• 2 days ago
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cashonyt/
Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Why is Mia just sitting alone in the corner over there?
00:02What is she doing?
00:02Is everybody else upstairs?
00:04Must fix posture!
00:05Hey, Mia, you good over here?
00:07You're kinda just sitting in the corner.
00:08Oh, hey!
00:09You're not gonna go upstairs with everyone?
00:10I'm working on my posture.
00:11I wanna make sure I can sit up straight.
00:13Well, maybe the first thing you need to do is fix your bed.
00:15You got, like, no headroom.
00:16Dude, I know, bro.
00:17My neck been hurtin'.
00:19Oh, yeah, that doesn't sound good.
00:21I got all the space in the world with my bed up here.
00:23Dude, what?!
00:24Well, I'm probably gonna go upstairs with the rest of them in a second.
00:26Alright, you stay safe.
00:28I'm gonna sit in this chair.
00:29Okay, yeah, you do you.
00:31I guess, since Mia's down there right now,
00:33I can actually put my plan into action.
00:35I have these items over here
00:36that allow me to turn into whatever animal I want.
00:38Let me just grab these.
00:39It's this morpher that I was looking for.
00:40I'm pretty sure I can click on anything,
00:42like this monkey, and I can turn into it.
00:43Let me try.
00:44Oh my goodness.
00:45It turned me into a different looking monkey,
00:47but I'm still kinda like the same animal.
00:48And now that Mia's down there alone,
00:50I could mess with her.
00:51What if I make her look crazy to everybody else?
00:53Eh, I'm just gonna walk in here.
00:54I'm gonna sit on her bed.
00:55Does she not even see me?
00:56Oh, she does.
00:56Hello, little monkey!
00:58Oh no, she thinks I'm cute.
00:59I can't hit her.
01:00Ow, what are you doing?
01:01Put me down, bro.
01:02Yeah, you don't want beef with me.
01:03Everybody help!
01:04Uh-oh, no, she's screaming now.
01:05I think Mia's angry.
01:06Mia, be quiet down there.
01:07We're trying to vibe.
01:08I just got attacked by a monkey!
01:10Chill, we're having a studio session upstairs.
01:13Nah, nobody even believes her.
01:14Get on the vocals, Nico.
01:18What in the world are they doing?
01:19Guys, guys, guys, please help me find this monkey, bro.
01:22Uh-oh, no, she's coming down.
01:23She's gonna see me.
01:23There it is!
01:24Get away from me, get away from me!
01:25Help me!
01:26Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
01:29You know what?
01:29I'm gonna find this monkey, bro.
01:30Oh, she's looking for me.
01:31Oh, that's bad.
01:32Ah, seeker kits.
01:34Why did I leave that out there?
01:36That was a bad idea.
01:36All right, every monkey is going down!
01:39Yo, yo, yo, what is wrong with Mia right now?
01:41She knows she's not gonna find me, though.
01:42Come here, little monkey.
01:44She won't be able to find me alone, at least.
01:45There's way too many monkeys out here.
01:47What is that monkey doing running over there?
01:48Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, god.
01:49I know it's you!
01:50Oh my goodness, she just ran past me.
01:51I gotta go.
01:52Maybe I can go turn into another animal so she won't know.
01:54I just gotta get away from her first so she doesn't see this.
01:56Where did you go?
01:57Boom, just a regular sheep.
01:58That's all I am.
01:59She's not gonna notice a thing.
02:01Guys, please!
02:02This monkey attacked me!
02:04We're dancing, Mia.
02:07Okay, fine, fine.
02:08I'm gonna see.
02:10Mia, what are you yapping about out here?
02:11A monkey came into the house, beat me up, and then left!
02:15What do you got?
02:15Oh, I got a seeker kit.
02:19You know what?
02:20Okay, why are they fighting each other?
02:21That thing's deadly!
02:22Girl, calm down!
02:25Okay, give me one.
02:26Fine, I'll find whatever you're looking for.
02:28Oh, this is bad.
02:28Grab one of the kits over here.
02:30We're looking for...
02:30It was like a small little monkey.
02:32It looked like bubbles.
02:33Oh, okay.
02:34Little do they know, I'm not a monkey anymore.
