• 6 hours ago
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Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash


00:00Wow, this dojo is ginormous. I didn't realize this is where I was gonna start learning. I'm excited to become a ninja
00:05I'm pretty sure the teachers in here are really chill, too
00:07That's what my friends told me Shady called me last night and told me I had to get over here
00:11And he said I could become a ninja after I learned some classes from them and that's what their classroom
00:15Maybe I could just sneak in on the lesson right now. Okay students today
00:18We will be learning about the art of oh somebody joined the class. Hold on. Hello. Hey, what's up cash? Come over here
00:23Oh, okay cash. You're in this class cash. I believe I've heard of you Shady was talking a lot about you and saying good things
00:29Oh, really? Oh, bro. What are you wearing? What do you mean? What am I wearing? It's supposed to come in your ninja outfit
00:33Where is your outfit boy? Yeah, I got an extra. I got an extra. Okay. Okay good. All right here
00:38Let me just change you real quick. Yeah, what a oh poise dude stop get off me. Oh look at yourself
00:42This actually looks really good. I like it. Okay. Now I fit in. Sorry about that teacher. Look at him now
00:46You look great cash. Are you ready to learn the art of being a ninja? Well, yes, I am
00:50Okay. Well the first lesson I need to tell you guys about is hey, wait, hold on. Can I interrupt for a second?
00:56The black blocks behind you are kind of making you blend in a little bit. Yeah, you're kind of camouflaging. Well, yes
01:01That is the point. I'm a ninja
01:02I think he's saying that he wants you to change it to a whiteboard so we could see you better
01:06Yeah, or you could just kind of step off to the side there. Oh, okay. Well, can you see me better now?
01:10Yeah, there we go. You look a lot better. Yeah, I'm much better. Actually. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, awesome
01:15Come sit in the front. Okay, if you need help looking at me, okay, like right here. No, not right there
01:20Okay, you sit in a chair. Anyways, the first lesson I need to tell you is as a ninja
01:25You must always have a partner, you know a buddy somebody that can have your back
01:29Oh, well, who wants to be my partner anyone no takers?
01:33Guys, please Wow cash. It looks like you're very unpopular. How about I pair you myselves cash?
01:38You will be with Shady and Nico will be with Zoe abs. Well, what about you? Aren't you supposed to have a partner?
01:43Oh, you don't think I have a partner. Oh my goodness. What just happened? Hello Terry. Oh, hello my brother Perry
01:49This is my twin brother Terry and we are Perry and Terry. Yes
01:53We come with a lot of heat well that makes sense one two three Perry Terry duo, haha. Yeah Perry Terry
01:59Oh my goodness. I did a cool flip. You saw yes. I like it. Oh, these ninjas are cool. You were right shady
02:04Yeah, I know these guys are kind of sick brother today. We are teaching the students about how to dodge
02:09Oh, yes, my favorite instruction. That's actually my top skill. You must know how to be quick and fast like a little ninja ghost
02:15Okay. Well, I can do some cool stuff like this. See that yo, it was cool. Wasn't it? Yo, that was sick
02:19Yes, you have the basics down. Good job cash. Well, thank you. But look at shady
02:23He's already learned how to roll and be very quick on his feet. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. How do you do that? Yo, okay
02:30I will first teach you guys how to roll. Please line up and I will have you guys come here one by one
02:36Okay, I guess I'll go. Okay. I want to be first. Ah
02:39Fine, Nico can go first. Whatever get back there. You will all wait your turn. Let Nico go first, please
02:46What you need to do is use your shoulder to go into the roll and then you must land on your feet
02:51Yeah, well, he actually did it backwards forwards. Yes. Great, Nico. Okay cash. It's now your turn. Let's see it, bro
02:57Let me try. Yeah like that. Yeah now go back. Yeah, do it backwards. Yeah like that
03:01Oh, there you go. Very very good. Wow, you are amazing. Okay. Well, I've already learned how to do the roll and I guess shady
03:08Knows what about Zoe?
03:09She is already learning very quickly
03:12Can she go backwards though?
03:15She did it
03:17Every student in our class is exemplary. You guys are the best students I've ever had. Isn't that right Perry? Yes
03:23I love it. I believe I'm Perry you're Terry wait, I kind of forgot we are the Perry and Terry duo
03:28I am always first, but they don't even know which one is which what if we just change it to Perry Terry, okay?
