it up anyways.
17:24All the stones are going there.
17:25I'm gonna go ask Scarlet Witch if she knows how to craft this gauntlet because obviously.
17:28Wait, what?
17:29Oh, I guess I just had to throw them together.
17:30Oh, cool.
17:31Now what happens if I use this against her?
17:33Hey, Scarlet Witch, you want to see what I made?
17:34Oh no, you put them in?
17:37Yes, I did.
17:38And I made the infinity gauntlet.
17:39What are you doing?
17:40No, no, no.
17:41I have to defeat you.
17:42You're not gonna defeat me.
17:43You can't have that.
17:44That's too powerful.
17:45It looks like you're really scared of this thing.
17:46Aren't you, Scarlet Witch?
17:48Oh my goodness.
17:49This thing is overpowered.
17:50I gotta go use this on one of my friends.
17:52Let me go see where they're at.
17:53Hey, Nico, do you know where everybody else is?
17:55Shitty went to Supergirl Island and Zoey followed him too.
17:58Oh, okay.
17:59So that means you're alone here?
18:00Um, yeah, I'm just chilling.
18:01Okay, good.
18:01I just need to test something.
18:03Huh, did that work?
18:04Well, I was gonna say I finished my bridge.
18:06What was that for?
18:07Wait, you're back?
18:09Well, I was gonna say.
18:11How's it going, dude?
18:12Nico, why are you not dying?
18:14Oh, it's because it's not his weakness.
18:16Well, you cut me off before I could say.
18:18You wanna come to the Spider-Man Island?
18:19Uh, yeah.
18:20How about this?
18:21I'll meet you there in a second.
18:22I just got to test something else.
18:25I'll see you later.
18:25See you later, bro.
18:26Gotta be either Shady or Zoey.
18:28If Nico keeps respawning, then that means it's definitely one of them.
18:31Whoa, this Supergirl Island looks awesome.
18:33There's so many buildings around here.
18:34I feel like I could be Spider-Man in this place.
18:36Hey, Shady, did you find your girl yet?
18:38No, I just got here.
18:40Oh, okay.
18:41Well, that is not the girl that I was looking for.
18:43Where's Supergirl at?
18:44I have no idea.
18:45Maybe when you find her, you can give her this.
18:47A what?
18:47It's an infinity gauntlet, you see?
18:49Oh, where'd you get that?
18:50That's kind of evil.
18:51No, I know.
18:52And it also does a lot of damage.
18:53Look, boom.
18:54Oh, wait.
18:55Why did it just disappear?
18:56Did I use it on Shady?
18:57Is he gone forever now?
18:58Oh my goodness.
18:59Shady, I can't wait to meet her.
19:01Hey, where'd Shady go?
19:02Zoey, I think Shady was really nervous and got embarrassed and so he left.
19:06This is his one chance.
19:08It's okay.
19:09I'll explore this island with you.
19:10I guess.
19:11I could get two birds and one stone here.
19:13You killed me though, so you're kind of mean.
19:15I'm sorry about that, Zoey.
19:16How can I make you forgive me?
19:18Two cookies, a cake, and five cupcakes.
19:21All right.
19:22I'll get you that after I kill you.
19:24I mean, what?
19:24That's not what I said.
19:25I'm just looking for something.
19:26Oh, boy.
19:28Gotta be in this plane, right?
19:29Please, please tell me Zoey's weakness is somewhere over here.
19:32I'm not seeing it.
19:33Wait a second.
19:33These planes have chests.
19:34What's in here?
19:35Purple candy?
19:36That must be the weakness.
19:37It's gotta be, right?
19:38Hey, Zoey, I found some candy for you.
19:42It was in this plane.
19:42Here, take it.
19:44Candy, don't mind if I do.
19:45Just go ahead and eat that.
19:48How's it taste?
19:49It tastes pretty good, but why do I feel really weird?
19:55I knew it.
19:55I don't even know how I guessed that.
19:57Purple candy being Zoey's weakness.
19:58Usually it's her strength.
19:59Whenever she eats candy, she gets really hyper.
20:01But now she's definitely gone, which leaves just Nico left.
20:04Thanks, Supergirl Island.
20:06I didn't even like this place anyways, because I'm a super villain.
20:08Okay, let me stop.
20:09He's probably at the Spider-Man island.
20:10Wait, I think I see him on the bridge.
20:12What is he doing?
20:14Nico, are you dancing on your way to the Spider-Man island?
20:17I'm just gonna beat you there.
20:19Hey, hey, get back over here.
20:20Here, how about this?