02:36I'm actually this sheep right here.
02:37But if she gets everybody to look for me, they might actually catch me.
02:40I just gotta walk normally.
02:41They won't kill an innocent sheep anyways.
02:43I'ma hit them with my book.
02:44Oh, nah, Zoe just walked past me.
02:46That's not good.
02:46Yo, Mia, there's a lot of monkeys here.
02:48Which monkey?
02:49Look for one that's moving funny.
02:50Or any animal!
02:51Wait, what?
02:52Oh, no, I don't like that.
02:53What do you mean any animal?
02:54I thought you said it was a monkey.
02:56Zoe just died to Shady.
02:57I think he's going for the wrong team.
02:58What if I mess with Mia a little more?
03:00I have a potion that gives me a bunch of buffs.
03:02And I have a taunt.
03:02What if I use this taunt?
03:03Wait, that made a loud sound.
03:04I'm walking away.
03:05What was that?
03:05I heard something over here.
03:06Yo, Mia, you said any mob, right?
03:08There's a suspicious looking red sheep here.
03:10Kill it now!
03:11No, no, no, don't kill me!
03:12You don't kill me!
03:12I need to get out of here!
03:13Get me away from Nico!
03:14It's running funky!
03:15It's gotta be him!
03:16Hey, yo!
03:17Get over here!
03:17Hey, it's running weird!
03:23Grab him, grab him!
03:24They're distracted with each other.
03:26I can run!
03:26Oh, he got me!
03:27Where are you?
03:29Zoe just killed Nico with a book.
03:30Get the sheep!
03:32They're killing each other.
03:34Get over here!
03:35Running, are we?
03:36There's an orange sheep.
03:37Uh-oh, Mia.
03:38Oh, no.
03:38Wait, I could dodge her.
03:39She's bunt.
03:39No, no, stop it!
03:40Stop shooting at me!
03:42Orange sheep, look out!
03:43Shady just killed Mia.
03:44I'm eliminating it once and for all.
03:48It said his name in the chat.
03:50Bro is disquizzed!
03:51Okay, hold on.
03:52Can I use the morpher on Mia?
03:53Will that turn me into a human?
03:55Oh, perfect.
03:55Nah, you was disquizzed, bruh.
03:58It's pronounced disguised.
03:59And yes, I was totally messing with Mia.
04:01Dude, so you beat me up in the house?
04:03Yeah, nobody was looking, so I thought it would be funny.
04:06Double tap!
04:08Well, listen.
04:08The reason I was turning into mobs was because I was using this morpher tool right here.
04:12You guys don't have it because it's not in the seeker kit.
04:14You know what?
04:15Since you made us look for you, now you have to look for us.
04:18How about no?
04:19We don't forgive you.
04:20I'm not talking to you anymore.
04:21No, Mia, wait.
04:22Don't be mad at me.
04:22Then you have to find us and we'll forgive you.
04:24We'll be your friend.
04:25Okay, okay, look.
04:26I have more hider kits for y'all.
04:27So just follow me and I'll seek next round, I guess.
04:30Okay, look over here, Mia.
04:32You see these shulker boxes?
04:33Oh, this is beautiful.
04:34There's a seeker's kit, which gives you the bow and arrow that you had earlier.
04:37And then there's also a hider finder, which allows all the hiders to glow for a second.
04:41Oh, I don't like that.
04:42So you guys grab all of your hider items and then I'll give you 30 seconds.
04:46That's all you're getting though.
04:48And wait a second.
04:48When I hold this hider finder out, it makes me so much faster.
04:51Look, I could just walk up mountains like this, but I have to count.
04:54So server, start the timer.
04:56And now I can't see anything.
04:57This is going to last for 30 seconds until I can actually start seeking.
05:00And when the round starts, a timer will show at the top of my screen.
05:03And that's how much time I have to find them.
05:04But for now, I guess I just kind of have to sit in a corner and wait for this blindness to go away.
05:08You guys better hope that you don't have too obvious of a spot.
05:10Oh, you'll never find me.
05:11Oh, yeah?
05:12Same with me.
05:12I'm in a super hidden spot.
05:15I'll find all four of you within the time.