03:34Yeah, Perry Terry sounds good. I like it. Yeah, it's kind of cool, but we could do it both, you know
03:38It's kind of entertaining watching the teachers. Anyways, we must go teach the students more things everybody get into a group with me
03:43All right. Okay together. We move us one ninjas out. Oh, I think we got smoke bombs. Can y'all see anything?
03:49Oh, we're in a new room. This is sweet. Welcome me and my brother Terry
03:55We will introduce this room to you and afterwards we will make sure you have the correct time to pass correct time to pass
04:01What does that mean? This is a timed course
04:03If you do not complete the entire thing in under two minutes, then you fail and you must try again. Oh, okay
04:09Shady's already going. Well shady is just practicing. It's okay. Don't worry guys. I just want to be prepared
04:15He comes to after-school tutoring just to play on the parkour thing. What? Yes, he loves it. Okay. Well, where do we get started?
04:21Well, it's very obvious. This is the start and my brother Terry will stand at the end to get your final time
04:27Okay. Yes. Wait, what? Wait a second. I'm Perry you are Terry. Okay. So yeah, I am Terry you are Perry. Yeah
04:33Yes, I am Perry. I'm right here. I will stay at the start and Terry goes to the back. Okay, I'm going to the back brother
04:38I will see you all there. Yeah, this is confusing. Let's just go and get on with this already. Okay, I'm starting my time now
04:44Oh, wait, hold on. Yeah. I think I'm doing it correctly, right? I'm parkouring. Oh gosh, the wall jumps are difficult
04:50I wonder if my time is gonna be any good Shady's going through like a master. Oh, I fell. Oh, no, that's bad
04:54I gotta see if I could actually do this and if I'm worried that it even be a parkour master ninja
04:58Yeah, maybe I could cheat this. Yeah. No cheating. You must restart if you fall. All right. Yes. Check this out
05:04What oh, whoa, how'd you do that? Yeah, okay. Oh, I did it. Yeah, you do it over here, too
05:10He's got it. Oh what in the world? Why are we getting shot at? Nah, I feel like this is unfair a little bit
05:15Oh, I'm sorry. I have to shoot. It is part of the training. You must dodge. You're messing up my time, though
05:20Don't worry. Just believe in yourself. Oh my goodness. Oh, you are taking way too long
05:27Okay, well I'm staying behind you. Oh, no, why the shots why you're supposed to go under that Zoe
05:33And she fell hold on wait, I'm goaded. Oh
05:37and I see the end right up there and
05:40Time I made it. Well, you did a very good job cash, but unfortunately your time was four minutes and 30 seconds
05:47Oh what Shady got a time of one minute and 28 so he passes the two-minute mark. Yay
05:53Zoe you and Nico both need to restart along with cash so you guys can get under two minutes
05:59I'm trying my best out here. Well now that I learned the entire course I could probably do it first try
06:03Okay. Well, I want you all to do it. Everybody restart and you will get it perfect this time. Okay, okay
06:09Yes, sir. I'm going down
06:11Good roll. Ah, I didn't roll correctly. Yeah, sure. I see something cool real quick. Yeah, let me see watch this
06:16Look, I could just instantly jump over this thing. Yeah, that's what I've been doing. Oh, I'm just buds then. Okay, let's go
06:21Okay, Harry start our time three two
06:24I'm going first. I could skip over that and then go around here. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes, sir. Oh, no, I fell
06:29Oh, no. No, we got a little skip right here. Oh, no, I fell too. You must hurry up
06:34If you fall too much, it will ruin your time. Yeah, I know
06:36I'm trying my best to get around these but some of them just go way too fast
06:40All right, Nico's right in front of me. Hey, you better not slow me down right now Wow. Nah, he fell. Okay. That was awesome
06:45Okay. Now I just need to make this jump. Ah, yeah, and I did it. What was my time? Very good cash
06:52That's time was one minute and four seconds this time. Whoa, what did shady get he had 39 seconds?
06:58So he was first place Wow, how in the world do you do that?
07:01Oh, yeah shady so good because he's a master student all of you have passed the two minutes
07:06So everybody gets an a-plus which means you're very good
07:09I think we know what a-plus means very good students now
07:12I will be awarding you stars for your hard work and dedication to the ninja foundation
07:17Yes, Perry will give you all some ninja stars so you can work with it. Okay?
07:21Oh, I like it. Here you go Zoe
07:23Ninja star and I just throw this whoa. Yes me and my brother and Perry
07:27We will be your targets for you. Just make sure not to throw more than five at us or we will die
07:32Oh, okay. We'll stand all the way back there. Okay. Let's see if you students can hit your target. Are you ready?