20:21Take some armor so you know that we're friends, and let me go ahead first.
20:24Okay, boys.
20:25Whoa, Spider-Man island.
20:27Of course he has tall buildings here.
20:28He loves swinging across them.
20:30And now it's time for Nico's weakness.
20:31It's gotta be on this island.
20:32He loves Spider-Man.
20:34Huh, but where could it be?
20:35If I were Spider-Man, where would I put my most deadly weapon?
20:38Definitely at the top of a building.
20:40I'm going to check.
20:40Okay, it's definitely not on top of any of these, because I definitely think I would see it.
20:44But it could be on this building.
20:45I mean, there's like a red beacon going into the sky.
20:48So there's got to be something important on here, right?
20:50Nah, it doesn't look like it.
20:51Spooder-Man, what are you doing here?
20:52I'm supposed to be looking for something, and I can't find...
20:55Wait a second.
20:55I'm seeing something in the beacon itself.
20:57What is this?
20:58A warden horn?
20:59Hold on.
20:59Spooder-Man, hold still.
21:00I want to try something.
21:04Oh, my fault.
21:06Hey, man, what is wrong with you?
21:08It doesn't look like it worked against you.
21:09I was just trying to test something.
21:11Do you want to go or something?
21:12Are you a super villain?
21:13No, I'm not a super villain.
21:14I'm a hero.
21:15You can come get this work anytime.
21:17Okay, really?
21:18I'll just do this again.
21:22I'm not really sure if that's Spider-Man's weakness.
21:24I don't even really think that's Spider-Man.
21:26That seems like a faker.
21:27But maybe I can use this against Niko and finally complete my mission.
21:30Now, where is he at?
21:31Wait, I see him down there.
21:32Hey, Niko, you enjoying Spider-Man Town?
21:34Where is Spooder-Man?
21:35I just saw him.
21:36He was at the top of a building, and he asked me to come get you.
21:39Oh, really?
21:40Okay, well, bring me to him.
21:41Uh, well, the thing is, I can't do that.
21:45Because I've actually been a super villain this whole time,
21:47and I killed Shady, Zoey, and the Peanut.
21:50And you're the last one.
21:51Nah, nah, nah.
21:51I knew red was sus.
21:52I knew red was sus!
21:54I'm not sus!
21:56Oh, hey.
21:57Wait a second.
21:58You're not dead?
21:59Looks like I'm gonna have to do it multiple times then.
22:00Spooder-Man, please save me!
22:03There's no saving you now.
22:04I apologize.
22:08Um, I think Spooder-Man came a little too late.
22:10But I did it!
22:10I got rid of all my friends.
22:11Now I could finally be released back home.
22:13They're probably all gonna be mad at me, though.
22:15Oh, where am I?
22:16Everything went dark again.
22:17Good job, Cash.
22:18You killed all your friends, and in return, I have some items to give you before I send you back home.
22:22Well, I already have a lot of items, though.
22:24Yeah, but those get cleared from your inventory when you leave.
22:27These ones will stay in your inventory when you get back.
22:29Oh, cool.
22:30Well, thank you.
22:31I'm definitely gonna be using all this.
22:32No problem.
22:33Good luck.
22:34I'll hopefully see you soon.
22:36Hopefully not.
22:36Ah, feels good to be back.
22:38And I'm keeping all my items in here.
22:40Except for the Iron Man boots, because I kind of want to fly with them.
22:42Now I gotta deal with my friends.
22:44Oh, gosh.
22:44Hey, guys!
22:45That was fun, right?
22:47Oh, it's you.
22:50Nah, you betrayed us!
22:52Oh, why wasn't I in the ground?
22:53You're all mad at me, aren't you?
22:55Don't worry.
22:55I'm gonna make it up to you.
22:56One sec.
22:57I have to do this to make them all like me again.
22:59Here, Zoe.
23:00I have this pickaxe for you.
23:02This shovel for you, Nico.
23:04Some boots for Shady, and this sword for Peanut.
23:08Looks like I don't get to keep any of my stuff.
23:10And we collectively came together that we have something for you.
23:13Oh, really?
23:14What is it?
23:15Just go back to your house and find out.
23:16Wait, what?
23:18They left a present in my house the whole time?
23:20I knew I could trust them.
23:21Yeah, something super special for you.
23:23I have the greatest friends in the world!
23:26Where is it?
23:28Just keep looking!
23:29Just keep on looking, dude.
23:30It's coming.
23:31You made the wrong person mad!
23:33What's in the sky?
23:37Are you serious, bruh?
23:39Airstrike inbound.
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23:47Bye, guys.