05:16Don't worry.
05:17I'm goaded at seeking.
05:18How much longer?
05:19Oh, wait.
05:19I think I've been released.
05:21Hide and seek has started.
05:22Seeker's released.
05:23Ready or not, here I come.
05:25You guys are so dead here.
05:26I can move so quickly.
05:27And there's penguins here.
05:28That was not any of my friends.
05:30I feel bad.
05:30I have to do it though.
05:31I have to clear every single mob that I see.
05:33Let's see.
05:34Hider finder.
05:35I'm pretty sure if I right click it, it actually makes everybody glow.
05:37So let me not waste them because I'm pretty sure I only have three of them.
05:41Is somebody on top of this mountain?
05:42I know one of y'all is probably a penguin.
05:43They're pretty small.
05:44One of you.
05:45I know it's one of you.
05:46Maybe not around here though.
05:47I guess not.
05:48Well, I already cleared this quadrant of the map.
05:50Let me go into a house because I feel like somebody would be there.
05:52I don't go in the house, please.
05:53There's a penguin walking right there and polar bears.
05:55You know, I could just right click this and see.
05:57I see somebody going over there and right there.
05:59I'm going for this one first.
06:00Who is that?
06:00Who is that fox?
06:02No, please.
06:02It's Mia.
06:04Oh, this is perfect.
06:06Oh, thank goodness.
06:07It wasn't me.
06:07Oh, she's probably so mad.
06:08I just went for her instantly and barely any time even went down.
06:11I know there was another fox over here somewhere.
06:14I saw you glowing.
06:16Was it you, Zoe?
06:17No, stay away.
06:18I know you were somewhere around here.
06:20Are you this snow fox or this one?
06:21Oh, I guess she's not.
06:22Well, she probably ran down when she saw me come up here.
06:25So she's probably here somewhere.
06:26Baby polar bear.
06:27No, who's running?
06:28I know you ran away from me.
06:29I think I see another hider.
06:30I don't know though.
06:31I might have to use my glow effect again.
06:33I only found Mia with it.
06:34You only have two more of those.
06:35I know.
06:36And there's three of you left.
06:37What if I just clear out all these polar bears first?
06:39Oh gosh, my time is going down at the top though.
06:41I got to hurry up.
06:42You know what?
06:42I feel like I kind of have to right now.
06:43I'm going to use my glow effect and I'm going to find Alia's.
06:46Oh, very interesting.
06:48I see somebody over here.
06:49I see someone.
06:50Warden, what are you doing?
06:51Who is that chicken?
06:51Oh, wait, no, that's a penguin.
06:52I see you.
06:53Is that you, Shady?
06:54Hey, bro.
06:55How are you still alive right now?
06:57Stop running from me.
06:58Yes, I got him.
06:59Okay, that's two down.
07:01I know exactly where he was hiding too.
07:03I'm pretty sure there's a spot on this map where you can go into the chimney.
07:06If I remember correctly, maybe not.
07:07Either way, I saw somebody else that was over this way.
07:09And I know they're on the mountain.
07:11They're not going to hide for much longer.
07:12It's either Nico or Zoe.
07:13It's one of them.
07:14But I see a fox here.
07:15I'm going to clear out all the foxes that I'm seeing.
07:16No, you don't see a fox anywhere.
07:18Oh, really?
07:18Are you sure about that?
07:20Are you going to hide?
07:20Don't you hide.
07:21I'm already hiding, but don't worry about it.
07:23Wait, what?
07:23Where are you at?
07:26There he was.
07:26I found Nico, which means it's just Zoe left.
07:29No, no, no, it's not just Zoe.
07:32Okay, do I want to use my glow effect yet?
07:34Maybe not.
07:34I have enough time to just search for her.
07:36And I don't want to use it too early because if she's far away, that might be really bad.
07:39I have to be sure of her location first.
07:41Then I could use it.
07:42You know what?
07:42I think I'm fine.
07:43You're pretty far away.
07:44Oh, really?
07:44Okay, so if I go towards the middle of the map and use the effect,
07:47then that's probably the best strategy here, huh?
07:49Wait a second.
07:49Why is there trapdoors here?
07:50Is there somebody under this tree?