07:37I'm ready ready Empire. Okay. Yeah. Oh, ouch. I hit him. Wait, can I hit Perry? I did it
07:41I think you shady hit more than five. Oh
07:44Very good. How did you just do that? Well, I'm a master ninja you forgot. No, I didn't forget
07:50Brother Perry, we must take them to the next course. All right, we will move forward. Come on group up. Oh, okay this again
07:56Yeah, let's do it
08:00Students yes. Oh in a new room already. Welcome. This is our stealth area
08:05This is where you will learn to be sneaky. Ooh sneaky from who is somebody gonna chase us? Well, yes
08:10We have a hired huntsman who will look for ninjas like you and if you get caught we will restart your training
08:16Oh, no, I don't want to restart
08:19Yes, mr. Peanut will be unleashed in two minutes. Mr. Peanut. Hey, you said mr. Peanut. He is our hitman
08:25He will kill you if he ever sees you. Hey, what mr
08:27Peanut will be here soon start hiding and make sure you gather some items from your chests. They have stuff to help you
08:32There's stuff like a ninja cloak. Oh
08:35Okay, good. I'm gonna grab some cloaks grappling hooks and these smoke bombs. Look whenever you use the cloak I disappear
08:41Oh, so if I shift I go invisible. Oh, that is insane. Hey, what's up guys? Oh shady's gone. Where am I?
08:47Well, I'm just gonna sneak somewhere nearby and then hopefully the peanut doesn't catch me. That would be terrifying shady
08:52Are you still near me? No, I'm on top of something. I don't want to get killed by the peanut
08:55Yeah, neither do I I'm trying to climb this. Hold on. Wait. I have an idea if I go on here
08:58Can I jump up and do this? Oh gosh. No, I can't
09:02Oh, you're right. I do have a grappling hook. I'm not sure how to use it though. Oh
09:07Okay. Wait, this is actually kind of awesome. Thanks Zoe. Look I'm gone. All right
09:11I'm gonna hide up here and I'm just gonna go invisible if mr. Peanut sees us then we're doomed
09:14I don't want to restart my training
09:17Yo, I hear him I hear him Nico just got killed
09:23Nico's got a restart his training. He didn't know how to go invisible. Oh my gosh. I see him down there
09:29I think he's looking for all of us. Does he know that we're on top of the bookshelves? Maybe I should stay back
09:32Hey, mr. Peanut. I'm over here. Come get me. Come get me shady. I don't think you should troll him. Oh, this is bad
09:37Mr. Peanut, maybe we can pay you to not kill us
09:45No shady the peanuts gonna target you first if he sees you he can't find me. He can't find me either
09:51Well, how is he wall climbing? How does he know how to walk? Oh, oh, this is bad. I need to stay invisible
09:56No, he didn't. I need to get over to another place grappling hook. Yeah me over here. No, he's coming. Watch out. Watch out
10:02Oh, yo, oh no. Oh no. I need to run. I need to run
10:06You're not gonna catch me peanut. Oh my goodness. I actually got away from him. That was crazy going invisible is OP
10:12I'm gonna get back on top of the bookshelf. Yeah. Okay, perfect. So are you still alive?
10:16Shady what about you? I saw Zoe fall. I'm doing fine students. You all have 45 seconds left to survive. Oh
10:22Okay, mr. Peanuts not gonna catch me in those 45 seconds. Oh
10:26He's looking for shady. Oh, oh shady. Yo run. Oh, no, he's targeting
10:32Peanut you gotta chill. Oh
10:35My goodness, I almost just got caught in the crossfire that would have been really bad
10:40You are not finding me peanut you have 15 seconds to find the rest, bro. Did he find you? Yeah, I died
10:46Oh, no, and your time is up peanuts. Thank you for your service
10:51Hey peanut, I was on top of the bookshelf that whole time. You didn't see me
10:57Students you have all done a very good job
10:59Only two of you were able to survive the peanut
11:02But however Nico and shady both of you have failed which means you must restart. Oh
11:10And this time it will be much harder, okay now cash and Zoe will join the peanuts in looking for all of you
11:17Oh, we get to be hunters. Yes. I
11:20Will give you all some weapons that you can use for now Nico and shady you guys can start hiding. Okay, I'm hiding
11:26All right. I'm out of here, bro. Perfect. It's time to bring the peanut back and you guys have one minute to find them
11:32What do we get if we do? I don't know. I'll give you like a cookie or something. Wait ninjas eat cookies
11:36No, we don't I sorry. Anyways, we will leave now. Goodbye. Okay. Well, we gotta wait until the peanut comes out
11:41So we can start seeking
11:43We can't relax here Zoe. Hey, I'm missing a weapon as well. I only have my longbow and my star
11:50Perfect to me that I gotta make sure to use everything to my advantage when I try and search for them
11:54Maybe I can go invisible. Oh peanut is it time to start searching?