07:52I wish there was someone under the tree.
07:54Okay, I'm getting trolled by her.
07:55I don't appreciate that.
07:56Yeah, you're getting trolled.
07:58I'm going to use the effect.
07:59I'm using it.
08:00Where are you at?
08:01Wait a second.
08:02Did I even see you?
08:02I don't even know if I saw the glow effect.
08:04Oh, it's a good day to be Zoe!
08:11Okay, I actually did not see her whatsoever.
08:13Am I blind?
08:13You're lucky this map is all white.
08:15Okay, it's hard to see the glowing on this map.
08:18That was scary.
08:19Oh, nah.
08:19Was I right next to you?
08:21Zoe, I have like no time left.
08:22You might as well tell me.
08:23Okay, you were pretty close to me on that mountain.
08:25Wait, I was?
08:26Now you're far away.
08:27Which mountain are you at?
08:28Oopsie, that hurt.
08:29Did you just use a firework effect, Zoe?
08:30Oh no, I have 10 seconds.
08:31You can't get in here!
08:32Are you in the tree?
08:33I'm in the tree!
08:36Where is she at?
08:36Don't get up there!
08:38Where is she at?
08:38Hi, Cash!
08:41I won!
08:42I got her at the last second!
08:44No, I won!
08:46No way.
08:46Please tell me I won that.
08:47Wait, come on, come on, come on.
08:48Oh, seekers win.
08:49Told you, Zoe.
08:50You cheated!
08:51I didn't cheat.
08:51You just made it too obvious for me.
08:53You're blind.
08:54All right, Mia, now it's your turn to seek.
08:56Hopefully you can find all of us, but I hope not.
08:58All right, everyone start hiding!
09:00I'm blind.
09:00Oh, okay, she's blind.
09:01That means we got time to go.
09:02Everybody find their mob and run.
09:03All right, I really gotta lock in.
09:05Yeah, I know.
09:05We're so much slower as the hiders,
09:07so we gotta make sure that we actually find a spot she can't get to.
09:10And what should I be?
09:11Definitely not this thing.
09:12It's way too big.
09:12I want to be an animal that's small that I can get away with.
09:15And I can also use this taunt against her if I want to mess with her,
09:17but I won't do that yet.
09:18There's a potion you can drink that gives you a hider buff,
09:20so if you need to get out in a sticky situation, you can,
09:22but I'll only use that if she's close.
09:24Ooh, wait, this would be perfect.
09:26This thing's tiny.
09:27All right, give me that.
09:27Yeah, ah, perfect!
09:28Yes, now I'm a baby pig.
09:30Okay, I'm so tiny that she's gonna struggle to find me,
09:32but now I just need to find a good spot.
09:34Which area looks the best?
09:36Probably that tower, or I could go in this barn.
09:38You know what?
09:39I think I could find a spot over here.
09:40She's probably gonna be released in like 20 seconds, so I gotta hurry.
09:43Can I fit in here?
09:43Okay, perfect.
09:44Now I'm over here, and I think I have a good vantage point to see her.
09:47Oh yeah, this is perfect.
09:48I like this spot.
09:49This is a W spot.
09:50Now I just gotta wait for her to get released.
09:52Ready or not, here I come!
09:53You're already released?
09:54It looks like I'm released.
09:56Okay, well, good luck.
09:57Make sure you don't use your glowing effects,
09:58because they ban you from the game, so...
10:00No, they don't!
10:01Okay, I lied.
10:02Just don't use them when you're near me, please.
10:04I'm gonna start off by using one.
10:06Do I just do this?
10:07Oh no.
10:07Is she gonna right-click it?
10:08Oh, everyone's glowing.
10:10Okay, someone's at the top of that tower.
10:11Nah, she's getting everyone's location.
10:13Okay, well, she doesn't know that we can just move locations after she uses it.
10:16I'm going tower.
10:17Wait, what?
10:17Whoever's up here, you better start running!
10:19Oh, Zoe, you're about to die.
10:20No, that's not me, though.
10:21Run away or you're gonna die.
10:22That ain't me either.
10:23Uh, it's not me.
10:24I see you, bro.
10:25I think I see what's going on.