11:59Okay. Well remember we have one minute and I see him glowing. Who is that Nico or shady?
12:03I know someone's over there. I saw them for a second. Oh, I see them. Yeah, I gotta hit him who's over there
12:07I see you glowing you're running away
12:10No, no, what are you talking about? You will not run from me
12:14Go get him get him let me get up
12:17He's trying to get away. Don't let him do it. I saw him glowing for a second. Where are you at?
12:25You're right here, oh my goodness. Yo, Zoe help me he smoke vomit
12:29What's over there too, I think it's shady Nico, where are you at?
12:34Scary y'all are not catching me. How do you know cuz I know you don't know I saw someone glowing over this way
12:39Hmm, they went over there
12:41Hey get away from me, bro. Where are you at? Oh, he's running
12:46I see him
12:49You don't know that
12:52Yo, Zoe you gotta chase him down
12:54I'm trying
12:56Okay, hold on wait, this is a good spot once I see them glow I attack
13:00Over there. Let me get up. Let me get up. I'm out of here. Oh
13:03Nico's down
13:05That just leaves shady
13:07Where's he at? I'm not seeing the glow. Oh wait, he's up there
13:11What shady we saw you glow for a second, dude. You ain't catching me though. I'm not seeing him glow. He's over there
13:17He's over there. You can't catch me. You can't catch me hunters. You have 10 seconds remaining to kill him
13:23Oh 10 seconds. Yo, where's he at? Where's he at?
13:29How is he getting away?
13:31Wait, how is he invisible all the time? Is he cheating? No, I'm not. I'm just holding crouch while I'm moving. Oh my goodness
13:38He's too good
13:39Your time is up. You were unable to catch shady, which means the hunters lose. Let's go
13:45So does that mean Nico just gets the free win for that? Yes, basically because we want to move on to another assignment
13:50I think I did pretty good. Thank you peanut. You may leave
13:54Bye peanut
13:55Thanks for your help
13:56Well students you have all done a very good job so far and now that you know how to be stealthy and move very quickly
14:02You must learn to fight before your ultimate challenge understood. Yes, sir. Yes, sir
14:07Okay. Well Perry, do you have the smoke bomb? Of course. I always have it perfect. We will go now Oh
14:13Where are we in at now? Oh, this looks different. Whoa. Welcome students
14:18Here is the fighting arena where you will learn to use our weapons to your advantage. It looks pretty cool
14:23The reason I asked you guys to pair up at the start is because you will be versing your partner. Oh, I got a verse shady
14:29Yes, let's go. I got a first Zoe but first me and my brother Perry will demonstrate
14:35Let's go to our opposite sides first. All right, we shall duel
14:38Okay, before we do all we must go into our chests and grab our gear
14:42Okay, chess has all the gear and now we will begin the countdown with all of our weapons. Are you ready Perry?
14:48I am ready. Can I do the countdown? I like it. Okay, fine do the countdown. Yeah, okay
14:52Three two one go. Yeah, three two one go. Okay. Oh
14:56You see he does not know how powerful I am with the bow
14:59Oh, so use the bow got it
15:01But if your enemy gets too close the bow will not be as useful. So be wise. Okay students everybody pick their own arena
15:08All right, shady. We should go to this one. Yeah, let's go
15:10He said that all the stuff we need are in the chest. Oh, there's a bunch of armor in here
15:15Whoa, am I gonna get fully kitted out in this stuff? Oh, yeah. Oh, this looks awesome
15:19I'm putting on a full suit of armor. I like it. I already have the blade and the longbow
15:23I don't have the kunai knives though. So I guess I'll take some of those
15:27Okay, cash and shady. Are you both ready to fight? I am ready. Yes, I'm good. Okay, take this shield
15:32It will be useful in battle. Okay, I will start the countdown and both of you will fight with the death
15:36Yes, sir, three two one fight. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my goodness. He has a shield out. Oh my goodness
15:42How do you do that? How you do that?
15:43Do not leave the arena if you exit the arena for too long, you will be eliminated. Okay, I got it
15:49Let him get up. Let him get up. Let me use my bow on him. Yeah smoke bomb. What's up?