10:26Yo, they're dodging Mia.
10:27Yo, Shady, is that you, bro?
10:29Yo, what's up, bro?
10:30Nah, bro, that's crazy.
10:32Yo, Shady, she's got a bow, by the way.
10:33You gotta watch out.
10:34Well, I'm just saying, this spot is literally legit.
10:37I got up here all legit, so I don't even wanna hear it.
10:39Yeah, I know.
10:39It's parkour, bro!
10:41Oh, Mia's bad at parkour.
10:42I wouldn't peek me, bro.
10:43I would not!
10:44Got you!
10:46Wait, Nico just got shot.
10:47Oh my goodness.
10:48He got caught in the crossfire.
10:49Okay, who else?
10:50Okay, wait, I have an idea.
10:51I could go over here.
10:52Oh, perfect.
10:53Wait a second.
10:53Can I do this?
10:54Oh my goodness.
10:55Yo, I'm goaded.
10:56I gotta make sure I do this while Mia's not near me,
10:58because if she sees a little pig parkouring, that's gonna be so awkward.
11:02I see a little ugly pig parkouring.
11:04No, you don't.
11:04Yes, I do.
11:05No, you don't.
11:05Uh-oh, wait, Mia's over there.
11:06Hold on.
11:07I gotta lock in Shady.
11:08Sorry, I can't say hi to you.
11:09I'm just chilling, bro.
11:10Do you see how many fireworks I'm doing?
11:12Oh, wait, I see you, Shady.
11:13I think so.
11:14Nah, girly pop, nah!
11:16You up there, bro?
11:18Which tree are you in, bro?
11:19You're in one of them.
11:20No, I'm in no tree.
11:23I see Zoe!
11:24I see her!
11:24I'm in no tree, no problem, you get me?
11:27Oh, hold up, hold up, wait a minute.
11:29Whoa, I see her!
11:30Uh, yeah, Zoe, you might be cooked, I'm not gonna lie.
11:33You better hope I don't find out this parkour.
11:36She has a bow.
11:37Where are you?
11:38You're in one of these trees.
11:40Oh my, I got away, Scott free!
11:44I see you running, bro!
11:45Is this you over here running?
11:47Is this you over here running?
11:48She ain't even near that area, Mia.
11:55Okay, that's not good.
11:56I'm gonna stand right in the middle and I'm gonna hide or find her again.
11:59There's two more!
12:01Oh no!
12:02Doing it.
12:02Uh, Martin?
12:03One in the barn and...
12:04What are you saying?
12:05I'm not anywhere near any barn.
12:07I don't even really see a barn.
12:08It might be Shady.
12:10Yeah, it's totally Shady, so you should go look for him.
12:12So you parkoured into this tree from the barn, Shady, no?
12:16Yeah, Shady, did you parkour into that tree that she's talking about over there?
12:20I saw a person!
12:21I saw a person!
12:22Yeah, no, there definitely was a person over there and totally not here because I'm not here.
12:26Oh no, I don't like that.
12:28Let me get out of here while I can.
12:29Bye, Mia.
12:30Oh my goodness, there's no way I just found this spot.
12:32I might be the most goaded player of all time.
12:34He's just gaslighting you, bro.
12:35No, I actually found a really good spot, I swear.
12:37Nah, that boy ain't even move a muscle.
12:39I see him.
12:39No, you don't even see me.
12:40I know you don't see me, Shady.
12:42Mia, you are cooked.
12:44Oh, I see you.
12:45I see you both.
12:45I see you in there!
12:47No, I not!
12:47I not in the tree!
12:48I don't know what you're talking about.
12:49Your buns.
12:50Wait, look, I'm looking at you.
12:51Ah, firework.
12:52I just hit myself with it.
12:53Oh, she has a bow!
12:55Yo, stop shooting those arrows at me.
12:57Stop it.
12:57How did you get in there?
12:59You're not gonna reach me, Mia.
13:00There's no way.
13:01I see you're trying to shoot the bow at me.
13:03Mia, stop trying to hit me down there.
13:04You know you're not gonna hit your shots.
13:05Look, I'm peeking you.
13:06I'm going for Shady because I see him up there and all I have to do is hit one bow shot.
13:10It's not gonna happen, like genuinely.
13:12Yeah, I don't know if you're gonna be able to hit him over there.
13:14I can just juke you around all day, bro.
13:16Like, I'm not terrible with a bow.
13:18How did you get up there?
13:19It doesn't make any sense.
13:20Because I'm a little baby, so I fit through little crevices.
13:23You can't get me.
13:24You know my shots are close though, no?
13:25No, they're not.
13:26All right, I'm buying an item from the hider shop.
13:28No, there's no hider shop!
13:30Mia's going back to that tree.
13:32She doesn't even realize I'm not there anymore.
13:33How did you even get up there, dude?
13:36Hey, Mia, you want to see something?
13:37Come to the other side of the barn.
13:38Hello, Martin.
13:39Hello, Mia.
13:40Dude, y'all are losers!
13:44Oh my gosh.
13:46I am so go-to with that spot.
13:47How is Shady flying like that?
13:49Hello, Martin.
13:51Shady got access to the hider shop, bro.
13:53Unlocked a perk from the hider shop, bro.
13:55All right, Nico, you ready to start seeking underwater now?
13:58Yes, but why did I get this map?
13:59It's not that bad.
14:00You're actually way faster than us when you're swimming.
14:02So I'm gonna grab my items.
14:03Right, okay.
14:04Oh gosh, I'm blind.
14:05Okay, he can't see anymore.
14:06So we gotta go.
14:07We only got 60 seconds and we swim very slowly.
14:09You know what?
14:10I'm actually gonna drink my hider buff right now.
14:11Just so I can swim faster.
14:12I don't really know if it did that much.
14:14I'm not gonna lie.
14:14Speed doesn't work underwater too well.
14:16I'm gonna go to a different spot where there's smaller mobs.
14:18I don't want to become a shark.
14:19They're way too big.
14:19Oh, this area is perfect.
14:21Yo, what is that thing?
14:22Yo, something's chasing me.
14:23Hey, get away.
14:23Yo, back away.
14:24Ow, ow.
14:25Oh, these things are beautiful.
14:26I want to become this.
14:28Now I am one with the fish.
14:30And wait, I think I swim faster.
14:31I do.
14:32I kind of like float.
14:33Wait, this is kind of awesome.
14:34Oh gosh, wait, that thing's chasing me again.
14:35Yo, what is wrong with these anglerfish?
14:37They really want to eat me.
14:38It's okay, I'm faster than them.
14:39So it doesn't even matter.
14:40Yo, is that Shady still as a llama?
14:42Shady, what are you doing?
14:43I'm just swimming.
14:44Also, what is that anglerfish?
14:45Is that one of you guys?
14:46I think that's like Zoe or something, bro, or Mia.
14:48It's gotta be Mia, definitely.
14:50I'm a dolphin.
14:51You're lying.
14:52No, you're not, bro.
14:53You're swimming around a cave.
14:54You're trying to eat me, bro.
14:55Yeah, she was trying to eat me too.
14:57No, it's not me.
14:58I'm just a silly little fish, Mia.
15:00Please leave me alone.
15:01All right, I've been released from the depths.
15:04Wait, Nico got released?
15:05Oh no, that's not good.
15:06All right, the timer started.
15:07I have faster speed, plus I have the hider fighter, so I'm going quick.
15:11I see Nico on the other side of the map there.
15:12Oh my goodness, he's so fast.
15:14Yo, the seeker's OP.
15:15Okay, well, I guess it's warranted.
15:17Any of these dolphins?
15:18I'm gonna swim up and go look for him.
15:20I need to see where he's at.
15:21Yo, these dolphins are juking me, bro.
15:22Hey, why are they so overpowered?
15:24Oh no, Nico's all the way up there.
15:25Dolphy dolphins.
15:27Dude, I'm fighting my own battle over here, for real.
15:29Nah, he fighting a battle.
15:30Okay, you know what?
15:31I'm gonna use the hider fighter here.
15:32There's a ton of mobs over here.
15:33Wait a minute.
15:34Dude, you're such a loser.
15:36Why would you even use it here?
15:38There's someone in here.
15:41Yo, look somewhere else.