15:53Oh, wait, where'd he go? Whoa, come on. You guys got this. He's too quick though. Do not use excuses you fight
16:00Yeah, okay. How am I missing all my shots? Am I just buns? Hey, oh wait, I killed him Wow
16:04Very good job. That was an intense battle and I got Zoe very good Nico now
16:10We will have cash and Nico go up against each other and shady and Zoe will fight
16:15Whichever one of them loses will get the worst grade and whoever wins between cash and Nico will get to the best grade
16:21Okay, I already have my gear. Are you both ready? All right, let's go
16:25Zoe was killed trying to hurt me three two one fight. Okay. What's up, Nico? I got my shield out this time
16:31I learned I learned from my last fight
16:33Yeah, I don't have that many kunai knives. Yeah, I'm gonna run out. Yeah. Okay. Wait, what? Why you smoke bombing?
16:39Why you smoke bombing me? Let him get up. Okay, you're hiding within the smokes. I can't even see nothing exactly watch this roll
16:44Yeah, I'm behind you. Yeah. Okay. Wait, you know how to roll too. That was embarrassing roll forward. Oh
16:48Backward. Oh my goodness. You need to die. You're so quick. What if I just stand still and I kill you? Yeah
16:52Yeah. Yeah. Okay. He smoke bomb me cuz you must hurry up and kill him. You have the chance to win here
16:57I'm trying my best. It's really hard though. Get over here. You will not beat me cash. Not today at least
17:02I'm getting way more hits
17:07Very good job cash now, we will see who wins between shady and Zoe pretty sure shady's gonna win that she already died a brutal
17:16Wow, very good. Okay. Well Zoe gets the worst grade and cash you get the best grade
17:22Oh, what is that? Great? You get an s-tier. Is that good? Yes, very good shady and Nico both get a pluses and Zoey will
17:28Get a B. Oh, it's okay. So I think you did good
17:32Yes shade is very powerful. I think he went easy on cash for some reason. No, he did and I'm just good
17:38Okay, do you want to fight him again? No, definitely not. Okay, that's what I thought
17:42Let's keep going since you guys have completed all the courses
17:45I will now show you your ultimate challenge, although we cannot help you during that. Okay together. Let's go
17:52Okay, I'm ready for my ultimate challenge
17:55Okay students after I explain this me and my brother Perry will disappear and you will be full ninjas to live on your own
18:02Oh, yeah
18:03Each corner of this room will have one person and there is a parkour to get to the end the end will contain goodies that
18:09You will need on your ninja journey from now on so everybody pick a side. I'm gonna go this way to this corner
18:16I'm here. You should see some slime blocks, which will be your starting point. I see them now
18:20Remember, this is not a race. All of you have your own goodie bags. So don't fight for them, please. Yes, sir
18:26Okay, fine. Good luck on your journey. Your time starts now wait time. I thought he said he this wasn't time though
18:31What is that supposed to mean? I guess he lied. Nah, wait, hold on
18:34I can use my grappling hook to help me bro said this is not a race. That's crazy. Yeah
18:38Okay, I'm good grappling hook can help a lot on this. Oh, hey shady. What's up, dude?
18:41Are you doing this wall run thing? Oh gosh, I fell. Oh, no. I got my goodie bag
18:46I want to get my goodie bag. Yeah, there we go
18:48Some of these jumps are a little harder because they're pretty far goodie bag. I want it
18:51How do I get around this? Maybe I just yeah, there we go. Got it. And then I go this way. Oh god
18:55Oh my god. Oh god. Oh my god. I see my goodie bag ninja disguise. Did you all make it too? Yeah
19:01Wow, we got a ninja disguise ten ninja fruits and a pickaxe. I kind of want to eat this fruit
19:06But first I'm gonna use my disguise. Yeah. Oh and the ninja disguise puts on all your armor for you
19:11So if I click it again, yeah, it takes it all off like that. That's useful
19:15The pickaxe is also probably really good. It breaks stuff really quickly. I like that. Oh, yes, we can break through walls
19:20I like this ninja goodie bag. Yes
19:24It doesn't even lose durability bro, this is OP. I know and lastly we have our ninja fruit
19:28I'm just gonna eat one right now. Oh
19:30Wow, that tasted really good. Goodbye students. You have been great. Good luck on becoming ninjas. Thank you guys. Bye
19:37I love you students. I love you guys
19:41I love you. Goodbye. This was fun guys. Goodbye. This is too much
19:46I'm going back home to use my stuff
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19:53Bye guys