15:43Nico just got Mia immediately.
15:44Oh, Nico, you don't even know
15:45about the underground area of this map.
15:47You're just doing that to make me go astray.
15:49I don't know what you're talking about.
15:50You haven't even gone underground once yet.
15:51Well, yeah, that's because I'm still searching.
15:53The time hasn't even gone halfway, bro.
15:55Okay, well, keep searching.
15:56You're not gonna find me though.
15:57Or is that reverse psychology that you're doing?
15:59It's not reverse psychology.
16:01Oh my goodness, he just passed by me.
16:02Thank goodness he didn't use his glow effect yet.
16:04Okay, well, you know what?
16:05I'm using another glow effect.
16:06I got two of these left.
16:07Oh no, I need to go back underground.
16:08Now one.
16:09Oh, he sees me.
16:10Oh my gosh.
16:10Wait, I think I see someone.
16:11Who is this down here?
16:12Yo, who is this?
16:14I think I see a dolphin.
16:17Ow, I couldn't.
16:19He found Zoey.
16:20Shady, is this you?
16:21Who are you?
16:21I'm Cash.
16:22And why are you looking so handsome?
16:24Oh, okay.
16:25I can't really say the same about you
16:26because like your jaw is like kind of like...
16:28What did you say?
16:29What just happened?
16:30Why are you upside down?
16:32I don't even know how you did that.
16:33I feel like that makes you obvious though.
16:34No, I think I fit right in.
16:36Okay, well, good luck with that.
16:37I think Nico's probably gonna find you though.
16:39Okay, I only have one more Hydro Finder left
16:41so I gotta conserve this.
16:42Oh no, he's coming down here.
16:43We need to split up, Shady.
16:44I'm going to the opposite side.
16:46Oh gosh, he's here.
16:47Yo, there's a lot of these jellyfish here.
16:49What the heck?
16:49Yo, Nico, Shady and I are both at the top of the ocean now.
16:52Just so you know.
16:53I think that's reverse psychology right there.
16:55No, we escaped the cave actually.
16:56Yeah, we left the map.
16:57You're one of these sharks over here, huh?
16:59I don't know what you're talking about.
17:00Not at all.
17:00Yo, why is there an odd looking fish over here?
17:03You should definitely attack it.
17:04Oh my goodness.
17:05I hear some fireworks over here.
17:06Give me a second.
17:07Yo, who just did that?
17:09It was not me.
17:11No, no, no.
17:12I think I saw something.
17:14Where did they go?
17:14What'd he say?
17:15Nico, we're nowhere near you, dude.
17:16I hate to break it to you.
17:17You know what?
17:17I'm clicking this.
17:19Am I glowing?
17:19Wait a minute.
17:20Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh.
17:22Hey, yo, hey, yo.
17:22He's going for Shady first.
17:23Yo, what is this crevice?
17:27That's not good.
17:27I think I might die here
17:28because he's still got a lot of time.
17:30Hey, Josh, I know you're a comb jelly over here.
17:33I don't know what you're talking about.
17:34Gotta be one of these things.
17:35I'm not a comb jelly.
17:36This one?
17:37I know you're smiling.
17:38No, I'm not smiling.
17:39You're smiling.
17:40Let me think.
17:40I'm gonna spare this one.
17:42This is like NPC or die.
17:44Nah, bro, I found you.
17:46That's crazy.
17:46Wait, what?
17:47Nah, you killed something else.
17:49I'm killing all these things over here.
17:50Oh, nah.
17:51You better hope you run out of time.
17:52You're not gonna catch me.
17:53Not even once.
17:54Oh, okay.
17:55Why is this one here looks a little suspicious?
17:58I don't know what you're talking about.
17:59That was really kind of weird.
18:01Ah, why am I so slow?
18:02Get over here.
18:03I gotta run down the time.
18:05Let's go.
18:06Seekers win.
18:08Okay, you know what?
18:08Nico kind of won that fair and square.
18:10That was a hard map.
18:10Yeah, I know.
18:11That was difficult.
18:12You used your glowing effects wisely,
18:14but now it's Shady's turn.
18:15So I'm kind of scared none of us will survive.
18:16I will seek.
18:17Oh, geez.
18:18I'm grabbing my items.
18:19I'm out of here, bro.
18:20Yeah, I'm just gonna go now.
18:21Oh my goodness.
18:22This is terrifying.
18:23Shady's about to go crazy.
18:24But as long as I have a good spot,
18:25I could actually win this.
18:26So I'm not worried.
18:27I just need to find something to morph into first.
18:29I don't know if I want to be a snail.
18:30I feel like they're probably slow.
18:31Although they are the smallest.
18:32Shady, you're still blind, right?
18:34Okay, good.
18:34Just make it sure.
18:35Let's see.
18:36All these mobs are huge.
18:37You know what?
18:37I think I'll be this right here.
18:38No, you're transforming into me.
18:40Don't say anything, Zoe.
18:42It doesn't matter.
18:42We just got to split up so that
18:43whenever you use the glowing effect,
18:44he doesn't see both of us near each other.
18:46Yeah, that's true.
18:46I'm going up here.
18:47I'm gonna go over this way then.
18:48Okay, this is a pretty good spot.
18:49I can see him from all the way up here.
18:51So this is perfect.
18:52He's probably gonna find everyone else first.
18:54And as long as I can run down the time,
18:55then I should be chilling.
18:56And he's released.
18:57All right, everybody, be careful.
18:59This is a weird looking map.
19:00It is very weird looking.
19:02Lots of big animals everywhere just jumping around.
19:04Yeah, we kind of got nerfed as the hiders
19:06because there's nothing small to hide as.
19:07Why do I feel like Niko is just an elephant, bro?
19:11Did you die to an elephant?
19:13I didn't realize they attack back.
19:14I wonder how much health the elephants have anyways.
19:16All right, I'm not doing that anymore, bro.
19:18Why y'all get a buff on this map, bro?
19:20The whole family just jumped me.
19:21Yeah, well, all the animals are big.
19:23So it's kind of a nerf too.
19:24Is somebody that elephant?
19:25That one, look, that one moving for way too long, bro.
19:28Why is that elephant running away?
19:30That's gotta be Niko.
19:31What do you mean?
19:33I just saw a bro strolling by.
19:35Oh, Niko got found instantly.
19:37I'm done being nice.
19:37I'm using the hider finder.
19:38I'm glowing.
19:39Oh, gosh.
19:39Wait, I see Mia and Zoe though.
19:40Oh, y'all are all dead.
19:41Oh, no.
19:42Is this person even disguised?
19:43Dude, sometimes you gotta fit in spots, like.
19:46What are you doing?
19:49Honestly, that's not a bad idea.
19:50Mia, you fool.
19:51Mia didn't turn into an animal.
19:53Zoe's about to get caught now.
19:54Yo, Zoe, you about to die?
19:56Zoe's chillin', low key, low key.
19:58Low key is Zoe chillin'.
19:59She low key chillin'.
20:00I see Shady.
20:01How'd he get all the way up there already?
20:02I might have to use my hider buff in a second.
20:04He gives me slow falling so I could jump down if I want to.
20:06Hey, Shady, use your hider finder.
20:08Oh, my, your girl's terrified.
20:10All right, bet.
20:10Oh, that is unfortunate.
20:12Come on, why'd you say use it?
20:15Yo, my fault.
20:16Is this the dagger?
20:17Oh, I just jumped an elephant.
20:18I don't know what you're talking about.
20:19I see you up there, dude.
20:20No, you don't.
20:21You literally don't, bro.
20:22Where are you going?
20:23I'm going upstairs.
20:24Where are you at?
20:25Doing what?
20:26Oh, no.
20:27I was like, wait a second.
20:28No, that was so bad.
20:31Bro, the elephants are jumping me.
20:32Yeah, yeah, they were curving down and almost hitting me too.
20:35Okay, well, I guess now we all know one thing.
20:37Mia is buns at hiding, right?
20:40I forget about you, Zoe.
20:42No, you can't kill me.
20:43Hey, why is she invincible?
20:45Let me give you a Nico POV real quick for you in the video.
20:48This is what I saw, bro.
20:50Why are you exposing me?
20:51Get over here.
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20:59Bye, guys.